Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1241999-Chapter-1
by CP
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1241999
This was chapter 1 of a book i started but im writing another one now
Chapter 1

“Well that was good where to next?” I asked after we left Chilie’s.
“Not sure how much time we got?” Asked Nick.
“Well its only 8 and the girls don’t have to go home till 9:30.” I said.
“Kick ass lets go down to the lake.” Amanda suggested.
“Yeah lake sounds good.” Nick said.
“It’s cold as hell what are you thinking.” Chelsea explained.
“Who said we had to swim we don’t have suits on anyways.” I said.
“Yeah come on lets go.” Added Nick. “I know a great spot follow me.”
“Bet ill beat ya there Evan.” I shouted.
“In your dreams Chris.” He shouted back.
“Ya’ll don’t even know where it is so I’ma beat both of ya‘ll there.” Nick said.
“What road is it on?” I asked.
“2305.” he said.
“See ya there punks!” I yelled. “Come on Amanda lets go, hurry”
“I'm coming.” She said.
“Let’s go Chelsea.” Shouts Nick.
         It was that night when it happened. We raced all the way to 2305 I was second when we reached the road, and managed to pull into first on the road but pulled over since I didn’t know where to go from there. I got right back behind Nick and we pulled down a small side road that I had seen before but never gone down. We came to a stop sign hung a right and floored it down the road. The narrow passage surrounded us with trees. We hit almost 80mph as we drove down the little road. Since Nick didn’t stop at the sign I was quite a ways behind him when his break lights went on. I saw him start to stop and I hit my breaks a bit I didn’t notice how hard he was breaking till I saw him take the turn. I tried to slow down enough to take the turn but was still going too fast. I pulled around the corner edging toward the trees. My front end almost chipped one when I fishtailed and almost slammed into another but once past those two I almost hit a mail box then I turned sharply to the right getting back in line with the road. I heard Evan behind me and saw him almost flip behind us. After that we managed to make it to shore without much trouble but what was odd about our near wreck was the fact that I didn’t hit the tree.
“Chris you’re a dumb ass!” Nick shouted after we got out of our cars
         “Yeah I didn’t know you where slowing down so much. At least I didn’t get Amanda and I killed though.”
         I looked back at her and she was getting out of the car she wasn’t scarred but she looked puzzled at something as she looked back up the hill we had just came down from.
         “Did you see that?” She asked
         “Yeah he almost killed you.” Chelsea laughed
         “No I mean Chris did you see that thing?”
         “What thing?” I asked
         “That white blurry thing back at the tree?”
         “Yeah it was a bag or something I guess”
         “No it was still and then it moved?”
         “Well maybe it was a bird or a rabbit”
         “Chris it wasn’t there at first it just appeared then it moved AT us it looked like it pushed us away.”
         “Well I missed it.”
         I was lying I had seen it but I tried not to think much of it. I think at the time I was still scared about the incident and I didn’t want to think about it much, this addition just kind of threw me off
         “Actually it is kind of odd that you missed that tree, I saw the whole thing.” Said Evan. “How fast were you going anyways?”
         “I don’t know I think I managed to get down to 45-50 before I turned”
         “ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” Nick shouted
         “Yeah, why?”
         “I’ve gone 35 around that curve and almost hit that tree.”
         “Well you’re in a truck cars turn better I guess.”
         “I'm telling you Chris there was something there.” Amanda exclaimed
         “Well fine I’ll go look around”
         “No dude, look later, we don’t have enough time we got to get out of here by 9 to get the girls home.” Nick told me
         “Alright whatever.”
         “Hey what’s down there?” Chelsea asked.
         “I don’t know lets check it out” suggested Amanda
We went down a wooden bridge that went out over the lake towards a dock that had a door around it. The gate was locked and the fencing extended a ways out to either side and around the top and both sides were stirrings of barbed wire.
“I wonder what’s over there?” Nick Asked
“I don’t know go see.” I teased
         Nick jumped up onto the gate and climbed around but Chelsea pulled him off and slapped him in the back of the head.
         “No way are you getting hurt trying to climb a fence while I'm here.” she said
         “Ow well fine you could have just told me not too.” He laughed
         “Well you’re no fun Chels.” Said Amanda
         Amanda then jumped up on the fence and started to climb over.
         “And since me and Chris have broken up he can’t tell me not to.” She teased
         “You’re lucky you get to do all the fun stuff.” Cried Nick
         “Bad.” Chelsea said sternly as she smacked him in the back of the head again.
         “Well shit I’m not going any farther I can’t find any footing”
         “Ya’ll are a bunch of cry babies ill do it.” Evan Said
         He then approached the fence and threw himself around the side using the spaces in-between the barbs as holdings. Once on the other side he tried the door and it opened as if it were never locked.
         “There it’s open” He gloated
         “Cool lets go” I suggested.
         I would have never guessed what would happen on the other side of that door. As I stepped through, Amanda after me Nick and Chelsea came together after we had gone through. We stood and looked at the building in front of us. It was a rigid old shack looking thing. It had two dust covered windows that looked as if they hadn’t been touched in years. We walked up and I peered through the window.
         “Man I can’t see a thing in here”
         “Me neither” Nick said
         “Let’s find a way inside.” Evan suggested
         We walked around to the side of the house and found a door. It was locked so we continued around to the other side. The dock ended in what looked like a place where you could pull up a boat. The fencing had a gap just big enough for five people so we sat down and hung our legs over the edge.
         “Man we should get out like this more often.” Nick said
         “Yeah we should, this is fun. Only thing better would be if someone didn’t have to go at 9:30.” I teased.
         “Yeah like it’s our fault.” Said Amanda
         “I know I'm just messing with ya’ll.”
         I laid back to rest and every one did the same soon after. We laid there for a while till I was almost asleep when Amanda sat up.
         “What’s that” she asked as she pointed out over the lake.
         “It looks like a big cloud” I laughed
         “Oh my gosh.” Amanda let out a big breath
         “What?” I asked
         “That’s it!”
         Then it hit me that was the same thing that was at the tree. It may have only been a blur but it looked just like the blur that may have saved us from that wreck.
         “Okay so I was right it’s a bird or something” I tried to deny
         “Chris come on you’re the one who’s always talking crazy like there should be more out there you of all people should be just as eager as I am right now to see what the hell that is and I know your thinking what I'm thinking and that’s not a bird!”
         At the end of that sentence there was a loud shriek that tore across the lake and as it rang the water rippled.
         “Holy shit, let’s go!” I yelled
         We got up and just as we turned around we saw that the entire dock behind us was gone. The shore was too far away to even think of swimming across.
         “What the hell is that?!” Chelsea screamed
         “How in the fuck did that happen” Asked Evan
         I turned around and as I did I saw that thing, that blur, that whatever it was starting to come. What looked like a pair of wings protruded from its sides and it leaped off the surface of the water when I noticed its shriek had parted the water like mosses or something.
         “It’s coming” I shouted
         We all turned, and as it came a wave of water was dragged behind it. As it got closer it and the wave became bigger.
         “We have got to find a way out of its path!” Nick said
         “Yeah we noticed smart ass.” I half teased.
         “This is no time for jokes Chris!” Amanda scolded
         “Here it comes BRACE YOURSELVES!”
© Copyright 2007 CP (cpherd at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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