Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1239761-The-stalker
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1239761
Bella stumbles across an intimate liason while at a rock concert.
Bella looked around; she was surrounded by a sea of people, churning, twisting, and turning in time to the music emanating from the stage in front of her as they were in trance to some unknown form of mind control. She looked around in vain again hoping to see her friends somewhere in the crowd but to no avail. They were lost in the faceless mass of people, their grinning and bobbing heads reminding Bella of the cheap plastic dog she had on her car dashboard with its constantly bobbing head. The band had just finished their song as the crowd roared in unison, thousands of flailing limbs coming together at once as the sound of clapping became all at once deafening.

The band started up their next song as everyone jostled for positions on the already cramped dance floor, like sardines in a tin can Bella thought to herself as she struggled to regain her footing, hopping from one foot to another as the mass of people moved as one. It was then that she felt 'him'. She felt his presence rather than saw it. His eyes watching her every movement, like a cat watching its prey- his intense gaze boring holes into the back of her skull as she moved in time to the tide of the crowd. It was both enthralling and disturbing at the same time. Who was he? What did he want? Bella turned around hoping to catch this faceless stranger, but her eyes were only met by thousands of faces, their catatonic stares staring back at her; in another place as their mouths moved wordlessly in time to the singer on stage.

Bella turned back around, chastising her paranoia but still she felt his attention and his presence always there. She found the attention strangely arousing, it had been a while since she had felt this much attention lavished upon her. Especially when competing with the multitude of bimbo's wearing mini skirts and halter tops populating the dance floor. Her lip curled up in disdain at the sight of them all. She moved in time to the music as sexily as one could when on a compacted dance floor arena. Her palms began to sweat as she wiped them down her sides, her hands hugging the curves of her hips. She felt nervous as she felt her heart skip a beat, what if this person was some kind of deranged stalker? or even worse a serial rapist? She shook these thoughts aside as she moved her hips in time to the music. She could feel his presence, it was closer now. She began to wonder at how far this admirer would go to get her attention, would he make a move or would he just watch? The voyeur within, always watching but never game enough to make a move, she was the temptress; the untouchable. Or would he make a move? Like a lion stalking its prey, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

She felt his breath at her cheek then, his domineering presence overwhelming her senses. She turned to face him but his hand covered her eyes before she could fully turn around as he whispered seductively into her ear.

“Some things are best left to the imagination.”

His husky voice rumbled through her head, setting loose the basket of butterflies that had lain dormant until this moment in time in her stomach. She felt him grind against her short skirt as his arms encircled her waist drawing her closer towards him. Bella gasped as she felt his strong arms encircle her tiny waist, drawing him against her. Her heart fluttered as she struggled to keep up with the turmoil of emotions surging through her body. The crowd continued to dance around them, oblivious to anything except for what was happening on stage. The stranger continued to grind his pelvis against that of Bella’s, the two- connected by invisible strings controlled by some sadistic puppeteer above. Each movement of his pelvis sent shivers of pleasure through Bella, eroding any rationale thinking she had left with each motion of his pelvis against her own. Her logical basis was cast aside as her increasing levels of arousal overtook everything else as she ground back against his pelvis, feeling his hardening length against her as she moaned in ardour.

She felt him moan softly as his hands ran up her short skirt, revealing her secrets to the faceless crowd introverted in their own ethereal fantasies. Their blank stares and swaying bodies controlled to the beat of the music. She felt her heat emanating out from underneath her skirt as his rough calloused hands ran across her satin skin and across her thin filigree underwear. She could feel herself flush in embarrassment as he began to rub his palm against her diaphanous underwear, her wetness seeping through the translucent cotton to saturate his palm as she felt a thin trickle escape from between her lips, past her saturated underwear to travel down her bare thigh. She was grinding harder against him now as she felt his full length through his denim jeans.

Bella’s mouth parted as a low whimper escaped from her lips as the stranger’s hand slid between the thin material separating herself from the outside world as his hands delicately explored the satin flesh that lay beneath. Bella groaned as her hips bucked against his inquisitive hand. Her hand snaked behind her to stroke his length from the outside barrier of his jeans as she felt his tongue on her neck. Her lips parted amorously as she gasped, his feathery tongue sending tremors of pleasure throughout her body as his hand continued to twirl its own rhythm within her.

The two lovers continued to dance their dance of seduction, oblivious to the world around them and the world, oblivious to them. Bella felt the pleasure begin to build, she was within her own world now and she knew as did the stranger, that she was close. Reaching behind her, she unzipped the fly of his denim jeans, releasing him from the confines of the jeans as his erect cock sprung out, into the palm of her on waiting hand. She stroked the smooth skin of his rod, her hand gently fondling his head before moving down his shaft. She could see the image behind closed eyes as she continued to caress his length. The stranger immediately understood what was to transpire next as he stopped what he was doing, gently pushing her thin saturated panties to the side as he lifted her skirt ever so slightly. The pale globes of her buttocks glowing in the dark dance floor of UV lights and glow-sticks. Bella parted her legs slightly, bending forwards as she felt the stranger at her entrance slowly slide in. Bella cried out in ecstasy as she felt him slide in fully. The stranger grunted in approval as he continued to ravage her relentlessly, and with savage intensity. Bella could do nothing but whimper in pleasure as she felt him slide in and out, her knees going weak with the overwhelming pleasure. She felt his hands slide across to cup her breasts, her nipples already erect against his teasing fingers. She felt her orgasm building as the pleasure rose; the stranger too was close as his thrusting increased in vigour. She came as the band on stage finished their final song, the crowd and stranger roaring in unison each for their own reasons as she felt him explode deep within her, a depth charge of pleasure released deep within triggering off a chain reaction of her own orgasm as she too became overwhelmed in waves of ecstasy.

The crowd started to chant.

“Encore, encore...”
© Copyright 2007 DarkDeception (tha_prez at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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