Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1245075-An-Elf-Among-the-Shadows
by Arrus
Rated: · Short Story · Fantasy · #1245075
Harrowing and deeply emotional story of an elf's struggle to bring light to a dark world.
I wrote this for my 12th Grade English final project. If you guys like it, I'll make a series out of it. If I will turn this story into a series, I shall call this first chapter:

                                       After the Siege

"I smell blood," exclaimed an orcish chieftain, smelling blood in the thin and cold air of the land he stood upon. The land was green with grass, dotted with dead and/or dying weeds which seemed to die just because a terrible creature such as an orc were to stand upon them. He glanced up at the sky wich was tainted a dark crimson red, He leaned over to one of his captains and grunted "Blood must have been shed this night!"
His captain, a tall orc with greenish skin and an upturned snout (from which hung a nose ring- gold) nodded his head.
"Yes," he agreed.
The orcs did not know that miles away stood an elf. An elf that had seen the battle that took place during the dark, dark, night before. His name was Axrandir, an elf who originated from the peaceful Elven Village of Sharvak, but it was destroyed and so he wandered. He never slept in the same forest twice, nor the same tavern twice, nor the same inn twice. He lived by his sword.
"I must destroy the lord of the orcs," he said, brandishing his elven sword. It glimmerd in the sunlight, catching the suns rays and shining brightly.
The orcs had, long ago (fifty years- but elves didn't age fast so Axrandir looked youthful like he was young maybe 30) destroyed the villages of the elves in the overthrown Elven kingdom of Arsann.
The great siege of Arsann was one of the orc's many Great Corruptions. Those were large battles where orcs would wipe out a civilization and make it's people slaves. They had done it to the humans long ago, and then to the various insectine peoples of the forests. The elves were the last to suffer a Great Corruption, and so there had been less time for the orcs to round up all of them for enslaving.
Axrandir knew that the lord of the orcs had his father. And even his wife. The love Axrandir had for his father and wife were so strong that he would even allow himself to become a slave of the orcs so that he could see them- but he couldn't. For he had to free them.
He did so through sieges- battles he planned with other elves that wandered like he did. Often, they would die on purpose (if not getting killed actually) because their deep elven understanding of nature meant that they knew of the impending doom their people would face.
But Axrandir was different. He had planned a siege, and all of his comrades were dead. Now, he walked alone yet again. His sword in hand, his shield in hand, his armor tight on his slight elven frame, he set out to plan another siege against the orcs. His journey shall continue...

To Be Continued......

I meant for my story to have something significant to say about the human condition (I'm not giving it away- you have to read for yourself!), but I realize that this is hard beacause the story is about an elf, not a human. But it is helpful to think of the elf as if he is a human.
Reviews are MUCH appreciated.
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