Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1242878-Never-Ending-Storms
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Drama · #1242878
Samantha's life had been full of storms. Could Justin be the answer to them all?
Never Ending Storms

Samantha was a good person.  She went to church on a regular basses, gave to charities and was always kind to others.  She wasn’t stuck-up or snobby.  Why was her life such a mess?  Everything always seemed to go wrong.  She tried not to be to happy for anything good that happened in her life because when she did it would quickly turn into yet another source of pain in her life.

Samantha was a beautiful young woman.  Her hair was shoulder length light brown with natural red highlights that complemented her hazel eyes.  She had the perfect body with curves in all the right places.  Yet Sam still had trouble getting guy who wasn’t a creep.  There was more to her then just a pretty face and a good body.  Sam was smart and very talented.  Why couldn’t she find a guy that appreciated these things as well as her body?

Sam was a very talented Interior Designer.  She worked for a small firm in Fargo, ND.  Kris, Sam’s roommate and best friend, was an artist.  Kris was a much more out going person then Samantha was.  She was always trying to get Samantha to get out more.  Kris was also a very beautiful young woman.  The two of them looked so much alike that people were always asking if they were related.  Sam didn’t mind this.  She was jealous of Kris though.  Kris seemed to have such a better life then Sam.  She never seemed to be sad or have any problems.

Sam spent a lot of time at work.  Her apartment was so close to the office that she would often walk there late at night when Kris had a guy over.  Samantha didn’t want interrupt anything that might happen.

One evening, when Sam got back to her apartment, she was greeted by a very handsome man.

“Oh, hi.  You must be Kris’s roommate Sam.  She said you would probably be home soon.” The strange man standing in her living room said as she walked in the door.

“Hi.  I’m guessing you’re her date.  I won’t be long.  I just needed to pick up something to eat and then I was going to go back to the office.” Sam said, quickly walking to the kitchen.

“You don’t have to leave.  Kris just ran to the liquor store to get some wine and I’m kind of lonely here by myself.  My name is Justin by the way.” He said extending his hand to Sam to shake.
She took it and was amazed at how big and strong it was.

“Alright, I guess I can stick around until Kris gets back.”

“Great, I was just watching a movie on TV if you want to join me.  I think it is called The Punisher.”

“I love that movie.  Let me go put my stuff in my room and then I’ll be right out.” Sam left the room to go put her bag in her room and quickly changed out of her suit.  She couldn’t believe that this guy actually showed some interest in her.  This was exactly what she needed after the long day she had at the office.  Her boss had yelled at her because she lost the drawings for one of their clients.  Everything had just seemed to go down hill from there and she was happy to just sit on the couch with this very handsome man to watch a movie.

When Sam came back out to the living room, Justin was back on the couch.  She stood there for awhile just staring at him.  He had short blond hair and the most stunning blue eyes she had ever seen.  They were a bright, clear, sky blue.  He was wearing a tight black shirt that accentuated his washboard abs and blue jeans.

“Are you just going to stand there staring at me or are you going to join me over here on the couch?” Justin said, drawing Sam out of her day dream.

“Sorry, I guess I didn’t realize I was staring.” Sam said as she walked over to the couch and sat next to him, her checks a bright red.  She sat in the left corner of the couch and leaned on the arm.  Justin scooted over so that he was pressed up against her side.  She could feel the warmth coming off of his body.  Justin then placed his arm on the back of the couch around Sam’s shoulders.  She didn’t know what to do.  It felt good to have him so close but she felt like she was betraying her friend by allowing him to be this close.  He smelt so good and he was so warm.  ‘Where is Kris?  What is taking her so long?’ thought Sam.

“Are you comfortable?” Justin asked, sensing her discomfort.

“Yeah, I’m fine.  I wonder what happened to Kris.” Sam questioned, voicing her concern for her friend.

“I’m sure she will be back soon.  You smell so good.  Do you use a special body wash?” Justin asked, leaning over to smell her skin.

“Nnnoo,” Same said starting to feel uncomfortable.  “Could you move over a little bit, I’m starting to get a little warm.”

“Why don’t you take off that heavy sweater then?  That is unless you don’t have anything on underneath.”

“I guess I could.”  Sam took off her sweater leaving her in just a tank top and jeans.

“That’s better, isn’t it?”

“Yeah.  I’m going to go get a pop.  Would you like something?” Sam asked, trying to get away from this strange man whose face was now just inches away from her own.

“You’re not just trying to get away from he are you?” Justin held her down on the couch with one arm.

‘He is so strong,’ Sam though then said out loud, “No, I’m really thirsty.”

“Alright then, I don’t need anything.” He said, letting her up.  She walked as quickly as she could to the kitchen without seeming like she was running away.  When she got to the kitchen, she tried to think of ways to get out of this situation.  She grabbed the phone and dialed Kris’s cell phone.  When the phone rang, she heard an answering ring come from Kris’s bedroom.  Her back was to the door way so she didn’t notice when Justin came in.  He walked up behind her and took the phone out of her hand.

“I’ll take that.  We don’t want you calling the police now do we.” He whispered into her hear, his hot breath sending chills down her spine.  He turned her around to face him.  “Why don’t we take this into the bed room?”  He picked her up and took Sam to her bed room.  She tried to get out of his arms but he was just too strong for her.  Justin threw Samantha onto the bed and climbed on top of her.  ‘Why is this happening to me?  Why does this stuff always happen to me?’ Sam thought to herself as she tried to struggle out of his grasp.

“Oh no you don’t, I’m not letting you go until I’m done with you.”

“Please don’t do this too me.” Sam bagged.  She tried as hard as she could to get away but he was just too strong.  He pulled her jeans and underwear down.  He buried his face in her cunt and tongue rapped her.  He held her down with his arms.  Samantha kicked him but Justin just didn’t seem to notice.  He was too busy.  He eventually came up and kissed her.  Justin undid his pants with one hand while holding Sam’s arms above her head with the other.  He raped Samantha several times before leaving her alone in her bed.  She rolled over on her side, curled up into a ball and started crying.  ‘Where is Kris?  How did she meet this guy?  Why would she bring a guy like this to out apartment?’ Sam thought to herself.  She didn’t hear Justin come back into the room.

Justin walked over to the side of the bed not making any sound.  He had a butcher knife in his hand and raised it over his head.  Samantha rolled over to get up and call the police when the knife struck her in the chest.  There was nothing she could do.  He raised the knife, thrusting it into her chest several more times.  Blood was sprayed everywhere each time Justin pulled the knife out of her chest.  Samantha was fading fast.  Once Justin was satisfied he left the room and went back to the kitchen.  He cleaned off the knife and put it back where he found it.  He did a once through of the apartment to make sure that he didn’t leave anything behind.

Sam was lying in her bed.  She could feel the life slipping from her.  ‘Why did this happen to me?  Why did he choose me?’ This was all running through Sam’s head.  Her life had been full of never ending pain, a storm cloud that hung over her head at all times.  Now her life was being ended by the biggest storm of them all.  As the last bit of life slipped from her body she remembered that Kris still hadn’t come home.  Little did she know that Kris had already been died when Sam got home.

word count: 1,562
© Copyright 2007 scubby snacks (love_my_guy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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