Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1241450-Abandonment-Story-Of-A-Lost-Soul
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1241450
A dark and disturbing Look at life.
A Story Of A Lost Soul

He rolls over and grabs for the bottle of shine on his bedside table. He tips it back and waits for that sweet amnesia juice to hit his lips and wash away the bitter taste of being alone, but the bottle is as empty as he is.

"God damn you!’ he screams at noone

"why do you torture me so? Can you not just kill me and suffer one less fool?!"

With a deafening crash the empty bottle of liquor hit the floor. He sits up in bed and slowly lowers his feet to the floor allowing the shattered glass to tenderly penetrate the sensitive under belly of his feet. The pain flows through his body doing the job that his empty bottle could not achieve for a few fleeting moments as the blood dripped, he did not think of his loss, of his loneliness, of his pity.

But the glass served only as a quick fix and soon it all came back. Yet at the back of his mind he knew, he knew that he had never really stopped thinking about it, and he never would.

He pulled open the drawer of his bedside table and retrieved a large bottle of painkillers. The bottle he noticed was almost empty even though he had just bought them four days ago, he popped open the top and poured five pills into his hand. He threw them into his mouth and swallowed them dry, they got half way down and stopped... they were stuck, I’m chocking! He thought to himself with glee. He could feel his airway constricting, he tried to just relax and let the beautifully dark blanket of death wrap him up in its sweet embrace. It never came. He waited and waited yet nothing came. It was then that he realized that he was no longer choking. The pill must have worked there way down while he had been waiting for death, or maybe he was so impatient to play deaths sinister game that he imagined the choking. He couldn’t tell the difference between reality and fiction anymore.

He let out a slow sigh of self loathing then he pulled his feet toward him and began slowly removing the shards of glass. He stood up and started to walk toward his kitchen to grab a new bottle of white lightning, but instead he fell to the floor.

Painkillers must have kicked in... good. He thought as he picked himself up off the floor. He stumbled over to the fridge and pulled out his fix, the strongest shine in town. His special recipe. He popped off the top and drank the first pint, then he reached in and grabbed another. He turned around and was about to go back to bed when he caught a glimpse of the full length mirror in his living room. He stared at his reflection for a moment before he noticed the long shining blade in his reflections left hand. He quickly checked his own hand but there was nothing except the bottle. He looked back and saw that his reflection was now laughing at him hysterically, at first he couldn’t hear it but slowly it grew louder and louder until he could hear nothing else. He let out a scream and fell to his knees, the cruel laughter was to much.

"Make it stop, oh please make it stop!" he pleaded. His mirror self stopped laughing and started at him for a moment as if contemplating what it should do next to drive its other non-mirror self over the edge. A sinister smile crept across it’s face and slowly voices clouded the poor mans mind.


"No!" he yelled


"No, please I just want them back." he pleaded

"Never!" It hissed

"Why?...why does everyone leave?"

"Because your meant to be alone... in life... and in death." As it finished those final words the fiendish laughter began once again. As his mirror self laughed it brought up the blade to it’s chest and slowly dragged it down leaving him in agony, lying on his back screaming. It continued its job of carving up their chests, laughing the entire time. Than suddenly the laughing went away and with it the pain in his chest.

"Get up you worthless pile of slime!" it shouted "Here I am offering you the chance to never be alone again, to never feel the bite of abandonment, and you don’t have the decency to stand and face me....GET UP!!!"

Then by some unknown force he was thrust to his feet, but still he would not stare at the dreaded mirror.

"Why... why do you do this to me I’ve done nothing to deserve it?"

"Oh.... Really? You have not?" It said faking a surprised tone. "Then what of this!?" he shouted as he thrust his hand out through the glass of the mirror and showered him in what looked like a fog of gold smoke. Slowly in the fog that surrounded him, images started to form. He could see himself lying in bed early that day screaming at nobody.

"God damn you! Why do you torture me so? Can you not just kill me and suffer one less fool?"

Slowly the fog lifted and when the mirror became visible again the mirrorself had it’s back to him, in a low harsh hiss it said.

"And that is why I’m here..." It paused for a moment. "To suffer on less fool as you put it."

Than it spun around to look at him, but it was no longer his reflection but it was the image of a woman, his dead mother. It spun again, his dear father.

"They left you" said the voice in his head. It spun again, his best friend stood there. The only person he had been able to trust to never let him be alone.

"Yesss... But he left you alone to didn’t he? He left you to go start a life, to be happy. Him and his wife sit around laughing at how pathetic you are? I bet he’s at home right now having the time of his life fucking the brains out of his beautiful wife, and what are you doing? Your standing in the middle of your apartment naked, drunk and so fucked up on painkillers that you’ve been talking to yourself for hours and haven’t even realized that those cuts in your chest have slowly been killing you and you only have a few minutes left to live. Hmm.. I guess you’ll be joining us anyway." the mirrorself began laughing again. "But I should go. You don’t have much time left and you probably want to spend it with that best friend of yours. He’s at the door with his new wife, shes pregnant by the way... and they’re here to ask you to be the godfather... see you soon." and with that the mirror shattered.

He fell to his knees as he felt the life slowly drain out of him.

Knock, knock... someone was at his door.

"Hey Cliff, it’s me Kevin I’ve got big news!" came the voice of his best friend Kevin on the other side of the door.

Cliff let out one final cry.

"I’m Sorry!!"

He then fell on his back into a huge puddle of his own blood mixed with shards of mirror.


Kevin broke down the door when he heard his closest and oldest friend scream. He was not ready for what he saw when he entered . Lying there ten feet from his mirror was Cliff. He was lying in a puddle of blood , glass and liquor. In front of the mirror he found one of the bottles Cliff used to bottle his shine. He went back to his friends body and for the first time he noticed gashes, large gashes on his chest. He pulled a cloth from his pocket but dropped it, he reached to pick it up and saw a long silver knife in Cliff’s left hand. He grabbed the cloth and gently wiped the blood from his chest. What he saw on his best friends chests would haunt him for his whole life. Carved deep into Cliffs chest was a single word, it was.......


The End.

By: Eddy Keefe
© Copyright 2007 Edgar Cross (edgar_cross at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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