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by CP
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1244043
whats to say lol its chapter 2
Chapter 2

When it struck it had almost no force to it. The blur came straight at us and as I stared directly at it I saw it collide and pass through the outer fencing of the edges of the dock. When it came to us it passed and there was no felling it was like a cloud of fog, but as it passed everything slowed it seemed as if time inside it had itself slowed down. I looked around and saw that Evan, Chelsea, Nick, and Amanda were all also trapped inside the blur. It seemed as if it took nearly 2 or 3 minutes for the blur to pass completely through but as it came to an end I noticed that the giant wave it had drug behind it was still there and bigger than ever. And I had an idea that the wave wouldn’t be as forceless as the blur had been.
When the wave hit it felt like I had been hit by a bag of bricks or I had been in a car accident. It threw me off my feet and as I left the ground I felt time return to its normal speed. The force of the wave knocked me unconscious and threw me off the edge of the dock that had mysteriously shortened.
When I awoke my lungs burned and my head throbbed I tried to move and managed to roll over. The second I tried to breath I gagged and coughed up water. I opened my eyes and saw I was washed up on shore but it was different. The shore of the lake had been rocky and looked man made this shore was sandy and smooth. I got up onto one knee and looked around I saw the tree line of a forest and sand all around. I managed to stand and turn around. All I could see in the distance was water but there was no land in sight it looked like I was no longer on the shore of a lake but an ocean. I looked down the shore to my left when I saw Amanda. I ran to her side and checked her pulse. She seemed to be breathing and her heart was beating just fine. I tried to sit her up but she wouldn’t wake. I knew she was alive so I let her back down and looked up and down the other side of the shore to check for the others but they were no where to be seen.
I wanted to try and find out what happened back at the dock but I knew that making sure everyone was alive and ok was more important. The tree line looked dense and deep and I didn’t want to go off alone I checked the shore again and still caught no sign of anyone. I didn’t want to leave Amanda here by herself incase she woke up but I didn’t want to leave the others alone either. As I tried to concentrate harder down the shore I heard a cough behind me. I turned and Amanda had awoken she as well coughed up a bit of water but she seemed okay. I walked over to her side and helped her stand.
“Ugh my head.” She cried
“Yeah mine hurts too but we need to find the others.”
“What do you mean, where are they?”
“I'm not sure we need to look for them.”
“What the hell, where are we.”
“I don’t know but we can’t leave the others by themselves we need to figure out where they are.”
“Um ok, sure.”
We headed out down the shore and after a while Amanda seemed to have taken it all in. We didn’t talk much as we looked for the others I was trying to sort it out in my own head but I didn’t want to throw any ideas until I knew for sure. It took us a while to find the others they were ok and not far off they just happened to be in the opposite direction that we started in.
“Ha-ha took you guys long enough.” Evan teased
“Well we would have been here sooner if we hadn’t gone the other way to find ya’ll.” I replied
“Ha sucks for you guys, how long did you look?” Nick asked
“Not more than 10 or 15 minutes I would guess.” I said “How long have ya’ll been awake?”
“Not sure Evan was awake before me and Chelsea is still asleep but I haven’t been awake all too long.”
“Why did you guys come looking for us?” Amanda complained
“I couldn’t leave Chelsea here” Nick laughed
“I sure as hell wasn’t going alone.” Said Evan
“Yeah can’t say I blame ya.” I said “Any idea where we might be?”
“What do you mean? We are at the lake numb nuts.” Laughed Nick
“You the one with numb nuts look around there is sand and a forest since when does the lake have sand and a forest and do you see the other side of the lake?”
“Oh… Well shit.”
“Yeah and its day time so god knows if we are at the lake how much trouble we are going to be for not getting home.”
Nick stood up and looked around, Evan walked off and found a huge rock near the trees and rolled it down toward us and sat down on it, Amanda knelt down by Chelsea to wait for her to wake up, and I walked over to Nick and looked around still trying to figure out what had happened.
“So do you remember it?” I asked
“Remember what?” Nick said
“That thing, the blur?”
“Yeah it looked like a bird when it hit us.”
“Did you feel it?”
“Nope, went right threw me.”
“Yeah, same here.” I said
Amanda approached us and soon after Evan did too. Chelsea hadn’t awakened but we knew she was okay.
“So anyone got any theories?” I asked
“Not really.” said Nick
“None here.” said Amanda.
“Can’t say I do.” Said Evan “What about you Chris?”
“Kind of but I'm not sure yet” I replied
“Well we got nothing better so what is it?” asked Nick
“Well we obviously aren’t at the lake any more so some how we were carried off. At first I figured it was just the wave but as I look around I'm not seeing much of anything familiar. That forest is too thick and dense and there isn’t any land out over the water and the lake doesn’t really get that wide where we were. I'm assuming we only slept through the night which means we wouldn’t have floated far. I can only say that our best bet is to wait for Chels to wake up and then hunt through the forest for a road just incase we are at the lake. What we do know is what ever did happen last night wasn’t normal and I'm not going to try and look for a simple solution, something weird happened and there is something weird behind it I’d say we aren’t in Belton or hell on earth anymore I know its an extreme idea but hell it was an extreme event that brought us here. I look at it as if we have two choices. We can look for supplies and camp here or we can move on and try and find something that will tell us where we are all I can do is hope we find a road and I can just look retarded for coming up with this idea.”
“Ha you really think that’s possible?” Nick asked
“I do if that counts for anything.” Retorted Amanda
“Well it won’t do us any good to sit here so I say we move out as soon as Chels wakes up.” Said Evan
Just then we heard her cough we all turned sharply and went over toward her. She woke up and coughed up water like he rest of us her head hurt and she noticed almost right away that we were in an odd place. She asked us where we were and how long we had been awake basically what we had all asked ourselves when we awoke. We told her what we had come up with and she thought I was crazy, but Amanda still backed me up on it. It seemed like she was convinced on the subject.
I don’t know if it was what I really thought had happened or if I just wanted this to be true but something inside of me felt, hoped, and maybe even needed something like this to happen. I can’t say I wasn’t scared but my excitement quickly overcame any fear I faced and made me eager to find the truth.
“So where to now?” asked Chelsea
“I’m not sure I wish I had some more time to think this over.” I said “Hey ill be right back I’ma go check something out.”
“Wait you can’t go by yourself.”
“Don’t worry ill be right back, no worries.”
I’m not sure why I decided to run off but something told me I needed to go check back at the spot me and Amanda had washed ashore. I ran down the shore and it only took me about 2 or 3 minutes to get to the spot. When I got there I looked around I wasn’t sure what I was looking for but I knew there was something here for me to find. I looked around a bit more and didn’t see anything but as I put my hands in my pockets to rest I found my cell phone, keys, and wallet were still there. I pulled out my phone but it was off I tried to turn it off but I guessed it was broken from the water. I pulled my phone apart took the battery and the SIM card out and stuck it back in my pocket I had done this a couple of times before when I got my phone wet and it seemed to save it.
As I looked up I saw the trees in the forest move I thought for a second there was something there but I couldn’t see anything from where I was. I turned and faced the water I was trying to think of another way to find out if this was still the lake or not I walked up to the water and scooped some up in my hands. I went to take a drink but instead I dropped the water and tasted my finger. It was salty! The water in the lake was fresh it was a man made lake and there was not salt in the water. This proved we weren’t at the lake I turned to go back and tell the others but when I turned I saw the trees move again. But this time there was something there. It was a brown and had black streaks across its back. From where I was it looked like it had six legs and was about as tall as me coming from its torso were two huge claws that dug into the dirt. Its head was round and long it looked like it had no eyes but when I started to back off I saw two eyes open from inside its head and white light poured from the openings. It let out a shrill howl and lunged from the tree line. I began to run back toward the others but the sand made it hard to run fast. The creatures claws made it seem like it was made more for the firm dirt than the soft sand so it wasn’t as fast as it could be either however it still gained on me as I ran. It Jumped and tried to pounce on me but I moved off to the left it reached out and swept my left foot of to the side causing me to kick my own right leg I fell and tried to brace myself but face planted in the sand. I turned over fast and grabbed a handful of sand the creature approached me and I threw sand at the lights I guessed were his eyes. The creature shrieked and jumped up on four legs scratching at its own face with its claws. I turned and started to run again but a sharp pain shot up through my leg from my ankle. The creature must have cut me when it swept my leg. As I came over a hill I caught sight of the others running my way.
“RUN” I warned “Turn and run!”
“Are you okay?” Chelsea yelled.
“RUN!” I warned again.
At that moment I saw everyone’s eyes widen and fill with fear. The creature must have made it over the hill.
I turned to look and just as I did the creature jumped and pounced again. I jumped to the left and the creature missed I lost my balance and rolled down the hill a bit when I looked back the creature had gotten to its feet and was after me again. It folded its right claw backwards and pulled it back creating a blunt end to his arm. I stood up and as the creature came closer I jumped up and spun around driving my heel into the creatures head. The pain from my cut shot through my leg again and the creatures head felt was like rock. I could feel my heel cracking and the bones inside my foot felt like they would break. Then the creatures folded claw hit me in the back throwing me away. I must have flown nearly 10 or 12 feet because I landed close to the feet of my friends. I saw Nick grab a rock and throw it at the creatures head. He nailed it in the head and Evan moved forward and did the same. Chelsea and Amanda grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back. My kick to the face might not have done much but it must have done enough to discourage the creature from sticking around or at least that and the rocks Evan and Nick were throwing did the trick. The creature turned and ran back over the hill convinced he had easier prey he could find and eat.
“Oh my god are you okay?” Amanda yelled
“Ow ah it hurts I don’t know I think it might be broken.”
“What the hell were you thinking?” Chelsea scolded
“How the hell was I supposed to know there was anything like that around?”
“Well you shouldn’t have run off by yourself!” Shouted Amanda
“Well I have good news. Heh.” I teased.
“And what could that possibly be.” Asked Chelsea
“We aren’t at the lake anymore.”
“Really? Wow I sure am glade you figured that out.” Amanda added sarcastically
“Well yeah I guess ya’ll figured it out by the giant what ever that was but I knew because the water isn’t fresh its salt water.”
“Actually I would have never thought of that.” Said Nick
“Okay well you could have done that over here.” Added Chelsea
“Yeah alright whatever but, Ow fuck my foot hurts! Okay just let me rest a bit and ill be alright I don’t think it’s broken.”
“No, it’s still bleeding we need to wrap it.” Demanded Chelsea
“Alright hold on a sec.”
I took off my heavy hoodie and threw it off to the side I hadn’t noticed till now how hot it was the others must have noticed while I was gone because all their jackets were off by the rock Evan had gotten earlier. I took off my shirt and ripped both sleeves off it was a plain brown shit that was thin enough for me to tear on my own. I used the sleeve I tore off to tie up my cut and stuffed the other sleeve in my pocket I put the shit back on and rolled up my hoodie to make a make shift pillow that I threw behind my head. It took me a while to get the sleeve tight and stable but after a while I got it to stay tight. I crawled over to the rock and threw my hoodie up against the shaded side and laid down where it would be easier to fall asleep. I heard the others start to talk but I couldn’t make out what they were saying and soon drifted off to sleep.
© Copyright 2007 CP (cpherd at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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