Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1250560-To-Love-Or-To-Leave
Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Drama · #1250560
Circumstance tests a man's faithfulness to his wife only to fail because of other secrets.
Demetrius Collins rushes inside of his house, hoping to find steam rising from the table, indicating that a meal has been prepared.  He enters the house and sees his wife, sitting somberly on the sofa.

Demetrius (unenthusiastically):  Hi Alicia.

Without speaking or turning her head from the television, Alicia waves apathetically and rests her arm on the sofa.

Demetrius tosses his jacket on the sofa, and rushes towards the kitchen.  He sees the decorum he's familiar with, but there is nothing edible surrounding it.  He immediately rushes towards the living room, ready to argue.

Demetrius (angrily):  Where's the food?!!

Alicia (sarcastically):  There is this large building with shopping carts, fruits, vegetables, meat, and other delicatessens down the street.  You may have heard of it:  It is called a store.

Demetrius (angrily):  Where is my food?!!!  Why haven't you gone to the store to prepare anything?!!

Alicia (sarcastically):  Well, let me get my chef's hat, and I'll contact Mickey.

Demetrius (sternly) Who is Mickey?

Alicia (sarcastically):  Mickey as in McDonald's... Would you like your Big Mac on styrofoam or should I take out the china?

Act 2

Demetrius sits quietly at his desk, reviewing the profit/loss report and skimming through several charts, reflecting the company's productivity.  He thinks about the ultimatum his mistress Debra gives him about leaving Alicia or losing her, forever.  He wonders what he is going to do when the CEO of the East Coast division of his company call.

Demetrius:  This is Demetrius Collins:  Head of Accounting & Budgeting for the Houston, Texas division of Financial Solutions Incorporated.

Darren Ward:  Mr. Collins, this is Darren Ward:  The CEO of the East Coast Division Of Financial Solutions Incorporated.  We have reviewed the resumes of numerous candidates and filtered through the education and experience of the most suitable candidates.  Congratulations, You are the most qualified candidate, and we have your plane tickets being sent to you via U.P.S. to New York.

Demetrius:  Thank You, I look forward to working with you in the near future.

Demetrius sits and wonders how quickly divorce papers can be delivered.

Act 3

Demetrius and his life-long friend Reverend Brady sit and have lunch together.

Reverend Brady (jokingly):  How come I haven't seen you in church, lately?  You use to come more frequently than me.  Now, it seems like you only come on Communion to get a snack.

Demetrius:  I have a lot on my plate.

Reverend Brady:  You have always bitten off more than you can chew.  I am surprised that you can actually digest anything?

Demetrius:  I am trying to find a way to convince Debra to come to New York with me or this new job that I have been offered.  She wants a loft in Manhattan, overlooking the city.  I am trying to find a realtor who won't make me sale my house too far below market value and lose too much equity.

Reverend Brady:  Apparently, we have not spoken to each other longer than I thought.  Who is Debra and what happened to Alicia?

Demetrius (discouragingly):  Nothing.  That is the problem.  Alicia seems so nonchalant about everything.  She does not have the same vitality that she did when I first met her.  She doesn't seem to care about anything, anymore.

Demetrius:  I have filed for divorce against her.  The papers are on their way to the house right now.  The Bible commands wives to submit to their husbands, right?

Reverend Brady:  It sounds like you are trying to justify your actions.  I am not going to beat you upside the head with scripture because you know more of what the Bible says than I do.  I cannot make any decisions for you:  That is why we all must go before the Throne on Judgment Day.  The Bible also says "...Men must love their wives as Christ loves the church."  I have spoken with Alicia recently, and she is in need right now.

Demetrius:  What is she in need of?

Reverend Brady:  You should not have to ask me; after all, you are her husband, and I will not be the one to let the cat out of the bag.  But, I will say this much:  she knows more that you think she does.  Remember when you exchanged wedding vows with Alicia before God?

Demetrius:  Yes, why?

Reverend Brady:  Alicia is not the only one you broke your promise to with your current activities.

Act 4

Demetrius Collins sits with a tremendous problem on his mind.  Although he is in good physical health for a middle-aged man, his mind feels as though it is being torn apart.  He thinks about the conversation that is going to possibly lead to an inevitably heated argument.  He has to tell his wife of twenty years that he has shared intimate moments with another woman.  As he enters the room, he notices Alicia Collins, sitting solemnly with tears falling down her cheeks.  Demetrius thinks to himself, "She already knows!"

Demetrius (solemnly):  Baby, I think we need to talk.

Alicia (sarcastically):  What's the occasion?  Did you see one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse galloping down the street?

Demetrius (frustrated):  Can you cut me some slack?!!  I am trying to have a decent conversation with you.

Alicia (solemnly):  What is it, Demetrius?

Demetrius:  How come I have to go to other people to learn something is wrong with you?

Alicia (calmly):  Because you are never around when I need to speak to you.  You are always out past the time the office closes.  You do not even ask me how I am doing or how my day was.  I do not hear from you unless you want to expand your gut or make the mattress squeak.  By the way, how is Debra doing?

Demetrius (surprised):  How do you know about her!!!

Alicia:  A couple of years ago, your secretary accidentally left a couple of messages from Debra for you at the house.  I opened several telephone bills and her number appeared more times than the letter s in the English alphabet.  A private investigator confirmed something that I already knew with photographs. 

Demetrius (surprised):  How come you never confronted me about it if you knew for so long?

Alicia:  I stopped caring before you started your affair.  You almost completely stopped paying attention to me.  We haven't stopped making love because of the affair although it wouldn't motivate me to start.  Have you ever wondered why I wear more wigs than I use to?  Have you ever noticed that I have not been eating much myself?  Have you noticed I am not home myself, lately?

Demetrius: No, are you having an affair to spite me?

Alicia:  Demetrius, chemotherapy does not amuse me.  I do not enjoy having foreign chemicals injected into my body that make me too tired to walk two feet in front of me.

Demetrius (concerned):  How long has it been and what do you have? 

Alicia:  I have been receiving treatment for multiple myeloma for nearly two years.  The treatment affects memory, stamina, hair loss, metabolism, and sometimes causes nausea.

Demetrius (solemn):  I cannot say how sorry I am.

Alicia:  This is the most attention you have paid to me in three years, but it has come with a price.  I should not have to have close encounters with death to have my husband notice me.  I did receive the papers, and they are signed and ready for you.

Demetrius storms towards the papers and tears them up.  He picks up the phone and makes a few phone calls.

Demetrius:  I have a response to your ultimatum, Debra:  it's over between us.

Demetrius hangs up the phone and dials another number.

Demetrius:  Hello, Mr. Ward, I appreciate you extending the opportunity to work with you, but I am going to return the airline tickets.  I think you better find another candidate.

Alicia (slightly surprised):  What does this mean?

Demetrius:  It means I am going to start being the husband you should have had from the beginning.  I know this is an extreme point to start, but it is better late than never.

Alicia:  Forgive me if I do not turn a back flip or leap into your arms immediately, but I have to see it.  Actions speak louder than words.

Demetrius disappointedly looks down at his feet.

Alicia:  However, you are off to a good start.

Demetrius goes to chemotherapy sessions with his wife and has been an active caregiver from that point on.  He sacrificed his promotion, and his sordid affair to dedicate himself to his wife as Christ dedicated himself to the church.

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