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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1239260
continuing from sniper_zoku3
continuing from sniper_zoku3

sniper couldnt concentrate on the movie because of the annoying voice in his head "COME ON SNIPER IM NOT THAT BAD" sniper frowned "go away im trying to watch the movie" thought sniper continuing to watch "IN THAT MOVIE THE KID DIES IN THE END...THERE NOW U DONT NEED TO WATCH" sniper gritted his teeth "im still not paying attention to u "thought sniper frowning "COME ON WHAT DOES ZOKU HAVE THAT I DONT" sniper frowned "he is nice and doesnt threaten me" thought sniper "ITS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD" sniper frowned then smiled thinking of a way to make vlad mad "DONT U DARE" said vlad hearing what sniper had thought of "watch me" thought sniper leaning over and kissing zoku holding him close than leaned on his shoulder smiling."SNIPER YOU WILL REGRET THAT" said vlad turning on the chip. sniper flinched but stayed at zoku's side holding him closer. "FINE IF U LIKE THE PAIN" said vlad turning it up higher. sniper clenched his teeth "vlad...stop" thought sniper "ILL ONLY FORGIVE U ON ONE CONDITION" said vlad smiling "what then" thought sniper frowning holding his neck with his other hand "MEET ME IN THE FOREST TONIGHT" said vlad "fine just stop" thought sniper. vlad turned it off "dont think you can make me kiss u" thought sniper staying at zokus shoulder holding onto his waist "OH I HAVE MY WAYS" thought vlad smiling "ILL LEAVE U FOR NOW TO...THINK" sniper heard vlad laugh he frowned wondering what tonight would bring him and what ways he was talking about. he kissed zoku's cheek looking back at the movie.

zoku looked over at sniper "something doesnt feel right" thought zoku holding sniper closer "are u ok?" said zoku looking down at sniper

sniper looked up at zoku and smiled "im fine" when zoku looked away sniper frowned "i wish i could tell u" thought sniper looking back at the movie already knowing the ending "HEY U SEEM BORED HOW ABOUT SOME COMPANY" sniper frowned "anyone other than u" thought sniper trying to pay attention to the movie "OH COME ON" sniper clenched his fist "i thought u said u would leave me alone" said sniper holding zoku closer "I LIED" said vlad laughing "just go away..."
sniper could see vlad smiling "YOUR THINKING ABOUT TONIGHT ARENT U?" sniper frowned "hasnt crossed my mind" said sniper looking down at a couple below them "YOUR LYING" said vlad smiling "just leave me alone" vlad frowned "IM BORED THOUGH AND TALKING TO U IS ENTERTAINING" said vlad smiling "then ill just ignore u" said sniper smiling "YOUR BLUFFING" sniper remained quiet "U CANT NOT TALK TO ME" sniper leaned against zoku and stayed quiet "ILL JUST MAKE IT HARDER FOR U TONIGHT" said vlad knowing that would make him talk "your a pest" said sniper frowning

zoku got up and stretched "that was a good movie" he said smiling

sniper smiled back "yeah it was really good" said sniper getting up "U DIDNT EVEN PAY ATTENTION TO IT" said vlad frowning "shut it" said sniper opening the door for zoku "REMEMBER TONIGHT" said vlad smiling. sniper didnt answer and walked towards the car

zoku picked sniper up and carried him to the car. sniper smiled "i luv u zoku" said sniper leaning against his shoulder "GET OFF OF HIM" shouted vlad getting mad "sorry cant do that, anyway zoku's doing this not me" said sniper smiling. zoku set sniper down next to the drivers side and held him against it than leaned down and kissed sniper making it a long sensual kiss. sniper held him to keep him there "STOP IT" yelled vlad not wanting sniper to kiss zoku. sniper continued to kiss him than finnaly left his mouth and got into the car. he started the car and drove out of the parking lot getting up to his cruising speeds.

zoku smiled and leaned against snipers shoulder kissing his neck and lightly biting. sniper smiled and could practically feel how mad vlad was getting "STOP HIM!" yelled vlad turning on the chip. sniper flinched then took a sharp turn to make zoku grab onto the seat "sorry" thought sniper looking over at zoku then back at the road. vlad turned off the chip "DONT DO THAT" said vlad frowning. sniper didnt answer. he drove home and parked the car in the garage walking inside falling onto the couch almost falling asleep when vlad came on "DONT U REMEMBER...WE HAVE A DATE TONIGHT" said vlad smiling "im tired" said sniper closing his eyes feeling zoku sit beside him "I DONT CARE...MEET ME IN THE FOREST IN 5 MINUTES...GOT IT" said vlad frowning. sniper sighed "got it"
vlad smiled "GOOD...CANT WAIT" sniper got up noticing zoku had fallen asleep "i guess i dont need an exclamation"

sniper walked out the door towards the forest frowning "this is so stupid" said sniper frowning "TRUST ME IT'LL BE FUN" said vlad smiling. sniper had walked for over 5 minutes when he saw vlad up ahead leaning against a tree

vlad smiled and sat down motioning sniper closer

sniper frowned and sat down 3 feet from him. he sat quietly knowing vlad was looking at him

vlad frowned "closer than that"

sniper looked at him "dont push it" he looked away glancing at the trees

zoku gripped his shirt collar and pulled him next to him "see its not that bad" said vlad smiling

sniper moved away than felt the shock in his neck. he looked at vlad and frowned moving a couple of inches closer. he gritted his teeth frowning

vlad turned the chip off and looked at sniper. he reached forward and smoothed out snipers hair

sniper moved his head away "dont touch-"

vlad had pushed him against the tree silencing him by kissing him. vlad backed away smiling

sniper whiped his mouth with his sleeve and got up "im going" he walked away frowning "im here for 3 minutes and your already being a pest"

vlad got up "u cant leave just yet" vlad turned on the chip higher than he ever had

sniper fell to his knees holding his neck

vlad kneeled before him and smiled "so are u going?"

sniper frowned clenchng his teeth "...no"

vlad smiled and turned off the chip than reached down to help sniper up. sniper quickly reacted by punching him in the stomach than reached for the bracelet. vlad was quicker by pushing sniper down keeping him to the ground holding his hands behind his back. sniper frowned tasting dirt in his mouth.

vlad held sniper down to make sure he couldnt move "now why did u do that?" said vlad playing with snipers hair

sniper frowned and didnt answer

vlad turned the chip on making sniper suffer with the pain to learn his lesson. he looked at sniper

sniper closed his eyes, they started to water "stop it" said sniper frowning gritting his teeth

vlad smiled "what did u learn?" said vlad looking down at sniper

"not to hit u" said sniper frowning

vlad smiled and turned it off "u can go for now" said vlad getting off of sniper

sniper turned and frowned at him than left towards his house. he could feel vlads eyes on him as he walked home. he got inside his house and snuggled as close as he could next to zoku. he yawned and soon fell asleep.

vlad watched sniper fall asleep than went into a nearby tree and fell asleep also.
© Copyright 2007 darkangel (sniper_zoku at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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