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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1250157
part 2 of 4 of a Touhou fanfic
Somewhere in Gensokyo

"Traveling alone in the firkin flesh eating youkai infested wilderness headed straight to the scarlet mansion..............."


The day was wearing on as Ichrin yelled at the sky, it had been 3 hours since he had left the village and it seemed as though some sense was returning to him

"Damn Yukari, I wouldn’t be out here trying to get myself killed if it wasn’t for her"

With a sigh the traveler continued on the path he had set out on

"Where is that place, its suppose to be a mansion so it should be pretty obvious to*THUNK*ouch..........found it"

Ichrin found himself on his ass staring at a large and intimidating looking wall

"stupid place to put a mansion............how do I get in now"

Groveling all the way he set most of his supplies and staff down and slunk his way along the wall hiding in the bushes until he found the entrance that was guarded by a red haired Chinese girl

This shouldn’t be too hard she does not look- Ichrin stopped his train of thought as someone else came outside.......who was dressed as a French maid


The guard froze stiff and with an expression of utmost terror slowly turned her head to face the maid

"S-S-S-S-S-Sakuya I prom*thunk*"

"W-" Ichrin bit his Tung to keep from exclaiming out loud and revealing himself and earning a fate similar to the former guard who was bleeding profusely from the knife stuck deeply into her forehead

where that knife come from, did the maid throw that, but she didn’t even move, that's impossible no one could move that fast, did someone else throw it, no one else is out here.........

His brain did a 180 as the should-be-dead-gate-guard got up and dragged herself on her knees to the maid's feet and started begging

"I’m sorry Sakuya-san I promise to be a good gate guard from now on I will do my hardest to make sure no intrud-"

"Just make sure the black-white does not get in while you sleeping again or else you’re fired"

The maid turned to leave and the guard was dragging herself back to he post (crying and knife still embed in her forehead) when a light kicked on in Ichrin's head

Ichrin got up and stepped from his hiding spot in the bushes, he held his hand up and with a friendly smile greeted the two

"Hello I-"

Wet steel was held below his chin, he could see part of it at his neck.........it was covered in blood

Instantaneously, she didn’t move at all I can't believe it..........this is it, how ironic my death so quick when I made................wait.........I can still breath...........who's blood is this?

The gate guard clumsily fumbled into a fighting pose when she just noticed the knife was missing from her forehead and blood was spurting from the open wound as she stared dumbstruck for a second then panicked and ran in circles trying to find something to stem the fountain coming out of her head

"may you excuse me for a second" the voice behind Ichrin that was holding the blade spoke and for a split second the presence behind him was gone as well as the blade

The guard didn’t even noticed the maid's reappearance and was undoubtedly surprised when she ran into the same blade that filled the same cavity in her head as it now currently did

The presence behind him returned with a fresh knife as the maid in front of him disappeared

"You were saying?"

"U-uh ye-yes" Ichrin gulped hard crap, crap, crap, crap, she is going to kill me, no-no staaaaaaay caaaaaaaaalm their is only one way out of this not involving sharp objects, I can do this I know what to do, ok 3-2-1..............GO!

"Yes, I couldn’t help but overhear that your gate guard isn’t.......up to the task"


"Be quite china"

China sulked into a corner as the blade retreated a few centimeters YES!

"What make you think you are up to it either?"


"Be quite china"

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, I’m dead I'm so fucking dead, wait.........dammit I hope they will fall for this parlor trick

with a few whispered words the ground around Ichrin glowed red and caught off guard the maid released her hostage and jumped back a few meters to witness her former captive being engulfed in flames and grew to over 3 stories tall as he was transformed into a axe wielding demon encased in fiery samurai armor


The armor and height seemed to burn away as Ichrin returned to his normal size and shape YOU DUMBASS THEY WILL NEVER FALL FOR SUCH A STUPID LINE!

"You have the job"


"BUT SAKUYA*thunk,thunk,thunk*"

"I’ve been looking for a replacement for a long time"

"Ha I can tell, but before I start don’t you think it’s proper for one to know his employer?"

"Of course I am Sakuya Izayoui, head maid of the scarlet devil mansion your employer will be Remilia Scarlet, now what is your name?"

At least I’m in the right pl-did she just ask my name? Shit don’t use my real name use someone else’s, but who......"Rinnosuke Morichika" THE SHOPKEEPER! DAMIT THEIR IS NO WAY-

"Odd that name seems familiar...........hmm, no one I know"

Phew "then may I meet my Miss Remilia?"

"Of course please, follow me"

He followed Sakuya through the gates and past the defeated gate keeper, who shot Ichrin a very evil glare, and into the front door of the mansion

Scarlet mansion 0 Ichrin 1......wow this place is big

Ichrin found himself in a massive entrance hall, from high above on the ceiling swung a massive iron chandelier, the floor was a polished wood stained red, and the walls were covered with paintings.....mostly ones with vampires in them

"Please do not touch anything" the maid was already several meters down the hall and was taping her foot impudently waiting for her guest

"oh no I was just..........coming" Ichrin resumed to follow the Sakuya down the maze of hallways and past several doors until they had finally reached their destination of a large dining room with a long table made to easily accommodate twenty people, though only one was currently seated at the moment

at the far end of the table sat a young little girl dressed in a pink dress and had a poofy pink hat sitting on top her short blue hair, she was sipping tea and looking somberly out the window and into the fading sky until a call from Sakuya roused her

"mistress, we have a guest" this seemed to perk up the girl as she smiled and set her tea onto the table...........reviling her black, bat like wings attached to her back she's the scarlet devil? Hmmm was expecting someone..........taller

"Ah, Sakuya could you fetch me some more tea"

"Yes of course mistress, our guest is hear to replace our door guard" the maid went to the vampires side with a tray of teacups that appeared out of nowhere

"It’s about time someone came to replace that lazy guard....what was her name?"

"China mistress"

"Yes china, thank you Sakuya and fetch patchouli from the library" unseen to Remilia the maid blushed at this comment "now" the vampire focused her red eyes onto Ichrin "why would a human willingly come to, let alone offer his services to a vampire"

Ichrin waited for the maid to leave the room before he started his line "well I am truly sorry to inform you but I didn’t come hear to replace an incompetent guard"

"What?" Remilia's eyes flash bloody red and her wings flapped "then what may I inquire is your purpose in the house of a devil?"

"I’m here to find information on what happened last night to the village south of here"

The doors behind Ichrin opened and Sakuya followed by a very pale girl in purple pajamas holding a rather large book crap I thought I would have more time

"Haaaa hahahahaha" Remilia let out a blood curdling laugh as the two others came into position beside her "last night I stood at this window and watched the horizon glow orange to the south, my was that your village?" she let out another laugh as the two servants looked at each other in confusion

Just need to buy some time now "are you telling the truth?"

"unlike you I do not lie" Sakuya was shocked to find out that she was fooled and as Remilia rise above her seat, her wings slowly flapping to keep her hovering above the table, the maid produced in her hand a fan of knives, patchouli opened her book and held her hand above her focusing energy into her palm and it seemed that that in a few seconds their would be one less among them

""Well I think I will be on my way now"

"The only place your going human, is to hell"

"Haha, I wouldn’t be so sure of that" Ichrin pointed to the window behind Remilia and she turned to see only a black staff crash through it

The staff sent shards of glass flying everywhere and as Sakuya appeared to protect her master the mage turned the flying glass into water while the staff continued on its path aimed directly at Ichrin's head

Damit none of my plans ever go smoothly he kicked the table sending him in the chair falling backwards as he reached up and grabbed the unstoppable staff rocketing Ichrin holding the staff for dear life through a door and down a long passageway before the ride ended with a resounding crash

ouch......did anyone get the plate off that passing freight train...........momentarily dazed Ichrin got up slowly to face a painting of a terrified peasant with the staff stuck rather deeply into his mouth stupid piece of junk, never does what I want it to do

"NO ONE HARMS THE MISSTRESS!" the yell sent a chill down Ichrin's spine as he turned around to see the maid, her eyes bathed in a furious bloodlust before sending a wall of knives down the passage

"SHIT!" moving like nothing before Ichrin grabbed his staff and put all his weight into pulling it from the wall "MOVE YOU STUPID FRIKING PEICE OF CRA-*THUNK*"

It was only by a split second that Ichrin was able to pry out the staff and escaped sudden death, though not injury as a steady stream of blood was flowing from a deep gash in his shoulder

"YOU MISSED ME" Ichrin shouted down the knife covered hallway before sprinting off in the opposite direction

"Grrr, ill gut him like a pig!" Sakuya followed in pursuit of her prey leaving only Patchouli and Remilia still in the dining hall, the pink vampire wore a deadly grin on her face as she laughed

"Ha.....ha-ha...........hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" bloody red flames encased the demon as she laughed manically

"good, I was worrying that today was going to be boring!" the vampire tore down the hallways in search of the rouge, and now only Patchouli alone in the ruined dining hall calmly shut her book and silently looked at the carnage around her

"Sigh, looks as though today will be another noisy day" and she set out leisurely back to her library

"Ha, finally lost them"

Ichrin was kneeling against a bookcase panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath where the hell am I now? He ripped off a piece of his blood stained robe to stop the bleeding from his arm and as he tied his bandage he took in his surroundings

Hmmm, looks like a library but.......it's so massive the books go on to no end, plus it's dark how’s someone to read in this light? Ichrin got to his feet and dusted himself off "how you get outa here anyway?"

an explosion echoed far off in the library that sent him into defensive stance crap did they find me?, no cant be that was too far off....Ichrin lowered his staff just in time to see a black-white bullet speeding in his direction sigh, never ends does it

The collision sent the two rolling at least twenty meters until they came to a stop, Ichrin grabbed his broom and fumbled into a attack stance facing his opponent who was doing the same thing with her staff


Ichrin was holding a broom staring dumbfound at a little witch who was holding his staff

"My name's Marisa Kirisame, nice to meet cha-ze" the witch lowered the staff and smiled at the confused Ichrin

"Uh, yea.........my name's Ichrin" they traded weapons and the witch picked up several books littered around them and helped herself to the nearby bookcase

"Ok gota run Ichy, see yous latte-"


Remilia, Sakuya, and Patchouli appeared and surrounded the two intruders crap what is that, the third time I’ve faced immanent death?

"Uh-oh, time for plan A" Marisa reached into her pocket and produced a small wooden octagon box that seamed to scare the attackers as they all dived for cover


"Wait what are you-"


the entire library seemed to light up as a huge explosion went off next to Ichrin, the heat and sound was nearly unbearable for a few seconds until the blast finally subsided and their was a new hole in the ceiling where their wasn’t one before

"By-by Ichy, hope to see you latter" with a blast of wind the witch was gone along with several books.........leaving Ichrin with 3 very pissed off people and sleepy little girl

"Remy, what’s with all the noise, I cant sleep now" the girl fluttered up to Remilia and clung onto her, she looked very similar to her except that she was wearing a red dress and looked even younger then the vampire........and her wings if that’s a proper name for them where just black skeletal outlines of wings and hanging from them were different colors of crystals

Her appearance unnerved the three even more but when she noticed Ichrin an evil grin formed on Remilia's face

"Who’s that?"

"That.........,Flander is your new human playmate" the grin spread to her two servants


"wait a second I’m not-*CRASH*" Ichrin had barely enough time to raise his staff before Flander crashed into him, holding his staff she forced him through several walls before stopping

"I hope you last longer than my other playmates" why me?

Meanwhile, outside the mansion the bandaged up China was crying and beating her fist into the ground, creating quite a large crater

"Sniff stupid Rinnosuke sniff, thinks he can take my job.............WELL GOOD RIDDANCE I DON'T LIKE THIS PLACE ANYWAY!" she got up and shook her fist at the mansion but soon fell back down crying as loud as ever

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I got nowhere else to go! Sniff............who else would want a china that cant even guard a stupid gate*smack*" china slapped herself in the face and stood up rising both fists to the sky

"NO, I AM HONG MEIRIN STRONGEST GATE GUARD IN ALL OF GENSOKYO! I'll prove to Sakyua that theirs no better........why I'll........I'LL KICK THAT STUPID FAKE"S ASS!!!!!!" with all her yelling she didn’t hear the explosions coming from inside the mansion

long after Ichrin lost count of how many walls he went through he found himself on the floor of a very familiar room hey.......this is the entrance hall I’m saved!

"Awwww he wont get up, shoot did I break another one...........maybe if I hit him hard enough he'll wake up!" aw fuck

Flander held her hands above her head and formed a huge glowing red fireball and hurled it at Ichrin, using the lasts reserves of his strength he rolled out of the way and watched the fireball disseminated the front doors light! Hahahaha! Light! FREEDOM!

Sprinting faster than he ever had before and with Flander in hot pursuit, Ichrin bolted out the front door and cleaved down the path leading to the safety of the woods HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! GOODBYE SCARLET MANSION I HOPE YOU BURN DOWN!

"YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE MY JOB!” and I was soooo........daaaaamn........clooooose

The teary eyed Hong Meirin jumped down in front of the escapee and put all her strength into a dead prefect kick into the chest of Ichrin

Flander stopped and watched the gate guard send the intruder flying into the stratosphere "awwww, I wanted to play with him some more" she fluttered back inside past Sakyua and Remilia standing at what remained of the door

"Well, that was exciting enough for one day" Remilia followed her sister inside leaving Sakyua and Meirin outside

"china" Meirin froze up anticipating the knife "fix up the hole in the library" she let out a sigh of relief because even though she'd be working all night to fix up all the damage at the end of the day she still had her job.

High above the mansion Ichrin was falling in and out of consciousness as he tumbled through the sky

Damn Yukari...........gona kill her...........so dizzy.............that a bird............black-white, just a crow
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