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Rated: GC · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1246066
First chapter of my first attempt at a Romance Novel
Chapter 1

The pictures had taken longer than she’d anticipated. Jack is probably in a mood she thought as she hurried down the corridor. He said he’d wait for her in their room and she should come get him when she was done with her maid of honor obligations.  She knew he didn’t mind catching a little TV, but it had taken them two hours and he was without his palm pilot, which meant he was probably pacing the floor like a caged tiger.

When he’d said to come back to the room to get him, he hadn’t said this with a twinkle in his eye, so she doubted he’d meant for them to squeeze in a quickie before the reception got in full swing. Maybe I can change his mind and put him in a better mood she grinned to herself at the thought. There was nothing as fun as wedding sex.

They lived in the same town as the wedding, but Maya had talked Jack into getting a room. She’d told him she wanted to party and didn’t want either one of them to have to be the designated driver. Yeah, we can definitely be a little late she chuckled softly to herself as she imagined what she’d do to him. Grab him by the balls and start with a hand job. That always get’s him going. Why the hell am I always in the last room at the end of the hall! She quickened her step, eager to see him.

The sounds coming from inside the room didn’t even register. Her ears heard excited voices and dismissed it as the TV without even forwarding the message to the brain. She swiped the keycard into the slot and shoved open the door.

“Oh Jaaaaack!” she sing-songed “Have I got a surprise for …” she broke of as her eyes processed what her ears had heard.

There was Jack, on the bed, with some woman who looked vaguely familiar, on top of him, her oversized boobs swaying gently, even though her rhythmic riding had stopped abruptly.

Maya’s brain wasn’t functioning, but her emotions on the other hand had hit the ground running.

“YOU ASSHOLE!” She screamed and slammed the door behind her. The bimbo looked like Bambi caught in the headlights of oncoming traffic, but Jack was already in motion. He pushed Bambi off him unceremoniously, causing her to tumble off the bed and hit the floor hard

“Oowwe!” she squealed from her place on the floor.

“This isn’t what it looks like!” he cried, tripping out of the bed, the sheets having tangled themselves around his left leg, and stumbled towards Maya.

She deftly moved to the left to avoid his lunge toward her and inadvertently stepped into the bathroom. He followed her in and shut the door behind them, trapping her.

“Maya, I swear this isn’t what it looks like!” Jack repeated, practically pleading with her.
“Why do men always say that?” Maya threw her hands up in frustration. “It looks like you were fucking someone other than me. And wait, you were fucking someone other than me. So, I’d say it was exactly what it looked like.” She was practically screaming by now.

“Do you do this often? Have you been fucking people all along, or just since we got engaged?” She stood there, fuming, arms crossed over her chest in a defensive posture.

“I swear this is the first time. I had a few drinks at the bar and she came on to –“

“SHUT UP! Just shut up! The fact that you said I swear leads me to believe that you have been fucking other people all this time. That’s great. Just great. YOU ASSHOLE! I swear I should cut your balls off!” and with that she shoved past him, whipped open first the bathroom door and then the room door and stormed out into the hall.

He followed her into the hall. “Maya please!”

She stopped for a second, turned around and took in him standing there, stark naked except for his socks and the condom on his amazingly still hard dick. He always did get turned on when they fought.

“Go to hell.” She said it slowly and deliberately though clenched teeth, then she spun on her heel and stalked back down the hall.


“Maya!” an excited voice called out. “Maya! Come have some more champagne with us!” But Maya kept walking past the group of giddy bridesmaids and wedding guests. Too many more glasses of champagne and they’ll have to scrape Susan and Amber off the floor Maya thought cynically. These were two cousins of the bride who were younger and not as experienced with alcohol as Maya and the rest were.

Maya marched up the bar and demanded “Bud Light and keep the glass”.

“Yes mam!” The bartender was younger than her and being called “mam” did nothing to improve her mood so she glowered at him and grabbed her beer.

She spun around to stalk back to the head table and wait for the grand entrance of the bridal party to take place, but instead slammed into a brick wall of a man causing her beer to foam up and over the throat of the bottle.

“Son of a bitch! This is just great. Get me some napkins.” She demanded this while holding the beer at arms length to keep from spilling anymore of the still gushing geyser on her $200 gown.

“I am so sorry.” The brick wall had grabbed a fist of cocktail napkins and was mopping up Maya’s arm. “Let me get you another beer. It’s the least I can do.”

“Trust me, the male population has done the least it is capable of already today. Give me those” she said, testily grapping the soggy napkins out of his hand and doing a more efficient job of mopping up the rest of the beer that had spilled down her arm.

“That’s no way to talk at a wedding. This is supposed to be a happy occasion.”

“Yeah. Whatever” And she walked away, detouring around the bartenders assistant who was busy wiping up the floor with a wet rag.

She was intercepted halfway to the table one of the other bridesmaids and her good friend Michelle who said “Honey, you look like your about to kill someone”

“That’s not a bad idea. The bastard deserves to die.”

“Which bastard are we talking about?” Michelle was a firm believer that all men were bastard worthy, no exceptions.

“My ex-fiance” Maya was back to talking though clenched teeth.

“Woo-hoo. Hold on right there. Ex? Tell me everything.”

“How long before we do the grand entrance?”

“We have time, Monique and Todd aren’t here yet. They’re still doing family pictures.”

“Are you kidding me? What the hell? Anyway, follow me to the bathroom, I need to rinse my arm. I smell like a brewery.”

“I wasn’t going to mention it.”

“Oh, I slammed into some guy at the bar and started a beer bottle eruption from the impact. I swear I don’t know what he was doing standing that close”. She pushed though the ladies room door and walked over the sink.

Michelle kicked her heels off and sat on the settee, tucking her feet under her as she said “Forget the beer, tell me what happened with Jack.”

“Not much to tell except that he’s a lying sack of - “

“Specifics please, not names.”

“I went back the room to get him and found him being ridden by some slut.”

“No!” Michelle’s hands had flown to cover her mouth the way they always did when she was shocked.

“Oh yes.” Maya turned on the water to wash her arm so she had to speak up to be heard over the water. “He actually had the gall to tell me it wasn’t what it looked like.” She jerked the knob to an off position and grabbed a few paper towels, roughly drying her arms in quick jerky motions.

“Oh honey. Come here” Michelle held out her arms, offering Maya a hug. It’s what Michelle knew how to do, hug  away the pain. Unfortunetly for Maya, it was the straw that broke the camels back and the tears started to poor down her face.

“I can’t believe he did this to me” she sobbed. He’d probably been doing this to me too for quite some time. Oh God how did I hook up with such a jackass? I can’t believe I was going to marry him.” The tears were tapering off now. “I was going to marry that SOB. Can you believe that?” She pulled back and looked at Michelle. “Tell me I have not become so desperate that I will marry some jackass” realizing what she said, she started to giggle. “Jack-Ass. Oh my God. That should have been my first clue! Look at his name!”

“Okay hon, your starting to get hysterical.”

“I know. I can’t help it.”

Michelle stood up and slipped her heels back on, grabbed Maya by the arm and hauled her up off the couch. “I recommend we go get rip roaring drunk!” Michelle declared in a voice much like Bob Barker saying “Come on down!”

“Okay. Lets.” Maya grabbed her beer off the counter and was about to trounce out of the ladies room but Michelle held up a hand in a traffic cop gesture.

“Right after you fix your makeup.”

Maya giggled, took a swig of her beer and peered in the mirror. She burst out laughing “I look like a raccoon!”

“That you do!” Michelle handed her a wet wipe from a box conveniently placed on the counter. Are crying jags so common at weddings the staff felt there was a need for these things? 

She had just finished removing her raccoon eyes and re-applying some lipstick Michelle had on her when Suzanne ran in to bathroom, saying breathlessly “There you are! Monique and Todd just arrived and their trying to get everyone together for the grand entrance! Have you been crying? Your eyes look kind of red and puffy. Are you sad Maya?” To Maya, her voice sounded like a chipmunk on speed and she was in the mood to belt the girl but Michelle intervened smoothly “It’s just allergies. Maya has bad allergies. Run along Suzie-Q, we’re right behind you.” Suzanne stuck her tongue out at Michelle and trounced out of the bathroom.

Michelle turned back to Maya. “You gonna be okay sweetie?”

“I’ll live. Lets get this over with so we can get properly smashed.” Maya pasted on a stupid grin and declared loudly as they exited the bathroom “It’s a wedding! Everyone should be celebrating.”

“That a girl” Michelle mumbled under her breath, and patting Maya on the back in a show of solidarity.
© Copyright 2007 Stephenie Domino (alisande21 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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