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Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1240929
A simple bet and dare turns into so much else
This is split up into three parts for three different occasions.

Part 1

Okay, well there will be three girls in this story. Lets call them Danielle, Beth, and Monica.

Now Beth and Monica had a bet, if Beth lost the bet she would have to be Danielle's slave for 1 day. Beth would have to do anything Danielle told her, but Danielle wouldn't be told that Beth was her slave. Follow me this far? Beth ended up losing the bet.

Okay, now heres where I come in . Me, Danielle, and Beth are all standing in the hall, and their talking. I'm kinda listening, but I'd say I was more or less just pretending to listen so I don't really know what they were talking about. Anyways, I hear Danielle say something along the lines of "why don't you just take your skirt off?". Now I know Beth actually has to do it, so this kinda got my attention. Beth kinda starts to take it off, and then Danielle tells her to stop. Danielle asked Beth if she had to do anything else she said, Beth told her that she did for the rest of the day.

Since I'm still standing there, now listening, Danielle tells Beth to come over to her house after, and invites me over. I suggest my house instead because my parent were going to be out of town for the weekend. I tell them that if theyh were allowed they could both sleep over at my house for the night.

Now the first thing Danielle tells Beth to do knowingly. Beth had to go into the guys bathroom and take her panties off outside of a stall even if another guy was in there. So I go in with her to see if there are any other guys, and luckily for her there wasn't. She takes them off, we walk back into the hall and she gives them to Danielle. We decide to take the bus back to my house, so we go on the bus and go back, nothing special.

When we get into my house I suggest that I could lend both of them a shirt and swimming shorts if we wanted to go into the hot tub at some point. That stayed an option for later, but right now we were just going to stay inside and watch a movie. So we've got Beth waiting on us basically right now, nothing too exciting, she's just getting us drinks. I was starting to get hungry now, and my house didn't really have much food in it so I suggest that we order a pizza.

They both liked the idea, and Danielle thought it would be a good idea to make Beth answer the door.. Wearing almost nothing. Danielle took off an undershirt which was basically see-through, and I rolled up Beth's skirt who also wasn't wearing any panties anymore. Too make sure the pizza guy noticed this, we told her to invite him into the house, and she would go into the kitchen and sit on one of the chairs facing him with her legs open.

It took around 20 mins for the pizza guy to come there, but when he was there Danielle and I kinda hid in a corner. It's hard to explain my house but basically theres the front door which has an opening into the kitchen and theres a wall on the right. We were on the other side of that wall, and could see the whole kitchen pretty much, but the pizza guy couldn't see us. When she opened the door we heard her say come on in for a second, and then we saw her in the kitchen, she sat down in the chair and opened her legs. I had a clear view, and I'm assuming the pizza guy did as well. Beth then took it to another level that we didn't ask her too.

She told the pizza guy that she usually walks around the house naked, and only put those chlothes on because he was coming. She said they were uncomfortable and asked if he minded if she took them off. He said it was her house, and her choice so he didn't mind. She then took them off, and grabbed the money and gave it to him. After that, we came out and Danielle said she could have a shirt back but would still have to keep the skirt rolled up.

Either way I'm not complaining :P I was surprised that she got totally nude for the pizza guy, even though we didn't ask her too.

Another little side thing before I continue with this story, but when it's peoples birthday's I usually give them something serious, and a joke gift. For example, I gave my one friend a bar of soap as a joke.. he does shower, and smells fine it was just a joke. It was Danielle's birthday a few weeks ago, and as a joke I gave her something that numbed your gag reflex. I figured she'd just throw it out, but she pulled it out of her purse and told me she had forgot about it and hadn't thrown it out.

So she told Beth that if she wanted to roll down her skirt fully, she would have to give me a blow job, and make me cum in 5 mins. She gave her some of this gag reflex stuff. Well, anyways I got up and was going to go to my room, but Danielle wanted us to do it there (in the family room) so I sat back down. Around 1 min in, Danielle gets up and starts to make out with me while Beth is still going at it. After the 5 mins was up I hadn't cummed so Beth didn't get to roll her skirt down.

After this we didn't really make her do anything for a while. After a while Danielle suggested we go into the hot tub. By this time it was getting darker outside so she said we should all go in without bathing suits when I offered to grab her one.

We went outside, and into the hot tub. This was more of a relaxing time and kinda thrilling since we were all nude, rather than making beth do things. We did make her put her pussy right up to the jet and we'd turn it on full blast, but that was only fun for so long. After that we were all just sitting there talking about school, and not really making her do anything, just relaxing. I started to move my hand up Danielle's leg, and was starting to finger her without Beth noticing at all. Danielle didn't say anything so I continued for a while, but was going lightly so she didn't make any noise.

After a while in the hot tub, I asked the two girls how far they wanted to take this. Danielle told Beth to answer her questions honestly, and asked her two things "Would you have sex with Shawn if I told you too?", and "Would you want to have sex with Shawn if I told you too?". Beth answered yes to both of them!

She said she wouldn't make her do it yet, but may think about it later.

We went inside and didn't give Beth any of her clothes back. We got dried off, and then Danielle said that since Beth couldn't get me to cum earlier she should have sex with me now. I went up to my room and grabbed a condom then came back downstairs. I put the condom on and beth came over, we were starting to have sex. We were probably going for 2-3 mins when Danielle came over nude and started to kiss me, the kiss Beth. We ended up where Beth was eating Danielle out and I was having sex with Beth. We went in other different positions, but I'm not going to get into detail with that.

After that I think we all wanted a little bit of a break from making Beth do things, but we still wouldn't let her get dressed.

We didn't really do much for the next hour or so, we made kraft dinner that we couldn't find earlier, then after a while we figured we'd do something to beth.

She had gone to the washroom, and I told her that I had a set of handcuffs. We took her up to my room, then we handcuffed her on the bed, and we blindfolded her. We started doing random things to her, like I was tickling her with a part of the bed sheet. Then Danielle grabbed me, and put my dick into Beth's mouth. She started to suck it while Danielle went down on her. I went down on Danielle after a few mins. I didn't get off there, we stopped before that, and started to spank Beth. Danielle started to give me a blow job while I was spanking her, and started to give me a handjob shortly after that until I cummed all over Beth. After that we un-blind folded her, and let her shower.

Danielle only made her do one thing after that, and that was make me and her sleep together nude.

Part 2

My parents work for the same company and often go away on weekends for 3-4 days at a time to go to a meeting. I usually just have the house to myself, so we have to wait for one of these weekends to get together.

Anyways, last weekend my parents went away and I told danielle and beth beforehand that they would be away and to make sure they could be able to come over. They okayed it and we were set. They came over friday night and we had agreed that I would be the master, and both of them slaves. The slavery wasn't to start until midnight, and would go for 24 hours. We agreed that beforehand I could tell them what to bring over, so I had them bring over any sex toys they had, and the sluttiest clothing they owned. They would sleep over both nights, and go home sunday. My parents wouldn't come back until monday. I was more prepared for this one as I knew what was going to be going on. I went out to the store and bought a few items such as handcuffs, and whipped-creme.

So when they got over no one was the slave and no one was the master. We just watched a movie and had some joked, nothing exciting until it was midnight. I told them we'd be going to bed at midnight tonight since I wanted to get up earlier tomorrow. I just waited until midnight because I wanted to have them do one thing while we slept. I decided I'd start out lightly so I just told them to sleep naked with me. It wasn't too hard, or too exciting but it was nice since I'm in a small bed so they were half on top of me to stay on the bed. When I woke up in the morning I told them to go back to sleep for a bit which is where I started to get a few things ready.

I didn't do too much in the morning, I took their bags and hid them, then removed the slutty clothing and the sex toys they had brought incase I wanted to use them later on in the day. Knowing some of the plans I had for the day I was getting horny, and I wanted breakfast so I woke the girls up. I told danielle to make fried eggs, and while she was doing this I told beth to keep my dick in her mouth. I didn't let her make me cum, she just had to hold it there and keep her mouth on it until danielle finished. When danielle had made us breakfast, I let beth eat and made danielle put my dick in her mouth until beth finished. When beth finished I let danielle eat her food, and then decided what to do next.

At this point they were still nude as I hadn't asked them to get dressed. They didn't know that I had hidden all of their clothes, so I told them that I'd let them have a shower, of course we'd all be in one shower at the same time. So we went in there and I told them to rub me down with soap. After that I rubbed beth down, and had beth rub danielle down. When we had gotten out of the shower it was around 11:30 so I told them they were going to stay nude for a while.

I wanted to get rid of some time so we could go to the mall when it opened at 12:00. I blindfolded each of them with a piece of cloth, and hid some pieces of paper with numbers on them around the house. I had 10 pieces of paper, numbered 1-10, I hid 6 in the house, 2 in the back yard and 2 in the front. When I finished hiding them I took the blindfolds off and told them what I had done. I told them that whoever got the highest numbers added together from the paper would win, and the loser would be punished. I also let them in that 2 were in the front yard and 2 were in the back yard.

The first place they went was into the back year, and they each found one relatively quickly. They then went out front and were a little nervous at first, but once the first one was found they just ran to find the second. I don't think anyone saw them, but then they were just running around the house to get the other.

When they had collected all the papers I added the scores up, and Beth got the higher score. I told them that I was going to take them to the mall after this. I told them I had outfits picked out for them, and I gave Beth her outfit as she won. I took Danielle's outfit and placed it under a tree at the end of my street. I didn't let her look which way I went, all I told her is that her clothes were hidden under a tree and she would have to find them or go to the mall naked. She ran out of the house going the wrong way and walked probably 6 houses down then turned around. She ran past the house then came back empty handed after a little while. I asked her why she was empty handed, and she turned around and went to look some more. This time when she came back she was carrying the clothes.

I let her in the house, but told her since she had come back empty handed once she would be punished more. I let Beth put on her clothes, but I only let Danielle put on a skirt, and no top. I gave them jeans since it was cold outside, and a coat, but danielle had no shit underneath the coat. When we got to the mall I made them take the jeans off and give them to me. They were both wearing short skirts and no panties. We walked around looking at a couple things for a while, but I didn't find anything I wanted to use with them for the rest of the day.

We left the mall and I gave them the jeans back, but decided to stop at a variety store by my house and took the jeans again. I told beth to go to a section in-front of the cashier and bend over to look at something near the ground. From where I was standing I could see clear up her skirt and I'm sure the cashier could too. She stayed like the for a while pretending to read the back of a bag of chips. She got up and purchased the bag, with a very very friendly cashier due to what he had just seen.

We went back to my house after that and I told them that we'd be going into the hot tub for a little while. I stripped both of them naked and told them to go in and I would be down in a second. I decided I'd go and grab the handcuffs for them while they were in the hot tub. I hopped in and handcuffed both of them behind their back so they couldn't move their hands while in the hot tub. While they were handcuffed we were talking and I was feeling them up and fingering them. I was trying to get to know the limits they had, which didn't seem to be many at all. They didn't want to do anything that would be too public but didn't mind if one or two people saw them.

I got them towels and told them to come inside naked and sit down on the couch. I blindfold both of them, and tell them that the first one to get my dick in their mouth wont be punished. I go and sit down in the chair and they are running into each-other trying to find me. Danielle ran into me with her hand then followed down to my dick and would win this challenge. This meant that I would punish Beth. I let her blindfold on and brought her upstairs leaving Danielle behind. I was going to give her a little harsher punishment so I got two didos from their collection of toys, and slid one into her ass and one in her pussy. I used both hands to move them as fast as I could but didn't let her climax.

I wanted to eat some more food before we continued on as I was getting hungry. There was a pizza place very close to where I lived so I gave both of them skirts, and a coat but only put the coat half way up. If you saw them from the side you could almost see their boobs hanging out of the coat. We went to the pizza place and I paid for the food. When we were finished eating I told them to take the zipper down completely and walk out of the place without touching the coat. They did this fine, and when we got out of the story I went behind them and pulled their skirts up so their ass was showing. They knew better than to touch their skirts but I pulled it down shortly after, and let them zip the jacket up.

When we got back to my house it was mid afternoon so we still had plenty of time before bed. I told them to go up to my room, and blindfold each-other. This is when I decided it would be good to get the whipped-creme out, and I brought it up. I handcuffed them so they were sitting on the bed back to back, but could still be a little ways apart. They had their arms interlocked, and I began to cover my dick in whipped-creme, and had each of them lick it off. After having them lick it clean I put it on their tits and pussy and ate it out of them. When all of the whipped-creme was out I removed their handcuffs and blindfolds. I again put whipped creme on my dick and told them both to lick it all off. They were fighting with their mouthes to get the most whipped creme off. When they had licked me clean I told them both to get on their backs with their legs spread. At first I started to have sex with Beth then Danielle, and I would go back and forth. I told Beth to stay there, and told Danielle to move so beth could eat her out while I was having sex with her.

Before I finished I switched Beth and Danielle so I was having sex with Danielle while Beth was being eaten out. Danielle had an orgasm, so I told her to eat out Beth while she sucked me off. I had them both lie down on the bed and was giving each of them a few pumps then would switch to the other. Beth looked loser to climaxing so I told her to eat Danielle out. I brought beth to an orgasm and was close myself. I continued going until I finished, and it gave her another orgasm.

I let them have a cold shower after we finished up. When I let them out I blindfolded them and handcuffed them to the bed to make sure they didn't go anywhere then took a nice warm shower myself. When I got out of the shower I let them free and told them to put thier skirts on, and use coats as tops. I let them zip the coats up fully since I was in a good mood. I brought them to the park, and took both of their skirts. I told them to take my cellphone and wait for a call. When they got the call they were to get back to my house. I walked home and called them when I got there. Danielle got back first, followed by Beth. Beth told me that Danielle had cheated and moved to the edge of the forest before the cellphone rang. I asked Danielle if this was true and she said yes but she was sorry, and didn't think I'd find out.

Since beth didn't listen to me I was pretty mad at her and told he she would be punished for not respecting me. As a punishment I made her put on the skirt, and the slutty shirt where you could practically see her breasts. When sje was dressed like this I told her to go on MSN and tell every guy on her list that she had a webcam for today one by one. If a guy told her to go on the cam she would have to, and if he asked her to flash him, she would have to. If the guy just asked her to go on cam she would be wearing one a skirt with no panties and would have to move around a bit to make sure that the guy would get an upskirt of her.

When we got on her MSN she wasn't allowed to do this quickly, she had to ask one guy, wait for a response, then go to the next. Whenever she wasn't on cam with someone she had to keep my dick he her mouth. The first guy didn't ask her to go on cam, but the second guy did. After she got on cam I told her to move around, and she listened. After she moved and exposed herself, the guy asked her to flash him. The guy didn't talk much after that, so we went on to the next. It took about 10 more guys until one asked her to go on cam, some were away, and others just didn't ask. We were over half way down her list now, and this guy asked her to flash him before I even got her to move. About a min after that this guy asked if she'd flash him again and she did. He then asked if she'd take of her shit for him, and she of course did. He then asked her to start playing around with her breasts, and she did. He wanted to see how far he could take this, and asked her to remove her skirt. She did, and he didn't say anything for a while. We were about to move on, but then he asked her to finger herself, and he just watched her. She stayed on cam with him for a while, but he didn't ask anything else so we stopped with him and moved on. After that she just had to flash a couple of people.

Next I decided to order food, so we called a Chinese place and they delivered it to us. We ate and I didn't made them do anything. When we had finished dinner it was around 8:00 and dark outside so I brought both of them back to the forest. Since it was dark out and not as many people would be coming onside I decided to to play some games with the girls. I played a type of hide and go seek where they were both nude, I hid and the first one to find me won. I also played one where I hid one coat and one skirt, they would have to find the clothing and be allowed to wear it. We were here for a while, then I told them to go hide naked, and the first one I found would be the loser. I would find the first one, and then they would help me find the second. When I found the second I would make the first suck my dick for a while, or make them walk outside the forest. Just something small for them being found first. We were out doing this for at least 2 hours, and they were nude basically the whole time. I brought them back it was like 10:30 or something, wasn't really paying attention.

We got back to my house and I brought both of them back upstairs. I got them both to lie down on the bed, and I started to fuck both of them. I didn't know which one to have sex with so I decided to play one last game of the night. I took a dildo, and hid it outside. The first one to bring it back to me would win. Beth was the one that brought it back so I told beth to lie down on the bed. I told her to use the dildo on Danielle as I had sex with beth. Danielle climaxed, but I told beth to keep going. Beth was the next one to climax, but I kept going until I climaxed. We had all climaxed within 5 or so mins of each-other. After this we all took a nice warm shower together. and instead of sleeping on my bed with them I decided to go get a sleeping bag. We all got inside the sleeping bag, nude and opened a window so it wouldn't get too hot.

Part 3

As you know, Danielle was the master in story 1, I was the master in story 2, so it's only fair that we let Beth be the master. This all happened last saturday and I haven't really had time to write about it with all this homework and stuff so give me a break :).

Both girls came over on Friday night after dinner, but there was no slave, or no master so we didn't do anything. We went to bed at around 11:30 after the movie we were watching ended. Knowing that Beth could just order us to do something at 12:00 we decided to listen to her commands now, and what she made us do was sleep on the floor naked with no pillow, or blanket or anything other than each-other. She slept by herself in my bed.

Beth woke both of us up around 10:00 in the morning and we followed her downstairs. She made me cook breakfast then we ate. After we were finished eating she gave us big plastic bags and told us to line the basement floor with them. While we did this she just watched TV in the other room in the basement, then when we have moved all the furniture out of the room, and covered the entire floor with the bags and taped them down came her next set of instructions.

She told us that she would be picking out an outfit for us and that we would go for a walk to a store, buy some junk food, walk where she wanted to then go back to my house. For me she told me I could wear a pair of jeans, socks, and a shirt but nothing else. I found that I had it easy when she told Danielle that she would be wearing a rolled up skirt, no panties, and a thing undershirt that allowed you to partly see through. We were almost at the variety store when Beth stopped both of us, she told me that I had total control over what Danielle wore for the rest of the walk, but warned that Danielle may get me back. I of course totally ignored this warning and thought nothing of it at the time she said it.

When we got into the store I took Danielle to the back and made her tuck the back part of her skirt into the top so it was flapped up and her ass was visible. She did this and I told her to walk around the store which she did (I'm not sure if she had to but she listened to what I told her to do as-well). I noticed that the person behind the counter didn't even notice what she had done and I wanted to change this. I told her to ask the person at the counter how much something cost that was on a lower shelf and bend over to pick it up when she asked. I knew that the clerk was looking at her and had a clear shot of her ass because she was not only bending over but also had the skirt tucked into the top of it.

The shocked clerk stuttered before explaining to her that her skirt wasn't down al the way. She said o, it's okay and walked over to me at the back of the store. This time I knew that the clerk was a little uncomfortable with her so I made her go stand in font of the counter and pull her skirt down to her ankles, pull them back up, then start to pull them up and down pretending to be adjusting them. The clerk just stared at her now and didn't say anything realizing that she was doing it on purpose. I figured that the clerk had seen the lower half but had missed out on the upper half so I got her to ask the price of something again, he looked at her, told her then kept his eyes on her. As instructed by me, she pulled her shirt below both of her breasts then pretending to adjust the fit of the shirt put them back inside.

At this point Beth was ready to go, I had had my fun and had totally forgotten about the warning. When we left the store, Beth wanted to drop into another market that she ran into and bought something but didn't tell us what it was. When she got outside I asked if I could still control what Danielle wore and she said I could until we got back to the house. I didn't do anything for 1 min or so but after that I took hold of Danielle's skirt, and rolled it up two more times making the already very short skirt even shorter. When we got to the top of my street I pulled her skirt up well above her waist so her lower body was totally visible. She walked like that all the way to my house and one car drove by noticing her.

We got into my house and Beth told me to go upstairs in my room and wait for them to come up. When they got up they both undressed themselves in-front of me, and I liked where this was going when they started to remove my clothing as-well. I was getting hard as I got on the bed thinking of what would come next. Danielle knealed over my side and started to make out with me while I could feel Beth stroke my erection. As she started to get faster and faster she suddenly stopped and said "Say you are about to cum before you do". She then continued and after a short time switched to her mouth. It took her a while to bring me near cumming be she also wasn't trying to do it as fast as she could. I said I was about to cum and she stopped instantly waiting for me to settle down a bit. While she was waiting she started to massage my body and keep me stimulated.

When she started again she went straight to her mouth and again tried to slowly bring me up. When she got me there she stopped again and started giving me a massage. The text time I was brought to climax Danielle took my hand and guided it down to her vagina which was getting wet just watching Beth and making out with me. When I started to finger her I almost immediately had to get Beth to stop or I would climax. It was happening more quickly now and the next time she brought me close her and Danielle switched so I was now fingering Beth while Danielle was bring me close to climax. The first couple times it wasn't bad but now it becoming annoying. Two or so times after this Danielle switched to having sex instead of just giving me head. I couldn't exactly tell how much time had gone by but it must have been getting close to an hour when they switched back again.

Beth continued to have sex with me for a while and they would switch, then Danielle would have sex and they switched back again. This time Beth brought me close only once and I was just dieing to finish it was torture!!! Beth asked Danielle "Should we stop now or keep going?" Of course! The warning!! Danielle responds "Lets keep going". I'm like OOO GOD NO, but she kept going and they switched again. It must have been over two hours at this point when Beth asked again "Stop?" Danielle said "Little longer" and I toughed it out. It was becoming hell and I don't know if you've ever tried to bring yourself close to climax than stop but it is not easy to do. I continued to say before I was about to cum but they were getting good enough that they could tell when I needed them to stop. While fingering them I had gotten each of them off once or twice I wasn't really paying attention. Finaly Danielle said "Last one" then she started to fuck me with all the energy she could put into it. Before I got off she pulled off and Beth said she was hungry and wanted to order a pizza.

She ordered, and told us that we should have a shower because we were all sweaty and the pizza wasn't going to come for a while. All three of us got in the same shower and both girls started to rub each-other down in-front of me. I had thought I had already been tortured enough, but apparently I was wrong when Danielle went down on her knees and started to very slowly suck on my dick. This wasn't as bad as before because it was slow but it still got me going and became a mix of torture and pleasure as it was just in the middle of both. It felt good enough that knowing I wasn't going to finish wasn't bad at all. Before I came near a climax due to the very slow speed she was going we heard to doorbell ring and the pizza had arrived way before we had expected.

Beth told Danielle to answer the door wearing only the towel and that money was out on the counter in the kitchen. In my house we can get into the kitchen before the front door, but Danielle rushed past the money and answered the door dressed only in her towel. The man handed her the pizza not thinking too much of her dress, and she moved fairly quickly to the kitchen to get the money. When she set the pizza down I could see her but the pizza delivery guy couldn't see me and her towel came loose without her realizing. I didn't say anything but I saw it saw it fall off on her way back to the front door with herself in-front of the pizza man totally nude. She told us after that she had already put her hand out with the money when it fell off so she couldn't really pick it up until he gave her change which she noted took a long time. She walked back to us nude holding the towel over her shoulder. This was around 2:30 or so and we ate for a while before Beth made us do anything else.

When we were finished eating Beth said she would give us a little break as long as we stayed nude which was no problem then around 10 mins later she went upstairs and came back with a bottle of baby oil. I had been half-expecting it as it was one of the dares suggested by you guys that I had passed on to her, so I wasn't too surprised. Beth led both of us downstairs and us still being naked began to rub the oil all over our bodies. When she was finished she explain that we would have to pin the other person to the ground by both shoulders for 3 seconds by her count. She said that the loser would receive a punishment to be determined later.

I didn't have much problem at all overpowering Danielle but with the oil it made it hard to keep her pinned down regardless of strength. Every time oil got too thin Beth would reapply it to the spot that it was coming off, and had put a bunch on the plastic to keep us covered as best she could. I won most of the rounds but it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be and was pinned down by Danielle multiple times most of which didn't last for three seconds. One time that was kind of funny she had flipped me on my back and as fast as she could jumped on me putting her arms at my shoulders. She was stretched out and my dick was right at level with her pussy. Due to all the oil I slipped in accidently and fairly easy but when I got her off of me she just pinned me down again because she had me pinned in two ways and she won a round on me there.

She knew that this would work most times because it would pin me down in more ways than one but she never managed to do it again although did try a few times because it was very hard to get it in and was just luck that it happened the first time. Although I did try it on her once and it worked but it was not worth the effort so I stopped trying. Beth was keeping score of who was winning how many rounds, and when I had reached 20 wins and Danielle was at 12 Beth said that I was the winner of this little game. She told Danielle that she would think of a good punishment later, but for now she was to completely shower me down getting all the oil off of me, then dry me off while so I didn't have to do any work. I was content with this and when we got out of the shower, Beth was sitting in the living room with a dildo. She told Danielle to sit on the dildo and get it as far up her pussy as she could for another small part of her punishment, and said that the main part of her punishment would come later in the night.

While she was sitting there I could tell she was uncomfortable because of how deep in it was and she was sitting in an awkward position as she had to keep it in without using her hands. While she had it in Beth was preparing something downstairs and after 15 mins called us down. She had replaced the plastic bags that had oil on them and had laid out a bunch of toppings such as whipped creme, some ice creme, chocolate syrup, honey, and all sorts of food. She blindfolded me and guided me to a spot where I would lay down. I lay down while they started to put whipped creme and other toppings there all over different parts of my body. Beth explained that her and Danielle would use my body as a tray as suggested by you guys ;) to eat off of using the food she had down there.

It tickled but felt good at the same time as they licked everywhere on my body. When it seemed like my whole body was clean they stopped for a bit then started to put whipped creme, some syrup and finally ice creme around my penis. I guess it was supposed to resemble a banana split but it was damn cold. They both started licking away at both sides and at anything dripping on my balls or legs. This warmed it up a fair bit, and when they were done Beth removed my blindfold and put it on Danielle. She said this would count for dinner so I should eat something as-well. Since she had made me wait all that time and tortured me without letting my cum I started right away by putting ice creme on her chest supporting it by he breasts. I put a bit of whipped creme on the ice creme then topped it with chocolate sauce. I wanted to let her suffer in the cold a bit so I put whipped creme and chocolate cause on the top of her nipples, and on and around her pussy.

I had now started to eat licking away the whipped creme at her nipples first before moving on to the cold ice creme. I took my time with the ice creme making sure she felt the cold and I didn't know if this was the punishment Beth had in mind so if it was I wanted to make the best of it. After finishing off the ice creme I went down and finished off the area around her vagina that still had whipped creme. Beth then removed the blindfold she had on and told us that we would still be having more whipped creme. She put both of us on our backs then wrote slave across out stomachs and licked it off. She then let Danielle do something and on Beth she drew a dick, then licked it. When she went over to me she had decided to tease me more placing a line drawing to some creme on my dick which she went down the line and brought me into a hard erection before stopping. When it was my turn I drew a bra on Beth and licked that off, although it was a small bra not a huge one. On Danielle I drew two dots on her nipples and put the whipped creme inside her pussy then licked it out slowly making sure she would get aroused as-well.

After this Beth told us to shower because we still had some whipped creme here and there so we all just jumped in quickly rinsed off and hopped out. When we got out Both ordered my to put on the same clothes as before and got Danielle her same clothes. We left the house but this time Danielle's skirt was rolled down a little more. This time we went to the mall and when we got in there Danielle was told to roll her skirt up more which she didn't expect. She walked around the mall for a while like this when Beth decided to give Danielle her real punishment. We took her into the family washroom and left the door unlocked. She had to strip naked and use a dildo that beth brought to get herself to climax. When she took the dildo we grabbed her clothes and left the washroom, she tried her hardest not to make any noise and you could tell but she screamed a little when someone was walking by into the mens washroom. We were waiting outside when she knocked on the door and we had her clothes. Beth told me to go into the mens washroom and put her clothes somewhere hidden in there. I went in and put her skirt under a pipe handing in the sink so it was barely visible unless you bent down, and her shirt behind a toilet seat.

When I came back out Beth told Danielle to get her clothes from the Mens washroom and go in there naked. She wasn't allowed out or dressed until she had found both articles of clothing. I went in with her but didn't help her find any of her clothes. She found the shirt quickly but couldn't put it on until she had found the skirt. She looked in the garbage than finally she looked under the sink and found her skirt. A guy walked into the washroom and she was standing there with no shirt on and a skirt half way up her legs. He kept walking but kept his eyes looking at her, and when she got her shirt on I went out telling Beth she was ready. Beth told her to come out nude, so she took both the skirt and shirt off. She walked outside of the washroom and asked if she could get dressed again.

The washroom is in a hallway not visible from the main part of the mall, but Beth told me to take a skirt and put it where the hallway meets the main hallway to the mall. Danielle ran quickly to pickup her skirt with nothing on, and I saw three people looking at her when she was running back. Beth told her to stay nude and go into the Women's washroom now with me. She did this and Beth told her to go into a stall and let me do whatever I wanted to her. The first thing I did was take her clothes from her and then I started to suck on her nipples for a while. I then made her give me a blow-job in public while nude. It didn't take me too long to get off at all and I told Beth we were done then tossed her clothes over to Beth. Beth told Danielle to come out and there was another girl in the washroom at this point who saw Danielle naked but didn't see me still in the stall. I heard the other girl leave when I walked out of the stall seeing Danielle still naked. Beth told Danielle to go out into the hallway, wait for both of us then put her shirt on. She did and when we got out I could see another guy coming down the hallway staring at her while he walked towards the mens washroom. Beth told Danielle that she would have to put her skirt on and pull it up way above her waist then bring it back down to normal. When she had it above her waist another guy left the Mens bathroom and she put it to normal, but I don't think he noticed.

Beth said that the main part of Danielle's punishment was over. We continued to walk around the mall for a while letting them shop for some things but not really by anything. We kept Danielle's skirt high up the whole time in the mall but when we left we lowered it a little bit. We told her that every-time we saw a van pass she would have to roll it up one time. We only saw three vans as the streets we walked on weren't that busy so the skirt didn't go high enough that anything could be seen without wind. When we got to my street Beth told Danielle she would have to run into my hot tub from there naked. She did this and got her clothes back, but Beth wasn't through with her yet. We went inside the house and Beth blindfolded the clothed Danielle and told me to slap her ass and be rough with her for a bit. I didn't do anything that would hurt her. For a while we didn't do anything until it became dark outside when Beth told all of us we would be going to the forest. We walked there with clothes but when we got there she made us all strip.

In the forest she told me that we would have sex in a public place, but we couldn't do it as fast as we could. She let us start out by feeling each-other up and fingering her. We got ourselves into a fairly comfortable position and began to have sex for a good time. I got Danielle to orgasm twice before I blew my own load. Beth had just watched the whole time and I think was fingering herself for a while. We were muddy and dirty from doing it in a forest so Beth told us to take a shower. Beth pointed out that I was still hard and asked if I thought I could keep going, I said I'd give it a shot. She told me to have sex with her in the shower and while Danielle watched she started to rub our bodies down with soap. She was fingering herself and feeling us up at times as-well. Since I had just blown my load recently It took me a long time to get it off again and I had gotten Beth to climax probably 7-8 times. She was getting really loud by the end of it because I just kept going before I finally got off. After that we didn't do anything for a while and it was almost past midnight making it sunday. While watching TV I remembered that Beth still had a dildo and I took it out. Beth said do whatever you want and I started to get Danielle off with the dildo as I felt that I hadn't done as good a job with her as I had Beth. I kept going at it as fast as I could for at least 10 mins and she had climaxed 3-4 times when Beth took over and got her to go off another few times. I started to finger Beth while she was doing it I was getting horny again. After Danielle couldn't take it anymore I stuck my dick in her mouth and she sucked it for at least 15 mins when I switched over to Beth who went for another 10-15 mins. I switched back to Danielle getting close to an orgasm and under 5 mins after switching to her I blew my third load in her mouth and then let Beth suck it dry.

As bad as the torture was I think it was what allowed me to get off so much and I think I'll do it some other times aswell to be able to get so many loads off in one night. We weren't tired at all from all the action that had just taken place so we watched some more TV then a while later I stopped on porn while flipping through the channels. It brought my up again and Beth took the go ahead to start sucking me off again while both of them switched frequently to watch. I didn't get to climax this time but it still felt really good and lasted a long time while watching the porn. At least an hour went by while we were watching it, I was fingering them, they were giving me head, I'd give oral, they got off but I didn't. It was still worth it.

After that nothing really happened, it was 4:00 in the morning or something as we watched TV for an hour or so before the porn came on and we went to bed. We all slept nude in my bed.

On sunday I woke up 30 mins before them at like 2:30. It had been at least 12 hours before I had climaxed so I burnt some porn on my computer to a DVD. I suggested that we do that again and they were both in favor of it so we did the same thing where I was fingering them while watching porn but this time I made sure that I got off in Beth's mouth than let Danielle suck my dick and get all the cum off of it.
© Copyright 2007 Shawnwriter (shawn-091 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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