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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1239129
Alison must save her kingdom defeat Lord Daemon.
Alison woke up with a start. She glanced out the window. ”The sun is rising. Perfect running weather.” She whispered to herself. She threw over her sky-blue bed sheets and threw on her gym pants and sweatshirt. Alison jogged outside. Perfect. The sun was just peaking over the horizon. The sky was quite clear for a spring day in Boston. Every morning, Alison would run around the city before school. “Mornin’ Sam!!!” She yelled out to the gasman at Mobil, the gas station. “Can you help me with this load Ally???” Alison was a pro at doing the gas work. Sam usually needed help from Alison. Alison loaded the gas tank tube and punched in several buttons on the keyboard. “Done.” She said. “Thanks, you’re a real help. I think this tank’s gonna retire soon.” Sam said slowly. “Just make sure you’re not gonna retire. This gas station’s already lost so many customers ever since the cheap one down the road opened.” Alison said thoughtfully.
“Hope so Ali, hope so.”

Alison stopped by the bagel shop across the street after her little chat with Sam. “The usual Chrissy. Easy on the sesame seeds.” When the plate of sesame bagels came sliding down the counter top, Alison blurted out “Thanks!!! I needed that!!!” As Alison chomped down on her breakfast, she realized what time it was. “Oh crud!!! I gotta go!!!”
Alison ran all the way to the apartment she, her brother and her mother shared. Alison rushed into her room. Digging through a dirty hamper, Alison threw on a pair of Abercrombie jeans that were pretty messed up and fished out a layered Hollister shirt.
Alison applied some Deodorant and ran a comb through her sweaty hair and she was ready for another boring day at The Oak Middle School.

An hour later, Alison was rummaging through her locker. “That’s what I need, my math book!!!” As Alison successfully pulled out her textbook, papers and books also fell out of her locker. “I don’t have time for this!!!” she said as she started to cram everything back inside and slammed the locker door. “Well, well, well, look whose talking to herself…AGAIN!!!” The popular gang was surrounding Alison. The gang leader was Alison’s worst enemy: Taylor Johnson. Taylor was wearing her usual brand of clothing; Hollister. Coincidentally, Alison was wearing the same shirt as Taylor was. Now Taylor can’t go around wearing the same shirt as me now can she??? Alison thought. That’ll just ruin my reputation…” Alison thought quickly. Aha!!!

As the prey advanced towards the unnoticing predator, she quickly makes her first move. The prey quietly spins the lock to her locker and lifts the handle up very silently.

CRASH!!!!! Alison’s books and papers land on Taylor who was unsuspectingly talking about Alison’s horrible hair day. A few bystanders laugh at Taylor on the ground. Even the Science teacher, Mr. Pettus had on a smile when he was walking to his lunch break.

And once again!!! The prey has successfully ambushed the predator. Mission Accomplished!!!

Alison continued the rest of her day normally with her two best friends: Amy and Nikki. These girls weren’t the most popular in school but they were pretty well known. At noontime the girls slid into the cafeteria and bought something to eat. The next period was free period and they normally would hang about in the library. “Wanna go shopping at the new mall next door at free period???” Suggested Nikki. “Are you kidding???” Amy asked. “I’m in debt!!!” “Well, we don’t have to buy anything. We can just look around” Alison said matter-of-factly. “We can do anything other than go to the library in my opinion.” Alison was right; they have read every book of their interest about a million times already. Going to the library once again was no way to spend a free period.

Amy and Nikki finally compromised at going to the mall just to look. The three friends started out at the make-up department. Nikki was trying on some blush when Amy and Alison looked at some summer clothes. Amy, who was in debt fished some birthday money out of her pocket. “I have to get this sun hat!!! It’s a sale!!! I’ll never find one this cheap in any store!!!” Alison settled for a pair of shoes and Nikki bought the pink blush. The three friends checked out and strolled back to the school.

Alison’s next and last period was math with Nikki. Alison took her usual seat in the back of the room because Alison dreaded the math teacher: Miss Dunn. She was too strict and most of the students who hated math hated it more because of Miss Dunn. Even some of the teachers were scared of her.

As the pride-filled bully of the forest stumbles into the jungle, he makes his first move. Advancing on the victim, he reaches out a hand and punches the nerd-victim in the nose. Panic-stricken, the nerd raises his hand to tell the teacher but then hesitates. “What’s scarier??? Getting beat down by a bully or the math teacher??? The nerd doesn’t have time to think of an answer when the bully knocks him out. Pretty soon there is dead nerd meat on the floor of the jungle.

“Johnny!!!” screams Alison. Alison didn’t have much care for school nerds but somebody was hurt. “ALISON!!!” Miss Dunn screeched like a well, Miss Dunn. “Why did you do this??!!” “I-It-It wasn’t-t-t m-me” Alison stuttered “March your patotie down to the principal’s office at once young lady!!!” Miss Dunn left Alison no choice but to leave. It wasn’t the first time the school bully had sold her out. But there was nothing she could do…. Or could she???

Alison went down to the principal’s office-just as Miss Dunn told her to. But five minutes later. Alison knew that every Monday evening at exactly 3:00 PM, the principal had a meeting with the tenth-grade teachers-a perfect time for payback. Alison snuck into the principal’s office and quietly picked up the intercom microphone. She turned it on and dialed Miss Dunn’s class. She put on a low voice and spoke into it: “Will Nick Dilaberto please come to the principal’s office right away???” Miss Dunn answered with her sweetest voice “Sure thing Principal!!!” “Thank you Miss Dunn.” Alison put the receiver back down. The office door locked from the outside so when Nick walked in, Alison would close the door and lock him inside!!! It was the perfect plan!!! When the principal came back, he’d blame the only guy who was inside!!!

Two minutes later, Nick walked suspiciously inside. Quickly and quietly, Alison shut Nick inside the office. She would have to leave before the principal came back. Out side, Alison could hear the desperate screams of Nick inside the office. Alison smiled to herself.

Alison rode the bus to the “Fried Chicken” after school. Alison worked part time to save up to but a car. She was the worker at the counter. Alison thought that this was the worst job ever because if the meal wasn’t finished by three minutes, the person buying it would get it free. What a dumb rule!!! Alison thought. But this job was the last in town and she knew that she should feel lucky to have it. That day at the Fried Chicken, an angry mob was at the counter yelling and screaming like Miss Dunn when Alison entered. A football game must have just ended. Alison thought. She took a deep breath and started to take orders from the people.

When Alison was finished with the last customer, she was sweaty and it was dark outside. So far she’s perfected seven free meals for some lucky customer. Alison went to the store manager to receive her pay. “Forty, fifty, sixty, seventy,” Alison counted her pay for the day. Working at the counter had it’s up and downs. Alison thought.

“Just one more day and I can buy my new car!!!” Alison said excitedly to Nikki and Amy the next day. “You don’t have a car yet??? Nikki asked. Alison knew that Nikki was the rich kind and got her car last year. “No” Amy answered for Alison. “Neither of us do. But tomorrow, we’ll help you but your car and celebrate at my house…Right Alison???” Alison nodded her head in reply. “Celebration sounds good,” She agreed. But Alison was not convinced that there would be another angry mob tomorrow.

At Alison’s house that Tuesday, Alison was looking at a car magazine, searching for the perfect car to purchase. Right now, she was between a Jeep or a Hummer. Either one, she would have to dip into her parent’s Anniversary Fund. But Alison knew that her parents wouldn’t mind, until that’s what she thought before she knew what her fate was.

“You what??!!” Alison was shocked at her parent’s answer. “Well if you really want a car, you’ll have to either buy an old one or save up more cash.” Her mother told her. Alison was really stunned. She has only signed up for employment at the Fried Chicken for three months and her time working was already over. Alison knew that there was only one choice left: Babysitting for the Anderson twins.

“You what???” Alison told the news to Nikki and Amy. They were as disappointed as Alison was. “Now I have to work as a babysitter for the Anderson twins!!!” Alison complained. Taylor had eavesdropped on the girls and said “You still don’t have a car??? I got mine as a birthday present. A four-wheel drive. The best kind.” Taylor bragged. “Well it’s not her fault her parents said no to helping her but one!!! She worked at the Fried Chicken for three months!!!” Nikki explained. ”She deserves a car more than you do.” Taylor snorted. “The Fried Chicken??? Your parents???” Taylor laughed again and pranced off.

“The Fried Chicken??? My parents??? Whose side are you on???” Alison asked Nikki. “Well I tried to help you. You should appreciate me being a friend!!!” Nikki defended herself. “Look, I’m sorry Nikki but I’m just really mad at my parents and Taylor.” Alison apologized. “I just really wanted that car. I’ve worked so hard for it and now I realized that I have to baby-sit.” Alison confessed. I don’t know what to do. Now I can’t get a car until my sixteenth birthday. Alison thought. And that’s in two weeks!!!

The next morning, Alison took her run. She met up with Sam again and helped a desperate customer load his vehicle. Alison took her time at the Bagel Store. This time, she ordered a three-cheese bread loaf for her mom and brother for breakfast. As she ran home, Alison thought to herself: If I had my new car yesterday, I would be driving in style right now… Just then, a strange rustling sound came from the bushes behind Alison. She quickly turned around, panic-stricken. “AHHHH!!!!!” Alison screamed. She ducked out of the way just in time when a dog came running out of the bushes. That was weird. There are leash rules here in Boston… Alison thought questioningly. Ah well, probably just another stray.

A week passed and it came time for Alison to baby-sit for the Anderson twins that Thursday afternoon. “Bye mom!!!” Alison left for her job that would pay for the rest of her car payment. Alison had a list of emergency numbers and how to cook the twins’ supper: Tuna Casserole. A baby-sitting dinner classic. Good thing I don’t have to eat that junk. Alison thought as she strolled down the road to her nightmare.

“Can I go outside???” Johnny Anderson asked obnoxiously. “No way!!!” Alison replied. How does a ten-year-old want to go outside during dinner??? Alison wondered. When Alison got a whiff of the cooking Casserole, she realized why. “Ugghh!!!” Alison cried out loud. How does your mother get you to eat this stuff???” She asked the boys.

Johnny and Tommy Anderson were two redheaded twins. They were both ten years old and had bright blue eyes. Only Johnny had freckles and he recently broke his arm. Tommy Anderson sprained his ankle real bad the previous week and it still hurt a little.

After supper, Alison had no trouble getting the twins to bed because they were really tired. Alison yawned herself when she was reading her book, waiting for Mrs. Anderson to come back home. Alisssonn… Alisssonn… A strange voice echoed within the walls of the gloomy apartment. Alisssonn… It whispered again. Could it be the boys?? Alison wondered. But it couldn’t be. They were asleep the last time I checked. Alison started to become freaked out. Alisssonn… “It seems to be wanting to get my attention.” Alison said out loud. Yesss, Attensssionnn. Leave Alisssonn. Leave.Noww.

All of a sudden, there was a loud flash and the next thing Alison knows, she was in the operation room. Alison’s mother was crying on the edge of the bed. ”What happened???”Alison asked her mom. Alison’s mom hugged her so tightly, she suffocated Alison. “What happened to the Anderson twins?” Alison asked again. Her mother shuddered. “T-th-they d-d-died!” Alison’s mom croaked. “I was afraid that’s what happened to you.” Alison thought that idea over. How could the Anderson twins be dead??? They weren’t with me when I heard the voice… Alison had many doubts about the voice and tried to debate if the voice was real or not. But one thing’s for sure: she couldn’t face another lifeless body after the one that she saw of her father years ago.

Alison recovered from her broken arm and leg three weeks later. She realized that the story was on the front page several times within the past few days. Many friends and relatives visited Alison. One of them being Sam. He even gave Alison’s mother a free thirty dollars of her next gas purchase. That’s weird… Even for Sam… Alison thought on the day he visited. But even if Alison was ill, she could not resist laughing when Taylor and her parents came to visit.

When Alison got better, she was determined to find the culprit of her injury and the death of the Anderson twins. “Yes, there was a voice telling me to get out!!!” She protested to Amy and Nikki the day she got better and could go back to school.

Nearby, Lord Daemon cackles evilly to himself.

It’s time for the kill to happen. Lord Daemon whispers to his snake in Parseltounge. The time has come for my equal to go to battle. He hisses once more. NOW!!!

Miles away, Alison is awake and discovers that her hand is killing her. She turns on her reading light and it hurts even more. Alison focuses deeply on her painful hand when she realize that there is a scar, shaped like a snake, bored right into her tan skin. Suddenly, a force so strong, hits Alison and forces her back onto the bed. That night, Alison slept with such stress. Thrashing and tearing away what felt like parts of her mind. The thing was, that her hand had an excruciating firing feeling to it. Almost like her hand was trying to communicate with her.

When Alison woke up the ext day, she didn’t feel the same anymore. Alison got out of bed and found herself in a peculiar place. It was certainly not her bedroom anymore. It was quite like a dungeon. ”Mom??!!” Alison called out to make sure everything was alright. But of course, nothing was right. Nothing.

“ It’s time for your training.” A deep voice said next to Alison. “ Training for what??” Alison asked before thinking. “Magic, of course.” The voice said impatiently. “I can’t do magic. Anyways, there is no such thing as magic.” Alison replied smartly. “Then how can I do this???” It asked. In silence, the same force that thrust Alison onto her bed pulled of her covers and Threw Alison out of her bed. “Now put on your robes and get ready for training.”

Alison was speechless. She was clearly far away from home and some freak is demanding for her to get out of bed and go do magic. I mean, come on!!! If this is a trick my stupid brother pulled off, I ‘m ready to do anything to end it!!!

But it wasn’t a trick. It was real.

Out in the courtyard, or what looked like a courtyard, there was a clean row of pine trees all lined up. Alison strode down the rows of trees in a dark, black robe that was silky and made out of polyester. It was strange to Alison that she was in the countryside. She was more used to being in more crowded groups of people.

“What are we doing out here in the country, away from the people?” Alison asked. “We are in the country because Lord Daemon thinks smartly. He knows that you are most likely to be where more people are.” The strange man said. Alison noticed that he was also in a robe, this one, so over-sized for him that his face was covered. “Who are you exactly???” Alison asked. “My identity is not important right now. What is important is that we change your name to something more magical so Lord Daemon does not know who you are.” He replied.

Alison thought for a second. Change my name??? Who is Lord Daemon anyway??? “Ok, how about my name being??? And second, who is Lord Daemon???” Alison asks the man. “A powerful, yet evil Lord. Long ago, he worked for the Evil Works Association. But now, he works alone.” He replied, not looking at Alison. “And why do I have to fight him???” Alison asked. “This time, the strange man did not answer.

They have entered the biggest field Alison had ever seen. “Now,” The man said. “We will practice your flying skills.” Alison thought to herself: Now this is getting weirder. I can’t fly!!! “You cannot fly yet but you will learn how to fly!!!” The man seemed to read Alison’s thoughts. “Your dragon is named Sapphire. And she is red, like the color of good luck. She will be here any minute now.” Alison thought: If I have to ride this “Dragon, then at least it has a good name….”

Seconds later, a graceful dragon appeared in the sky. It landed slowly and bowed it’s great head towards Alison. Hmmm, she or he looks alright…If I’m gonna ride it. Alison thought about the dragon. Yes, you will ride me. And by the way, I’m a she. The dragon thought. “Hey!!! I can hear her and she can hear me!!!” Alison observed. “Yes. And I have to get going soon so you better practice riding me soon!!!” The dragon spoke with a strong accent.

“Now it is time for your training.” The strange man startled Alison. “I will ride on my Dragon and direct you as we go along.” Alison nervously watched as the man said something in a different language and a purplish-blue Dragon came into sight. “Now slowly get on your dragon.” The man said patiently. Alison unsurly tried to get on the Dragon. “Trust her!!!!!” He barked. The man’s face was still masked and he was barely heard by Alison and was starting to get on her nerves.

Alison successfully climbed on the back of Sapphire and mounted her Dragon into place. “On your mark.” Alison said. “One, two, three!!!” He said. Miraculously, Alison and Sapphire soared out of sight and flew into the air like birds. “Ahhhh!!!” Alison screamed. Soon, she got the hang of it and was enjoying herself quite a bit. She and Sapphire looped around the countryside and went through the obstacles of trees. That’s when the trouble started.

“Wheee!!!” Alison was thrilled and started to act like a three-year-old. “Concentrate!!!” The man snapped. Alison was loosing her balance and started to go haywire. “Noooo!!!” She yelled as Alison tumbled through the air. Circles and circle of panic. Alison’s hair was out of control and Sapphire was close on her tail. Tell yourself to be light and float!!! Alison could hear Sapphire’s thoughts and couldn’t figure out what she was talking about. Float!!! Come on!!! Float!!! Float!!! Alison thought wildly. She had to figure out a way to get down safely. Alison was only several yards away from the ground. She had to trust Sapphire.

Sapphire!!! Can you get under me??? Maybe it’ll work if we do it just in time!!! Alison was communicating with Sapphire through thought. Sapphire quickly turned a corner and followed the strange man’s lead. Alison was falling much quicker now. Only about a yard from the ground when Sapphire cut through the air and saved Alison’s life. “Thank you so much Sapphire!!!” Alison was out of breath. No problem…I’m there for you. Because if a Dragon dies, the rider will live, but if the rider dies-well that’s the same for the Dragon… Sapphire told Alison.

“And what were you talking about when you told me to tell myself to float???” Alison asked Sapphire that night in Alison’s new room.(In other words, the dungeon.) “I told you to use your powers, you know, your magical powers???” Sapphire said out loud. “Why??? You’ve never used them before???” “No” Alison answered. I wonder what I can do…The only magic I’ve done is with the magician at my eighth birthday party. Taylor Johnson had been there. With this last thought, Alison thought of home and wondered if her mom knew that she was missing.

“Sapphire???” Alison asked. “Will I ever see my mom ever again??? Does she even know I’m gone???” Sapphire hesitated. “Well, you won’t be going back to your world until you defeat Lord Daemon. And for your mother-Your world, I should say. Is paralyzed and cannot know of you or speak of you because of this: Our world is moving as fast as light itself. No need to get scientific and stuff but in your world right now, it’s still bedtime; just like when you left!!!” Alison answered hesitantly. “What if I die trying to fight Lord Daemon???”

The next day was another day, they no longer practiced flying, but magic. “Do I have to use a wand???” Alison asked. “No,” The man said. “You will use your mind and we will start with the basics.” Alison took a step forward. “Now expand your mind and think about moving an inner force out. Be careful. It will take practice.” He explained. Alison closed her eyes and thought about moving the force out.

“Nothing’s happening!!!” Alison complained after multiple tries. “Concentrate!!!” The man said just as Sapphire arrived. Alison tried again. This time, she could feel the vibrations inside her. Slowly and very gradually, Alison started to momentarily jinx the man and he became frozen. Alison gasped. “Oh no!!!” Sapphire explained Alison’s powers to her. “He will be ok Alison. You just froze him, a great use in battles.” She said. “But remember to use your powers wisely Alison.

When the man became unfrozen, Alison practiced it again on a dummy. Alison concentrated with all her might and gradually froze the dummy as well. After several tries, Alison mastered the art of freezing people. “Now we will learn how to block other spells from effecting you.” The an said. “Expand your mind again and this time, imagine a shield around yourself.” Alison concentrated as hard as she could and she began to feel the energy draining out of her. Just when Alison started to shield herself, a loud, deafening noise interrupted her.

“The Lord has come!!! The Lord has come!!!” A yell cried from miles away. “What’s happening Sapphire???” Alison asked panic-stricken. Sapphire’s eyes widened. “The Lord has come to the village of Taki!!! We must go help them fight!!! Gweniva!!! Go get Lapis!!!”

Screams of horror and smoke was drizzling out if the Indian village of Taki when Alison and Sapphire arrived together with the man and his Dragon, Lapis. “Alison!!!” The man yelled over the screams. “Do the shielding jinx and hide in the shack!!! Wait for me there. Sapphire and Lapis will call other Dragons to help!!!”

Alison ducked into the nearest shack. She crouched under there and could hear the distant screams above her. Where is the girl??? Where is she??? Tell me at once or else risk your own life!!! Alison knew that the voice was Lord Daemon yelling at the man. Alison wanted to help him real bad but she knew she would be killed instantly. She quietly preformed the shielding jinx on herself and crept further into the shack.

There was a long row of lighted torches which led to a dark, gloomy tunnel. Alison took a deep breath and picked up a torch. She made her way down the lighted tunnel, not knowing what was waiting for her at the end. About ten minutes later, Alison was at a dead end. She did not know how long the tunnel was and what was on the other end but she knew that she had to stay here and try to contact the man or Sapphire. Alison did not even know if the man was dead or not.

Alison waited at the opening at the end of the tunnel. She had built a circle with rocks and put her torch in the middle to create a larger fire. Alison tried to hear any sounds from above and could not pick up any signals. Sapphire??? Can you hear me??? Sapphire, I’m in cave at the end of a shack tunnel. I cannot see the strange man and do not come to see me, you will risk yourself. Just think back and contact me. Alison thought. She needed Sapphire right away, Sapphire knew more about magic than Alison did.

Alison??? Alison??? It was Sapphire’s voice and Alison had fallen asleep for a while. Alison, I am watching the village from a distant and I can see the man and he’s alive. By the way, his name is Gweniva. He is magical and a Dragon rider just like you. Sapphire thought to Alison. Sapphire?? Is Lord Daemon at the end of this tunnel??? Alison thought. No, but Gweniva is.

Alison left the fire and took Sapphire’s words. She would go out of the tunnel and find Gweniva. That sounded easy enough. Alison crawled out of the opening and stood up. She could hear the treading of running feet above her head and suddenly had the fear of this tunnel caving in. With this thought, Alison quickly ran out of the little shack opening. “Gweniva!!??” Alison whispered. “Gweniva???” Sapphire came swooping down at the instant Alison said Gweniva. “The Lord took him captive. He could be anywhere!!!” Said Sapphire. “But you just told me you saw him at the shack opening!!!” Alison remembered. “No I didn’t.” Sapphire admitted. “The Lord must have been controlling your thoughts!!! He must be around, waiting for you to come back out!!!”

Alison decided that she would go back to her cave on Sapphire’s back and wait until tomorrow to try and find Gweniva. Alison got on Sapphire’s back and together, they soared out into the open night. The stars above were twinkling and shining at the corners of Alison’s eyes. “Do you have a mother Dragon???” Alison asked Sapphire. “Yes, but she died in the great battle with the king. Her Rider is still alive and is the king of the Land of Gods. He is worshipped greatly.” Sapphire explained. ‘Do you have a mother or a father???” Sapphire asked Alison.

“I do have a mother but my father left when I was five. His name was Bogles. Weird name huh???” Alison was sad that she was insulting her father’s name but it was sort of weird. “Sapphire’s eyes widened. “You mean Bogles the great warrior???” Alison was surprised that Sapphire knew of her father. “Do you know if he’s alive???” Alison wondered eagerly. It was a perfect chance to hear the whereabouts of her father.

“He’s dead alright but you can seek his soul in the field of kings.” Sapphire explained as they reached the dungeon. “It’s really far away though, it’s in the land of Misty Hollows. I’ve been there to see my mother before.” Alison was too tired to talk with Sapphire any longer. “When we find Gweniva tomorrow, we can think about going to the Misty Hollows.” Alison yawed. “Good night Sapphire.” Alison whispered. “Good night.” Sapphire said. And the two magical warriors went off the dream land.

The next morning, it was raining. Alison got up and got dressed in her robes. She cooked up a little breakfast pudding for Sapphire and herself.“Sapphire???” Alison looked out the window to look for Sapphire. In about five minutes, Alison could see a red dot growing bigger and knew it was Sapphire. “Is there something wrong???” Sapphire asked Alison. “No but we have to search for Gweniva now.” Alison explained.

Alison and Sapphire were on the go after a short breakfast. “Where could he be???” Alison wondered out loud. “He must be captured by the king so let’s look in the Snowy Mountains.” Sapphire said. They flew over desert landscapes and green forests. Finally, they reached the Snowy Mountains. It was a beautiful view. Alison could see everything in the magical kingdom from here. There was the Enchanted Pasture of dreams and the Iceland Forest of Trolls and Elves. A hasty mist of land stood out from the corner of the Kingdom. ”What’s that mist over there???” Alison asked. “It’s where the evil souls are buried. Legend holds that there are seven-thousand of Lord Daemon’s Devils there after the Great battle.

Alison got off Sapphire at the edge of the tallest mountain and wandered inside. “Sapphire, you wait here, you are too big to go inside.” Alison commanded Sapphire. Alison crept into the mouth of the cave and saw a row of torches just like the one in the tunnel. She took one again and tip-toed inside. At the end, Alison saw a blinding light coming from what looked like a room after a right turn. Alison put her ear on the wall and listened.

“Tell me where the girl is!!!” A harsh voice hissed. “Tell me or I will kill you!!!” It said. “Never!!!” A second voice said. That must be Gweniva!!!” Thought Alison. As soon as she knew it, Gweniva got thrown the wall Alison was listening in on. “Gweniva!!!” Alison whispered in a hushed voice. “Save yourself!!!” He said meekly.

“You!!!” Alison had not realized that the Lord Daemon was crouched over her. “You are the one!!!” Lord Daemon seized Alison’s hand. His eyes widened at the sight of the mark that threw Alison back what felt like years ago. “It’s the Dark Mark!!!” Lord Daemon yelped. He was quiet for a second, closing his eyes and saying some words to himself. Then he said in another language: Kill her instantly!!! I knew she was going to come. Alison had to think quickly. She didn’t want to be killed but she didn’t want Gweniva to be killed either.

Alison gasped at the sight of the biggest snake she had ever seen winded up, following Lord Daemon’s order. It hissed once and slithered after Alison. “Sapphire!!!” Alison yelled. “Sapphire!!!” Sapphire came in the cave, destroying the rocks and creating an avalanche. “Get on!!!” She said. Alison helped Gweniva get on Sapphire’s back and asked: “Sapphire, can you do two???” “Just barely!!!” Sapphire replied over the loud crumbling of rocks.

Alison plopped herself onto Sapphire, right next to Gweniva. The three of them took of at full speed. When the crumbling cave was just a puny dot on the highest point of The Snowy Mountains, Sapphire came to a slower speed. It had started to snow. Which was not very unusual for The Snowy Mountains. When Alison, Sapphire and Gweniva arrived at Alison’s dungeon, The snow was falling heavily. Little clusters of snowflakes sautéed onto the misty ground. That night, the three of them fell asleep in front of the glinting fire.

The next morning, Alison was the first to wake up. She had lost track of what day it was and assumed that it was a Monday because Sapphire and Gweniva were already outside. Well at least Alison thought they were outside. She glanced out the window and she saw that she was in a different place than she was when she fell asleep last night. There was a blanket of snow on the ground and each tree branch had it’s own collection of different snowflakes.

Alison realized that Sapphire and Gweniva were not outside. She saw a peculiar little hut shape of a condo at the edge of the field. Alison had to stare just to make out the shape out. Inside was a gleaming fire-or a light that was approached by two figures. One was larger than the other. Alison assumed it was Sapphire and Gweniva at Gweniva’s dungeon. The two figures seemed to be arguing. Alison pulled on her cloak and stumbled into the ice-cold snow. After many attempts, Alison reached the little hut which appeared to a be a fancy shack. Alison could hear a distant yelling inside. “No!!! We mustn’t tell the girl or else she will be petrified!!!” A man’s voice yelled. “Yes we should!!! She deserve to know the truth and it will benefit her in the battle with the Lord!!!” Asofter, more comforting vice replied. Alison knew that was Sapphire. All of a sudden, Alison could just barely hear many voices talking all at once and she knew it had to be more than just Sapphire and Gweniva in there.

The door Alison was leaning on suddenly swung open. Quickly, Alison hid behind the shadows of the dawning morning. “Well I dunno what you’ll do but I outta here!!!” A deep, frightening voice called out. Alison could now see inside the shack. It seemed that Gweniva and about twenty other Dragons and their riders were in there. The blood-red curtains were drawn and inside, it was dark-except the fire in the corner. But that was an exception for the fire had been burning for so long, all the coals had been burned and only a small flame was left burning itself. “We shall tell her!!! She deserves to!!! Sapphire’s right.” A solemn voice said. Alison imagined how bad this news was. She assumed that it was her they were talking about. Who else had to fight the Lord??? Alison could see everyone in there was afraid. They didn’t want to face the Lord as much as Alison did.

Later that morning, Alison was out again in the freezing cold, practicing jinxes. She had proudly mastered the art of freezing people but that was a beginner jinx. The real challenge was how she had to face the thought of getting Hypothermia.

© Copyright 2007 rubberduckie (nannamolly at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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