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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1246501
Nincadea is a dark world, a place where the destinies of man and demon are intertwined.
                                            Bounded Here | Chapter Two

                              (It is recommended you read Chapter One first)

“A Shadow looms over this world; we are condemned to live in a world unlike our own. We abandoned all hope until the wolf guided us back on the right path.” - An Old Diary - Levius Graves 2447

Across the muddy road a shadow of some sort pierces across it, every puddle of water shows a reflection of a shadow moving alone towards Marty. The Shadow rises out of the ground taking a 3rd Dimensional form and stands in front of Marty. Everything inside the shadow creature is darkened and reflected through his transparent form. Marty stands lowering his blade to the ground as water droplets from at the tip of his blade; little fractions of steam simmer’s off the blade as it appears to be hot. Marty looks on at them all and the tip of the blade rises off the ground. In a reflection of water a powerful bolt of lightning tears the sky and the ground shakes of thunder, and the light from the lightning consumes the puddle.

The five of the nine Masked men who have surrounded Marty fire their rifles only once per person. Five bursts of light is ejected out the of porcelain tip of the rifle the sound from the rifles makes the very air tremble. Marty stands and quickly motions his blade he spins around his hair follows fractions of a second behind him as his blade intercepts each laser burst while being spun 360 degrees. The very air along with the rain droplets explodes outward drenching a few of the masked men surrounding Marty. Marty stops spinning as the tips of his hair is dripping wet from his move he looks around and lets off a wicked smiley. “Teheran Agents have no place in this world” Marty says with a cocky attitude. The Shadow Creature twitches for a moment. “You! What are you doing here?” Shadow says with a sinister and raspy voice echoed within him. “I could’ve sworn I killed you centuries ago” Marty says maintaining his cocky attitude. The Masked Men stand there dumb founded looking at each other. The Shadow Creature looks at the masked men and shifts his head to the rooftop where trinity is. “What this?!” he says with his raspy voice that echoes within him. “She doesn’t concern you, you should be more worried about me” Marty says diligently. Shadow shifts his head back to Marty and he then both of his arms become a shadow like sword that appears transparent just like shadow in full. “You fool! Finished rounding them up, I will handle this fool myself” he says with his raspy voice that echoes in him. “Fool?” Marty laughs “Look who’s talking.” Marty raises his sword and shifts his blade to match his posture as he stands in a peculiar fighting stance. “Trinity take care of these Teheran’s.” Marty says without looking at her. The Villagers scatter about as the masked men turn there attention to them again. The fires in the village are already put out from the rain but a fog begins to set in quickly as the rain starts to fade.

Trinity aims her silvery steel coated pistol and aims it at one of the Masked Men from the rooftop. A small light rips out of the pistol piercing the air like a dagger in flight and strikes one of the masked men in the neck, and he falls to the ground in dyer pain as blood erupts off his neck. All of the masked men all take out there rifles and look around confused. Trinity aims her pistol once again at one of the masked men. Another small light rips out of the pistol and one of the masked men looks right at it and his face is completely obliterated by this small light. The Second masked man falls to the ground what left of his face buried in mud. The other masked Teheran Agents still dumbfounded begin pointless firing there rifles at a home, dozens of lights ripple out the porcelain tips of there rifles, the sound of wood cracking echoing in the wind as the lights rip through it tearing a several holes into the house there are firing upon. Shadow shifts his head towards the Teheran Agents and yells with his raspy voice that echoes within him. “YOU IDIOTS!” he breathes hard “SHES ON THE FUCKING ROOF!” shadow points to Trinity with his bladed arm, Marty quickly lifts his sword and then slams it onto the bladed arm of shadow. An invisible wave of energy rips through the air as the black bladed, gold edge sword Marty wields comes in contact with the transparent blade of shadows transformed arm. Shadow shifts his head back to Marty and lifts his other hand and stares at Marty with a very evil look of distaste.

Marty shift’s his blade and it comes in contact with Shadows right blade and another invisible wave of energy explodes outward, Marty quickly kicks shadow in his right knee cap. Shadow Falls to the ground on his right knee only, Shadow immediately swings his left bladed arm. Marty moves back as the blade motions through the air mere fractions of a second from Marty’s chest. Marty quickly jumps into the air and lifts his left leg with ease right into Shadows face. Shadow falls to the ground looking up at Marty as his bladed arms revert back to normal. “This isn’t over.” Shadow says with a raspy voice echoed into him as he sinks into the ground back into a two dimensional and shimmers away vanishing from sight quickly. Three masked men walk cautiously towards Marty. Four masked men aim their rifles at the rooftop where Trinity Resides. Trinity moves away from the roofs wooden edge and then falls onto the ground. A Shadow surround’s Trinity in a Two Dimension state beneath her and she slowly starts sinking into the wooden ground unable to move. “MARTY!” she yells in sheer frustration as she tries to break free from her shadowy restraint. Marty shifts his blade and motions it quickly piercing the wind at unbelievable speed. The blade tears through the black masks of one the Teheran Agents, Fractions of a second later the blade rips through the garment and flesh of one the Teheran Agents to Marty’s right. It cut across his chest with ease and blood explodes out as Marty jumps into the air over one of the remaining Teheran Agents surrounding Marty. Marty stomps his right foot on the head of the Last Teheran Agent in his fighting range. Marty then flips across the air frontward towards the roof top where Trinity resides. The Four remaining Teheran Agents look at Marty as he flips safely through the air landing on his feet on the wooden rooftop. Trinity’s face is the only thing left on the wooden ground as that sinks into the ground she is able to say one final word before she is pulled into the shadowy pool. “Marty help” she says as she looses consciousness. Marty falls to the ground on both knees, and begins banging on the wooden ground breaking the wood apart beneath him. “TRINITY!” Shouts Marty as this echoes through out the village and a little ways into the forest surrounding it and dozens of black birds flutter away from the trees.

The Four remaining Teheran Agents look up at the roof and all aim the rifles at the Roof. Several burst of lights rip through the air and strike the roof tearing holes into it. Marty looks at the hole in the roof and looks down into the house below and his hands are covered in his blood from. Several Powerful bursts of Light shoots through the wooden floored surface of the roof, one of the lights strike Marty’s pants leg and it burns a small hole into Marts Pant leg just above his ankle. Marty gets up and picks up his sword and he is far from happy as he turns around and his very eyes are blackened, his pupils are completely gone as he walks to edge of the roof as the Teheran Agents cease there fire. Dozens of villagers are scattered about looking up at Marty. Marty raises his sword into the air and looks down coldly at the Teheran Agents who simply aim the rifles at Marty. A powerful bolt of lighting strikes the very blade Marty is wielding into the air and begins surrounding the blade. The electricity ripples all around the blade and Marty’s right hand charging the blade making it glow brighter and brighter. The Teheran Agents look up in utter confusion looking at each other for a simple explanation. The Villager scatter about as if they know what is about happen and take cover in various places. Marty lowers his Blade down at the four masked men. “You have mere seconds to live unless you tell me where your base of operations is… NOW!” His voice is dark and heavy and it echoes through out the village. The four Teheran Agents step back obviously scared and one of them removes the mask. He’s the one from before with the scar on his face. “Leeverlin City, in the old ally way on Old Orca lane” The Unmasked Man says without hesitation as he looks down at the ground with a tear in his eye. Marty looks at them in disgust and release the energy from his blade. “Thank You” Marty says with a very Dark tone. The electrical energies are released and they rip through the air surrounding The Teheran Agents and it consumes them burning them away quickly into nothingness.

Elsewhere back at the SU Base of Operations, Angelina is wearing a new working headset; she is talking to a young security officer. “So Ferrol is it?” Angelina says questionably. Ferrol nods in agreement. “I am assigning you to Blue Team; you will follow Agent Luis Aramov Commands while on mission, understood?” Ferrol once again nod’s in agreement. “Alright carry on with you’re Rounds.” Ferrol walks off looking around the operations, he is walking towards the Water Dispenser. Catharine and Bryce walk into the base along with several dozen engineer and scientists. “What’s going on here? You’re back very early” Angelina say’s Puzzled. Bryce we found lots of bodies in the sector we were assigned too, we were ordered back here. “What about Trinity and Marty?” She says with concern. “They continued on to the village they wanted a Security Detail sent there” Angelina holds her ear piece and starts talking in to the tip of her headset into a receiver. “Blue and Green Team suit up and report to the Operations Room for an emergency Assignment, & Medical Team One report here with medical supplies ready for an assignment as well” Angelina say’s quiet quickly and then glances and at Catharine and Valcoen. You two lead the teams to the village and find Marty and Trinity. Ferrol standing by the water dispenser sips his cup of water and looks down at his shadow. Shadow in 2D form slithers away from Ferrol unnoticed by two officers walking by. Shadow slithers underneath a desk and underneath a door into the Portal’s Chamber. Shadow slithers his way down the metallic platform with no regard for the stairs and just appears on the chamber floor. Shadow rises out of the ground taking a 3rd Dimension Form in front of the portal, and Shadow twitches several times. Back in the operations Room 8 Special Unit Security Agents and 6 Medical officers are gathered in front of the main door leading into an outside area of the base. Angelina you all have your orders come back safely who knows what we could be dealing with. The Operations room begins to shake violent as the wall where the door to the portals chamber explodes outward sending two security officers flying across the room with the chambers door into a  someone desk that topples over. The upper level platform in the operations room just above the portal’s chamber collapses downward blocking the portal entrance and a there is a fire all across the wall.

Meanwhile back at the villager Marty’s blackened eyes revert back to normal as he front flips off the rooftop, down into the village center. The Villagers gather around and celebrate and are chanting in some strange language. Marty looks at them all and then he quickly turns towards the woods leading back to the base and sees a small puff of smoke rising into the air from a far. Marty’s blade fades away and he quickly runs back in the direction of the smoke. Marty moves quickly through the woods cutting through fields of plants and getting drenched from them. Marty’s jacket moves behind him in fractions of a second with drops of water falling into the air from behind him. His hair is strangely steady but still dripping wet from before. Marty charges through a fogged field until he trips down a small hill rolling over several unknown plants and landing into a large ditch. Marty slowly get up and looks around to see several bodies partially decomposed with burn marks through there chest. Marty looks around in disgust and walks forward across them and slowly tries to avoid stepping on them. One of the dead villager’s grabs Marty’s leg and hisses as it slowly rises off the ground letting go of Marty in the process. Two other villagers rise up off the muddy soaked ground, their decayed wounds exposed to the naked air around them. Marty looks around as the three dead villagers slowly surrounds him they appear to be pretty hungry. The villager closest to Marty grabs him and tries to bite him in the neck. Marty pushes the village off him and with out a thought wraps his hands around its grotesque face and twists it quickly. The villager falls to the ground shaking violently and is in some state of shock muddy water twitches off the ground slight in the air as if the creature is drowning in it. Marty Turn’s his attention too the other two approaching villagers dragging towards Marty.

Elsewhere in Leeverlin City; Inside the Teheran Base of Operations, Trinity is chained up by the hands and feet in an empty room in a white patient’s outfit and struggling to remove her chains. Laura walks into the room through the white padded wall as if a door was there. Trinity crawls back as far as she can. “We found you’re little base while you were out and under, you would be surprised at how efficient Mind Probes, and Spies are. Trinity looks at her in disgust; “Who are you and what do you want with me?” Trinity says with slight agitation. Laura walks around trinity in a circle keeping her distance. “You and your friend ruined my plan and now were just going to torture you to death” Laura says with a happy smile. “You’re fucking crazy, my friend will come for me and when he gets me out of these chains, I can’t wait to smash your face with them” Trinity says with anger. Laura walks back towards the invisible door laughing; “Oh we will see about that.” She says as she walks out the room. Trinity tries pulling the chains off the ground but her attempts of futile. A strange sound is heard as some type of gray sphere that is dropped from the ceiling, its impact echoes through out the room. The strange sphere opens and a strange vicious worm like creature slithers out of the sphere. Trinity freaks out by the site of it and starts screaming as she quickly tries to pull the chains off. The vicious worm like creature slithers into trinity’s patient gown. Trinity continues to struggle until she falls to the floor onto her back and her screams of agony echoes through out the entire Teheran Building.

Meanwhile back in the Ditch; Marty grabs the arm of one of the moving villagers and pulls it off with ease and looks shocked at what he just did. Marty then slaps the other villager with the arm releasing it from his grip and kicks one of the walking villagers that is on his left in the face. His foot strikes the face of the dead villager as it impacts the decayed face, the impact forces its nose to be crushed and his head to fall back and fall completely off. The Villager falls to the ground in a state of shock. Marty spins 180 Degrees and kicks the head of the other villager clean off without a thought, the last villager falls to the ground in a state of shock. “Someone is waking the evil forces in this world” Marty say’s coldly to himself. Marty runs forward and flips out of the ditch back on to a path leading back to the SU Base of operations. Smoke is rising from the far back of the base. Inside the SU Base of Operations, the medical officer are tending to wounded security and engineering units. Marty runs into the base looking around. “What the hell happened here?” Marty says quickly and diligently. Angelina walks over to Marty. She looks saddened and she looks right at Marty. “Well?” Marty says again quickly and diligently. “The…” She pauses for a moment she continues in a very saddened tone. “The portal is gone” Angelina says and sighs walking away with her head down. Marty looks at the chamber entrance which is blackened by the fire. Inside the Portal Chamber there is debris and part of the ceiling has collapsed into the chamber and the portal is completely obliterated. A fog is centered in this room and a shadow slips into view for a moment and slips away in its Two Dimensional Form through the thick fog and a dark laugh echoes through out the chamber.

The End! (Unedited Version)
Written By: Martell F
© Copyright 2007 yourdarkbackward (darkbackward at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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