Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1243040-A-DAY-WILL-COME-bilingual--award-winner
Rated: E · Poetry · War · #1243040
Poem written on thirteenth day of Iraq war.
A DAY WILL COME: award winner

A day will come when the bleak world
Will present a different hue;
Darkness of night will be no more,
And sun will all corners imbue.

A day will come certainly when,
Freely the winds of love will blow;
When every lip will sing a song,
And with love every heart will glow.

A day will come certainly when
Terror will haunt us no longer;
When fear will not subdue the speech,
None will be a mischief monger.

A day will come certainly when
Equal will be men and women;
Brides won’t be burnt, daughters not killed,
Because they bring evil omen.

A day will come certainly when
The meek will inherit the earth;
When royal palaces will fall,
Mullah’s fatawah won’t kill the mirth.

A day will come certainly when
Blood baths and war there will be none;
When children will not sleep hungry,
When their dreams will be full of fun.

A day will come certainly when
The US will be repentant;
When no longer it will shower
Bombs on the desert continent.

A day will come certainly when
All men will worship just The God;
When name of Christ, Allah or Ram
Will not make the people distraught.

A day will come certainly when
In peace will live all, big or small;
When in their heart they will believe
Children of one God are we all.

* Written in abcb 8-8-8-8 format
* Written on the thirteenth day of the US war on Iraq
*Awarded Honorable mention prize in the contest "Gangsta's Paradise Contest by Geja got an egg Tnx Laart1

* Son preference is found in many societies in the world giving rise to practices like Pre-conception sex selection, Female foeticide and Female infanticide. As a consequence, birth of a female child is often unwelcome.

• Mullahs are Muslim religious leaders who issue fatawahs or religious edicts on not only religious but also social and political issues and such fatawah or edict is supposed to be binding on Muslims. It is not uncommon to have such edicts against singing, dancing, watching movies or TV and wearing clothes, especially for women. Such edicts often stand in the way of progress of Muslim societies towards modernity.

[Initially posted as independent item no. 840284, which was deleted on 22 March 2005 and entry no. 352287 in book "BILINGUAL POETRY BOOK was posted in its place. Reposted as the present independent item on 5 April 2005.

* Translated from the original poem in Hindi, given below.

1 April 2003
M C Gupta


११. वो सुबह कभी तो आयेगी

वो सुबह कभी तो आएगी जब दुनिया का रँग बदलेगा
रातों की सियाही जाएगी धरती पर सूरज उँडलेगा

वो सुबह कभी तो आएगी झूमेगी हवा आज़ादी से
जब हौंठ तराने गाएंगे दिल झूमेंगे बेताबी से

वो सुबह कभी तो आएगी मन में न किसीका डर होगा
जब खौफ़ ज़ुबाँ न खाएगी मन चाहा एक डगर होगा

वो सुबह कभी तो आएगी मर्द औरत में न फ़रक होगा
बहुओं को जलाने का जिस दिन दुनिया में नहीं करतब होगा

वो सुबह कभी तो आएगी जब ख़ून की न होली होगी
जब भूख न नींद भगाएगी, सपनों से नींद भरी होगी

वो सुबह कभी तो आएगी अमरीका जब पछताएगा
मिट्टी के घरोंदों पर न वो बम के गोले बरसाएगा

वो सुबह कभी तो आएगी जब होगा राज गरीबों का
शाहों के महल ढह जाएंगे मुफ़्ती का नहीं होगा फ़तवा

वो सुबह कभी तो आएगी जब सबका एक ख़ुदा होगा
अल्लाह, यीशु के नाम पे न लड़ने का सबब पैदा होगा

वो सुबह कभी तो आएगी मिल कर सब रहना सीखेंगे
जब एक ख़लिश रब के बंदे उसका दम भरना सीखेंगे.

महेश चंद्र गुप्त ’ख़लिश’
१ अप्रेल २००३
[ईराक युद्ध के तेरहवें दिन लिखी गयी कविता. युद्ध २० मार्च २००३ को आरंभ हुआ था]

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1243040-A-DAY-WILL-COME-bilingual--award-winner