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A short story about what a litlle boy sees. |
Alfie and The Little Alien. Alfie woke up early and ran to look out of the window. He watched the raindrops, his breath misting up the cold glass. He drew pictures on the window, a raincoat with a hood and a pair of wellies, just like his. Then he added a little boy wearing the clothes. He stepped back clapping just as his mother came into the room. “Look mummy, it's raining and we're going shopping. Can I wear my new wellies?” His mother smiled, as she saw the picture.. “Yes Alfie, but not yet. First we all have to have breakfast and make a shopping list.” His father came up behind Alfie and picked him up in a big hug. “If you help me make the breakfast ready, then mummy can make the list. How about it?” Alfie and his father went into the kitchen and got everything out for breakfast. As they worked, they shouted through to his mother, things to go on the shopping list. “We need coffee, and milk and bread.” His mother wrote everything down and then they all sat down to eat some marmalade and toast together. Alfie drank his milk down, right to the bottom of the glass, slurping with his straw. “There, all gone now. I've drunk up all our milk” he said proudly, pushing his plate away. Alfie ran through into the hall, and got his wellies, sitting down on the floor to pull them on.. Then he stood up and started to pretend he was jumping into puddles. “Splash”, he shouted, “Splish splash” “Come on,” said his father, “Time to put your coat on now.” Soon they were all ready and drove to the supermarket. Alfie jumped out of the car and went to the shopping trolleys. “Do you want to ride in the trolley?” his mother asked. “No, I want to splish and splash in the puddles” he shouted, running off to a really big puddle and jumping straight in the middle of it. “Well you must be good in the shop then” his father said. “Okay.” said Alfie. Inside it was really busy. There were all sorts of people walking about pushing trolleys and filling them up. Alfies parents were busy too, looking at the list then fetching things from the shelf and putting them in the trolley. Boring things, no toys or sweets or comics. Alfie asked, “Can I have a toy, please?” and his parents said, “Not now dear, lets get everything else first and then we'll see” And then they went on shopping. Alfie was bored. There were no puddles in the shop, everything was shiny and clean, and he was feeling very hot in his raincoat and wellies. He looked around to see if there was anything interesting to see, pulling his hood over his head and peering out pretending to be invisible. “I can see you” a voice said, “can you see me? Alfie looked around, and saw something interesting. He saw a two big aliens pushing a shopping trolley around the shop. And with them there was a little alien. It was blue, and was wearing a red hat and raincoat and matching red wellies. It's coat had three arms and it was wearing three wellies, and behind it Alfie could see a twisty tail with a scarf wrapped around it and a little hat right on the very end.. They were red too. The big aliens were putting things into their trolley. Boring things just like his parents were. Alfie tugged on his mothers arm, “Look mummy, aliens.” “Yes dear.” she answered as she reached for some spaghetti, “how nice.” “They can't see us” said the little alien, “We've got our invisible buttons on, but I've twisted mine a little, just so you can see us. Look.” He twisted a button on his coat and disappeared. And then he was back again. “ Alfie asked “Are you an alien?” - “Yes, but it's a secret.,” - “What are you doing here?” - “Shopping of course, our spaceship has run out of food and we need to get more or we wont have any tea.” Alfie looked at the aliens trolley. Although they kept putting things in it. Everything just disappeared when it landed at the bottom. “We are sending it straight to our kitchen. We're having spaghetti for tea.” Alfie looked at his own trolley, “Me too. I think” The little alien looked at Alfie. “Shall we go outside and play in the rain?” he asked. Alfie looked at his parents. They weren't watching him just now, they were too busy shopping. “Okay” Alfie said, and they walked out of the shop together. It was fun playing in the rain. The little alien could make bigger splashes in the puddles with his three feet, but he had to carry his tail to keep it out of the wet, so Alfie could run faster. They played chase and they played splash and then the little alien showed Alfie his spaceship. It was purple and shiny, and they had parked it right in the middle of the car park. Just then, his father came running out of the shop. He ran over to Alfie and picked him up and gave him a great big hug. “Where have you been?" he said, "You shouldn't run away like that. We have been looking everywhere for you.” He carried Alfie back into the shop. Alfie looked over his fathers shoulder and waved goodbye to the little alien. The little alien waved back. The big aliens came out of the shop and went over to the little alien. They all waved goodbye to Alfie and went into their spaceship. Alfie sat in the car on the way home. He liked the little alien and hoped he would meet him again. When he was eating his spaghetti that evening he thought about the little alien eating spaghetti too, in his spaceship. That night, before he wet to bed he looked out of the window and waved. He hoped the little alien was watching. |