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Rated: 18+ · Monologue · Other · #1247736
For IamMark's Auction
Mined, Baudy and Sole

Mined….I remember something where I once had to describe myself in thirty words or less….right! I’m a writer and description is my middle name. Thirty words? Not!

So. Me. A free spirit who lives, breathes, exists to write. It is how I define my world, interpret my surroundings and express my thoughts. I’m very good at it. Everyone should have some things at which they excel and writing is (for me) one of those things!

I love picking short stories and poetry apart with the aim of suggesting what can be done to make it better. By better I mean adding symbolism, creating a multitude of levels at which a piece may be read. It is the difference between a poem and poetry, between a short story and literature.

I firmly believe for someone to be a writer they must first be a reader. Thus I am a reader of everything. As a child, my parents kept the entire set of encyclopedias on a shelf in the bathroom. By the time I hit my teenaged years, I had read the entire 25 volumes cover to cover! I grew up in homes with libraries…real honest-to-God libraries with all four walls floor to ceiling books. I have books everywhere now and am usually reading four plus books at any one time. When I finally was able to get my Bachelors Degree, I couldn’t merely get one. I got three at once: English, Communication and Theatre. If I had the option (read that as an unlimited supply of money), I’d still be taking classes. I firmly believe that one should never stop learning. I am a fount of oft useless knowledge, but then one never knows when or if it may be needed. Do you know where the terms forte and foible come from? I can tell you. *smile*

What am I? Creative, smart, always looking for a challenge, a good friend, loyal, funny, full of laughter, approval oriented and laid back. I’ve been rich, poor and everything in the middle. Mind games, lying, Janus people and pettiness are boring, unnecessary, and useless wastes of time and energy. The glass is always half full, the cloud always has a silver lining (even if I cannot see it) and everything happens for a reason. My worst habits are an insidious case of flat-surface-itus and not always knowing when to say no.
That and I have no use for bad tempers, abusive behaviors, or stupid people. There is a difference between someone not knowing something and being stupid. Just like a kid might be naughty, but never bad.

Flattered to be asked to be a part of this awesome idea for fundraising, it still feels a bit strange as I am a fifty-ish, partnered grandmother, but then the opportunity to make some new friends is too tempting to resist! I love meeting new people, so I’m hoping this will be fun!

Bawdy…been behind any locked doors of late? Once upon a time I was one of the favorite authors at a now defunct (sadly) erotic writing site. It was an awesome experience and I truly feel that it helped me as a writer. I learned how to be able to write convincingly from both the male and female point of view and it always tickled me that my writing could have the varied effects there that it had. (Once I got over feeling embarrassed, that is!)

Sole…Ick….don’t do fish. Escargot? Yup. Tiramisu? Absolutely! Survivor or 24…don’t miss em! Anything Christmas, lilacs, daffodils, Bichon Frises, old movies, musicals and venison! I’d do almost anything to be on Survivor, have traveled across Europe and the Caribbean and lived in the US from Alaska to Florida and New England and thirty some odd places in-between. There’s a book in my Port called ‘Placesettings.’ It is all me. It is all real. It all happened. I’ve crammed a hundred lives into this one lifetime. I’m not done yet.
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