Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1248506-Lethal-Temptations
by Roxeh
Rated: 18+ · Novella · Fantasy · #1248506
Kuroe Dhein is his name. He has two curses. When he thinks he has nothing he meets Belle.
Chapter One
He's Called Kuroe

         I cringed with anger as I walked down the street. Everyone around me whispered, while others told me to get lost or go to hell. It was nothing new to me. I’ve listened to the people around me say those cruel things my whole 17 years of living. Being what I am isn’t easy. I bit my tongue as a man shoved me forward, hitting me viciously with a shovel. But, as I said before, being what I am isn’t easy.

“Kill him Kuroe! Kill him!” The wolf in me snarled.

“Listen to Kain, Kuroe! KILL HIM!” My other half, the vampire, bellowed.

I tried my hardest not to listen to them, Kain and Kaden that is. It was no use. Once they both got angry it was impossible to stop them. Whirling around, my long navy blue hair swishing around my waist as I did so. My claws sunk into the man’s brawny arms. I lifted him easily off the ground. The snarl that broke past my lips shook the ground beneath my feet. “I suggest you don’t touch me again, fool.” I snapped, throwing him to the ground like a rag doll. I ignored his young daughters shrill cries as she tried to shake awake her father. It was useless.

The people on the streets shot me death glares but kept clear of me. I’m surprised Lily hasn’t showed up to shove me in my cell yet. Lily is my sister. She was born before my mother was turned into a vampire, her father is unknown. My mother was changed into a vampire when she was pregnant with me only two years after my sister’s birth. The vampire who changed her goes by Pheron. My father is a werewolf. He doesn’t even know about me. And I know little of him.

My mother was killed a year after my birth by the towns people. They had shot her with silver bullets, and stabbed her with stakes. While Lily held me in the back, she didn’t even cry. Lily has always despised me. And my mother. She was brainwashed by the people in our town that we’re bad and that we must be killed. But she never wished of my death. She only wished that I would be locked in a cell underground. Locked from the world. Today I had freed myself when she forgot to lock the door to keep me from escaping.

Your wondering why I can’t just break free of the cell, right? Even if I’m part vampire, part werewolf, and only a little bit of me is human, I can’t free myself. Lily is a very intelligent girl. She has set up a very strong shield around my cell. She’s very skilled at witchcraft. She only uses her skills to harm me though. To keep me in check. Disciplined. But she let her guard down for only a nanosecond. And I was out that steel door and bolting out of the shield she had let down before she could turn her blonde head.

I was thirsty and in need of something that would satisfy my abnormal thirst. Blood was on the menu. Licking my lips with my pointed tongue, I glanced around with dark blue eyes. Nothing was around me. My nose was prickling. I perked my black wolf ears forward, listening intently for any signs of movement nearby me. Nothing. Growling with impatience I began to bound forward, my eyes looking around wildly. My long black bushy tail was curled along my broad waist.

Then I saw her. Oh I saw her.. The petite red head lounging on a worn down bench. Her stunning green eyes were looking at me curiously, no sign of fear or disgust in them at all. Freckles dotted the bridge of her nose is a scattered line. She had round pink lips, but you could tell they weren’t her natural color as they smelt of skittle lip gloss. She had a light line of eyeliner on her eyes, making them pop and shine. Her lashes were long, even without mascara. Her nose was straight and cute. Her face a nice oval shape. In other words, she was gorgeous.

I stopped in my tracks and stared right back at her. My eyes narrowed in confusion. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked her angrily.

She smiled, but didn’t sit up, she remained flat on her back with her arms across her forehead. “Well, for one you have dog ears, blue hair, a tail, and your very, very pale. Is that what you people here call normal?” She asked with a soft airy laugh. “I’m just curious.” I said nothing.

“She’s got the hots for you, Kuroe. Your father would be so proud.” Laughed Kain. I growled low in my throat at Kain’s words. “I’d shut up if I were you, Kain.” I hissed quietly. “Oh, whatcha gunna do Kuroe? You can’t hurt me. I’m part of you.” He laughed cruelly.

“Kuroe, you should take this chance. Take advantage of her! Your thirsty, and so am I. Bite her!” Kaden said anxiously. I closed my eyes, trying not to take what Kaden said into consideration. “Good Idea Kaden.” Kain said, he sounded pleased and anxious too. I snarled, “No. I will not do that.” They bickered to each other about how inconsiderate I was. But otherwise they left me alone.

I opened my eyes, only to be staring directly into the girl’s bright green eyes. She was standing in front of me. Her hands on her hips while she extended her torso forward in a half bow, while she peered curiously at my face. “You were talking to yourself.” She said.

I rolled my eyes and snorted, “No. I was talking to..” I trailed off and furrowed my brow. I couldn’t exactly say I was talking to Kain and Kaden. They weren’t even real beings. I shook his head, “No one.” I said instead. She stood straight. Looking disappointed when she only reached my chin. I looked down at her and raised a brow, “Who are you? Your new here.”

“Thank you Captain Obvious!” She said while stretching her arms above her head and then placing her hands on my shoulders. “I, Mr. Doggie, am Belle DeClore. I just moved her with my father. We live right down there.” She said, pointing down the street. Which was close to where he too lived. “What’s your name, I doubt you want me to call you Mr. Doggie.”

“I am Kuroe Dhein. I live down that way as well.” I said, in a flat voice. I’ve never managed to make myself sound lively or friendly in anyway.

“Kuroe... That’s a strange name.” She said with a grin.

I nodded slowly, “It fits me.”

She smiled and nodded, reaching up and grabbing hold of my right ear. My eyes widened, but I didn’t move. “So these are real?” She asked in awe. Scratching behind them, which felt unusually good.

“Oh damn, this girl knows all the right places.” Kain said in a relaxed voice.

I leaned into her hand, and closed my eyes, nodding slowly, “Of course they’re real.”

She turned me around with ease, and took my tail in her hands. I whipped it quickly out of her grasp, wrapping it firmly around my waist. “Never touch my tail.” I warned her, and turned around. She didn’t seemed frightened at all. She just peered up at me with a soft smile. “Alright.” She said nodding.

We stood there just staring at each other curiously. I was curious as to why she wasn’t running away from me. While she was curious about who, and what I was. Everything washed from our thoughts moments later however. “There you are! Kuroe, I’m so fucking pissed at you right now! Hurting Mr. Thomas! You know your strength. And you know your not supposed to be out of your fucking cage!” Lily yelled angrily from behind me.

I turned around and stared at her with equal hatred and anger. “So what if I hurt that fat ass guy? At least he’ll know not to mess with me anymore. Of course I know my strength, I’m not stupid Lily. Damn right I’m out of my cage! You can’t keep me locked up forever.” I snarled back at her.

Kain was cheering me on, telling me that I should let her have it. While Kaden was telling me to bite the fuck out of her and make her feel me pain, and quench my thirst. Then I remembered Belle. Turning my head I glanced at her. She still wasn’t frightened. She was still curious. “I’ll go sit down..” She said and sat down on the bench. Her legs drawn up to her chest, while she watched Lily and I.

I turned back around, right when a blade hit me square in the chest. I staggered back, and stared in shock at my chest. Blood drooled from the wound. I pulled the blade out of my chest, and turned it over in my hand, looking at my deep red blood. I ran my tongue over the cool steel, making Kaden laugh and encourage me. I didn’t continued though. I stared at Lily. Who was standing tall, with her fists clenched at her sides.

I waved the dagger in her direction, “Did you really think you could kill me with this Lily?” I asked her in a calm voice. My wound had already healed itself.

She smiled wickedly at me, “No. It was a distraction.” She said, and before I had a chance she had wrapped a chain around my neck. I strained against it, but she had put a spell on it. Making it impossible to break free. I snarled in rage and opened my jaws. My nose scrunched up into a vicious snarl. Venom could be seen in my mouth. My large fangs were dripping with the putrid liquid. I yanked the chain my way. She was pulled along with it. I grabbed her by the neck and pulled her close to me. She was pleading for me to stop.

“Kuroe! Stop!” Belle yelled. I froze, my fangs just inches from her exposed neck. “Let her down.” She said calmly. Determination in her eyes.

I stared at her with narrowed eyes. “Why should I?” I snarled.

She smiled at me, “Because if you kill her, it wont make your life easier, it’ll be harder.” Belle said, as if she knew everything about me.

I lower her slightly but kept my grip on her. “If I kill her my life would be a lot easier. I’d finally be able to be free.” I snapped.

Belle shook her head, “You’d still have your curse.”

That got me. I’d never be free. I’d still have these curses. I’d still be part vampire, part werewolf. I threw Lily down like I had done to Mr. Thomas. She sprawled on the ground, gasping and crying. Glaring up at me. I shook my head and turned around. “I’m going home.” I hissed.

I could hear Belle comforting Lily as I took off down the street to the hell hole I call home. “Cheer up Kuroe. You’ve still got us!” Kain said with his boisterous laugh. Kaden joined in his laughter. I tuned them out as I entered my home. It was still the same. Plain and ugly.

Wandering around aimlessly, I noticed no changes. I entered my bedroom and sat down on my dusty bed. It hadn’t been slept in for ages. I ran my hand over the bed sheets. Lifting my hand up I studied it. It was lined with dust. I grabbed a box that was resting on the floor. Not recognizing it at all. When I opened the lid, I was hit with sorrow. My mother. I picked up the stack of old photographs. I haven’t looked at any of these pictures before. Lily must have thrown them in here..

One picture was of my mom holding me when I was first born. She looked exhausted, but extraordinarily beautiful. The next was of her hold Lily’s hand and keeping me balanced on her shoulders. She looked so happy. Lily had on a fake smile, and I.. For once in my life was filled with joy. I felt a jolt of shock at the next picture. There was my mother laughing happily while a bulky man with white ears held her to his chest. My mother had a very plump belly. That was my father. I knew he was..

I stuffed the pictures back into the box and threw it across the room. He knew about me but he never had the guts to stick around! Anger broiled in me. I stood up and turned, finding Belle standing in my doorway. I stared at her with confusion. Why was she here?

“What do you want?” I asked her coldly.

She smiled and walked towards me. Her red hair was pulled into a tight ponytail. Belle sighed, “Lily said she’s had enough of you.”

I raised a brow, “Oh?”

“Yes. So... I’m going to take care of you.”
© Copyright 2007 Roxeh (sinfullyxsweet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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