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by dan
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Death · #1244165
danny's back and worse than ever so watch out
Show Shannon she’s in her 30’s now and she has a daughter 13 who looks more like 18
Rebecca they now live in Kent

Mum can I go to the fair tonight


please mum

No now please you will be late for school

Show outside school talking to her friends Phil, Kate, Amber Bill

Mum said no

Come on it will give use time together

Yeah you can sneak out

I don’t know

Show Shannon’s house night show Rebecca sneak out front door
show fair ground they the only ones there 11pm

I didn’t we come when it was open

Because now we get the place for our self’s so we can be alone

Lets go to the haunted house

And they go inside the haunted house there’s dummies everywhere werewolf’s zombies ec..

You lot go that way me and Rebecca need to talk ok

A few mins later Rebecca and Bill our kissing when they here someone behind them it’s Danny
with a axe

Who the fuck our you

Danny stabs it though his head and he falls to the fall blood everywhere dead
and he pulls a knife out of his pocket

you going to pay for your bitch mother

And he stabs forward but she runs for it a few minutes later

What do you mean there’s a fucking nutter in here

you two get help

and he picks up a sawed and walks up to him and Danny's holding a chain saw and Phil stabs the sawed
right though his heart but he just pulls it out


and he runs for it but Danny turns on the chain saw and chops him half and you see him fall to the ground
outside the girls our just walking though the gates when Danny runs at them they run for it but Amber
trips over and he picks her up by the neck and chops her head off at police station

I need to speak to someone now

outside Police station we see Danny he's got a hand gun and he walks in to the station
and starts shooting everybody inside Interview room

ok Rebecca tell me again what Happened what's going on out there he runs out sees lots of body’s

what the fuck

and before he has time to think Danny walks up to him and stabs him in the heart and he falls to the floor
dead outside Shannon’s house Rebecca opens the door and goes in and runs in to her mums
bedroom and wakes her up

mum we got to get out of here there's some man killed my friends tried to kill me
he said it's to do with you

shit we got to go now

and they run down the stairs and Danny breaks the door in

Rebecca get out of here

no mum I Can’t leave you


and she runs off

you want to set me on fire don't worry Ican do
the same

and he lights a match and chucks it at her and runs for it outside house

old woman
what’s going on

none of your fucking Business

and he stabs her and we see the house blow up
inside train station Rebecca is getting on the train to London cut to
kings cross Rebecca gets off the train a couple of hours later
Rebecca is in her hotel bedroom she looks up set outside hotel we see Danny
cut to inside hotel Danny shoots everybody Rebecca’s room she hears the
shooting and she climbs out the window Danny kicking all the doors down looking and killing the
people in the rooms looking for Rebecca

where is the fucking tart

Rebecca goes past big Ben

shit how an I going to kill him

a couple of hours later we see her speeding in the car
she drives the car though a army supply shop and she gets out the car
and starts picking up some weapons a couple of hours later
Rebecca talking to some army guy

thanks for coming that's all right your mums a good friend

that’s what I want to talk about I want you to tech me how to use this so
I can kill the person who killed my mum Dave

I can kill the bastard for you

know I’ll want to kill the wanker

a couple of hours later

now this is a hard one to learn so watch

a couple of hours later it's about 1am she's at Dave's house
well Dave stays at the hotel

come on hurry up you fucking dickhead

outside Dave's house we see Danny he kicks the door in and
we see a knife flying in Danny's eye

you fucking tart

and she shoots him lots times and she picks up the rocket lancer
and runs outside and fires the rocket lancer at the house and it
blows up the house the force knocks her back

bye fuckhead

inside remains of house we see him get up and walk over to her
and she runs for it

you'll have to try harder than that

a couple of hours later it's 3am

no I need your help

2 hours later we see Danny in the park and they start
firing the rocket lancers and this time he dies

© Copyright 2007 dan (daniel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1244165-the-rid-2--return-from-the-dead