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Writing For children - Assignment 2

Assignment 4

Choose at least 3 books and determine what their main characteristics are and which categories they fit: Concept Books, Chapter Books, Easy Reader, Middle Grade Novel, Young Adult Novel…

Using the List given in this lesson, analyze the books looking for the features listed under each category.

I loved the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys series when I was in my teens. There were also the Famous Five by Enid Blyton. These would fit into the Middle Grade Novels. This would explain why I’m into mysteries and thrillers now.

The target audience would be in the age range of 8 – 10 for the Famous Five and ages 10 and up if they are into mysteries and solving cases.

The main character or characters are young, inquisitive, intelligent and most resilient as they have to face very bad dudes in the story plots.

The main character/s are more or less of the same age group as their target audience and the appear to be like normal kids their age except they are more curious than your everyday kids and they’d not hesitate trod onto the investigative path when they sense something is not exactly right.

I’d say the ratio of dialogue and narrative is about the 3 to 2 and humor is not used much. Danger is always a back-of-the-mind mode in mysteries and this gives the readers some suspenseful moments.

Assignment 5

1. List 6 of YOUR PASSIONS

i. Environment
ii. Justice/Fairness
iii. Equality
iv. Gender Issues
v. Adventure
vi. Against cruelty in the name of fun

2. List 6 things you believe A CHILD is CRAZY ABOUT

i. Comradeship/friendship
ii. Being accepted
iii. Being normal
iv. Thrills like roller coasters, adventure land,
v. Quest for treasure especially hidden treasures
vi. Extraterrestrials

3. NOW, Write 6 ‘What if ideas’ as we did in the example earlier.

i. What if a group of friends joined together on a quest for hidden treasure.

ii. What if there was hidden treasure waiting to be discovered and a group of kids discovers it.

iii. What if a group formed by a group of kids for Justice stumbles on to a plot by a group of corporation disposing toxic waste indiscriminately.

iv. What if a girl is being ridiculed for a weakness she has that turns out to be her strength that she uses to help those who persecuted her in the beginning. When they see he in the new light they repent on their prejudice and accepts her in the end.

v. What if a boy fights against the mistreatment of the leatherback turtles’ right to a safe environment to lay their eggs. He starts to create an awareness against the robbing of turtle eggs by tourists and local entrepreneurs. Cut the demand and the supply will dwindle. Safe the turtles.

vi. What if things are not what they seem on the outset? Appearances can be deceptive. What if a group of kids in a neighbourhood wakes up one day to discover that their parents are slightly different from their usual behaviour. They will not and never say “no” to them.

4. State which CATEGORY of children’s books you could use these ideas in.
All these “what ifs” can be used in Chapter Books and Story Books. The turtle story can be used in the Concept book and Novelty book.

5. * * Bonus: 100 GPS for a short story posted in the forum using the steps in this exercise!

• Environment
• Extraterrestrials
• What if aliens want to inhabit our planet but before they can do so they must cleanse our environment of all its toxins and poisons and toxic wastes.


Earthworms and Grubs

The two alien scouts excitedly marched into the huge royal throne room.

“Your royal hugeness,” they said bowing low before the king.

The king munching on the delicious slimy worms brought back by the two alien scouts on their first trip to Earth, glanced at them. He nodded his consent for them to come forward and speak. “What is it now?”

“We have found a way to conquer the planet Earth from which there are so many delicacies you have come to love,” the scouts announced proudly.

“Really? That’s good news.” The king smiled. “And how do you proposed we do that?”

The first scout stepped boldly forward because it was he who thought of it. “We will clear away all the toxic waste and cleanse the whole planet of its toxins and poisons with our Cleanze Zapping machine. Next, we will neutralize all those nasty bacteria that causes us stomachaches every time we, er, I mean… every time you eat their Earthworms and their grubs with our bug de-neutralizer.

The king cocked his head, thinking, for a short while. “Good Martians worms. I think you might have cracked this conquering Earth problem. Go ahead and prepare this take over as soon as possible. And bring back more of those Earthworms and those beetle grubs for me to enjoy,” the king said as he popped another fist full of worms into his mouth.

Two years passed by without any progress in the earth-conquering scheme. The king summoned the scout into his huge royal throne room. “What is taking so long to conquer this planet Earth? As I understand it our technology is far more advanced than their primitive technology. Explain scout or you will lose your head,” the king demanded.

“My royal hugeness, forgive the delay. There are some problems we did not foresee that makes it difficult for a quick take over.” The scout stammered out the truth.

The king’s eyes widened and a frown formed on his face. “And what are these problems?” he said bending forward peering into the eyes of the scout.

Slinking away in fear the scout had no choice but to blurt out the problem. “The biggest problem is that there seem to be no end to the toxins and toxic waste produced by these humans. We can’t….” The scout hesitated not daring to say it.

“WHAT IS IT?” barked the king angrily. “I WANT THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!”

Stammering the scout had to tell the truth. “We can’t keep up with the humans. They are generating the toxins and toxic waste materials faster than we can neutralize them. Forgive us, oh mighty king, we have to delay your supply of worms and grubs,” bowing so low his face almost touched the floor.

The king’s anger slowly went away as he cocked his head once again, thinking. Finally he spoke. “Give word that we need to send out scouts all over the galaxy to search for juicy worms and sweet grubs for the king. If we cannot find these delicacies in this galaxy we will search the whole universe until we find another planet we can take over for the endless supply.”

The scout stood straight at attention at the king’s orders. “Yes, my royal hugeness. We will do as you command.”

“In the meantime,” the king bent forward looking into the scout’s wide eyes. “we will continue to reap the supply of delicacies from this planet called Earth. Speaking of which, how is the shipment of earthworms coming? All these talk has made me very hungry.”

The scout smiled. “Your royal hugeness, the shipment of earthworms and grub has just arrived and ready for the royal table.”

“Good,” said the king, pleased. Just as the scout was about to leave the king asked, “Oh scout, tell me. Do the worms and grubs taste as good as it always has?”

“Oh, it tastes good as always,” replied the scout and just as he went out through the door, he patted his stomach and whispered to himself. “Neutralizing those delicacies was certainly a brilliant idea. No more stomachaches now.”
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