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by kaoru
Rated: E · Other · Romance/Love · #1239121
a love story
I slowly close the attic door, hoping that Feng, downstairs wouldn’t be able to hear. It creaks, and I stop for a moment holding my breath and praying that Feng didn’t hear anything. After a minute or two, I was sure that he didn’t notice so I quickly shut the door. An air of dust blew in face, and I realize that it’s been years since I had been in the attic. I turn myself around and everything was cover in dust. The walls, floors, and the chests, which was my purpose of coming up here, was all cover in white speaks of dust. I slowly walk over to one of the navy chest sitting alone in the corner and pull a chair to my side. I wipe the dusts off the top and sat down with the navy chest in front of me. It seems like centuries since I had last seen this chest, and tears drop down my face. I quickly wipe them off with the back of hand and with one puff; I blew the dirt off the top of the chest.
I took a deep breath and open it. The locks and irons were all rusted, making it a struggle for me to open. After what seem like hours, I was able to peek inside. Right there on top of everything was a picture of Arashi. He was dress in his Marine outfit with his hat tuck under his right arm and his left hand over Enoki’s shoulder. His smile was so real, hiding all his fears and sorrows that another tear ran down my face. His hair was neatly cut into a soldier’s look and his eyes, so bright and brown stare back at me. I stared at them, and within the moment I forgot everything. His looks was so promising that I could feel him beside me once again. Then suddenly I remember the picture in my pocket. I pull out and held it beside Arashi and Enoki. It was my son, Ryuu. The features on his face were so similar to Arashi that more tears fill up in my eyes. Their eyes were no difference. It had that same dark and handsome feature that makes you want to melt. It was so full of promise that one look can take all your misery away. That was the thing I love most about Ryuu.
Ryuu, my first son was off to college and he shall arrive home today after 8 years. Just yesterday he sent his picture and I couldn’t go to sleep because he looks almost too imitate that I had to see for myself. So here I am with both pictures side by side. Once more a question was solved. His looks reminded me of Arashi, and that was why I couldn’t sleep at all.
I set the two pictures down and look again into the chest. There were Arashi’s soccer clothes and his picture albums. I pick one up and flip open the cover. There I was on the front page with Arashi behind me making bunny airs. Tears struck my eyes again and I look away. As I turn my head, I notice a black journal under his pile of soccer clothes. It was my journal that I had use to kept. I instantly pick it up, and somehow my hand knew the right page to flip to.

‘October 14.
Today, I met a stranger online, and strange to my own sense, it seems like I like him. I couldn’t stop staring at his picture. It started out like always. The day was usual; I came home from school and went to soccer practice...’

I turn on my computer and sign online. The server must have been down because it was taking forever my email to load. I had just gotten home from soccer practice and my hair was still dripping wet from my daily shower. Since the computer was wasting my time, I ran into the bathroom and blow dries my hair. I got done and ran back to check my email, hoping if I got anything. I log on and quickly scroll down the screen. YOU HAVE 0 MESSAGES. Ugh! This is boring. I exit out and sign onto the chat room. Maybe this will be better. When I got on there was one-hundred people was usual, but it didn’t interest me. These are probably low lives with nothing less to do. So I left my computer screen on and got out my homework. I had a few math problems to do and that was it. I’m done for the night. I pull out my homework and got busy into solving it. Then 20 minutes past by and no one message me yet. Ugh! Peoples are really boring these days. I move my mouse over the exit mark and then suddenly someone message me.

SHORTY: hey, care to chat?
ii rOCk: sure. 411 please..
SHORTY: Feng Yasu Rekukiko
19, Mill Town
and you?
ii rOCk: o. so your japanese too? ahaha, that’s sweet.
SHORTY: sweet as can be. why? you japanese too?
ii rOCK: yupp.
SHORTY: o. now that’s tight. at least your not some white girl. they bored me.
ii rOCk: ahaha. okies. i guarantee i’m japanese, but i dont guarantee you if i’ll be boring or not. ahaha. wait! how can you be feng and yasu?
SHORTY: Sometimes feng can be yasu.. don’t you agree? and that’s my favorite time of the year. so what bout you?
ii rOCk: okies. me?
Hediko Junko Matasuj
15, Gutson.
But you can call me Melon
SHORTY: Melon? ahah. I prefer Hediko. I’ll just call you that aryte.
ii rOCk: sure, np wif me. it’s just tat, some of my friends cant pronounce it right. it’s all fine with me. ahaha.
SHORTY: you live in Gutson huh? that’s only 6 hour drive from here.
ii rOCK: i suppose it is. you coming to visit me?
SHORTY: my pleasure. only i fear you will turn me down.
ii rOCK: me? turn you down? ahaha. never. where did you get that idea from?
SHORTY: happens all the time.
ii rOCK: ahah. they just don’t know what they are missing.
so, what are you doing?
SHORTY: oh, just got home from work and i’m online just messing around. what bout you?
ii rOCk: just got home from soccer practice and so i’m just messing around too.
SHORTY: we match. lolx.
ii rOCK: ahaha. yeah, i know. so you got a picture?
SHORTY: yeah, but it’s on my msn. let me add you.

I gave him my msn and within a minute I was added on. We got out of the chat room and continue our chat on msn. After what seem like 10 minutes of pestering him, he finally gives in and shows me his picture.
When it first pops onto the display panel, I was struck. He was so good looking. His hair was wildly tucked into a hat and his clothes were all black, making his white necklace shines like crazy. I couldn’t get my eyes off his lips. They were so full and fine that I couldn’t believe how a girl could turn him down.

SHORTY: so, where’s mine?
ii rOCK: your what? ahaha.
SHORTY: my picture?
ii rOCK: oh, why didn’t you say so. your picture’s on your display.
SHORTY: ahaha. very funny. ahaha.
no. i meant where’s your picture?
ii rOCK: sorry. i dont have any. =)
SHORTY: come on. ahaha. now you have to be shady?
ii rOCK: shady? what? ahaha. i’m not shady?
SHORTY: then show me. ahaha. hurry hurry.
ii rOCk: well, i dont have any recent pictures of me now, i have one that’s like 4 months old. and i dont think you want to see it. ;P
SHORTY: shady..
ii rOCK: no! i’m not shady. ahaha. okies. let me show you.

I pull up my picture which was ancient and pray that he wouldn’t mind.

SHORTY: oO. hott hott. send me a copy.
ii rOCK: whawt? hot? ahah.. are you insulting me?
SHORTY: no. seriously. send me a copy.
ii rOCK: oh. aryte. let me think for a moment.
SHORTY: think? ahah.. oh come on. i’ll trade you.
ii rOCK: aryte aryte.

We exchange pictures and from this opportunity i was able to expand it and consume my observation. It look even better then being on the display. I spotted the clock and it read 11:45pm.

ii rOCk: oO. it’s late. aren’t you going to go to sleep yet?
SHORTY: not when i’m talkin to a sweetie like you.
ii rOCK: ;p
well, your sweetie’s going to sleep.
SHORTY: aw. already?
ii rOCK: yupp. it’s late and i got school tommorrow. what bout you? when are you going to sleep?
SHORTY: usually, i’ll be asleep already cause i get home around 9:30 and i’m already tire. to tell the truth, this is pretty much the latest i stay up so far.
ii rOCK: ahah. opps. sorry to interupt your daily schedule. ahaha.
SHORTY: it’s all gewd. anything for you. ;p
ii rOCK: well, do you get on alot?
SHORTY: sometimes. just so and so.
ii rOCK: ahah.. then i’ll talk to you next time. aryte.
SHORTY: arite thens. you have a good night and good morning before you go to school.
ii rOCK: aw. thanks. it was fun talkin to you.
SHORTY: yeah. i enjoy talkin to you too. byes.
ii rOCK: byes.

I sign off and pack my things up. Just as I was about to disconnect from the net a message pop up. NEW MESSAGE FROM ASIANSHORTY@MSN.COM
It’s only been a minute since we had said goodbye, but my heart jump with joy. I click on it and read the mail.

Night Hediko,
I’ll talk to you tommorrow.
signs, Feng

That was all. Just one simple sentence, but it made my heart smile. Somehow, there was something about this Feng guy that interests me. Not only because he was good looking, but he was also funny and he’s just interesting. I replied back to him.

HaHa. Yeah, 99 to you too Feng Yasu.
I’ll think of you tommorrow aryte.
Good dreams, sleep tight *<:)

I shut off the computer and fix my bed. My bed was a simple queen size and it was right next to my desk. I jump on and felt for my journal under my pillow. I reach over to the desk, grab for a pen and wrote down my thoughts. Before I remember, I was already asleep.
A week past by, and I haven’t have that much time to get online at all between 9:30 to 10. So I hadn’t had contact with Feng except threw email. We just repeated talk about our days such as work, school, and practice. The more I know him, the more I like him. Another week past by, and still I wasn’t able to talk to him on msn. The first soccer game was coming within the following week and I didn’t want to spend my nights staying up late. And then just three days before the game, I got online praying that Feng was on so I could have enough faith to win the game. I log on and he must have been waiting cause he click on me right away.

where’s my money: hey hediko.
ii rOCK: ahaha. hey feng. what are you doing?
where’s my money: just waiting for you. i had a feeling that you were going to be online today. ahaha. and i was right.
ii rOCK: oh really? ahah.. same here.. we really do match.
where’s my money: so, where have you been lately? how’s soccer?
ii rOCK: soccer? ugh. we got a game in three days. i’m going to be so dead beat.
where’s my money: why’s that? aww. maybe you just need luck from me.
ii rOCK: ahah. that is.. if you share.
where’s my money: of course i will. anything for you.

We continue talking until it was almost 1 and then parted our way. I realize that over the past few weeks, I had come to admire a guy that I dont even know much about except his opinions and just one portrait.
Three days past and I went to our soccer game. It was Gutson High against Velmore High. The way we do it is the high schools around the region complete and as you win you get move onto other regions and the last two shall make it to state. We won, both the girls and guy’s team. It was 13 to 7 for us girls and 19 to 15 for the boys. I got home and took my shower. My mind was racing over everything and how I’m going to tell Feng. I got out of the shower and look at the time on the computer screen. It was 8. I still got an hour and thirty minutes left, so I pull out my homework and review my questions. I got done in 20 minutes. Ugh. There’s was nothing to do, so I log onto msn and strangely asianshorty was online. He change his username again. This time it was Enoki, and yet even more strangely, he didn’t click on me. So I change my user name and click on him.

Gutson High kiCks ass: hey! guess what?
enoki: what?
Gutson High kiCks ass: we won the soccer game. it was 13 to 7.
enoki: and..?
Gutson High kiCks ass: and I wanted to share it with you.
enoki: o okies. that’s good. I like soccer too.
Gutson High kiCks ass: uh? who’s this?
enoki: Enoki
Gutson High kiCks ass: do i know you?
enoki: nope. i dont know you. so maybe you dont know me. =)
Gutson High kiCks ass: whawt? i’m confuse.
enoki: but you know my big brother Yasu... dont you?
Gutson High kiCks ass: ahah.. oh okies. i see. so Feng’s your brother..
enoki: yupp. he’s hot. want to hollar at him?
Gutson High kiCks ass: ahaha.
enoki: wait! you guys are dating right?
Gutson High kiCks ass: whawt? datin? ahah.. no.. i dont think we are.. nope.
enoki: why not?
Gutson High kiCks ass: why not? um.. iono... did you ever ask him?
enoki: nope. dont want to get into his personal life. =E
Gutson High kiCks ass: ahah.. o okies. so can i get into your personal life then?
enoki: sure why not. anything for you. =)
Gutson High kiCks ass: ahah.. you sound like Feng.
enoki: yeah. he’s my model. =)
Gutson High kiCks ass: ahah.. tat’s good. so tell me bout you...
enoki: um. i’m 13 and i’m hot. =E you?
Gutson High kiCks ass: ahaha...kool.
i’m 15 and i’m not that hot. ahaha... i dont think i’m close to there. ugh. and i play soccer and go to school. dont you go to school?
enoki: oh yeah. i forgot. i always forget that. ahah. i go to school.. yupp. all the way.
Gutson High kiCks ass: ahaha. aryte thens. you better. =)
enoki: oO. so you’re 15 huh? that’s hot. i’m talkin to a hottie tat’s 2 yrs older.
Gutson High kiCks ass: ahaha. oh. so you’re pimpin huh?
enoki: yup. all the way. =E
Gutson High kiCks ass: so where’s Feng?
enoki: Yasu? um. i can’t tell you. he’ll kill me.
Gutson High kiCks ass: why’s that?
enoki: aryte. i’ll tell you. he’s married.
Gutson High kiCks ass: aww.. marry? no more hopes for me then.
enoki: Here. you got me. =)
Gutson High kiCks ass: ahaha.. you dont want an old lady like me.
enoki: ahah.. just kidding... Yasu’s at the airport. he’s pickin one of my cousin from japan. oO. aint that nice. I bet you like Japanese guy.
Gutson High kiCks ass: ahah.. i am japanese..
enoki: oh really? ahahhahah.. opps.. my bad....
Gutson High kiCks ass: ahah.. it’s ok kid. i dont mind.
enoki: what? kid? i aint no kid. ahaha.. so what’s your name then?
Gutson High kiCks ass: melon. yupp. =)
enoki: melon? oOo.. juicy. ahahhahahha..
Gutson High kiCks ass: are you sure you’re 13? you dont sound 13..
enoki: yeah.. i’m sure i’m 13.. and i’m thinkin straight. are you thinkin straight?
Gutson High kiCks ass: ahah.. omg.. you’re so funny.. i’m in love.
enoki: yeah. i get that all the time. =)
but here’s my secert. the only person i’m in love with is you. ahah..
Gutson High kiCks ass: aryte. better not break my heart then.
enoki: oh... sorry cant do. =D.. nah. j/k. ahha.. dont want you to think weird.. but i have to go..
Gutson High kiCks ass: aryte.. ahah.. it was nice talkin to you.
enoki: yeah. you know. my brothers are so lazy.. ugh. i have to go and cook for Yasu and my cousin. so i have to go. ahaha...
Gutson High kiCks ass: oh wow.. ahaha.. arytie then.. have fun.
enoki: byes.
Gutson High kiCKs ass: byes.

He got offline and I was left there stranded. There was nothing to do and I was still exhausted from the soccer game, so I shut off the computer and went to sleep.
Two more weeks went past and I haven’t had contact with Feng yet expect threw email. I continue with my daily schedule, except that I manage to get work on the weekend. I work at a tiny little restaurant at the edge of town. On weekends, it was always fill with peoples, tourist, and kids from school hanging out.
One Saturday night, I was working out late. There was only a couple of elder sitting at one corner and the manager was in the back filling papers. I was the only one in the front besides this black man still wiping an table in the west wing. Then four young men dress in soccer outfits came in. They were so loud and ruled that the elders had stop and stare. Their clothes was still stain with dirt, showing evidence that they had just came from practice. The boys were asian too, but they dont seem like they are from Gutson or Velmore. I knew almost everyone around this region and yet, I dont seem to recognize them. They walk over to a master table and sat down. Two of them seem older and they had black hair with brown streaks. One has long hair that falls to his shoulders and the other one, a little kid’s hairs was nicely trim. One of the guys with blackest brown hair caught my attention the most. He had on a hat which let his bangs fall loosely over his eyes and his smile melted me. They sat down and bang on the table. One of the guy shouted waiter and I walk over. They were still loud, which by that time was getting on my nerve. They all order water and fries then I walk into the back and got there orders.
I watch as they eat, and it surprises me that loud as they are, when it came to eating, each and everyone of them had table manners. Still, I kept my eyes on the one with the hat. I study his every movement and I found myself to be enjoying it.
The elders pay their foods and left. The black guy went to change towels in the bathroom and I was left alone with four guys. They got up and I suppose that they were finish eating. Then I reach down and grab the cashing machine, and when I look back up the guy in hat was standing in front of me. He was grinning at me, and I froze..
“So.. beautiful.. I notice that .. I’m interest in you..”
His three friends in the back start laughing like crazy so I ignore them all and politely said, “The total would be 24 dollars please, unless you guys want to split. it’ll be 6 each”
“no.. i dont want to split. i want you all to myself. 24’s no big deal... like i was saying.. I’m interested in you.. can i get your info.”
Again, I stare into his eyes. i dont understand how someone so handsome like him, could become such a fool.. his friends start laughing again, and it got on my nerve.. i took a deep breath and answer him..
“sorry, but I was taught not to talk to a loser”
i return his grin on his face, and his friends start laughing even harder.. they keep yelling oOo.. she called you a loser.. and this commotion brought the manager out..
i gave her a glance and she came and took my job..
it was time for me to leave too.. so I went and change back into my normal outfit and came to the front.. the four guys were no longer in sight, so I check out and walk outside.
just as soon as i got outside, I saw that same guy standing at the night pole. his friends was sitting in a car, which seems to be a supra and was across the street.. he walks over to me stood in front of me, then lean toward my ear. I could feel his breath on me neck, causing my hairs to stand and then all of a sudden he whispered in a soft low voice.. “seriously.. i’m interested in you.. my name’s Arashi.. and i’ll be coming soon again. you have a good night”
He gave me another one of those grins that makes a woman wanted to melt, turned around and walk over to the car. He pop into the driver’s seat, gave a lousy beep, and drove off.
© Copyright 2007 kaoru (nellyvaj at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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