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by Tanya
Rated: E · Column · Inspirational · #1239084
Why do we divide ourselves into groups? We are all people...
The Chinese believe, the Japanese believe, the Muslims, Christians, Jewish, catholic.. they all believe. WE all believe.
What’s right and what’s wrong? How can we know the truth?
It’s hard for me to just go with what my religion believes in, when I know there are others believing and praying endlessly and strongly in a different religion than ours,
When I know there are others out there who just “know the truth”, who don’t have any doubt, who feel Gd with them and feel the light in everything they do, in all the religions.
Rabbis, Priests, Popes, Sheikhs..
Things are meant to be so diverse, otherwise they wouldn’t be. Life and truth are meant to remain a mystery, so maybe finding the truth isn’t what we are here for.
Maybe the real test is fully believing in something, in ourselves, in life.. because those things are common to all of us, all races, all religions, all people.
Does Gd want us to be “the chosen ones”? Or is Gd a Gd of all people, and wants us to learn how to get along, with all the obstacles and differences he put in our way.
Or maybe its not what Gd wants, its what we want, because we are our own souls.
I don’t know, no one knows. What does that tell us? That no one knows.
No one knows more than anyone else really does, because even with all the learning, all the research, all the knowledge some may have, no one knows the truth about life. Some may be so convinced they do know, and have found the truth, but if these type of people exist in all religions, the truth still hasn`t been found.
So why do we look for answers that don’t exist?
Why don’t we look up in the sky and realize there is one sky for all of us, its all the same sky, look down at the ground and notice there is one earth and land for us all, the same land we all walk through and the same sky we all look up to.
The ocean is the same ocean we all share, and this world is a place for all of us to live in, together. Because -  Then the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” (Genesis 2)
We need each other as much as we need the earth, air and sky. We are all part of Gds creation.
And let’s look up, down, right, left, all around us and realize Gd is everywhere; Gd is inside each of us and outside and everywhere. Maybe that’s the only answer we really need. Because no one else has a better one.

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