Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1242811-suicide-part2
by annie
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Death · #1242811
if you've read part one its the continuation. if nt, pls do. enjoy! thank!
Part two. hope you like it. it begins where you left off.

end of part one

I throw up in my mouth, tears whelm in my eyes but all I can feel is disgust. No sorrow. No pain.
I don’t cry. I haven’t cried since that day and I am completely sure that I wont…ever

beggining of part two.

“Renay?” the interviewer interrupts for what I believe is her third time.
I blink up at her; the images dissolve and disappear.
“I understand what you’re going through” she said, sounding not in the least bit concerned, her beady eyes still fixed intently on me. “But you’re going to have to work with me a little bit. You’re a witness. I need you to act like one.”

  I frown slightly, hearing this. A witness? Does this mean that there investigating her death? They don’t think it was suicide?
My brow narrows some more, but it had to have been suicide! I saw her! I saw "IT", discarded on the carpet beside her lifeless body.
  The lady guesses where my thoughts have wondered and shakes her head, white-grey curls come loose from the tight bun they'd once been locked in and hang softly on her wrinkled face, doing nothing, however, to soften her features or make her look anymore human.
“We’re investigation what led to her death. We are perfectly aware that she committed suicide.” She says, staring at me peculiarly “We, Emma’s parents and I, want to know why. what made a perfectly healthy, normal girl take her life?”
I nod “oh.”
It makes sense. I would want to know too if my daughter did something like that. The image pops up into mind once more and, again, I feel like throwing up.

The lady raises a perfectly cut eyebrow, a weird smile molding into her stern, hard features. 
“In fact," she says leaning across the table towards me,  "its quite strange that YOU don’t want to know too?”

I look down, fiddling idly with the chain of my bracelet. No. I don’t want to know. I want to forget this ever happened. I want to wake up and be magically transported back in time. Back to the day I first joined Ridgeway high… back to the day I met Emma Heart for the first time.

Maybe things would have been different. 

  She glanced over her reports. “You are supposable her best friend…her only best friend, right?”
  WAS! I feel like screaming! I WAS her best friend.
She’s dead now.
“Yes.” I mumble, “I was.”


© Copyright 2007 annie (annie99 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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