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Rated: E · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1244818
What happens when Ben and Lou take a few wrong turns after a rock concert

“I’ll be down in a moment.” I shouted down the stairs to Ben. “It does take more than five minutes to get ready for a concert you know!”
“Come on Lou! It will be dark no one will see or care what your wearing anyway.” Ben shouted back up at me.
I threw on my pink and black skull top and pulled on my black flared gothic jeans. They were my favourite. They were baggy, and flared at the bottom. The had two chains hanging down at the pockets. Iron maiden was one of my favourite band and I couldn’t wait to see them in concert tonight. Heavy metal and rock is what I think to be the best kind of music. All my songs on my iPod were metal and rock.
I’d known Ben most of my life. He’s 22, 6 years older than me. He’s been my next door neighbour for 12 years. He’s always been like a big brother to me. He likes most of the stuff I like. He brought me two tickets to see Three Days Grace in concert for my birthday. I knew that Ben loved them as well, and that was probably why he brought me two tickets, so I asked him to come to the concert with me.
“Come on let’s go,” Ben said as I came down the stairs.

“Don’t say I look nice then” I pouted and stared at him.

“You look absolutely stunning.” He replied with just a hint of sarcasm. “Now we really have to go.” I grabbed my jacket from it’s hanger and followed him out the door. I pulled the door shut behind us and made sure it was shut.. 

“Nice bike.” I commented as I saw Ben climbing on it. “We’re going to the concert on that.”
“Yep. Hope on and lets go.” He said.
“Wait!” I yelled half way on his bike. “I haven’t got the tickets.” I ran back to the door and fumbled around in my pockets trying to find the key. Eventually I found it. Ben let out a loud sigh, I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I grabbed the tickets from the kitchen counter and we set off.
Well, Ben’s driving wasn’t the best, and for Ben to let you go on his bike is a blessing. It was a black Kawasaki with helmets to match. Ben was wearing ripped jeans, a iron maiden t-shirt with a black leather jacket.
It took about one hour to get there, no wonder Ben was hurrying me up. We had to go down loads of narrow, windy, country roads, that stirs your stomach up.                       
When we finally got there we were 20 minutes early, just enough time to buy some refreshments and find our seats. Luckily we had designated seats or we’d be right at the back. We were on of the last to arrive. The whole arena was packed out. Cars lined the road and a huge crowd had gathered outside to listen to the show. Well, it is a lot cheaper. We were sat about 5 rows from the front, level with the stage.
The concert was amazing. Everyone screamed for their favourite songs. I didn’t have a favourite song but that didn’t keep me from being quiet. The people next to me was just as loud. One of the men at the front had had a bit too much to drink and had to be taken away in an ambulance to get his stomach pumped. I now knew why they had paramedics on standby. I never saw the point in getting totally trashed. Especially at a concert you’d probably never go to again. I like to remember things the next day.
The ride home seemed to take forever. I had asked Ben a numerous amount of times if we were going the right was and he assured he was. But I was beginning to thing we weren’t, and so was he. He pulled over to one side but kept the lights on encase a car came by.
“I’m so stupid. I can’t believe I got us lost.” He stormed up and down pulling on his long, jet black hair. I was sat on the bank hugging my knees.
“It’s not your fault. It’s dark. All the turnings look the same and it’s easy to miss a turning.”
A scream came from behind us. Me and Ben stared at each other for a heart beat than ran to the bike. It wouldn’t start. My heart was racing, scared of was going to happen.
“It’s okay.” Ben said trying to keep his voice calm. “It’s only our imagination, we’re just hearing things that’s all, we scared because we’re lost in the woods, our minds are playing tricks on us, that’s it.”
I took a deep breath and sighed. “Ben, you’ve seen the horror films you know what happens to the people who are stranded in the woods.” I was almost having hysterics, I was so scared I started shaking.
“You know monsters aren’t real.” His voice had became breathy, and more uneven, he was getting more scared.
“I was actually thinking about the mutants from ‘The hills have eyes’ and the other serial killers who lived in the woods, but thanks for reminding me about werewolves, and it being a full moon and all.” I was actually crying now I was so scared, I was gripping Ben’s waist so hard it must have hurt, but he didn’t complain. He tried to start the bike up again but the engine cut out, he tried a countless number of times but it didn’t start.
Another scream came from not that far away. Ben turned the headlights of, I think so that people wouldn’t know we were there. Another scream, it was getting closer. A long howl filled the air, it made the hairs on my arms and back of my neck stood on end. Another howl and a scream which gradually faded into silence. Ben had put his arm around me, which wasn’t to comfortable as I was sat behind him, but I needed to be held. Tries were streaming down my checks, and I still couldn’t stop shaking.
A howl came from a ahead of us, then the sound like a dog walking towards us, then breaking into a run. Another howl which chilled my skin to the bone, then all I could hear were my screams.
© Copyright 2007 vampiresrock666 (vampiresrock at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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