Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1242360-Soul-of-a-Vampire
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1242360
About a rookie vampire's last minutes.

The darkness engulfed me. I gave into it, my soul turning black in evil and hate. The darkness devoured me, a bird of prey going in for the kill, I let it. I was no longer human, no longer living. I had a new purpose in life, a new desire. I had the desire for blood and flesh, now I had a vampire's heart.

The moment the Vampire Lord sank his blood stained teeth into my neck I felt the worries and trivial matters of life slip away. The light at the end of the tunnel had gone out, now there was no escape. Pulled in. Forced in. Led in. I went. I followed. I accepted this new destiny, one that I could never fight. My true calling.


I sit in the moonlight, not knowing what to do. I have all the time in the world although I didn't used to. Clouds drift slowly across the moon, daring it to break through. I sniff the air, fresh meat is heading my way. The tombstone beneath me is cold and hard, the words on its front faded long ago. I smile at how precarious my situation is. This could be some weary straggler, a drunk perhaps or a desperate child. It could also be someone looking for revenge, a crazed teenager perhaps drawn into the world of vampires because a parent or guardian was killed. That was me once, but not anymore. I succumbed to the darkness, gave into it. I am free now.

Slowly I slide off the uncomfortable tombstone and creep towards a clump of shadowy trees, dissolving into the shadows. Smiling I think of how easy my first month as a vampire has been. Most nights I harvest one soul, more if I'm lucky. One is more than enough, and so Rex, the Vampire Lord, is pleased. He will reward me soon, a title perhaps. Jessica, Lady of Shadows. Sounds good to me but for now I must concentrate on the task at hand.

A silhouette appears amongst the fog covered gravestones. A glint of a knife catches my eye. Desperate aqua blue eyes twinkle gravely in the moonlight. Revenge driven teenager, just as I thought. Steathily I make my way through the trees, around the back of the teenager hoping to strike from behind. No deal, the teenager hears a twig snap behind it. Turns, spots me darting for cover. My camoflague is blown.

Stepping out into full view I see a teenage girl with bedraggled blonde hair clinging to her face. She doesn't look as if she's washed in a while. Her teeth are clenched in fear and anger as she raises the blade above her head.
"Come out where I can see you, you muderous scum!" she screams, her jaw tense with hatred, "Or are you afraid to face me." I cock my head back and snort, why should I be afraid of her? I step forward confidently so she can see me. We stare into each others' eyes. "Who's hunting who?" I ask mockingly.

This only seems to enrage her. Screaming at the top of her voice she races at me, kitchen knife poised in her hands. I dodge as she gets close but she anticipates my move and darts after me screeching with all of hell's fury. This might not be such a slice after all. Her fists flailing wildly the girl manages to slash my left cheek. I don't scream, I don't bleed, instead I crack my neck around and punch her hard in the face. I dodge as she blindly swipes at my heart and covers her face with her free hand. Spotting my chance I swing my leg out and knock her off her feet. Seriously pissed off now the girl kicks at me as I bare my two inch fangs. Damn it, that would have been a great biting oppurtunity. I spin around and pick myself off the ground from where the girl knocked me. In a second she's after me, hot on my bony heels.

I raise an arm and turn ready to block a punch or stab. I block the punch. But NOT the stab. I back away. And stare. Her face is contorted with anger, hatred and triumph. I trip and fall into a stone angel's arms. I stare down at the dagger embedded in my heart. I thought vampires died immediately after being stabbed in the heart. Apparently not. I look up to the girl's aqua blue eyes. The last word that escape from my mouth, all I can muster is," Why?" My body is failing me. I know it's over. I bare my teeth angrily at the girl and yet again sucumb to the darkness. But this time I know I won't wake up.
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