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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Sci-fi · #1248982
Nincadea is a dark world, a place where the destinies of man and demon are intertwined.
                                                      “Into The Woods"
                                                Chapter Three | Marsalis

(It Is Strongly recommended you read Chapters One and Two to understand the plot)

“Life is a spiral that surrounds Nincadea, death is an opposite that exists within Nincadea, but in the roots of a lesser plant, the very forest wills it to devour”  - Ancient Fairy Tale/Section: Arcanum 4784

Marty runs into the base looking around. “What the hell happened here?” Marty says quickly and diligently. Angelina walks over to Marty. She looks saddened and she looks right at Marty. “Well?” Marty says again quickly and diligently. “The…” She pauses for a moment she continues in a very saddened tone. “The portal is gone” Angelina says and sighs walking away with her head down. Marty looks at the chamber entrance which is blackened by the fire. Inside the Portal Chamber there is debris and part of the ceiling has collapsed into the chamber and the portal is completely obliterated. A fog is centered in this room and a shadow slips into view for a moment and slips away in its 2 Dimensional Form through the thick fog and a dark laugh echoes through out the chamber.

         Somewhere in the great forest of Nincadea, a large tree stands tall and alone. It’s the oldest of them all. Wild howling of several wild women fill the air and the sound of drums blanketing the air. The wild women nude in there wild nature dance wildly in front of a large fire kept decently far from the tree. Three Mute Men drenched in animal blood lay tied inside some wooden orifice. The tip of there arms bounded by strong vines tightly gripped around their wrists, its piercing their flesh causing blood to drip from them. 5 Wild women continue there dance howling at the broken moon scattered in the sky. Dust surrounds the various moonlit rocks across the sky. The howling echoes in the air, the Wild Women suddenly drop to the ground as if they are dead. The Three Mute Men look upon them confined in the orifice, the vines suddenly release there flesh piercing grip. The Three Mute Men confused act without thought, and climb out of the orifice. They slowly walk away from the wild women and quiet carefully walk to a clearing leading to slightly dampened dirt path, suddenly the ground beneath the Mute Men rumbles as brown mud drenched vines from a muddy pool near the clearing suddenly wrap around the bare naked feet of the Mute Men dragging them all to the ground together. They are dragged across the ground, the Mute Men struggle trying to grab onto anything they can get there hand onto but they fail. The Mute Men are dragged into a thick muddy pool decorated with the bones of others and is faintly lit by moonlight. The Mute Men are pulled in quickly and they vanish never to be seen again.

         Meanwhile at the SU Base of Operations inside the poorly lit and ruined chamber, several dozen engineers are scattered about the chamber cleaning things up. Marty stands over the remains of a shattered portal. Marty is surrounded by moonlight piercing through the ruined roof that has fallen into the chamber slightly, a void in the ceiling above, acting as door to the starless sky beyond its aperture. Angelina walks down a now blackened set of steel stairs which creaks and ching’s, and from the single platform connecting it to the rest of the facility. A large Rip is visible along the wall allowing us to see several engineers cleaning it up and repairing a collapsed wooden platform which led to the living quarters. Angelina slowly walks over to Marty and looks at the hole in the ceiling. “Why is the moon like that” she say’s curiously. “Many reasons, some say a large rock destroyed it, but there is a legend that a great demon obliterated the second one and the force the explosion ripped the other one to pieces” Marty say’s calmly. Angelina looks away from the ceiling and ponders a thought, Seconds later she looks at Marty. “I have authorized a rescue mission for Trinity, Assuming we can find Leeverlin city of course. “I know where it is” Marty say’s knowingly. “That’s good you can get you’re team together in the Morning” Angelina walks slowly away back towards the Operations area. She walks up those Creaky and Chingy steel stairs. Back to Marty who for a moment nods his head and looks up at the Ceiling. “Be Strong Trinity” Marty Say’s with worry as he walks away from ruined portal.

         Meanwhile in the dark polluted city of Leeverlin, at the heart of the Teheran stronghold. Within the white padded room the sound of whimpering and senseless whispering echoes in the room. Trinity is lying on the floor still bounded in chains, her brown and dilated eyes are moving erratically. Laura walks into the room through the invisible door hidden behind the padded wall. Laura looks down at Trinity with a smile and letting out a little giggle. “You’re pretty strong to survive the Pyphon psychoactive effects.” Laura say’s happily. Trinity stops whispering to herself and looks at Laura with hate in her eyes. “I come from a strong family, if my sister was here she would tear this entire building apart.” Trinity say’s angrily. Laura laughs for a moment. “Yes I know all about your sister, The Night Watcher.” Laura say’s knowingly. “And I am sure she could probably tear this whole organization apart” Laura say’s once more knowingly. “But you see that’s not going to happen since we cut your friends off from home, and destroyed there portal” Laura say’s with maniacal laughter. “YOU BITCH” Trinity erupts with anger as she struggles to get off the floor and pull the chains off of her. Laura backs away and just stares at Trinity. “Look at you” Laura say’s with a smile. “Given the chance you could almost be like you’re sister, you could’ve snap my neck clean off” Laura say’s knowingly. “But you can’t, you’re weak and helpless” Laura say’s knowingly. Trinity sits on the floor and looks at Laura calmly. “You want me to go insane… I know it.” Trinity say’s coldly. Laura looks at trinity with a smile and gets on her knees and looks at trinity face to face. “Maybe you already are you just don’t know it yet” Laura smiles and unknowingly pulls out a syringe. Trinity looks at Laura with disgust. “When I get out of her, I am going to beat that smile off your face” Trinity say’s harshly. Laura quickly inserts the needle in Trinity’s arm just below her shoulder, with Trinity’s dingy medical Robe covering that part of her arm. Laura pressed down on the needle quickly and pulls out the needle before Trinity could resist. Trinity shrugs several times and head butts Laura. Laura falls to the floor placing her hand on her face. Trinity starts to get dizzy and she falls onto the ground with a small spec of blood on her forehead. Laura gets off the floor and blood is rushing out of her nose. Laura staggers out of the Padded Room through the invisible door she entered from. Trinity whispers Marty before she passes out.

         The Next Day back at the SU Base of Operations, inside a spacious locker room with many hi-tech weapons decorating the walls and some of them locked in glass cases around the wall with lockers and benches in the center of the room. Bryce, Catharine, & Marty are standing by a weapons wrack full of swords, axes, scythes, crossbows, & daggers. “The Journey to Leeverlin will take several hours and I am sure we are going to have some encounters on the way.” Marty’s says this swiftly and diligently. “This very mission alone is very dangerous; I will understand if you both don’t want to gamble your lives on this mission.” Marty looks at them both with worry, “When I signed on to take this Mission I didn’t think I would end up stranded here but to get a chance to hurt the people responsible for that, and to take someone who is apart of our team captive makes me want to hurt them more regardless if there just human, I say I am in for this mission” Bryce say’s this Intently and looks at Catharine standing on his left. Marty smiles and looks at Catharine as well. “This is the first assignment I have ever taken; I believed I could make a difference in this world. I came here not just for curiosity, I came here to make new friends and see other possibilities out there. Now I am apart of a team and for a moment on my first assignment I was hesitant to even continue working here. Then the Teherans came and took away our only way home. I should be sad right now; I probably won’t see my family ever again. Then I look around and see everyone is perfectly calm at what has happened, it’s given me hope that I will see my family again, My Brothers, My Sisters, & My Son and Daughter. Someway somehow I will find away home and I will see them again, but right now someone apart of our family is out there and she needs our help, and I intend to ride this journey to end to see that she is brought back here, I don’t want to return home without her.” Marty smiles and looks down and attaches several daggers to his weapons belt. “Alright then let’s reunite this family.” Marty say’s happily.

         Inside the large white hanger, Every Engineer, Security Officer, Medical Officer, and Scientist are standing around looking at Angelina who’s holding her headsets earpiece. “I would like to thank everyone for remaining calm during the recent events. I understand how many of you feel about being stranded here in this world. I understand that many of you may not see you’re families again. I am sure many of you would like to join the team heading into Teheran turf to deliver some payback to those responsible. But that wouldn’t be right; it is too dangerous for all of you to go. “Our team going to the Teheran Stronghold are only going there to rescue a fellow member of their team.” Angelina’s voice echoes through out the hanger, as she speaks her mind diligently. Marty, Bryce & Catharine walk up to Angelina. Marty briefly for a moment whispers something too Angelina that makes her smile. Marty then looks at just about everyone in the white colored hanger full of many tools desk, and a medical area. “Marty has brought to my attention some good news, news that I am sure that will raise everyone’s spirits.” Angelina say’s happily. “The Teheran’s have a portal back to our world and it will be our mission to take control of it.” Angelina say’s excitedly as everyone in the chamber erupts happily. The eruption of happiness slowly dies after several moments. “However that may not be our mission today, we will gather our knowledge, and we will continue to work together until we done day take care of Teheran Threat in this world. We will see our families again one day I promise you.” Angelina say’s happily. “Now we all have work to do, Marty you know you’re mission” Angelina say’s intently. Marty appears to have several daggers and two silver plated hi-tech pistols attached to his weapons belt. Bryce appears to have two slightly different silver plated hi-tech pistols attached to his weapons belt, and a few grenades. Bryce also has a hi-tech rifle strapped around his shoulder. Catharine appears to have a medical back pack on her back and one silver plated hi-tech pistol attached to her weapons belt and she has several unusual vials strapped to her built filled with a strange liquid, each one of them puts on some sort of sunglasses and places some sort of device into there ear. They all proceed up the white painted stairs towards the single wooden door in the hanger.

         About an Hour has passed and the two suns a gleaming down brightly into the Nincadean Forest. Birds are fluttering about chirping lively through the air. Marty, Bryce & Catharine are walking down a drenched path right passed a familiar clearing. “What is that smell?” Catharine say’s in a grungy tone. Marty stops walking and looks around. “Someone’s Coming!” Marty’s say’s in a cold dark tone. Bryce lifts up his rifle and looks around. Catharine takes out her steel plated hi-tech pistol. Five Wild Women crawl out of the bushes in various random spots along the trail. “Who are they?” Catharine say’s questionably. “They are Ninzai also known in Ulnearah & Nincadea as Warriors of the Forest.” Marty say’s diligently. “Be careful they can be pretty dangerous and don’t let them come near you” Marty say’s knowingly. “That won’t be a problem at all” Catharine say’s intently as she lifts her pistol” Mud Drenched vines grab Bryce by ankles and pulls him down to the ground. Marty shifts his attention to Bryce and looks at the vines and a familiar look strikes his face as he grins for a moment. “Hey what the hell is this” Bryce say’s in a confused and slightly agitated tone. Bryce is dragged into the bushes and his rifle slides to the side. “Bryce!” Catharine say’s with worry. “Do not worry he will be fine.” Marty say’s diligently.  “When I read you’re file it said you were a Demi Witch, is that correct?” Marty say’s knowingly.” Catharine looks at Marty “Yes I am”. Marty takes a quick look at the Ninzai women. “You should be able to handle those women, they can’t harm other females.” Marty say’s knowingly. “Okay, what about you and Bryce?” Catharine say’s with worry. Marty takes out one of his pistols and looks at her with a wicked smile. “Don’t worry; I am going to save the Cyborg from a very hungry queen” Marty say’s both intently and knowingly as he runs off into the clearing. The Five Ninzai women quickly leap into the air but are repelled by an invisible for of wind that sends them feet first back onto the mud drenched ground. Catharine stands there with her eyes glowing in a mysterious gold like color and one of her hands in the air. “Down girls” Catharine say’s coldly.

         Marty runs into a familiar place from before, he looks at the muddy with all the skulls in the pool and sees Bryce’s robotic blue glowing hand sinking into it. “You!” in a knowing tone, shaped in the form of a dark whisper echoes all around Marty. Marty then quickly turns to the large old tree. “Show yourself queen of the Ninzai.” Marty say’s this with intent and diligence. A strange green skinned woman materializes in front of Marty. “You were lost to us centuries ago The Ninzai queen say’s knowingly. “We will skip to the greetings later, you are kind of eating my ally in you’re pool” Marty say’s coldly. “Oh I am sorry I had known” The Queen Say’s in a remorseful tone. The Ninzai queen does a quick dance matching the rhythmic movements of the wind. Bryce rises out of the pool with the help of some vines pulling him safely onto solid muddy land, and Bryce coughs up some brown mud. “That was disgusting” Bryce say’s in an agitated tone. “My apologies we thought you were intruders” The Queen say’s remorsefully. “It’s alright what happened to the rest of the Ninzai Warriors?” Marty say’s in concern. “They were taken by men with strange weapons, the faces shrouded in black.” The Ninzai Queen say’s sadly. “The Teherans…” Marty say’s in an angered tone. “You know of them?” The Ninzai Queen looks at Marty swiftly. “Yes they have stolen a member of my team, and attacked our domain. We are on our way to the stronghold to save her now.” Marty say’s intently. Bryce gets off the floor cleaning himself off with his hands. “These men attacked our village and they have stolen my warriors, but a small few were captured by my remaining warriors, and I had their tongues removed and they were sacrificed for the acts against us.” The Ninzai queen’s says this swiftly and she looks over to a patch of bushes. The Five Ninzai Warriors crawl into the area and they quickly gather around the Ninzai queen and start doing a rhythmic dance. The Ninzai queen looks over at the Clearing leading to the mud drenched path and Catharine walks into the area. “My powers stopped working for some reason” Catharine say’s in confusion. “Don’t Worry About it, these are allies of mine and we are going to help them get there Warriors back from the Teherans.” Marty say’s diligently.

         “Thank you Marsalis, your bravery will not be forgotten” The Ninzai queen says happily and with admiration to Marty. “It’s been awhile since I’ve roamed this world, where is your village now?” The Ninzai queen looks down sadly. “They burnt it all we are all that remains, I have sent a few warriors to alert the other tribes but they have yet to return I fear for them” Marty’s facial expression turns dark as he appears to looking around. The Ninzai Queen does something similar but has a calm look on her first. Catharine and Bryce look at each other with a confused expression on there face. “Umm what is going on?” Catharine say’s with concern. “You must go now, we will hold them off” The Ninzai queen say’s quickly and she walks over to Catharine and stares at her making eye contact, they both stare each other eye to eye as if they know each other for a moment. A strange green mist surrounds them both and most of it goes into Catharine. “This will protect you on you’re journey” The Ninzai queen smiles, and she walks over to Marty. “You know we can stay and fight with you” Marty say’s in a slightly sad tone. “No, this isn’t your fight; you need to live and rescue your companion.” The Ninzai Queen say’s happily. “We will live on, for now I send you the rest of the way to your destination.” The Ninzai Queen looks at Bryce and Catharine. “Come Together” Marty say’s in a saddened tone. The Ninzai Queen and The Ninzai warriors all begin a rhythmic dance and start singing a beautiful melody that echoes through the woods. Bright sparkles of green light rises off all the plants and starts surrounding them all like light snowfall, birds begin singing along to the music and it echoes through the forest, and many flowers begin blooming without pause. Marty, Catharine, & Bryce slowly materialize into dozens of green embers that glow erratically. All the green embers slowly dissipate and vanish with a breeze.

         Elsewhere in the forest, the green embers form in a large desert like clearing. Marty, Bryce, & Catharine materialize on a dried up beach with no water. Marty looks up at the sky and a small tear falls from his eyes briefly.

         Back at the Ninzai Camp, the Five Ninzai women pick up several wooden staff’s. The Ninzai queen picks up a chrome green bladed sword and stands ready for a fight. “Anala, you leave I need you to survive this fight. You will need to guide our new princess when she awakens.” The Ninzai Queen says with a tear. “Yes my queen…” she bows and runs off quickly in tears. Fifteen masked men walk into the area through the clearing with there rifles on the side of their hips. “Surrender and you will live, defy us and you will die.”  One of the masked men say’s this with utter laughter at the end of his spoken words. The Ninzai Queen flips her sword in several angles, in precise rhythmic movements. “Suit your Self, Kill Them All.” One of the masked men say’s happily. They all raise there Rifles and a lots of screaming can be heard both man and women, as Rifle shots erupt the very air. Anala walks away crying and she quickly raises her staff as 7 armed masked men walk up to her and smile. “You are in the wrong neck of the woods my dear” One of the mask men smiles. Anala raises her staff and charges at the men. Birds flutter away as screams and thunderous shots echo through the air. A look at the chrome green bladed sword stained in both red and green blood and some black marks, we get a reflection of one of the masked men looking down at the sword with his rifle in hand.

The End!
Date: April 16, 2007 (Unedited Version)
Written By: Martell F
© Copyright 2007 yourdarkbackward (darkbackward at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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