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Rated: E · Novella · Western · #1244332
The next part of my book covers the start on Henrys journey to the truth

         Over the next few weeks Henry kept busy,  between working his small farm, fixing this and that, making wedding plans with Mary and helping Mr. Seivers build more fence for the herd he had coming from Texas , he had little time to himself . Wanting to see Tom, he saddled his horse and rode the 12 miles into town. The sun beating down on his shoulders and the steady beat of his horses hooves made him relax and let his mind wander.
The dust was think in the air as he rode down  busy Main St. People were milling around like ants, going from one place to another. The long stretched out figure of Tom leaning against the wall of the jail caught his eye and he headed to meet him

                “Long time Henry, where you been keeping yourself?” Tom asked standing his full 6‘3“and walking to meet his friend.

                “Mr. Seivers needed some help building some new fence, …“  He answered getting off his dapple grey horse to shake the hand of his only friend.”…you got coffee on?”

                “Always, come on in I ‘ll git you a cup”

                Henry stopped at the door to look the town over once before stepping inside the building that was the jail.

              “ I heard Dale bought  Warrens old place and that the widow and son left for the East.” Handing Henry the hot cup, he settled down at his desk covered by wanted posters and dust that seemed to lightly cover everything in the small office.

              “Tom…” Henry started as he pulled up an old chair from the corner scraping it across the wooden floor “…what do you know about Warrens case?”

              “Let it go son, it is done and over with ain’t nothing you can do now” he quietly stated shaking his head .

            “I can’t Tom, I got to find out what really happened.”

            Knowing his friend as well as he did he knew that once he got his teeth into something there was no turning back for him. He had given his word and that is all a man can give that amounts to anything. His pa used to tell him ’A man is  only as good as his word. If you shake a mans hand, look him in the eye and give him your word you better be prepared to  ride the river to make good.

            “ Well…” he began leaning back in his chair scratching the whiskers on his jaw “… Horace Williams out at the ’ Lazy W’ rode in one morning spitting nails about missing 100 or so head. Said he had tracked them to Warrens place and found a few that looked like the brands had been changed. I went out there to talk to Warren the next day. He said I was plumb loco and that he had know Idea what Horace was talking about. I asked him if he minded if we skinned one to be sure, so that is what we done. Sure enough from underneath you could tell that it had been. Horace threw a fit and threatened to hang him on the spot. I finally calmed him down so that I  have a look around. I found a running iron in Warrens barn that had been used with in the last few days and had to arrest him. He swore his innocence but you know how that goes the rest you know” He finished, lifting up his cup and drank the last of his coffee.

          “Do you think he done it Tom?”  Henry asked leaning forward in his chair.

        “Nope, never did, he wasn’t the type…” he replied quietly “…but the evidence was to great, he had a fair trial and was sentenced. Nothing I could do, I told the judge what I thought but it didn’t help.” he pulled out the making and rolled  a cigarette, striking a match on the desk he lit the smoke as he watched Henries eyes search for answers that were not there.

          “I got to find out who really done it Tom, I gave my word” Henry stated as if thinking out loud.

                “ How can you, all the tracks are gone, Warren is gone, how do you think you are going to find out, If  I couldn’t, what makes you think you can!” Tom snapped back.

                  “ I don’t know Tom, but dammit I got to try. I know you done your best and I meant nothing by it but I got to try at least. He was my friend.” Henry put the cup down standing up quickly.

                  Tom searched for a reply in the bottom of his empty cup, looking up he admired the determination he now saw in the eyes of his friend. “He was my friend too, let me know if I can help.” was all he could manage.

                  “Thanks..” reaching out to shake the sheriffs hand “…I will. He turned to walk out the door. “ Oh … He turned as an after thought …“by the way, the wedding is next month and I’ll be needing a best man I hope you’ll oblige me.”

                “ ‘bout time you two got hitched, Be happy to.” the two smiled as Henry once again turned and walked into the street. He mounted up and started back for the ranch deep in thought. Where do I start!
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