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Rated: 18+ · Article · Cultural · #1246156
Anyone that doesn't know what meth is, has been living in a cave for the past 10 - 15 yrs.
Living with Meth 

Anyone that doesn't know what meth is, has been living in a cave for the past 10 - 15 years. We have all seen the government campaigns on television and heard them on the radio. On occasion you will see a talk show host interview one or two people that are living with meth. There seems to be conflicting accounts of the effects of the drug both long term and short term. It is time to learn the truth.

After unofficially interviewing more than one hundred people that were/are living with meth and observing the lives of many of them as well as interviews with former users, we feel the need to set the record straight. Below you will find three reported 'facts' of using this drug. Below each there will be a highlighted explanation of our actual observations and experiences. We hope to dispel not only the exaggerated views about the home made drug, but shed a little more light on this subject.

Warning - There are graphic descriptions within this document that may offend some people. These comments are not the opinion of this organization but simply the words of people living with meth.

Reports/Observations In television advertisements you will see a person lying in an alley or on a sidewalk. This person is typically a man wearing jeans and a t-shirt that appear to be torn, tattered and filthy. In our observations we found that the majority of long term users of this drug did tend to dress in a sloppy fashion.

Typically this is due to the fact that most users lose a great deal of weight, mainly in muscle mass. They use every possible means of income to support the addiction and are therefore wearing the same cloths that they wore when they were heavier. It was also our observation that most of them appeared to be wearing clean cloths. The sallow and sunken appearance of many made them seem to be unwashed but this was not normally the case in our experience.

There are several campaign presentations at this time that depict a young, pretty girl following a man up a staircase. She says, "I'm only going to sleep with him for meth, just this once." Unfortunately this depiction is not so far from the truth. Women living with meth. from all different walks of life admitted to us that they regularly slept with men to acquire the drug. Most of them were only given enough meth to get them high for a short period of time. One woman stated. "It isn't so much because the men want to horde the drug as it is a guarantee that they can come back regularly for sex by rationing what they give us. They will drop lines and load the foil (which is used to smoke the drug on) for as long as it takes to get a nut. Haha, that can take a while because their dicks don't usually work very well."

It is doubtful that you will see it depicted on the television but we also found several men that although extremely jealous of their girlfriends and/or spouses they were none the less willing to 'share' her with any man that was willing to 'put out the dope' for them. The majority of these same men would go ballistic if they were to learn that their female partner had been given or even purchased the drug from another man. We found it interesting that the same women that were willing to use their bodies for the drug were unwilling to share their men with another female that had meth and was willing to be generous with it.

The last frame of one television campaign ad shows a young girl in the shower. She looks down and sees blood running to the drain. Screaming, she turns to see a scabby and bleeding version of herself. This apparition is shaking her head and says, "Don't do it. Don't do meth." Having observed more than one hundred people living with meth, we found only three that had scabs or sores covering their faces. There were many that seemed to have chapped and deeply cracked lips whenever we met them and a few that would pick bumps on their arms or legs until they had dug out a chunk of skin. They would continue to dig at the area keeping the wound open and often festering. In all fairness, we must also report that we met with two women that had obviously been beaten and met several more that admitted to putting up with extremely rough sexual acts to acquire the drug.

A middle aged woman reported to us that her husband sent her out every two weeks for an entire weekend to entertain two men while they 'cooked' the drug. She said, "The little one is the mean one and I hate him. But I could cope with him okay if it weren't for the fact that everytime I have to spend the weekend with them they invite at least two other men to the party. They are always different men and only one was someone I knew. That was the worst of it. I worked for that man years ago. He stayed and played for over twelve hours. As he zipped up his fly to leave he laughed and remarked that he used to respect me more than any woman he had ever met."

This 50 year old woman was beaten before she was taken home on each occasion. We met the 'little one' and asked him why. "I want her loving hubby to see my brand on her when I take her back." Her husband was given the equivalent of $300 in drugs whenever he sent her to the 'party'.

What you see on television and hear on the news is not the real story. The face of the truth is not the dark, scarred and ugly versions that you have been lead to believe from the visual depiction's of living with meth. As bad as it looks on these campaign ads, just under the face of the truth, living with meth, even when you are not the user, the real picture is so, very, much, darker.

Disturbing Fact:

Not wanting to educate those that would use the information to produce more meth, crank or ice by giving the exact details, we would still like to point out a disturbing fact to those that would not use the information for that purpose.

The federal government has placed restrictive laws on the distribution of cold medications that contain psuedoephidrine. Although this action has created a problem for the manufacturers of this drug for the time being it is by no means a solution or bridge to a solution. This chemical can be easily produced using natural resources. The resulting product will not be of the same strength that commercially manufactured psuedoephidrine is, but that in itself will eventually cause an even greater problem for society.

The diehard addict will simply purchase and consume more than before to get high. This will result in the necessity of the addict committing crimes of violence, that they would not otherwise even consider, against society to acquire the weaker drug. Some of the addicts we interviewed stated that restricting the acquisition of the base chemical might actually be the thing that brings about the destruction of any safety in society and quite possibly the beginning of the end of society itself.  It should perhaps be noted that most of those we interviewed were at times talked with while they were high and they tend to be extremely paranoid.
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