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Rated: E · Novel · Fantasy · #1248910
A small part of book three of my Salvation series.

                Red scales catch the sunlight. Golden eyes shine with a light of their own as they smile down at her. The dragon leaning over her, wings spread out wide, circling around them and creating a world that consists of just the two of them. The dragon’s gaze remains locked on her and time stands still.
         Suddenly the dragon is gone, and she is in her home, sitting on the floor before the fire. A man kneels on the floor beside her, adjusting a cloth in his hands, his eyes, so familiar, studying her with concern, his dark red hair seeming to grasp the sunlight, holding it there. Then as suddenly as he was there, he was gone.

~~~~~ [Begin] ~~~~~

~~~~~Mineko sits on her front porch, opening her eyes slowly, her gaze remaining distant, staring past the trees and fields that separate her home from the town. The cloudy sky overhead hints of rain, the smell of a spring rain a promise on the gentle wind that blows through the trees. The tall evergreen’s boughs bending in the wind as a few strands of her hair shift slightly in the breeze.
         The sun setting behind the clouds begins to darken the sky as Mineko sits on her porch’s wide railing, a blanket draped over her legs and waist, a book resting in her lap. The darkening sky or rain clouds overhead does not occupy her mind though; it is something deeper within her mind. Drawing herself away again, she forces her attention back on the book, realizing she had started the line three times already.
         Refusing to focus on the book her mind wanders again, as it has done so often as of late. Giving up on the book, she closes it and sets it aside, letting her rebellious mind wander freely as she closes her eyes. The images that have haunted her sleep, the dreams that seem so real, visit her again, flashing past her eyes and through her mind.
         Sensing rather then seeing a shadow flit overhead Mineko opens her eyes quickly and sits up straight, her movement causing the book to fall from the railing onto the porch floor. After a few seconds the wind suddenly strengthens, whipping her hair around wildly before settling against her shoulders again as if nothing had happened. After a hesitation, she slides her legs off the railing, draping her blanket over her arm as she turns toward the front door.
         The wind shifts around her and she pauses, listening. Sounds reach her, coming from the direction of the town. Yelling and screams. After a second’s hesitation, she enters the house, dropping her blanket on her chair as she moves quickly through the home, grabbing her cloak from the hook beside the back door. Stepping out she makes her way quickly toward the small barn.
         Throwing the door open, she strides up quickly to the first stall and opens the door, stepping in. Her horse, a younger mare, sidesteps as Mineko reaches for her halter.
~~~~~After saddling her horse she leads the mare out of the barn, mounting the horse quickly and urging her forward. The horse responds quickly, its sure footing taking them quickly past her home and toward the small stretch of trees that separates her home from the fields. The wind picks up as they enter the trees, the boughs overhead creaking with the wind as she guides her horse through the trees along the path.
         Once clear of the trees, she reins in her horse, the mare beneath her shuddering and panicking slightly till Mineko can calm her, Mineko herself barely maintaining her calm as she studies the scene before her.
~~~~~The screams are clearer now, louder. She can hear the men of the village yelling, not seeing the cause of the disturbance till it circles the village again, appearing in the sky over her as it dips down, and skimming the top of the houses before banking again. She watches it for a moment, till she feels the horse beneath her start to shift nervously again. Dismounting, she leads the horse back into the trees a bit and securing her to a branch before returning to where she had been before. The dragon is hovering over the other end of the town, looking down at something she cannot see.
         It suddenly dips down rapidly, reappearing with something gripped in its talons. Mineko leans against a tree, watching as the dragon circles the town once more. Her mind conjures once again the images of the dragon in her dreams, and her rational mind rejects the fact that which her conscious mind declares.
         â€śIt’s you.” She whispers as she watches the dragon land in the field before her. Instinct kicks in and she ducks behind the tree she leans against. Her horse watches her, the mares nostrils flaring as she catches the dragon’s scent. After a moment, Mineko peeks around the tree again.
         The dragon is hunched down in the clearing near the tree line, off to her right. His head is down at the grass level, his tail curving around his hind legs as the tip touches the ground, the spade like tip swaying slightly from side to side, like a content cat. The dragon’s large, bat-like wings shifts restlessly on its back as it consumes one of the cows from the herd on the other side of the town. Mineko watches the dragon’s movements, its body casting shadows on the field that stretches nearly too where she stands in the trees.
~~~~~Seeing movement across the field, she moves out from behind the tree, watching the group of men stalk forward silently toward the dragon, the various weapons raised and at a ready. Her gaze shifts to the dragon, which seems to be unaware of the men coming up to attack him. Torn between warning the dragon and staying hidden, she hesitates, her gaze moving between the men and the dragon. As her eyes focus on the dragon it suddenly stops, shifting his head to look directly at her. As their eyes meet, her mind suddenly goes blank, images flashing through her mind.

~~~~~The cliffs edge is near them, and she can see the man lying on the grass near her. Several others’ are in the clearing with them, but she cannot see them. She can hear the ocean surf near them as she turns toward a noise behind her. A man is running toward her, sword in hand, her death the only thing on his mind... Suddenly he is gone, and she is kneeling beside the man, staring at the knife imbedded in his back, knowing he was dead. ~~~~~

~~~~~Mineko stumbles slightly, both hands going to her head as she falls to her knees. Her cloak covers her as she shakes from the aftermath of the vision.
         After a minute she rises slowly, leaning against the tree. The dragon is immersed in his meal again, the men beginning to circle around him.
         [I can’t let them.] The thought runs through her mind even as her body reacts, her legs carrying her forward, gaining speed till she is running toward the dragon along the tree line. She sees the men begin to close in, the dragon still oblivious to the men. Seeing she won’t reach him in time she stops, cupping her hands around her mouth.
         â€śDragon!” The men jerk, some turning to her, the others staring at the dragon in fear as the dragon stops his meal, shifting his head to look in her direction. Their eyes meet again and the vision replays itself in her mind, her legs going weak as she slumps to her knees in the grass.

         His meal now forgotten, he stares with an expression of pure surprise on his face as he takes in the men surrounding him, his gaze flicking back to her before the men suddenly move in, weapons raised.
         Dealing with the problem at hand, the dragon tenses, ready to battle the men surrounding him. Mineko struggles to her feet as a man suddenly appears beside her, grabbing her arm roughly as he pulls her to her feet. Her eyes focus on the man, his short brown hair unruly, a bow and quivers slung over one arm.
         â€śMineko, what in the hell do you think your doing you fool!” He exclaims. Unsure herself, she doesn’t answer him, looking back at the men jabbing at the dragon, which dodges their attacks easily, almost casually. Realizing who he is, she grabs his arm with her other hand, leaning against him.
         â€śJohn, please, don’t kill the dragon!” She exclaims, not truly understanding why she asks. John stares at her in disbelief.
         â€śAnd why not exactly? Why shouldn’t we kill the dragon?” She hesitates.
         â€śI don’t know…but please, don’t kill him!” She looks back at the men as they move closer. John shakes her, frustrated. Turning toward the men, he takes a deep breath.
         â€śHurry up and kill the dragon already!”
         â€śNo!” Mineko yells, wrestling away from his grip. The dragon, hearing her voice, suddenly stops, watching her as she runs toward him. “Don’t kill him!” She meets the dragon’s gaze again and he tips his head slightly, his gaze darkening as she is suddenly grabbed roughly from behind. John spins her around roughly, the back of his hand connecting solidly with her cheek, her head spinning from the force of the hit, knocking her to the ground. She raises her hand to her cheek as she hears an angry growl, then John suddenly yelps in fear, running back as a shadow flits over her, the ground suddenly  shaking. Looking up, the sky overhead is blocked by a dark red chest, two forearms on either side of her.  The angry growling dies away as the dragon shifts his head to look down at her, concern filling his scarlet eyes.
         From somewhere she cannot see she hears John yelling, and suddenly arrows start flying. The dragon suddenly leans forward, his chest barely feet above her, his wings sweeping forward to shield them from the arrows. She sits up slowly, reaching out to steady herself against his forearm. At her touch he looks down at her.
         â€śAre you alright?” His voice is soft, concerned. She looks up at him, but the visions don’t come this time. She reaches out to touch his muzzle.
         â€śYes, are you?” He smiles slightly.
         â€śYeah.” The dragon pauses, staring at her in slight confusion. “Why aren’t you afraid?” She doesn’t react at first, frowning slightly.
         â€śI don’t know.” She says quietly. His expression changes to one she cannot read. He glances around him between his wings, seeing John’s expression as he seethes in rage. Mineko swears she sees the dragon give him a smug look as he reaches toward Mineko, cupping her gently in his palm, his sharp black talons closing around her gently. She grabs his talons as he suddenly stands upright, using his tail to clear the area around him before he crouches, taking flight.

         Mineko shuts her eyes as the dragon gains altitude quickly, the field quickly getting left behind as he banks away. The wind whistles in her ears, the chilly wind burning making her ears ache. He suddenly leans his head down close to her, nudging her shoulder gently.          
         â€śYou live around here, don’t you?” She opens her eyes, starting slightly to see the large scarlet eye so close to her. She starts, staring at him a second before she nods. The dragon continues to stare at her, a glint of humor in his eyes. “Well, you’ll have to tell me where it is if you want to get there.” Abashed at her ignorant behavior, she looks down, instantly regretting she did.
         The ground is far below them, the treetops spreading out nearly as far as the eye can see. Clouds drift serenely around them, and she watches as the dragon passes over a cloud, his shadow flitting over the puffy white cloud below. She grips his talons tighter as he continues to watch her.
         â€śYou’re not afraid of heights are you?” She glances at him before looking back down at the ground fearfully. He looks ahead, scanning the ground a moment before dipping down toward the treetops.

~~~~~The dragon lands gently in the clearing on three legs, lowering her gently the ground before him. She stands on the leaf covered ground a second before lowering herself to sit on the ground, lying back on the leaves to look up at the sky. A jchild like grin spreads across her face and she starts laughing. The dragon suddenly leans over her, blotting out the sunlight as he frowns at her.
         â€śAre you alright?” She continues to laugh.
         â€śThat was so fun!” She exclaims, lifting her arms to the sky before letting them flop onto the ground again. He chuckles slightly.
         â€śYes, it is. Especially if you’re the one doing the flying.” She sighs deeply and rises, turning to him.
         â€śThank you.” He bows his head slightly as she scans the trees around them. “So, is your home around here?” She shakes her head, staring perplexed at the trees around her. “Where is it?”
         â€śOn the northeastern side of town, at the edge of the forest. I have no idea where we are now.” He looks back in that direction.
         â€śBack toward town huh? I know where the house your speak of is. I saw it.” He states.
         â€śYou saw it?” He nods.
         â€śOf course. I was thinking on actually landing in that clearing in front of your house but I saw you sitting on the porch. You looked like you were asleep actually.” She smiles.
         â€śI was.” She admits, turning to study the darkening forest around her, the setting sun taking its light with it. She steps closer to the dragon as he looks back up at the sky.
         â€śWell, if you want to get back to your home before the sunset, we should get going.” She nods as he reaches for her, his talons closing gently around her waist again.

         They find her house quickly, the sun slipping beneath the horizon as he lowers himself gently into her front yard. Setting her on the ground and releasing her, he waits until she is well clear before turning away, as if to leave.
         â€śWait.” He glances back at her. “Yes?”
         Mineko stares at him for a second, gathering her courage, before addressing him again.
         â€śIt’s really dark out.” He glances around and smiles slightly, nodding.
         â€śYes, it is.” She glances around, biting her lower lip slightly.
         â€śWhy don’t you stay here for the night?” The look the dragon gives her causes her to look away, embarrassed for some reason she can’t explain. “I just thought that you might be tired from your fight with the men from the village and from all the flying. I have a barn in the back you might be able to fit into.” He continues to stare at her and she backs up a step. “Well, that is, if you are tired, and don’t mind sleeping in the barn. It’s warm and dry at least, and…and…well…” Her voice stumbles to a halt and she sighs, sitting down on the porch steps. He turns around again toward her, waiting.
         â€śI’m sorry, its just that I want to thank you properly for what you did today but i couldn't think of any way. I know you could probably roast me and have me for a snack, or you could just leave whenever you want, but there’s just something about you." Her voice drops suddenly and she sighs. "I can’t explain what it is.” She says quietly, more to herself then to the dragon. [I don’t even understand it myself. Why did I just say that? He’s a dragon for heavens sake! Why am I not afraid of him? Why am I asking him to stick around? What is wrong with me? Why am I acting so crazy all of a sudden?] She thinks to herself, closing her eyes and sighing again.
         â€śI know it’s strange, but I don’t even know your name. Do you have a name?” She says, opening her eyes. The dragon is still there, the expression on his face something she can’t read. His eyes meet hers, his gaze seeming to see through, her seeing into her soul.
         The dragon suddenly shakes himself slightly, taking a deep breath.
         â€śYes, I have a name.” She waits, tipping her head to one side.
         â€śWell?”  He chuckles.
         â€śMy name is Akarasha.” She frowns and he chuckles. “Don’t worry about it. Lots of human’s can’t pronounce it for some reason.”
         â€śAkarasha.” She says slowly, testing the dragon’s name on her tongue. Slightly startled, the dragon nods.
         â€śYes, that’s right. You continue to amaze me. Now your turn.”
         â€śMineko.” The dragon bows his head low, almost touching his muzzle to the ground.
         â€śNice to meet you Mineko.” She glances around, then sighs.
         â€śWell, its getting really dark. I guess that you have somewhere to go for the night…”
         â€śActually, I was thinking about checking out your barn.” He remarks, turning to walk around her home. Startled, she watches as he disappears around the corner.

~~~~~Mineko steps out onto her back porch and watches the dragon studies the barn.
         â€śIt would probably to much of tight fit.” He comments, smiling slightly. She nods.
         â€śI’m sorry.” He shrugs.
         â€śI’ve slept outside before.” The sound of a horse neighing in the front yard draws their attention, the dragon backing toward the barn slightly. Mineko runs to the edge of the house, gasping when she sees John standing in the front yard, her horse’s reins in his hand.
         â€śOh no, its John. You have to hide!” She turns back to the dragon as his tail disappears into the dark forest. Startled at his quick and quiet movement, she stares at the forest for a second.
         â€śMineko!” She turns suddenly, startled, as John walks around the edge of the house, guiding her horse. “Mineko, there you are. Are you alright?” She nods absently.
         â€śYes, I’m fine.” John ties off the horse’s reins to the porch railing and steps up onto the porch with her.
         â€śI was scared that the dragon would have eaten you by now.” She shakes her head, backing away a step from him.
         â€śNo, he didn’t.” He grasps her arm gently, pulling him toward her slightly.
         â€śAre you sure you’re alright?” His hand on her arm pulls her mind back and she remembers the sting of the slap he had given her earlier. She jerks her arm away, suddenly angry.
         â€śYes, thank you. Now leave.” He steps back slightly, shocked at her sudden change of attitude.
         â€śWhat’s gotten into you?” She glares at him.
         â€śYou slapped me." She states angrily. John glances away, shifting his feet.
         â€śWell, I…uh…” He suddenly points to her horse. “I brought back your horse for you.” He says lamely. She nods her head slightly.
         â€śThank you. Now leave.” Irritated by her rude behavior, he crosses his arms.
         â€śYou could act a little nicer. I could have just left this horse out for the wolves.” She leans against the porch railing.
         â€śSo you decided that you would bring it back and try to sweet talk me in hopes I would forget that you hit me today?” He doesn’t respond. “Don’t bother John. I know you. I have heard the women in town talk. I know you like to slap around women. I've refused you time and time again. When will you learn? I'm not like your wife.” He shoots her a glare but she continues on. “I feel sorry for your wife. Rebeckah has amazing will to stay with you this long.” Mineko pauses, looking away from him. “Well, its either will, or stupidity.” He suddenly lunges forward, grabbing her hard around the neck. She tries to hit him but he blocks her  fists easily, his hand squeezing around her throat as she gasps for air.
         â€śDon’t you ever talk about my wife like that you worthless piece of flesh. You mean no more to me then that horse.” He says quietly, nodding toward the horse behind them, shaking her slightly. “If you ever get in my way again, not even the gods will be able to save you.” He whispers as he backs her up against the wall had, her head hitting the wall behind her. Mineko trying to breathe as she grabs at his hands, knowing it is futile. 
         A branch in the forest suddenly snaps and John turns, his hand suddenly releasing her. Mineko slides down the wall to sit on the porch floor hard, gasping for air and rubbing her neck. She looks up just as the dragon Akarasha slowly emerges from the trees, his gaze fixed on John. John glances around, looking for somewhere to run to as the dragon fully emerges from the forest, blocking the path to the barn. The dragon keeps his head down, Mineko hearing a low growling sound coming from the dragon, seeing unveiled anger in his eyes.
         â€śIt’s the dragon.” John whispers. The dragon nods. “You’re the same one from before.” The dragon nods again. John suddenly smiles. “Didn’t make it very far after that hit you took with my lance.” The dragon chuckles slightly, shifting slightly to show John his side. A gash runs down his side, not deep enough to bleed very heavily, but enough to hurt. The dragon shakes his head slightly.
         â€śYou think this would even bother me? You insult me.” John pales slightly in the weak light. “Now tell her your sorry.” John turns hesitantly, kneeling down beside Mineko.
         â€śI am sorry Mineko.” He reaches toward her and she slaps his  hand away as the dragon’s growl gets louder.
         â€śI said tell her your sorry, not to touch her.” The dragon says quietly. John rises, still looking down at Mineko.
         â€śApology accepted John, not get out.” She manages, her voice rough. John nods, turning toward the porch steps. He hesitates before going down, dragon and human watching each other as John disappears around the corner of the house.

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