Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1243793-Bodybag
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Drama · #1243793


                                        Inspired by a True Story

                                                                                                WGA # 1157423



A congregation of 30 Black church members gossip and gawk at little RUDY SIMMONS.

Rudy, 6 years old, is dressed in brand new suit. His two front teeth are missing and his top lip is puffy.  There is a small hole in his right cheek.

Standing next to Rudy is REVEREND SAMUELS, someone Rudy clearly dislikes. The Reverend, dressed in his finest white suit, is a first rate con man and a second rate preacher.

Rudy looks away and towards the smelly, fly infested WATER TANK he is about to be baptized in.

         I don’t think I can do this.

No one pays heed to Rudy.

Suddenly, Rudy’s eyes open up wide. He grabs his stomach with one hand and covers his mouth with the other.

         I think I’m gonna be sick.

Again no one pays attention.

Reverend Samuels moves away from Rudy and mingles with the crowd.

A little girl, BETHANY JOHNSON, tugs on her momma’s white dress and points at Rudy.

WILMA BETHANY JOHNSON, a 30 year old mother, looks down at her daughter and follows her finger.

I think he’s gonna throw up, momma.

Rudy is now heaving.
Now don’t you worry, Beth. Let momma go check on him.

Wilma walks to Rudy and taps him on the shoulder.

Are you going to be okay, Rudy?

At that moment, as Rudy turns, he spews a mouthful of vomit on Wilma.

Wilma pays little attention to the mishap and bends down.
Now, now.  Everything’s gonna work out, Rudy.  You’ll see.

A single tear runs down Rudolph’s face.

I don’t want to go to juvi tomorrow or any day, I didn’t do nothing.

Wilma wipes Rudy’s face with a napkin.

We all know what happened, Rudy. Trust in the Lord to get you through.  One way or another, he will deliver you from evil.

Reverend Samuels walks back toward Rudy who is now cleaned up.

The congregation closes in and around the Reverend and Rudy as Wilma walks back to her daughter.

                             REVEREND SAMUELS
We are gathered here at the request of this young man’s mother, Sister Simmons, to baptize and pray for her son.

The congregation murmurs its agreement.

                             REVEREND SAMUELS
By now, we have all learned of the events that took place a few days ago.  We all know what really took place and we all know that justice will never be served.  So we place our faith in the Lord for the Lord serves those who serve him.

Some in the crowd yell chants of praise.

Reverend Samuels turns to face Rudy and places his hands on his head.

Rudy tries to pull away, but the Reverend holds his head in place and prays silently for a dramatic second or two then turns back to the crowd.

                             REVEREND SAMUELS
Do not say in your heart who will ascend to heaven, or who will descend into the abyss.  But what do we say?  The word is near you, on your lips; in your heart, because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved!

More praise from the crowd

Reverend Samuels grabs the back of Rudy’s neck.

                             REVEREND SAMUELS
                   (under his breath)
         Grab your breath, boy.

The Reverend then dunks Rudy’s head in the water and holds it there.

                             REVEREND SAMUELS
For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved.

Rudy begins to fiercely struggle.

Bethany looks on with an angry stare.

Reverend Samuels pulls Rudy from the water.

Rudy gasps for air.          
                             REVEREND SAMUELS
Scripture tells us that ‘No one who believes in him will be put to shame.’ The same lord is Lord of all and is generous to all who call on him.  For Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Reverend Samuels walks away from Rudy and towards the crowd and begins shaking hands.

                             REVEREND SAMUELS
We have cake and coffee in the church and be sure to make your offering. You folks leaving now best get on before the White church lets out.

The congregation begins ambling toward the church.

Rudolph, wet and alone, watches with envy as his mother lovingly rounds up his brother.

Rudolph’s father approaches Rudy.  He is tall man with a hard working farmer’s physique.

When he is near, he hands Rudolph a card.
                   (in a gruff tone)
This favor from God cost me 20 dollars.  You better keep that Baptism card safe. Let’s get moving, boy.

Rudy looks at the card and turns it in his hands.  He looks up and watches his father walk away and begins taking half steps to follow.

Bethany surprises Rudy by walking up behind him and taking his hand in hers.
You better go back, you’ll get in trouble.

No, momma said it was okay.  She’s gonna pick me up from your house.

They walk hand in hand, following Rudy’s father to the tractor that they rode in on.


The city is alive with people walking to and from their daily lives. 

Within the crowd we see WENDY JENKINS who is walking out of a Duncan Doughnuts coffee shop.  She has a big smile and is smartly dressed.  Her eyes cover the visage of her new city with a sense of awe.

Wendy makes her way towards a huge office building and stops.  She slowly looks up at it and takes a deep breath.

Wendy puts her briefcase and coffee down on the sidewalk and begins checking her dress.

First impressions are lasting impressions.  This can’t be any harder than reporting to the 82nd and Colonel Connelly.

A nicely dressed man walks past Wendy and gives her a peculiar stare.


The man continues on.

Wendy picks up her coffee and briefcase and begins up the stairs
© Copyright 2007 D.R. Pedraza (chemdog210 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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