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Rated: E · Novel · Fanfiction · #1250295
Another Superboy Jamie Story
The Secret of the Myst – Part 9

As the police car backed out of the driveway, Robby wondered what had just occurred.
"I usually don't like doing this" He thought to himself as his eyes turned black as night. He was peering into the old woman's conscious mind.

"She's been hurt," he thought, "by her own family. How could anyone hurt this sweet old lady?" he pondered as he hid in the shadows of the lady's house.

Robby, being who he is, cannot stand to see people in pain, or suffering. It literally hurts this remarkable young man to the core of his soul. He stood there and considering his options. He knew he could make a difference here, but how best to go about it?

Just then a blue and red blur flashed alongside. "The Boy of Steel" stood right next to his new friend. "Hey Myst, what’s the matter? I felt you calling out almost in pain bro, you ok?" he asked his friend.

"Oh Jamie, I am sorry I really need to learn better control when my mind 'screams' out like that. Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just trying to decide how to help this sweet old lady. She’s been badly hurt by her own nephew." Robby stated wiping a tear from his eye.

"Just teleport in there and heal her, man, that's what you do," urged Jamie.

"Superboy, I would scare the daylights out of her if I just materialized inside her house, she is already rattled beyond belief." he retorted. "This situation calls for a bit more finesse." He added.

"Hey hasn't dad been teaching you to use your telepathy to help conceal your identity?' Jamie asked him.

"Yeah sort of, almost like masking what is really there. I just feel like I am not being honest when I use that" he answered.

Jamie sighed. "Well it’s not really dishonest to mask your good deeds. It’s not like you’re trying to cheat her or anything. Shoot, you’ve been skulking around doing your thing all this time before you met up with us, trying to do your good deeds without getting caught. And now all you’re trying to do is help this lady without scaring the daylights out of her. Just use your ‘mind magic’ to put her to sleep. You can do that from out here. Then, pop in, do your thing and pop right back out. No harm. No foul.”

Superman, although lacking telepathic abilities himself, had hit upon a technique when exploring Speed Demon’s (Wesley’s) abilities with him at the Fortress. They had devised a technique whereby Wes could simply lull a subject to sleep. Superman had established that this was a capability most likely shared by most telepaths.

Rob agreed with Jamie’s suggestion.

“Well, yeah, I could just help her go to 'sleep' just like you said, and suggest to her subconscious that an angel came to help her. While she dreams, I can heal her.”

“Atta boy, Robby! Now you’re using your head for something besides holding that mask on!" Jamie laughed.

Robby turned towards the house and began to concentrate. His eyes turned as black as coal. He was causing the dream state to take place. Then in an instant he was gone in a cloud of vapor.

"That never gets old," said the Boy of Steel with a wide grin.

Not even a split second later, Robby appeared next to the dazed and frail woman. He reached out, took off his gloves, and concentrated again. This time his eyes flashed with a yellow glow as bright as the sun. The glow encompassed his whole body. Oh so tenderly, Robby laid his hands on the woman’s injuries. He sighed softly as her wounds began to heal.

As he finished his task, he sensed her mind awakening. He had to get out fast. He stepped back and concentrated again. The familiar black returned to his eyes and he was enveloped in mist as he disappeared from the house only to reappear next to Jamie outside.

As he rematerialized, he collapsed into his friend’s arms.

"Robby!! Are you alright bro?" Jamie asked him with worry in his eyes.

"Yeah, that took more out of me than I thought. Her wounds were worse than they looked. Once I touched her I knew that her jaw was broken in several places," he said. "I did it though, but I had to concentrate on healing such a massive wound, that I almost lost the illusion I was creating for her." he said shakily.

"Well you did it my new little brother. You’ve made a difference here." Jamie said proudly. "Are you going to be able to teleport home bro?" he asked with concern.

Physically drained by his healing endeavor, Robby answered, "I don't think so man. I’m wiped out."

“You forgot your power ring, didn't you?” asked Jamie concernedly.

“Yeah, like a dork” replied the weary boy.

"Well, just relax and I’ll fly us outta here. Just let me make sure that we are not seen." Jamie replied.

With that he palmed up his friend and took to the sky. As he flew towards the Kent townhouse, he looked down at the lean athletic boy he was carrying. Robby was so exhausted he fell asleep in his super pal’s arms.

© Copyright 2007 SuperboyShinzon (shinzon911 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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