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by dan
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Death · #1242901
a killer killing people in the amusement park
The ride


By  Daniel Harman 

Show fun fair
2 twin girls pretty  brown hair about 13 wearing jeans they with there parents

We going to get some candyfloss  will meet you at side the haunted house

The twins
Ok  mum

And they go in there is no one else in there ,there our lots of model werewolf’s vampires ec…

Come on ruby  the zombies don’t look good 

They ok

Yeah right

Show man with a hand gun about 6ft strong 

Who the fuck our you
The Man
None of  your fucking business

and he shots ruby in the stomach she falls to the floor in pain Rebecca starts hugging her

Ruby Please just go leave use

The Man
Why should I give me one good reason

And he grabs Rebecca  around the neck
Why I shouldn’t cut you up
And he lets go and she kicks him he moans in pain 

The man
You fucking slag

and Rebecca helps ruby up  and she helps her limp of and he picks up the hand gun and shots ruby in the back of the head she goes down dead and he walks up to Rebecca and grabs her by the neck

Get ready to die bitch
And he lets go of her neck and pushes her to the floor  show there parents

Lets go in and find them  I’ll telling you they grounded

Ed  come on don’t you think that’s a bit hard

They go in

Girls where our you
Rebecca o.s

Mum help

And they see ruby’s  body


And the man grabs mum from behind and slits her  neck dad runs at him  and the man picks up the axe and crops his head off  we see his head fall to the floor and then his body and the man walks over to Rebecca

Sorry you know what parents our like and he stabs she tries to cruel away but he stabs  her though the neck

Show 5 years later the same fun fair we  where at before
Show kids  they about 17 they look rich wearing the latest fashion  the place is empty

Our you lot afraid

Shut up Bill

Hay com on guys

Yeah guys

Come on lets fucking go in  then

And they go in the haunted house
show lots of cops outside big building

Dr Kelly talking to the cops he’s about fifty

Dr Kelly
How could you let the fucker getaway with you going to get him he’ll be at that fair

I got someone checking it out but he wont be yeah
Show Inside  haunted house

How about you two go that way and we go that way

Bill and Lauren go one way and the others go the other way  a few minutes later show Bill naked and show  Lauren takes her bra off then he climbs on top her show the man then Bill Lauren in the middle of it the man sneaks  up behind him and stabs the axe though his back and Lauren pushes bill of her and runs for it and he grabs her  and pushes her to the floor and climbs on top of her and chops her boobs and he stabs her in the neck

The man
Bye fucking tart

Show cop looking like he don’t want to be working

Anyone in here

Show the man walking up to him axe in the air ready to get him cop on walkie talkie

no he’s not
And we see the axe chop his head in half  and he kicks
part of the head

Fucking cop

Show Dan  and Shannon 

Did you here that dan
dan you stay here and i'll look

Show man show Dan he sees the man with the chainsaw and the man turns it on ,Dan runs and trips over the foot of one of the vampire models 


And he gets up and pushes the vampire at him but the man just pushes out the way and the man chops him in half  and Shannon walks in

Dan what our
What the fuck have you done to him

The same I going to do to you

And she starts running and he chases her and she hides and grabs the knife of him when he goes past her and she stabs him in the leg and runs out

Fucking bitch

And he pulls the knife out show outside the cops and Dr Kelly and have arrived and Shannon runs up to them

You got to help yeah is some fucking nutter in there

Ds Harman
Sorry what’s your  name


Ds Harman
I Ds Harman  Shannon this is Dr Kelly he’ll take you to the ambulance ok 

And show in side haunted house cops looking

Ds Harman
Shit where is he

Show the man he shoots a woman in the head in the car and pushes her out the car and starts driving

Dr Kelly
You’ll have to stay here to we catch the bastard

Show the man walk in the fire exit and he goes in the staff  room and grabs a butcher knife and  a nurse walks in 

Who our you

He walks up to her  and stabs her in the chest and she dies and he drags  her to  the cubed  and puts her inside  he walks out the room starts shooting everybody with a machine gun and he starts checking the rooms and finds the power box and turns it off  it’s about 1am  and he walks out

Where our you bitch you can’t hide from Danny England

Show Shannon worried


And Danny walks in

You going to pay bitch

And he runs at her with the knife and she dukes him and runs out the room show a few minutes later nurse and doctor

Come on there’s no one around we can have some fun

and he starts kissing her and they here someone behind  them

The doctor
Who the fuck our  you

And Danny walks up to him and cuts his head of
And he stabs her  show Shannon running out of the  hospital and the cop sees her show Danny in the power box hiding in the shadows  his put the lights back on but they our still not working very  well

The cop
What’s  the matter

Danny the fucking nutter is in there

Stay here  someone will take you to a safe house ok and he goes in and he starts looking around and he goes in the power box room and he sees a body and Danny sneaks  up behind him and pushes him in to the power box and we see him fry and the lights go out again  and we see him leave though  another fire exit

Show outside in police car  policeman talking to Shannon don’t worry you’ll have a armed guard  show Shannon  in house sitting down show cops in hospital

Ds Harman
Shit how could you let the dickhead get away  Dr Kelly is
still looking we better join him

Show outside safe house we see the armed guard  go down his just been shot in the head show the man break  the door down show Shannon run out  the back door Danny looks up stairs but can’t find her  and goes though the front door and  he breaks in next door  show family a girl about 12 and a boy 15 with mum and dad 

and he shoots them with a hand gun though the head

where the fuck is she I’ll wait in the house she’ll have to turn up soon

show in side house she has a gun she’s in  the  bedroom  hoping to catch him
And we see him in the hallway  he opens the door and she  starts shooting at him he falls down the stairs and show him still at the bottom of the stairs
Show her on phone

Ds Harman I’ll killed him he’s here with me

Show bottom of stairs Danny’s not there  show him half  way up the stairs  show Shannon


She sees  him and runs in the room and barricades the door and starts looking for a weapon  Danny of o.s

You can’t kill me

And he starts putting the axe in the door and it gives way  she grabs a match  and chuck  it at him and she jumps out the window  show Danny burning to bone dead show paramedics putting Shannon in the back of the ambulance  show cops the roads been closed  and fire fighters and the house blows up  show a couple of days later Shannon in bed with her parents

You going to be fine honey

Shannon I  know mum

Show the blown up safe house  we see Danny’s hand move and its repaired its self


© Copyright 2007 dan (daniel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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