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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1241368
Princess Christy's magical discovery.
“Friendship Sent From Heaven”
The Little Author

April 1, 2007

Princess Christy had always thought of herself as a special princess, because her father totally accepted her as she was, and expected her to do her best. She felt that if she did her best, she would be fulfilled as a princess.

Princess Christy liked to take long strolls and have a snack before she returned to the Kingdom. She would put straw in the bottom of her picnic basket, lay eight pieces of apple on them, and take a jug of spring water with her. She would also bring a blanket to sit on and rest.

One beautiful sunny afternoon, she left the Kingdom and walked through the Whistling Forest. This time, she went further then she did before. She came across a sunny meadow with a babbling brook running through it next to a shaded tree.

She decided to have her picnic under the shade tree facing the babbling brook. She ate four pieces of apple and drank some of her spring water. She sat looking around, taking in the view of the sunny meadow. The babbling brook was singing a song.

Her eyelids got heavy, her head began to nod, and she fell asleep. She was woken by the startling sound of a horse snorting close by. She thought what a fine catch she would have if she caught this wild horse. She would be the talk of the Kingdom if she could bring it back.

Looking around, Princess Christy saw the most strange and unusual creature. It was the most beautiful sight that her eyes had ever seen. Putting her hand up to her mouth, she whispered that she must have this beautiful unicorn to take back to the Kingdom.

The unicorn looked up at her and got startled. Turning around, it started into a full gallop, running away from her. It opened its wings to fly, but could not open one, because it had been hurt. It stopped and looked back at Princess Christy.

While Princess Christy and the unicorn stood looking at each other, Princess Christy began to take in its beauty. The unicorn had a beautiful pearly white coat with a long flowing mane. Its eyes were a beautiful blue topaz color that sparkled like diamonds in the sun.

Slowly, Princess Christy reached down into her picnic basket, got an apple, slowly held it out, and called out “Daisy please come get this apple, I will not hurt you.” When Daisy saw the apple, she slowly and timidly approached Princess Christy with its ears held high.

When Daisy ate the apple, Princess Christy very slightly began to rub on Daisy’s head. After Daisy ate the apple, Princess Christy gave some spring water to Daisy to drink. Princess Christy started to look closely at the hurt wing.

As Princess Christy was looking over Daisy’s hurt wing, she whispered about how to get Daisy to the Kingdom and into the royal stables. She came up with an idea on how to do it. When Daisy was finished with the apple and water, she nudged Princess Christy as if she was telling her to get on.

When Princess Christy saw what Daisy was trying to say and do, she gathered up her blanket and picnic basket and began to climb up onto Daisy’s back. Slowly, Princess Christy and Daisy began their journey back to the Kingdom. As they got closer to the Kingdom, Princess Christy told Daisy to stop when they got to the Whistling Forest.

When Princess Christy and Daisy got to the Whistling Forest, Princess Christy got down off of Daisy and stood watching the gate to the Kingdom. When Princess Christy saw that it was clear and that there were no guards around, she quietly walked Daisy past the gate and into the royal stables where no one would see her.

Princess Christy led Daisy to the back of the stable, behind the hay stacks, where no one would see her. She led Daisy into a dim stall in the back, where she put down fresh hay for her bedding and gave her some horse feed.

After Princess Christy gave Daisy some food, she told her that she would be back to see her, gave her a kiss and a hug, and went back to her palace to sleep. The next morning, Princess Christy greeted her father and asked how he slept while they ate breakfast.

After breakfast, Princess Christy disguised herself so that nobody would recognize her and went to see the old wise lady. When she got to the old wise lady’s house, she knocked on the door and the lady told her to come inside and shut the door.

Princess Christy told the wise woman about the picnic, how she met a beautiful unicorn named Daisy, and how she snuck Daisy into the kingdom and into the royal stables without anyone seeing her.

Princess Christy also told the wise woman how Daisy was hurt, and how she wanted to help her get better. She told her that she didn’t know anything about unicorns or how to take care of one, and that was why she came to see her. Princess Christy thought the wise old lady could help her.

The wise woman told Princess Christy what she knew about unicorns and how to take care of them when they got hurt. When the wise woman finished talking, Princess Christy thanked her for helping her out, and told her that she was forever thankful.

With all the information Princess Christy had, she got on her horse and started to head back to the palace to see Daisy. When Princess Christy got to the palace, she told one of her guardsmen to take her horse back to the royal stables to feed it and give it some water.

That night, Princess Christy fell asleep and woke back up. She couldn’t sleep anymore without thinking about Daisy. So Princess Christy decided she would sneak down to the stables to see Daisy. When Princess Christy saw daisy lying down on the hay, she went over and started petting her.

While Princess Christy was stroking Daisy’s head, she noticed a twig branch sticking out from under daisy’s wing. She did what the wise woman told her to do, and tried to get the branch. But whenever she would touch it, Daisy would move around in pain.

After quietly calming Daisy down, Princess Christy was able to remove the branch and bandage up Daisy’s wing to heal. Princess Christy gave Daisy some sugar cubes, rubbed her head, and said goodbye, that she would be back to see her in the morning.

When Princess Christy got to her room, she was very pleased at what she had accomplished that day. She quickly fell asleep. When the sun started to rise up, Princess Christy got up and got dressed, went downstairs, and ate breakfast as fast as she could.

As soon as Princess Christy finished breakfast, she quickly ran to the stables to see Daisy. When she got to Daisy, she was shocked and amazed at what she saw. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Daisy was standing on all four legs with both wings spread out.

When Princess Christy saw Daisy standing with both wings spread out, she quickly walked over there and rubbed Daisy’s hurt wing to make sure that it was better. After Princess Christy saw that it was healed and that there wasn’t a scar, she decided that it was time to release Daisy to be free.

That night, Princess Christy decided that it was time to let Daisy go free so she could fly again. When morning came, Princess Christy went to the stables to see Daisy and to whisper something into her ear. When Princess Christy saw Daisy, she whispered in her ear that she would set her free tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Princess Christy quickly ate her breakfast and made herself and Daisy a little snack for her picnic basket and a jug of spring water to drink for their journey back to the shade tree to free Daisy. After she gathered the stuff she needed to take, she grabbed a blanket to sit on Daisy.

When Princess Christy arrived at the royal stables, she quickly got Daisy ready to go. They started to walk out of the stables and through the Kingdom’s gate leading out into the Whispering Forest. When they got through the gate, Princess Christy got on Daisy’s back, and flew through the forest.

When they made it past the forest, they went back through the meadow and over a babbling brook. When they flew over the babbling brook, they saw the shaded tree that they had stopped at before. Princess Christy whispered to Daisy to land at the shade tree.

When they landed at the shade tree, Princess Christy climbed off of Daisy and rubbed her head and thanked her for the ride. Princess Christy reached down into her basket and pulled out an apple and gave it to Daisy to eat.

Princess Christy gave some spring water that she bought to Daisy to drink before Daisy took off flying. Princess Christy kissed and hugged Daisy one last time. As Daisy was spreading her wings, she lifted her feet off the ground.

As Daisy began to fly away, Princess Christy said goodbye, and just as the sun was beginning to come up, Daisy flew up into the beautiful blue sky and into the sun. Just as Daisy was about to touch the sun, Daisy began to sparkle and that’s when Princess Christy realized that this was “A Friendship Sent From Heaven”.

© Copyright 2007 The Little Author (m_smith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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