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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Spiritual · #1244930
The start of a novel i'm starting to write. First attempt at a novel so be patient.

It had been a hard day for Jophiel. He hadn’t managed to make the contact as he had set out to do, and the energy of trying had left him too drained to return without rest. He couldn’t rest now though. Gusion was in the area. He could hear him a mile off. A quick scan was enough to reveal Gusion was close and gaining ground on him. He had to get into hiding quickly or there’d be hell to pay. He drew the last of his energy and made a run for it. Maybe if he internalised his thoughts and got far enough away Gusion would lose him off of his sensory radar. Up ahead he saw an alley entrance, with luck it would be deserted and offer some cover where he could either hide or fight, which ever it turned out to be. Reaching the alley, Jophiel found that it was deserted apart from a single girl. Though she should be out of the other end in a matter of seconds. Deciding this was the best he could do, he found an empty doorway in which to stand whilst he waited. The girl only had about five steps to go before she was out of danger. Four steps. Three steps. Two.
“Stop right there, Jophiel. You’re coming to the high council with me, NOW!” Gusion looked like the cat that got the cream, but in his eyes laid a spark of uncertainty. It was just the spark Jophiel needed.
“I am not coming back with you Gusion.”, came Jophiels reply in a sweet patient voice. The spark turned into a mist of rage.
“Then I’m putting an end to this madness right now! Starting with you!” That wasn’t the reaction Jophiel had been hoping for.
“Don’t think your getting away with this Gusion. By killing me you will only help the Arc-Angels plight. You know what you’re doing is wrong. They’ve changed. They’ve learned. It’s time to let go of the past!” Panicked, Jophiel was clutching at straws. He was out of energy and the only hope he had was to convince Gusion that his action would create his biggest fear. The look in Gusions eye’s though showed a mad man.
Surprised by the sudden shouting in the alley behind her the girl spun round to see what was going on. What she saw left her stunned. There, at the other end of the alley, were the two most stunning men she had ever seen. But they were hovering six inches above the ground and surrounded by a strange glow. The whole scene seemed like a dream. The one who was shouting had luscious dark curls, pearlescent white skin and vivid green eyes that seemed to be dulled in the poor illumination of the alley. The other, who had taken an aggressive stance, had thick blonde waves cascading from his head, the same pearly white skin, but eyes as blue as the Mediterranean Ocean, and just as wild.
“They haven’t changed a bit Jophiel. That much is obvious, just look around you. I can’t risk you bringing that chaos back to our world. I won’t let you.” Gusion spat as Jophiel screamed out in terror. A pain that felt like a sharpened surgeons blade ripped through his mind. He couldn’t have fought it even if he wasn’t drained. He was being eliminated.
The girl at the end of the alley was watching in stunned disbelief. Just as she was coming to the conclusion that it was all just a daydream and she needed more sleep, Jophiel had emitted an ear-piercing scream. The next thing she knew she was laying on an ambulance trolley and being lifted into the back of a helicopter.


Gusion returned from his run-in with Jophiel feeling terrible. He knew he shouldn't have done that to another conscious being, but he had gotten so mad. Couldn't these Arc-Angels see the damage they were causing? Breaking the laws was bad enough, but to awaken more of the Humans was just unforgivable. Surely they remembered the chaos they had caused, The constant disruptions, and not to mention the selfishness of them. Then again the Arc-Angels aren't Demons. They weren't `the ones getting all the blame for what the Humans did. They weren't the ones the Humans victimized and attempted to destroy. No he should be feeling sorry for the Arc-Angels being so deluded. He would go to Azazel as soon as the high council broke up for the day. He would tell him everything, He'd know what to do.

Whilst he waited Gusion thought of all the events that had led up to this. He remembered the Humans as a very lively but selfish tribe. They’re homeland had bordered the Demon’s. They were great hunters, but they had no form of population control. They had practically over ran heaven before the end. They disrupted every social event held in the communal domain, by chasing their prey through the centre. Then when the high council fenced of park lands for them to hunt in they over crowded then and removed the fences. Though because the other tribes had seen it as the hunters in general causing all of the damage, the Demons got the blame too. Then when they finally had no space left in which to house themselves they tried to take the Demons’. Just thinking about it mad Gusion mad. His people would never do anything like that. They always respected others, and in fact were hosts to many of the social events. Finally the high council addressed the problem of overcrowding. All the tribes agreed to population controls to be brought in. All except the humans that is. By now it was Adam representing the humans on the high council. But the majority vote won. Starting immediately the disabled with no means of healing, and any child born disabled where to be eliminated. Breeding itself was governed by strict rules too, the idea being it would help evolve the races. None of these changes had effected the Demons though, as they already held these internal policies any way. By this time the demons were already the strongest tribe. But the humans rebelled against it, they claimed to meet the deadline they were going to have to eliminate many of they’re healthy individuals too. So instead of trying to negotiate further the humans had attempted take what they wanted by force. They’re sheer weight of numbers had been enough to over whelm most tribes. In the end they left God with no option but to exile them. If he didn’t then he would have been voted out of his position as head of the council, and over all leader. After many years people had started to miss the Humans, even Gusion and some of the Demon’s did. They missed the occasional rowdy conflict, the unexpected stand up comedy, and more so he missed the few human friends he had. A group from some of the other tribes decided to take a look and see how the humans where getting on. What they saw shocked them. The humans had no memories of heaven. They had no spiritual abilities at all. It was as though they were permanently asleep. And to make things worse Earth, to where they had been exiled was so inhospitable it was a wonder the humans where still alive. The group had pleaded for the humans to be allowed back, they had even organised a referendum , but the overwhelming majority of people had refused. No-one believed the humans had changed enough, and that it would only be a matter of time before they reverted to their old ways. So a new law was passed that no angel was allowed any contact with the humans. That had been when the Arc-Angels had started. Gusion had been a member when it was first founded. They helped the humans, gave them sanctuary, and aided their spiritual awareness to reopen. Then they’re true colours began show through again. They became egotistical, arrogant and selfish. All the arc-angels had fled. But before they left completely they warned a single human. The only one who appeared to be caring and respectful. They warned him that god would send a great flood to remove all that had been learned and built. The arc-angels had then gone to God and told him all that had happened. He had reprimanded them all severely. And as suggested had sent the flood. The Arc-Angels had kept away since the flood, but God reiterated the rules of no human contact and upped the penalty for breaking them. It was now a VERY dangerous job to even watch Earth. That was when Gusion quit the Arc-angels and joined the Nemesis Action Force (NAF). They vowed never to allow the Humans to regain even a touch of their old abilities. They kept a close eye on the humans, and destroyed any that started to show signs of consciousness. But the number of humans gaining consciousness out numbered the amount they could eliminate without being noticed. After 1900 years the angel population as a whole had become aware of the consciousness of humans. And a fierce debate started within the High Council. Some argued that since humans had no memories of the past that they could be taught not to make the same mistakes again. That they had changed sufficiently to attempt to convert them. Others argued that it was a part of their genetic make up and could never change. The debate raged for years, but God refused to make a final decision. Instead he chose to wait and watch to see if the humans ever developed enough to make contact with them on their own. If that happened then he would consider they’re natures at that point. If he made a decision now he risked a civil war among the tribes of heaven. So again God increased the stakes for breaking the rules about human contact with angels. The NAF continued with their private mission, to destroy all they could; and the Arc-Angels restarted theirs to retrain and educate the humans. The arc-angels had undermined everything the NAF where doing. For every human they eliminated, the Arc-Angels were awakening another three. That is what had led to today. Gusion was more convinced than ever that he had done what should have been done years before. He had tried to gather enough evidence to take the members of the arc-angels to court, but had so far drawn a blank. The only possible way at the moment was to reveal the NAF. That was unthinkable.

It was late in the day when the high council left the inner sanctums of their hall. Gusion was waiting expectantly outside for Azazel.

"What do you think you're doing you fool. I can't be seen with you. At least you had the sense to internalise the reason for your appearance. Walk with me and we will talk at my home."

They walked in silence from the communal domain to that of the Demons home land. It was a spacious park like area with large fruit bearing trees, and flowers of every kind dotted artistically all around. Azazels home sat in a five acre plot. Large enough to keep out the strongest of thoughts from the rest of the population. The home itself was a tree of ancient oak, shaped to form a magnificent structure of the most grandiose kind. It dazzled all who visited.

Azazel broke the silence,
"So open your thoughts and let me know what happened."

A little reluctantly Gusion done as he was commanded. Immediately relieve flow through him. It was over he had nothing left to fear. Then he felt a second emotion waving from Azazel. One he hadn't expected. Intense anger. then the picture voices boomed into his head

"how could you! This will be impossible to cover up! Of all the stupid, idiotic things to have done you had to Kill him?! Your insane, your mad! you're a threat to all the NAF is trying to do. I have no choice but to take you to the council for elimination. That is the only possible way of saving our cause"

Gusion couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had come to Azazel for help and he was being told he must die! no he couldn't let this happen. Gusion started to run towards the edge of Azazels property, but was blocked by two impressively built protectors. They shackled his aura which prevented him from moving or using any of his energy against anyone but himself, as Azazel walked swiftly towards him.

"I'll take you to the high council, and explain to them that you came with me to my home to discuss the local politics, then when you opened your thoughts I became aware of your madness. Of how you tracked down Jophiel at his home, accused him of being a member of the Arc-Angels and when he denied it you killed him in cold blood. That will explain Jophiels body and pull any suspicion from the NAF. But first I must alter your memories. Don't fight this Gusion. It will only hurt more and take longer if you struggle."

Gusion felt his mind being pulled apart, like grapes being pulled from a vine. he watched as memories he treasured where taken from him, never for him to see again. After a while he found himself strangely dazed and confused. He was being bounced towards the high security holding cells. He couldn't remember what he was supposed to have done or how he got here. he could see the glowing bars of the magical barrier getting closer. it was only an arms length away now. One of his captors was opening the door and the other roughly threw him in. The door was slammed behind him as the guards quickly checked all the charms and locks then left.

Left in the dark gloomy cell, that held only a bed, a chair and table, Gusion sat in silence wondering what had happened. He had flashes of images, a dark enclosed space, the face of a human girl, a very noisy and crowded street, Jophiel sitting calmly in a chair (this one made him angry for some reason, though he couldn't work out why), then Jophiel falling flat on his face, dead . The images made him sick. Even though there had been a strict regime of culling the disabled and handicapped for millennia now, he still hadn't seen a dead body before. The energy suddenly sucked from the vessel making it collapse in on it's self. He tried to escape the cell, escape the horror held within his own head, but the more he tried the more the charms drained him, until he only had enough energy to sleep.

It was bright day light when the creak of the door opening woke Gusion the following day. His head felt like a herd of elephants had run rough shod over it. Two guards came walking towards him, they were not the guards who brought him here last night he noticed. they picked him up, a little more gently than he had been thrown into the cell, but it still hurt, it made him realise just how little energy he had left. Realising this the guards didn't bother shackling him. They made steady progress towards the high courts, through a crowd of angels that Gusion barely noticed as his head pounded with every step. Out of the crowd he heard just a single voice,
“_____.” Searching for signs of the halo that would indicate someone focusing their thoughts, he scanned the crowd. The faces that looked back at him were cold and hard. They held nothing but contempt for him. His thoughts shifting back to the images of the previous night his eyes filled with tears and the familiar feelings of nausea made the bile rise in his throat. ‘How could he defend himself in a court when he didn’t even know what he had done?’
A large set of double doors loomed above him. The building they belonged to was glowing the same way the cells had. Ancient talismans protected the occupants from spiritual attack, as well as acting as a barrier to the outside thoughts. No thoughts get in and none get out.
His head bowed lowed Gusion was jostled through the entrance hall, along a narrow straight corridor, through another set of large double doors and into a courtroom. The two guards guided him towards the box near to the high judge’s bench.

“You are Gusion of the Demons I presume?” Boomed over-head the voice was extremely controlled and held no trace of either condemnation or caring. More out of instinct than thinking Gusion replied,
“I am, you’re lordship.”
“Open your thoughts Gusion. It will not help your case to have them hidden. You are charged with a mental disability, and the cold blooded murder of another conscious being without cause or provocation”. Reeling from shock at the charges he was facing Gusion stood mute before the congregation. He’d never have imagined himself being able to confront another, let alone murder him! It took all his might to focus on what was being said and not fall into a well of despair. There was no path out of this. He couldn’t honestly deny the charge, as he didn’t know.
“How do you plead Gusion?” The voice was sounding irritable now; it had repeated itself several times without response.
“If you do not answer I will have no choice but to subject you to a deep mind scan. This is your last chance. Now Gusion of the Demons; How do you plead?!” Gusion couldn’t plead, he couldn’t even think straight. He was hearing the words but couldn’t make sense of them.
“Gusion, my ruling is that you be returned to your cell and visited by a healer. He will heal your wounds and attempt to restore your mind.” Wounds, what wounds? Gusion looked down at himself and saw for the first time some nasty cuts along his arms, and scraps to his knees and legs. A deeper look at his aura revealed large dark bruises that would have to be cleansed before any form of physical healing could take place.
“Then you will remain in your cell under close supervision until the day after tomorrow, when you will be brought to my chamber in the high council and I will perform a deep mind scan. I will then cast judgement. Court is adjourned.”

© Copyright 2007 Sonja Blue (sonja_blue at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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