Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1248747-Intro-to-my-autobio
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Adult · #1248747
Well- it is a start.
My father was a Baptist minister; my mother was a satanic hooker. Now that I have your attention, my name is Carmen.

I suppose you are wondering how in the WORLD a man of the cloth and a "lady of the evening" ended up conceiving a child together. The story is a very interesting one, I assure you. And I would be a pretty bad writer if I did not indulge your curiosity once I had aroused it, now wouldn't I?

Well, it is pretty simple, actually.

It was a dark and chilly night when Scott (my father) was driving home from a revival he had been preaching at, and happened to see, in the darkness, a group of teenage guys kicking the holy hell out of someone who was laying on the ground. His father had been an ARMY officer, and a minister, and had instilled in Scott a sense of responsibility for people in danger, so Scott stopped his car and ran to the aid of the poor unfortunate lying on the ground. When he had finally dispersed of the bullies, he got a chance to take a closer look at their victim, a young girl, no more than 17, and very attractive, though badly bruised. With promises of a safe place to spend the night unmolested, a warm meal, and a shower he was able to convince her to get into his car, and he drove her to his apartment where he helped her clean up and had her change into some of his pajamas while her clothes were washing.

They talked for a while, and he discovered that her name was Brenda, and she was a hooker. The men who had been beating her were her brothers, they were, she explained, her pimps, and she had failed to come up with the amount of money they felt she should have had at the end of the day. He asked her why she did that, allowing so many men to use her body as though it were some cheap toy. He told her that her body is a temple for the Lord to reside in, and that as such, it should be treated with much more respect. Brenda started crying as she recounted to him a childhood in which she was hated and abused for being the only girl in her family and how, since her mother was always away from home, her stepfather raped and molested her from the time she was 11. Scott was horrified, and told her that God could make all the pain go away. They prayed together and she swore that she would leave her sinful ways behind and start walking the straight and narrow path of goodness.

Scott did not want his new flock member to be pressured into returning to her past, so he took her to his parent's home and explained her situation. Scott's father and stepmother were very understanding, and said that she could stay with them as long as she would get and keep a real job, and would attend services on Sundays and Wednesday nights.

Six months later, Scott began to develop new and stronger feelings toward Brenda. He was proud of her for the way she was settling into her new, Christian life, but it was more than that. He was noticing how when she smiled, her eyes lit up, and how, when she sang, it brought tears to the eyes of many of many of the members of his congregation, including himself. He decided to ask her out. Three months later, he asked her to marry him. She said yes, and they were married the following weekend. Nine months later, I was born. At least that is the story I was told.

Personally, I think they probably married on a dare.

© Copyright 2007 Carmen Alegria (carmenalegria at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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