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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #1250583
King David's lovemaking with his wives.
1Samuel 25:32, 39-42, 3, 43; 2 Samuel 2:1-2, 4, 11, 3:2-3
And David said to Abigail, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, which sent thee this day to meet me… And David sent and communed with Abigail, to take her to him to wife.  And when the servants of David were come to Abigail to Carmel, they spake unto her, saying, David sent us unto thee, to take thee to him to wife.  And she arose, and bowed herself on her face to the earth, and said, Behold, let thine handmaid be a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord.  And Abigail hasted, and arose, and rode upon an ass, with five damsels of hers that went after her; and she went after the messengers of David, and became his wife. ..  and the name of his wife Abigail: and she was a woman of good understanding, and of a beautiful countenance…  David also took Ahinoam of Jezreel; and they were also both of them his wives…  And it came to pass after this, that David enquired of the LORD, saying, Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah? And the LORD said unto him, Go up. And David said, Whither shall I go up? And he said, Unto Hebron.  So David went up thither, and his two wives also, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail Nabal's wife the Carmelite… And the men of Judah came, and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah…  And the time that David was king in Hebron over the house of Judah was seven years and six months… And unto David were sons born in Hebron: and his firstborn was Amnon, of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess; And his second, Chileab, of Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite…
How different it is to dwell in a house of cedar instead of a tent.  Looking at her feet Ahinoam gazed at the smooth wooden floor and the richly colored rugs strewn through the hallway and the gloriously colored tapestries lining the walls.  It was indeed a much more fitting place for a king – a king, and her beloved husband!  Glancing over at her sister-wife, Abigail, she saw her likewise looking around at the very same things that captivated her attention.  The good people at Hebron had well provided for their husband.  It might not be a king’s palace, but was quite different from how they had started their life together.

A soft sigh left her lips as their feet stepped through the lush rugs on the floor.  So many memories came flooding back.  It wasn’t long ago, when it was anything but softness for their feet; nay, it was sticks, stones, grass and dirt.  And now this.  The fulfilling of the prophet’s gracious words had come to pass.  Abigail and Ahinoam had spent long hours talking together of just what it meant.  But now David was finally king, king over the tribe of Judah.  What did it all mean?

A king, and at the same time, a beloved husband...  Ahinoam’s thoughts turned to him, her heart quickening its pulse.  Even at this very moment she went to him with anticipation.  Never was there a man like him!  He befriends every person he ever comes in contact with; rarely had she known someone who did not adore him from first meeting.  Her lips curled into a smile in remembrance of the very first time she had met David herself…  ‘We were so young then!  And his eyes had met mine even in that crowd, and my heart felt as if his hand had touched it, although all I saw was a glimpse of his eyes.  We had sung and danced together, the daughters of Israel, stunned that God was able to raise a man to defeat Goliath.  That was my husband!  And I fell in love with him that day.’

How he looked that day, in the beauty of a man.  His cheeks were flushed, his eyes were raised skyward to his God, and he seemed perplexed and amazed at the attention given him after the defeat of Goliath.  He had listened to the song of slaying the ten thousands, his face bearing the visage of a child as he softly shook his head.  Later we understood how he stood there in stunned silence, that God was not rather given credit for the victory.  A humble man, obedient to God, and quietly confident of His provision in everything.  His complexion was ruddy, his body that of a man, but his heart was in the simplicity of a child.  Never had she known a single soul that loved God more than David!

Tenderly squeezing Abigail’s hand, the two shared a glance as they continued on their walk to the king’s private chamber.  How different to consider him now as ‘king.’  Would he still be the same David, the same husband they had come to love and cherish to their heart?  And did this mean that they were now queens?  Or at least princesses?  Contemplation of this very thought had captivated many playful conversations between the duo, evoking laughter at the pleasant imaginations that seemed unreal.  It all seemed like a dream!

‘And such was our lot,’ she reflected, ‘that we shared our husband, but what a man!  And if I must share a man in this life, then I could think of no better person to share him with, than Abigail.  How truly she mirrored the very meaning of her name:  father of joy!  I have never seen her eyes flash in anger, and had never heard an unkind word escape from her lips.  Ever and always her cheer seemed to lift people up from despair, my own self included.  And pretty?  Yes indeed, she was most fitting to be a queen.  I have to admit that I have never seen a more beautiful woman, something that admittedly was hard to accept in my own feminine pride at first, yet I had grown to love her, too.  Her smile was infectious, her humility and giving nature enviable, her generosity to me readily apparent.  And time had bound us closely together.’

Ahinoam’s face turned towards her sister-wife and friend as she heard her sigh.  Perhaps she was likewise lost in her memories.  How could they forget the years lived in a tent, where the ceiling was only the sky above, and the floor the earth beneath?  ‘Just what was it that bound us so closely to this man,’ she mused, ‘this one who always seemed to be running from petty and jealous men seeking his life?  Could they not see the goodness written in his heart?  How could they not know his devotion to the Living and Eternal God, and his devotion even to the very ones that hated him?’

What a man, almost one of contradictions.  They had heard of the gentle finesse with which his hand sent a rock flying so quickly that it sank into the forehead of a man who was three times his size.  They had heard of his ferocity in battle, and had shuddered to know of the challenge Saul had laid at his feet to win his daughter’s hand, their other sister-wife, the one their husband had fallen in love with at the beginning, and she with him.  Perhaps one day they would meet Michal, too.  Sometimes they could even see the hurt in their husband’s eyes when he had cause to remember her.  Her father had asked for one hundred Philistines, and he had brought him two hundred!  How could a mere man slay two hundred men, if God did not guide his steps?  And then there were the times they could hear him playing on his harp.  Those same fingers that so adeptly wielded a sword in battle could so gently coax a soothing melody from the harp.  And how quickly the words of new, and beautiful songs would come to his mind, and they would sit, listening, trying to ask him from whence they sprang, and his answer was always the same…  How serious a man he was with justice, how honorable his intentions to others, even those seeking his hurt, and yet how tender his heart.  Though his sheep tending days were long over, the image of their husband tenderly cradling an injured lamb in his arms, and seeing the tears in his eyes as he brought it from the field was imprinted permanently on their hearts.  Was there ever such a man as this?  Will there ever be such a man as this again?

Warmth pervaded her cheeks as she thought of him again, and of the pending evening.  What a man… and what a lover!  Just like that little lamb, she simply felt safe in his arms.  Protected.  Sheltered in the arms of the king!  Perhaps now he was indeed ruler of the land, and king of Judah.  But he had long ago reined as king in her life, from the very first moment, and it had been with wonderment when she learned he sought her for his wife.  How long ago was that?  Could she ever forget the first night with him, the first night she could experience love with a king?  Oh, the people might see the king in his resplendent robes, and hear his wisdom and judgments, but here in the night, he was her lover.  He filled her with life and happiness.  So much he gave during the day to others.  In the night he was hers, and she was his.  How many of his subjects knew, or could imagine, the delights he sought from her in the night?  Her heart beat with happiness at his touch, and to know that he was pleased and satisfied in her.  She cherished his every sweet whisper in her ear, and the memory of the height and throes of passion he was able to take her to provided sweetness to her every daily step.

Pondering again, she tried to remember the words the prophet had said about him.  A man after the Lord’s own heart?  Isn’t that what he had said?  And who could tell of the love of God for His children?  Her heart skipped a beat then thinking of her husband, the simple love he seemed to have for people, and the great love he shared with his wives.  Was there a single woman that could have contained that love?  The wellspring of his love seemed to be a deep pool, and a never-ending reservoir, a well never run dry.  Would there ever again be a man such as this, with such love to share with others?  A contented smile creased her face, as she recalled the times of being sated in his arms.  Never was she disappointed when protected and held in his arms!  He satisfied her every longing and desire!  And when she could hear his own breathless pants of desire in her ears, her soul felt complete, and surrounded in bliss.

A shiver of anticipation went up her spine at the thought and out her finger tips.  Abigail smiled over at her and squeezed her hand.  Had she felt that?  They stopped before the curtain-closed entrance to his private chambers.  Standing there, Abigail flashed nervous smile, which was returned in like manner.  This wasn’t something they had tried before.  Abigail looked positively lovely, and Ahinoam marveled that tonight the pangs of jealousy that sometimes arose in her heart were quiet and still.  They were in this together, and she realized again, that she indeed loved her, and cherished her as a friend.

“You look beautiful,” Abigail said softly.  “Very much fit for a king.”  Ahinoam’s radiant smile burst forth to her friend.  How many hours had they spent preparing for this moment, preparing for their lover?  She remembered suddenly the five maidens that had accompanied Abigail when she answered David’s call to be his wife.  How helpful they had been!  How faithful they had been to their mistress.  And how lovingly she had shared them with Ahinoam, as these caring maidens helped prepare both for their husband.  They had never done before what they were about to share, but hoped their husband found delight in them.  They had eventually grown to smile in the mornings at each other.  Sometimes those nights had felt lonely, as they could alternatively hear their husband in the arms of their sister-wife, enjoying the throes of passion that lifted their voices heavenward… but now it would be together.

“Please do go first,” Abigail encouraged.  She was like that, so filled with love and respect.  Ahinoam had married David before her, and she lovingly gave her deference.  For a moment Ahinoam wondered if she would have been as kind in return to her.

Releasing her hands momentarily, she stepped towards her and kissed her cheek.  “Please, Abby,” she encouraged.  “I always go first.  Let him see you first tonight.”

She smiled brightly, a flush rising through her cheeks.  “Then come, my sister,” she said.  “And let us meet the king!”  Reaching forth with her left hand, she reached through the robes to the entrance of his chamber.  Gripping Ahinoam’s hand tightly in hers, they entered the room together.

The room was awash in the soft light of candles.  Long before, Abigail had given strict orders to the servants in terms of how to prepare, and they had done well.  The king stood at the window, looking out over the city of Hebron in the beautiful dusk of evening.  His many years of living in the wilderness had yet to allow him to completely relax, for he turned immediately upon hearing the soft whisper of the robes as we passed through.

“Abigail,” he said tenderly.  “I’m delighted to see—Ahinoam?  And you, also?”  His mouth was open slightly as he pondered the scene.  Ahinoam’s blush greeted his eyes as she stepped up beside Abigail, gripping her hand all the more tightly as they watched their lover approach.

“My lord, our king,” they both said, somewhat together, and bowed before him.  It seemed so awkward to address their husband in such a manner, but this was how the steward had instructed them.  He grinned at them both.  Evidently he wasn’t used to such treatment yet, either.  His charming smile was disarming in its boyish kindness, and they immediately felt at ease.  He was indeed the same David they had both married!

To their left was the king’s large bed, brilliantly colored and made of the softest of material the kingdom could offer.  If they thought their new life was a contrast to the wilderness, how much more that of David, who spent many nights even without a tent while being pursued by evil men.  Opposite this massive bed was the bank of scrolls, the scrolls that the king had insisted be prepared and delivered to his very chamber.  The servants spoke in whispers of the king’s devotion in reading through the letters of God’s law penned within the scrolls, keeping His Law ever and always before the throne of his heart.  And all about the room was decked with the richest wall tapestries and decoration that the people of Hebron could provide for their king.

He came before them in his flowing robe and stopped, fixing an appraising glance on them both, and bidding them both to rise with his hands.  A boyish smile creased his handsome face, and their hearts melted within them.  He never changed; it was the same smile they had fallen in love with from the beginning.

“Come my lovers,” he called, reaching out and tenderly caressing our cheeks with his hands.  Turning, they followed him to the center of the room.

And then, ever so tenderly and lovingly, as was the prerogative of the king, they awaited his touch, loving the feel of his hands, as he began to part them from their robes.  His face again took on the wonderment of a child, and a look of hunger and longing filled his features; such an endearing combination.  When he looked at Ahinoam, he made her feel like she was the only woman alive in the world.  The very flutter of his eyelids would transfix her.  How did a man do that for a woman?  How did the Father in Heaven create such a wonderful gift of love between a husband and wife, a need that so filled a person, a need that was so powerful in the expression, a need that only one special person could fulfill?

“Ahinoam, my love!” he whispered tenderly, holding her face in his hands and kissing her.  Those hands… those hands that could be so rough in the work of the land, and that had done the Lord’s bidding in war… those very same hands were tantalizing to her every sense, the very touch of his fingers sending currents of pleasure through her body.  The kisses of his lips were sweet to her taste, and soon his hand was in hers, inviting her to step free from the flowing robe that had pooled around her feet.  How she loved the movement of his eyes as he cherished her bodily.  How sweet to know that she was the source of his arousal.  She shared another glance with Abigail.  Her cheeks were beautifully flushed, her body resplendent and glorious in beauty, radiating the happiness she contained in her heart.  Ahinoam looked down at her own body, a smile gracing her face.  She did like what she saw there, and marveled at how differently God created men and women.

His face was smiling, and their hearts were happy at his appreciation of feminine beauty.  The hours of preparing for him were worth it all!  With a slight tremor in her legs, Ahinoam walked toward her husband, reaching out to him, caressing his face.  One hand slipped into his robe, and she started to remove it from him.  Abigail soon joined her, both whispering sweet words of love to his ears… words that they knew he loved to hear, and words that they knew he whispered in return to their own ears that made them feel so special.  His eyes were closed, and his breathing soft, as he answered their voices with his own.  It was always so incredible to listen to him, and the poetic words that seemed to stream from his lips.  And soon he accepted two hands, one from each of his brides, in stepping free from his own robe.

A beautiful man?  Is it right to describe a man as beautiful?  Yea, and more than beauty – they knew the heart that radiated beauty from his chest!  Ahinoam looked at her hands, which knew every part of his body, even as his hands knew hers!  Her fingers tingled with the memory of running them over his muscular chest, and abdomen.  She remembered the joyful feeling of being held in those strong arms.  His legs stood like pillars of marble.  And fonder still was the pleasant memory of holding her king within her depths, smooth legs outstretched and clasped softly behind him.  His manhood was like a tusk of ivory springing from his loins, and the memory and thought of being taken by him filled her with need.  How many times she could remember his love bringing her delights and pleasure she had never before imagined all through the night time hours.  And how special it always seemed to him to know how she delighted in his touch!

Filled with need, she couldn’t help herself.  There was no reason to feel inhibited in love.  At the moment he was gazing upon the beauty of Abigail, as she provided a feast for his eyes.  Kneeling in the soft rug before him, Ahinoam kissed his belly, feeling him quiver with excitement, and rubbed her face against an enormous erection, feeling his soft head caress her.  He was such a delight to her, and tears came to her eyes simply to touch him as sweet kisses from her lips rained upon him.  Resting her face against his swollen length, she could almost hear his pulsating heart, each beat one of love.  And then ever so gently she held him in her hands, which seemed so small in comparison.  At his answering gasp of pleasure she looked up at him.

Temporarily releasing his lips from Abigail’s distended nipples, he smiled down at her.  But only for a moment.  She smiled up at him, especially when she saw Abigail’s hands reach towards the back of his head, drawing him again to her breasts.  Gently caressing him with her hands, she admired the simple beauty of their embrace above where she was kneeling.  It had always been a pleasure to observe a mother nourishing her child at her breast.  How much greater to see a man so adoring his wife, and gaining strength from her in this way!  Abigail’s head thrust back in pleasure as she caressed David’s hair in her fingers, her own long, dark hair cascading over her smooth back, reaching almost to her waist.

Flattening her hands against his abdomen, she kissed his pulsating hard length, feeling a wince radiate through his form with each feathery-light touch of her lips.  How marvelous the vulnerability of love that found expression in the act of marriage!  Wetting her lips, she flickered her moist tongue, drawing it up through the small cleft his frenulum, hearing his answering moan, his lips humming on Abigail’s breasts.  Abigail’s own passionate sighs reached her ears.  And how marvelous this – that her love for her husband radiated from her own lips into his body, and then back out through his lips and into the full breasts of Abigail.  Was this also an expression of her love and admiration even for her sister-wife?  She smiled at the thought and the warm feelings in her heart as she laved her tongue around his rigid penis, until he was wet from her swirling tongue.  Tenderly cupping his heavy scrotum in her hands, she licked again up through the cleft of his frenulum, swirling a tantalizing dance in the tiny slit of his phallus.  He groaned again, and his waist quivered as he thrust himself closer to her.

Above David placed his hands on Abigail’s breasts and stared deeply into her mesmerizing eyes, seeing the love written there.  His heart beat thickly in delight with the gloriously beautiful women his loving God had given him.  Abigail’s chest heaved in panting breaths, and her neck was flushed a pretty shade of pink.  Her nipples were hard against the palms of his hands as he softly massaged her fullness.  Reaching around her back, he pulled her torso against his, both admiring the fullness of her breasts pressed against his chest.  Their faces pressed together, their open mouths found one another.  Abigail lifted trembling hands to her lover’s face, holding him sweetly against her, and enjoying the touch and taste of a man, her husband, as they expressed their mutual love, their tongues flickering and dancing together in sweet embrace.  He was moaning into her mouth now with the pleasure Ahinoam was giving him.  They were all close together now, and she could feel the brush of Ahinoam’s hair on her thighs below, and the bobbing of her head between them as she loved her king.

Wetting her lips once again, Ahinoam gazed upon the now moist, burgundy tip of his penis.  Pursing her lips together, she softly welcomed him to her warm mouth, rejoicing at the long drawn out sigh it brought from his lips and the powerful shaking that passed through him.  It was so powerful that he broke off his embrace and kiss with Abigail above, and reached down to cradle her head in his hands.  His face was awash with pleasure and thrust upward with closed eyes.  She could feel his hands trembling in excitement in her hair, which tickled her scalp, and sent little, pleasant chills down her spine and through her body.  She took him as deeply as she could, and then withdrew her head, being ever so careful with her teeth, hoping her beloved husband was feeling only pleasure now, her expression of love to him that she hoped erased his daily stresses and pains, and helped him feel complete.  Judging from the sweet sound of his moaning voice, she felt happily successful.

She suddenly felt other soft hands on hers, noticing that Abigail had moved behind him and had reached around.  Their hands moved in unison, caressing his abdomen.  Releasing him only for a moment, she shared a smile with Abigail, who was leaning forward to kiss her husband’s back.  David groaned something to the effect that he felt he had died and gone to heaven, so pleasant was the delights they were sharing with him.  Again Ahinoam moved her lips to him, taking him into a moist embrace that to a man was indeed the closest thing to heaven on earth he might imagine – the embrace of his lover!

Abigail stood again and softly worked the two of them over to the bed, encouraging David to sit down and rest his weary frame.  His limbs had been quaking with pleasure, and Ahinoam briefly wondered if he would have eventually fallen over had he not finally sat down!  Maybe not – the king was a strong man!  Standing in front of them, Abigail looked longingly into his eyes, while softly pushing him backward with the palms of her hands onto the soft bed.  Never once breaking eye contact, she followed him up onto the bed, tenderly massaging his chest while kneeling beside him.

He lifted a trembling hand and gently touched her smooth legs, fingers gently tracing a path across the creamy skin of her thighs to the apex of her legs.  He fixed his gaze on her beauty, his eyes again taking on the wonderment of a child, delighting in seeing something new.  Just seeing the light in his eyes made it worth all the pain it had been to her.  How many hours had she and Ahinoam laid there, while her maidens patiently plucked every single hair?  Painful?  Oh yes, but worth it all now just to see the delight it gave her husband, as he wonderingly traced a finger through her smooth cleft.  She shuddered contentedly at the touch of his hands, knowing her love was evident as he withdrew his finger, and seeing the moistness at its tip, brought it to his mouth.

“Come to me, Abigail,” he beckoned.  Her pretty thighs quivered with excitement as she moved her lithe form over him and straddled his chest.  He urged her closer, her excitement growing as she felt his breaths against her garden of love, that special part of her wherein was her shared delight with her husband.  Her own moans soon filled the air as she felt his soft lips kissing her and enjoying the moistness of her smooth vulva.  Her hands came to his head, clasping him in her hands and holding him all the more closely to her.  Her hips seemed to move of their own accord.  Earlier he had kissed the lips of her face.  And now, he kissed the lips of her passion, and soon she could feel the moistness of his tongue as he brought her unfathomable pleasures.  ‘Yes indeed,’ she reflected again, ‘the pain was worth it!’  She felt pleasure she had never felt before as his tongue flickered over her bare flesh, lingering over her clitoris and sending radiating spasms of pleasure through her being that seemed to build in intensity.

Feeling then his tongue cradling her clitoris and quivering excitedly, she looked heavenward in passionate release, her hair flowing thickly behind her.  In later reflection, she was thankful that the king’s chamber was high above the city, but wondered if any passerby might have heard her cry out in delight and pleasure as the warmth and pleasurable contractions of her release washed through her.  How many times had he given her this pleasure?  And how pleasant it was to experience it now in a house of cedar instead of the tent!  Exhausted at last, she gently removed herself from his chest and laid down on the bed beside him.  Ahinoam smiled sweetly at her, smiling even around the thick penis she continued to hold in her lips.

Sitting up, David looked down at her again, smiling at the angelic expression on her face as she released his engorged length from her lips.  Trembling with need, he helped her rise to her feet, crushing his lips against hers, and pulling her against him as he again laid back on the bed.  His eyes not leaving hers, he lifted her bodily in his powerful arms.  Her own breaths now coming in gasps at what was to come, she watched pleasure strike through his face anew as he felt his swollen length rub against the cleanly depilated, and now very moist, entrance to her passion.  Reaching down between them, she tenderly gripped him in her hands, hearing her name spoken urgently on his lips.  Tenderly positioning him, she relaxed herself, rejoicing at the entrance of her lover as he surged into her welcoming depths.

His breathing now came in rasps, as she gently moved her hips.  He felt enormous inside her.  A fleeting thought passed through her mind, but could not remain for the pleasures he was giving her, as to just how marvelously the Lord had created the human body.  She remembered in a brief instant her very first night with her husband, and the twinge of fear she had felt when she saw his nakedness for the first time.  And then his soothing, loving words had filled her heart with comfort.  It was a brief moment of pain, and then he had filled her night with rapturous pleasure she had previously never known mortal man could have on this side of the grave.  Even now she felt his thickness filling her completely, reaching even to the entrance of her womb.

His hands reached up to caress her, touching her with whispers of love.  She felt shrouded with comfort in his touch as she leaned in to him, supporting herself on her hands.  His fingers traced paths through her breasts, teasing her nipples until they were rigid with excitement.  One hand pressed across her belly while the other pressed against her bottom and lower back, all of which seemed to increase the pleasure she felt of his swollen member buried in her depths.  Her arms growing weaker, she leaned ever closer, moaning as she felt his tongue flicker out to taste her nipples.  Early on they had together discovered the sensitivity of her body there, and now pleasure from the merest flick of his tongue radiated in warm waves through her.  Unable to refrain from movement any more, and with her long hair shrouding their faces, she urgently rose and fell on him, her ardent love for this special man moving her with passionate abandon.  How complete she felt with him inside her, and how empty it felt as she rose up.  All the more special it was to her, then, as she thrust her hips downward and felt him penetrate her depths.

She tensed briefly as orgasmic waves of pleasure coursed through her, as she felt what seemed like thousands of muscles within her contracting and releasing uncontrollably around her lover.  Waves of pleasure radiated in pulsating circles of pleasure, stretching from her womb and radiating in pleasure-filled pulses through every limb of her body, even out to her finger tips.  Her high-pitched cries filled the air as she thrust wildly on him, seeming to forget every word in her vocabulary except the sweet sound of his name on her tongue.

Neither of them had noticed it at the time, but Abigail had removed herself from the bed, and crept between her husbands knees, his outstretched legs still reaching down to the floor.  ‘How uncomfortable,’ she wondered briefly.  Dismissing that thought for the moment, she supported herself on his knees and lowered herself between them to the soft rug on the floor, admiring the shapely form of Ahinoam as she thrust herself up and down on her husband.  It was a sight she had never seen before, but enjoyed the beauty she was seeing of two lovers joined together.  She paused for a moment, wondering how what she was about to do would be received.  She had done it many times before for her husband, but it seemed different now.  Cupping a hand around her hair, she pulled it from her face, and onto her back, then kneeled closer, bending her head back so as to not interfere with her sister-wife’s lovemaking.

She was so close now.  She could smell the clean scent of aroused bodies, and that of her husband’s penis, now coated with the slickness from Ahinoam’s garden of love.  Very gently, she nuzzled her face into the base of her husband’s penis, even feeling the smoothness of Ahinoam’s soft bottom whisper against her face as she enjoyed her husband.  Flickering out her tongue, she softly licked the fleshly sack that held his seed of life.  She was rewarded instantly by hearing an intense moan escape his lips.  Already Ahinoam had passed over to her bliss.  Wanting her husband to pass over to his own release at the same time, Abigail hasted, lovingly taking him in her mouth.  His hair tickled her tongue, but she softly laved him in her mouth, swirling her lips and tongue around his testicles, first one, and then the other.

Suddenly, he was no longer moaning, he was roaring with primal need.  His waist shuddered, and he quivered in her mouth.  A shout escaped his lips as his own pleasure exploded violently.  Abigail almost released him from her lips as his hips thrust violently upward, surging deeply into Ahinoam.  His hands gripped her waist, holding her still on him as the air filled with his racking cries, his body convulsing with the power of his release as he spurted his love into her.  His thick contractions seemed to last and extend for what seemed an eternity, matched in time with his ragged breaths.  Abigail smiled in delight at helping her lover pass over the edge, and continued to swirl her tongue around his intimate connection with Ahinoam.  And when his release overflowed, she tenderly licked at each pearl-colored drop of his release, tasting his essence, and welcoming it to her belly even as her sister-wife welcomed it to her womb.

Exhausted in her release, Ahinoam smiled brightly at David, basking in his appreciative gaze, one filled with love and adoration.  Still joined intimately, she leaned across him, pressing her breasts to his chest, and tenderly kissed his face, a face radiating love and contentment.  Her hair fell around them, and his strong arms came up to embrace her, caressing her smooth back as he enjoyed the afterglow of their consummate lovemaking.  Temporarily softening, he felt himself released from her warmth, only to be engulfed in the heavenly warmth of Abigail’s lips.  Looking to the side of Ahinoam, he smiled down at Abigail, and whispered words of love to her as well.

She returned his gaze, her pretty brown eyes flashing back at him in happiness, that happy expression he had fallen in love with when he rescued her from her evil husband, Nabal.  It was happiness he knew that sprang from her heart, which seemed to perpetually be filled with joy.  Such capacity a woman had, a wife, a lover, and someday hopefully a mother, to fill a man’s heart with delight!  And so soon already, he felt his desire growing anew, as he grew erect again through the pleasant ministrations of her loving mouth and tongue until she could no longer contain his entire length.

Sitting up dreamily, Ahinoam shifted her hips and gently rolled off her husband, kneeling beside him and watching Abigail love him with her mouth as she had done earlier.  David smiled up at Ahinoam again, admiring her now flushed body, wet with perspiration from the fervor with which she had loved him.  Reaching up a finger, he softly caressed her soft vulva, moist from the essence of his release, and her returning desire.  She sighed softly at his touch and held her breasts in her hands, tenderly caressing her nipples to rock hard points, her light feathery touches sending little waves of pleasure through her body again.  She smiled to herself at that.  One day she hoped to bear a son to her king.  Knowing the tenderness of her breasts, and the pleasures they provided her, she wondered if the suckling of the child would likewise provide her pleasure.  ‘That would never do,’ she thought to herself.  ‘How would I explain my pleasurable moaning to our maidens while our child attempted to gain nourishment?’  It was enough to provoke a giggle.  David didn’t know what was amusing to her, but delighted in her happiness nonetheless.

Sitting up as his arousal built, he sighed contentedly and caressed Abigail’s smooth face.  How talented his wives, to so light the fire of his desire!  He thanked God anew for the blessing they were to them, his heart radiating in like manner a fervent love for his Maker.  Placing a finger under Abigail’s chin, he softly lifted her up so that she released his member from her soft lips.  A wistful smile crossed her face as she looked into the face of her husband.  David stood up with her and encouraged her onto the bed, his heart now longing to be joined to Abigail as he had been with Ahinoam.  Ahinoam laid stretched out on the bed, smiling up at them.  Abigail started to crawl on the bed, at first to the side of her, but Ahinoam beckoned her to simply climb over the top of her, and so she did.

Looking up, Ahinoam admired the beauty of her sister-wife as she passed over her on all fours:  delightfully full breasts and a smooth belly.  All the while her hair fell down around them, tantalizingly tickling Ahinoam as Abigail crawled forward, her hands and knees on either side of Ahinoam.  Finally onto the bed, Ahinoam looked up to watch her husband take this beautiful woman.  Stepping closer to them, David first lowered his hard length to Ahinoam’s lips, who happily took him into her sweet mouth, swirling her tongue around him.  Almost reluctantly, he moaned, but removed himself from her lips, and directed himself into Abigail’s soft folds of feminine flesh.  Already moist in anticipation, Ahinoam watched in breathless excitement as he gently pressed the tip of his penis into Abigail’s welcoming depths, the large, burgundy head of his phallus softly parting her smooth folds and gaining entrance to her passion.  She could remember exactly how it felt to be one with the king, and could well understand the sudden sigh and moan that tremored across Abigail’s lips.

Shuddering with excitement, and scarcely able to support herself, Abigail cried out, her face resting on Ahinoam’s abdomen.  She opened her legs a little wider, and felt Ahinoam’s hands reaching up to pull her down closer.  Already her lover had delved into her lush depths, and was panting with his own need near the seat of her womb.  She felt a slight twinge of regret in making the comparison, but it had never been this way with Nabal.  He had scoffed at what he called a ‘shepherd boy,’ not recognizing that this ‘shepherd boy’ had the heart of a king.  It had been so difficult to remain cheerful and happy around him, for his every touch was one that repulsed her.  What should have been happy and full of pleasure, and a time of supreme giving, she had instead learned to be filled with selfishness.  It was all about him.  And now she sighed in comfort, delighting in the fullness she felt in David the king, the most glorious lover she had ever known, and one who seemed to delight in giving more than he received.

Moving within her depths, David felt her internal muscles hold him gently at times, tightly at other times.  She seemed a master of caressing him in time with his thrusts.  Periodically below he could see Ahinoam’s loving eyes likewise looking up between them, feeling the touch of her hands as she caressed his perineum and testicles.  Far below her and between her outstretched legs, Ahinoam felt the pleasant weight of Abigail’s head on her lower abdomen.  Her hair was splayed out over her waist, and her soft breasts were a pleasant cushion on her belly.  Tugging a little more on Abigail’s waist, she lowered her some more, until she was close to her husband’s thrusting member.  So close she was, watching the simple beauty of a man and wife making love.  She breathed in every scent, which was an aphrodisiac to her nostrils, spurring on her own arousal.  She lightly flickered her tongue upwards, licking along her husband’s shaft as he moved in and out of Abigail.  So that was what another woman tasted like.  Different… but still pleasant!

David groaned with the sensations of his wives, and the beautiful sight his eyes beheld as he loved them both.  Abigail’s whole waist was quivering, and he felt her internal muscles fluttering around him involuntarily.  Thrusting deep and hard within her, he smiled as he felt her release burst around him.  It almost felt like an explosion was going off in her.  Abigail wondered if it was causing her damage.  No, it couldn’t be, it simply felt too good!  Tears overflowed her eyelids as she cried out with her release, her cry somewhat muffled against Ahinoam.  David cried out his own release into her, burying himself at the doorpost of her womb as deep-rooted spasms overtook his senses.  And when Ahinoam took his testicles gently in her mouth, his passionate release seemed to compound upon itself, and he shook violently, crying out in delight as his seed spurted through him into his beautiful wife.  Ahinoam reached out and held his legs, trying to steady him.  At that moment, perhaps not even realizing what she was doing in the throes of her passion, she felt Abigail kiss her again and again.  Pleasure radiated up through Ahinoam’s body, and soon her own cries came forth, scarcely finding a place to emanate around her lips, which were still filled with her husband.  And so her cries simply hummed around him, which only seemed to enhance his own release.

Gasping for breath, David held himself tightly within his beloved Abigail, completely sated with her love.  Below him Ahinoam softly released him from her lips as she felt and saw his milky white seed slowly overflow her sister-wife, following the course of gravity.  It dripped around his still pulsating member, and into her open, waiting mouth.  How precious, the seed of her husband!  She welcomed it to her mouth, not willing that any should fall to the ground wasted.  This was nourishment from her husband!  For long moments they stayed in this position, until David finally removed himself.  Abigail felt empty, and somewhat saddened as he pulled free from her warm depths.  How transient the pleasures of this life, yet how fulfilling!  Her womb radiated warmth, and she felt complete and fulfilled.

Moving to the side from Ahinoam, she laid back on the bed, still trying to catch her own breath in the afterglow of their loving.  David joined them on the bed, sitting cross-legged and admiring his two lovers.  Sitting up with him, they sat in a circle and shared words of love together.  What they had was precious, it was special!  Pulling Ahinoam into his arms, he cradled her next to his heart, his eyes filled with fondness as he gazed upon her.  Abigail leaned against his shoulder, her hair splaying out and tickling Ahinoam’s nose.  She giggled, reached up, and caressed her sister-wife’s cheek.  And then they quietly sat and listened to their husband’s soothing voice, as he recited a psalm that had come to him.  What ponderous man was this whom they had married?  Whence sprang these gracious words?  They had married more than a king.  Abigail smiled into his handsome face, knowing she had given her heart to more than a king.

A pleasant breeze wafted through the open windows while they listened to the soft voice of their husband far into the night.  And then came sweet rest in his arms until the morning.
© Copyright 2007 Little Bee (lttlb at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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