Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1242424-Thick-or-thin-skinned-orange
Rated: E · Article · Experience · #1242424
contest entry in forum- Annalynne's contest - first contest entered
Are you a Thick-skinned or a Thin-skinned orange----- The prompt

(b)"Thick-skinned" is defined as "having a thick skin; insensitive; callous to insults; tough; resilient; strong". "Thin-skinned" is defined as "having a thin skin; sensitive; easily hurt or offended; touchy; weak".(b/)


I believe I am both thick skinned and thin in places.
Bruised and abused as this crate is shipped from one home to another.
This orange crate has slowly become empty.

I roll around from side to side, hitting each wall with a bang.
Each turn and tumble more of the heart of this orange is bruised and gone.
There won't be any heart left by the time the skin is peeled away .

Someone will have missed the sweetness inside this skin.
The outer shell is disappearing as I sit here on this shelf.
I am just as the others were but something about me kept me from being chosen.

Maybe it was the thick green at the top.
Maybe it was the slight bruise to the bottom.
I will never know, maybe the outside predicts the life of the inside.

Each truck has delivered me and this crate to a new location.
Each store I've come to know, eventually after evaluation , I've been sent on my own.
Now I sit here at the bottom, have rolled to this hidden location.
I've fallen below the counter.

The thickness and thinness no longer matter.
Bruises,frozen over, and hot to the touch, I no longer hold any color.
Mold takes over,
I begin to Rot.

April 01,2007 judging took place

Judges: Sara-Touched by an angel Anna
            Brenda- Brenpoet

1st went to Anghurns
2nd went to Cat thanks Raine
3rd went to cemetarykat

I truly enjoyed this contest the first I have entered with my writing at all since highschool 20 years ago.  I was overly excited to find I placed at all out of  alot of enteries.  I recieved my first merit badge, this is truly an honor.
              The 5000 gift points don't hurt either.
I thank the judges once again here in my own pages for your outstanding work. I know judging any contest is hard work. A writing contest must take lots of reading and rereading so I thank you all for taking the time to read my work.  Annalynne I thank you for the oppurtunity to join this contest.

I also thank the annonamous giver whom gave me the upgrade from the begining, for without that upgrade I would never have been able to enter any contest.  I hope to return the favor in the future to some unsuspecting newbie so they may get a start in this wonderful and supportive writing environment. 

May your angels watch over you!
© Copyright 2007 Cemetarykat says,Bring it on! (cemetarykat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1242424-Thick-or-thin-skinned-orange