Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1243739-Dream-Clues---Prologue
by pgkirk
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1243739
Follow the journey to catch a serial killer.
Dream Clues - Prologue

The room is dark except for the glow of a computer screen sitting on a large mahogany desk. He puts on his reading glasses and leans in for a better view of the images playing across the monitor. As he watched in disbelief, the murderer walked over to confront the camera and ramble about their justification for their heinous crimes. All he could do was shake his head in frustration. It was his responsibility to stop the killings. However, the murderer was smart, maybe smarter than he was. He felt helpless to stop the crime. All he could do was watch as the murderer returned to the innocent victim.

He observed the murderer pick-up a syringe and stand behind the victim. The victim moved slightly as the needle was inserted in to her neck. Then her body went limp, just like the others. The murderer stepped out of camera view for a moment and then returned holding a small white rope. As the murderer stood behind the victim, the rope was wrapped around the victims’ neck. Over the next minute or so, all he could do was watch as the life was drained out of the victim by the murderer.

When the deed was done, the murderer approached the camera again. This time the murderer was holding a pen in their right hand. More ranting and raving about justification, then the video feed was cut.

He leaned back in his chair. He thought to himself that the police would go crazy over this victim. They would definitely pull in the Fed’s this time. He wondered if he could use this to his advantage. But how?

He turned on a small lamp sitting on his desk and pulled out a pad of paper from his desk drawer. Picking up his pen he began to draw circles in the center of the paper. Within the circles, he placed names. The names represented everyone connected or associated to the killer and the victims.

Even though his office was a comfortable sixty-eight degrees, a small bead of perspiration was starting to form on his brow as he quickly scribbled out his plan.

Thirty minutes later, he had realized an interesting link.

As he placed his pen down on the pad, a smile came over his face. He had figured it out. He knew what he needed to do. If the scenario played out as expected, he could find the killer and put things right again.

He reached for his cellular and dialed.

The phone was picked-up after only one ring. The man on the other end of the phone was clearly wide-awake at 1:30 in the morning as he said, “Did you see it?”

“Yes and I have a plan. I am going to catch this killer.” There was confidence in his voice that had not been there for the past two weeks.

The man on the other end of the phone hesitated. “I’m paying you to do a job. I do not want to know the details. Just get it done.” The phone went dead as the connection was ended.

He closed his cellular phone, turned off his computer monitor and desk lamp. It was time to go to bed and get some sleep. He knew that once he woke-up, the plan would be in play.

Author's Note: Other chapters are available for your review.
Prologue: "Dream Clues - Prologue
Chapter 1: "Dream Clues - Chapter 1
Chapter 2: "Dream Clues - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: "Dream Clues - Chapter 3
© Copyright 2007 pgkirk (pgkirk at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1243739-Dream-Clues---Prologue