Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1238450-Fighters-and-Dreamers--Part-4
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Animal · #1238450
A story of friendship, love, dreams and horses
The hospital was the usual stark and impersonal place that you come to expect of medical establishments. Leah, Nick and Serena walked through the predominantly white corridors brightened up only by the occasional donated painting or notice board with depressing signs about old people dying from the cold and ‘flu jabs. Nick asked the lady on the intensive care desk where they would find Jack and she directed them to the room at the end of the corridor.
Outside the room were two plastic chairs, the sort you get in schools without the graffiti. The room had a huge window all along the front of it but the white blinds were pulled across. A nurse appeared from the room and smiled at them.
“Hello. You must be Jack’s sister.” She addressed Serena obviously noticing the distinct likeness. Serena warmed to her immediately. She was short and a little on the plump side with a round face. She had kind eyes and a genuine smile with an efficient but friendly manner.
Serena nodded and tried to peer round her but she couldn’t see properly. Leah was clutching her hand but Serena could tell she was nervous too because she was twiddling a finger round her hair. The nurse pulled the door closed behind her and gestured to the girls to sit down on the seats, pulling up two chairs from the room opposite for her and Nick.
“Right. I’m Mandy and I’m the nurse in charge of looking after Jack at the moment. Now, as you know he’s had a pretty nasty bump. There is some damage to his brain because of a small fracture. He will need an operation later on but at the moment we are concentrating on keeping him stable. He’s also broken a few bones. Just about the whole of his body was bashed in some way by the pony either falling or getting up it seems so he’s broken a few ribs and his collarbone, neither of which are any cause for concern really although they will be a bit uncomfortable. One bone in his right leg has been fractured in multiple places by the weight of the pony, which will eventually need to be pinned. He’s also done some muscular damage to an arm where it landed underneath him and he’s broken his nose which will be more cosmetic than anything else. He is in a coma but we’re confident he will be coming round within the next few days. Have you got any questions?”
Serena couldn’t believe how matter of fact and business like Mandy could be in reeling off this horrific list of injuries but she supposed it was her job. She shook her head.
“Okay. Your Mum and Dad are in with him now and as we only allow two visitors at a time we will have to take it in turns, a game of musical chairs if you like! Jack is rigged up to a lot of machines so don’t be alarmed by that, they are all there to help. I’ll go and fetch your Mum and Dad out if you’d like to decide who’s going in first.”
Mandy got up and went back into the room. Leah was looking just as shaken as Serena, even Nick looked close to tears.
“I think you should go in with her Nick. You’re better at this sort of thing than me,” Leah sniffed.
Nick looked at Serena. “Is that okay?”
Serena nodded and stood up as her Mum and Dad came out of the room. Harriet fell into Serena’s arms but Charlie gently prised her away for fear of upsetting Serena even more. Leah put her arm round Harriet and gave Serena an encouraging look. This was it. After taking a deep breath Serena entered the room.
Jack looked tiny in the large hospital bed. The top half of his body was propped up slightly and there were wires and tubes everywhere. A steady beep was coming from one of the machines. His eyes were black rings and there was a bit of dried blood still clinging to his nostrils. His nose looked swollen out of all proportion giving his face a look of a caricature. Serena walked slowly towards the bed aware of Nick standing close to her, close enough to be comforting but far away enough to not stifle her. She tucked his teddy bear into bed next to him and gently smoothed his chestnut hair off his forehead. Serena sat down in the chair next to the bed and carefully took his little hand in hers. She smiled to herself when she saw the dirt caked under his fingernails, something he was always getting told off for. She wasn’t sure what to do now. Could he hear her? Maybe. Surely he could sense she was there?
“Do you want a minute alone with him Serena?” asked Nick.
Serena turned to look at him. “Yes please. I won’t be long.”
Nick left the room and closed the door quietly. Serena looked at Jack and wondered again if he could hear her.
“Hello Jack. It’s me, Serena. I love you,” Serena’s voice cracked as the tears welled up in her eyes. She had to be strong for Jack. “That was a pretty spectacular fall you had there. You did well to stay on to start with. You shouldn’t have hung onto his mouth like that though. Quince is okay by the way, a little lame behind but nothing serious. Don’t you worry either, we’ll soon have you riding again.” Serena sat in silence for a few minutes, watching all the machines around them and wondered what they did. “Well, I’d better go. I’ll come and see you tomorrow though. I love you.”
Serena stood up, carefully laying his little hand back down on the sheets and then kissed him on the forehead.

Over the next few days Serena was insanely busy, visiting Jack in hospital everyday, looking after and exercising all the horses and going to work. Harriet had agreed that she should hand in her notice at the supermarket to give her more time to concentrate on the horses. Charlie had been promoted so money wasn’t quite so tight although the horses were still eating away all their money.
Serena had cancelled all the shows they were entered into for the next few weeks preferring to spend the extra time with Jack. After three days unconscious he had come round and was recovering from the operations to put pins and plates in his leg and also to relieve the pressure on his brain. Everything was going as well as it could do and the doctors didn’t think he’d have any permanent brain damage except from a slight lack of coordination.
Quince was sound again and Serena was lunging and loose jumping him daily to keep him fit. The little girl who had Dancer on loan, Fiona, was riding Jewel for Leah who couldn’t afford for the little dun to be out of work for too long with Christmas looming. Nick and Serena were getting up at five to feed and exercise all the horses, visiting Jack in the afternoon and then coming back to the yard in the evening to ride the second lot of horses. They’d go to bed at night, tired and aching from the day’s strenuous exertions, with sleep taking over as soon as their heads hit the pillows.
Leah had decided to sell Paradox, Lakkana and Spartacus as they were all becoming too much for two people and weren’t getting worked as often or as much as they needed. Paradox and Spartacus were snapped up after being advertised in Horse Deals but Lakkana seemed determined to be rude and bossy whenever someone came to try him out. Serena sold Lawton who was just getting fatter and fatter out in the fields as Serena no longer competed in Le Trec and didn’t often have time to go out on long hacks. He was sold to a teenage girl who was going to show him in cob and coloured classes and he was looking very smart with his newly hogged mane.

One chilly morning Serena and Nick were out hacking on Lakkana and Holly. They chatted about nothing important as they rambled round plough scarred fields and through scantily clad woods. The horses were fresh as they always were when the ground was frosty; their smoky breathes curling up around them and their hooves leaving little impression on the frozen paths. Holly and Lakkana started to prance and pull as they recognized a familiar canter spot, Holly snorting and snatching at the bit whilst Lakkana, the plucky Arab colt, did little bunny hops and scuttled sideways into Holly.
“The ground’s too hard to risk their legs isn’t it?” Serena leant forward slightly to look down Holly’s shoulder at the white tipped grass.
“Yeah it is really. We could give them a trot though if you think you can hold Holly.”
“Yep okay. Pop Lakkana behind me so they don’t start racing.”
The two lean, muscular horse’s went forward into brisk trots, Lakkana holding his tail up high and picking his feet up whilst Holly covered the ground quickly with her long, easy stride. A hedge ran down one side of them with a small ditch in front, open field to their right.
The horses were fighting their riders now, eager to get going, froth clinging to their lips and splashing down their chests. Lakkana got too close to Holly who objected and kicked out, slightly unbalancing Serena. Realising this Holly took the chance to break into a canter, kicking up her heels again in a series of delighted bucks. Lakkana squealed, not liking the ever-increasing distance between him and Holly. Nick relented and let Lakkana have a little canter to catch up but regretted it as the colt took the bit between his teeth and pulled to draw even with Holly. The two horses thundered along both trying to get ahead of each other, throwing their noses in the air to avoid being stopped. Neither Serena nor Nick had proper control now, both seeking comfort in the huge hedge looming before them that was bound to stop the horses in their tracks. Nick glanced across at Serena, her cheeks were flushed from the exertion of trying to hold Holly but she looked calm enough which comforted Nick. Lakkana steadied himself about four strides out and broke into an exuberant but controllable trot. Holly on the other hand saw the hedge as another cross country fence to clear. Serena felt Holly gather her stride up and tensed herself. Not knowing what the landing would be like she was scared. She’d cleared bigger hedges out hunting but this was different, she had no say in the striding to the hedge and if Holly got it wrong it could be disastrous. Serena took a deep breath and kept her hands soft knowing that pulling on her mare’s mouth wouldn’t stop her, it would only distract her from jumping the hedge. Serena felt Holly lift underneath her and leant up her neck, giving Holly her head but not throwing away the contact in case she had to hold her together on landing. Serena allowed herself to look down; it was lower this side with a gaping ditch. She slipped her reins more and leant back, feeling Holly stretch out to land away from the ditch. Serena held her breath. Holly landed about a foot out and gave an almighty buck in celebration. Serena, already off balance from the huge jump, catapulted over Holly’s head and watched as Holly galloped off down the field, squealing and bucking away to herself.
Nick was coming into the field through a gate next to the hedge, Lakkana staring after the disappearing dot of his friend.
“I’m fine. Honestly. Woah.” Serena gasped as she stood up. Everything was spinning and a thick black fog was rolling in. She sat down again with a bump, taking deep breaths and shoving her head between her knees.
Nick jumped off Lakkana, keeping one eye on Holly as he knelt down next to Serena. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I just got up too quickly. Ouch.” Serena winced as Nick gently wiped the mud from her face with his sleeve revealing the freckles scattered haphazardly across her nose and cheeks. Her lips were swelling and one eye was going purple.
“Does anywhere else hurt?”
“No. My wrist’s a bit sore but I should think it’s just sprained. Where’s Holly?”
“She’s galloped off towards Leah’s. I’ll ring her and tell her to keep an eye out. You just sit there for a minute.” Nick took his mobile out of his pocket and dialled Leah’s mobile. Leah said she could see Holly frolicking in the sheep field and she’d text him once she’d caught her and had her safely enclosed in a stable.
Nick crouched next to Serena again who was looking less shaken but very vulnerable. A few chestnut curls had escaped from her ponytail when she’d pulled off her hat and were now bouncing merrily in the wind. Serena narrowed her feline eyes as she felt her battered face with tentative fingertips.
“Here let me.” Nick spoke quietly and gently as he took a tissue from his pocket and carefully wiped the trickling blood from her lip. Serena looked up at him through her golden lashes and felt a kick in her stomach as she took in the almond shaped, kind eyes, forehead knotted in concentration. Nick looked up from her lips and smiled as Serena blushed, knowing he’d realised she was examining him. Nick sat down next to her, his arm still hooked through Lakkana’s reins who was chomping at the grass a few feet away.
“How do you feel?”
“A lot better thanks.”
Nick leant over to tuck the escaped curls behind her ears and smudged away another trickle of blood with his thumb. Serena felt another kick as Nick looked deep into her eyes. Without saying a word Nick took her battered face in his hands and carefully kissed her bruised and swollen lips. Serena flinched slightly but welcomed his touch. Nick’s work worn fingers carefully explored every part of her face, kissing away the pain in her lips and allowing her to forget everything that had happened in the past few months. They both jumped as Nick’s phone bleeped.
“Leah’s caught Holly. She’s in a stable and she’s hosed down her legs. She’s going to put some stable bandages on her now. We’ll go and collect her later.” Nick smiled at Serena but the spell had been broken. Nick held her hand as he helped her to her feet and Serena leant towards him. Nick pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her hair.
“Nick? I love you.” Serena felt Nick’s body stiffen but he carried on holding her.
“You don’t Serena. You’re just confused.”
Serena pulled away and looked at him incredulously. “So that meant nothing to you?” Serena’s eyes darted with anger.
“Of course it did. Okay. Who am I kidding? I really like you Serena and I if I hadn’t got Leah into trouble then I’m sure this could work but you don’t want to lose a friend like Leah. I’m not the sort of lad who just washes their hands of a girl when the going gets tough either.”
“You could still see the baby…” Serena’s voice trailed off. It sounded ridiculous even to her.
“Oh gorgeous. Why’s everything so complicated?”
Serena looked up at him. The brown eyes were full of sadness, his lips set in a tight line. He was so beautiful, the line of his jaw so exquisite and the high cheekbones cast shadows against his smooth cheeks. His slightly crooked nose from a previous fall only added to his good looks as did his scuffed and hard fingers that could be so gentle.
“I don’t know but we’d better get back. All this standing around isn’t doing Lakkana any good.”
Nick ran expert hands down Lakkana’s legs, feeling for any swelling or unusual lumps. Serena watched these hands that only moments before had been running just as expertly over her own body. She fingered her split lips, still throbbing but no longer bleeding.
“Stick your hat on. You can ride back and I’ll walk.” Serena did as she was told and bent her leg for Nick to give her leg up. After shortening her stirrups a few holes Serena nudged Lakkana forward into a walk. Neither her nor Nick spoke on the way home but unlike last time they’d kissed Serena still felt there was a spark between them and even though she knew it would hurt Leah beyond reason Serena only felt elated.

Later that evening Serena was soaking in a warm bath, bubbles frothing round her bruise-ridden body. Her parents were at the hospital and Nick was settling the horses for the night. She’d turned the lights out and lit scented candles. Her eyes closed, Serena replayed Nick’s touch over and over again. The way he’d looked at her, kissed her and caressed her. Serena was woken from her blissful reverie by a gentle tapping on the bathroom door.
“One moment.” Serena pulled her long limbs out of the bath and wrapped a warm towel round her aching torso. Opening the door a smile spread across her face as she saw Nick’s cheeky grin, his toned body propped casually against the doorframe.
“That’s a wonderful sight.” Nick slid through the gap in the door and planted a gentle kiss on Serena’s shoulder, grinning up at her and then kissing the length of her collarbone. Her hair was wet and lay straight, water dripping from it, down her back and under the towel. Her pale, English rose skin was glistening and smelt of exotic fruits, the bruises on her face only adding to the childlike dependence showing in her eyes. Nick kissed her neck passionately and then eased her hands from their nervous grip on the towel. As it dropped to the floor, curling round her feet, Nick stood back slightly to admire her. Her hip bones jutted out, leading down to slim, muscular thighs and legs that went on forever ending in delicate, small feet. Her breasts were full and accentuated the narrowness of her waist. She’d lost a lot of weight since Jack had been in hospital and Nick could see her ribs but the delicacy of her figure suited her.
Serena stood patiently, looking up at him and seeking his approval. Nick took a deep intake of breath.
“You’re so beautiful. Fuck I want you.” Serena smiled and took a step forward, kissing him on the mouth whilst her long, pianist fingers fumbled to take off his t-shirt. As Nick chucked his top to one side Serena ran a finger down his taught chest. His heart was beating fast. His stomach was ridged with muscles and a small line of hair ran from his belly button down to the as yet unexplored territory. Serena squealed as Nick picked her up carrying her down the landing and dumped her unceremoniously on his bed.
“Thanks!” laughed Serena, latching a hand round his neck and pulling him on top of her.
“My God you’re sexy.”
“I know.” Serena unbuttoned his jodhpurs and peeled them off the incredibly elongated legs to reveal his Calvin Klein boxers. “And you’re going to think I’m even sexier when this night’s over.”

Serena awoke the next morning with a thumping headache and an eye she could barely open but she didn’t care. She was lying on Nick’s smooth chest with one of his arms wrapped round her waist. Glancing at her watch she realised they had over slept by half an hour. Easing her way out of his hold Serena pulled on his boxer shorts and a Saints rugby top that was half kicked under his bed and smiled to herself. He looked so angelic when he was asleep. As Serena examined her battle scars in Nick’s mirror she didn’t hear him get up.
“Morning beautiful,” whispered Nick in her ear. Serena turned round and kissed him.
“Oh my God, you look so sexy in that. Can we have an extra hour in bed?”
“No. We’ve got to be good,” giggled Serena, leaning round to pinch his peachy bum.
“Well from what I remember you weren’t particularly good last night.”
“I wasn’t the only one. I’m going to have a shower. See you in a minute.” Serena planted a lingering kiss on his lips and scuttled out of the room.
Nick collapsed backwards onto the bed and sighed, a silly grin on his face. He was besotted.

Serena skipped into the kitchen at midday to grab some lunch for her and Nick before they drove over to the hospital. Harriet was sitting at the kitchen table, reading glasses balanced on the end of her nose as she looked up at Serena.
“You’re very cheerful.”
“I know.” Serena smiled, buttering some bread. “Want some lunch?”
“No thanks darling.”
“Okay.” Serena dipped her finger in the mayonnaise jar and licked it off.
“Don’t do that Serena.”
“Sorry Mum.”
“You left the bathroom in a bit of a hurry last night didn’t you?”
Serena froze for a moment. “Erm… yeah. I was tired.”
“Right. You left the candles burning which could have been very dangerous. The water was still in the bath, a wet towel was on the floor and Nick’s t-shirt.”
“Yes. Look Serena. I’m not a prude and I don’t mind you having boys round, you are nearly eighteen after all. But not Nick darling. You’ll only get hurt in the long run. Or Leah and you don’t want to upset her. Not with the baby as well.”
Serena put down the knife and turned to face her Mum. “I’m sorry Mum. I couldn’t help it though. It just happened.”
“Yes, well make sure it doesn’t happen again. Now finish those sandwiches, you’ve got to be at the hospital in an hour.”

Serena climbed into Nick’s Land Rover, chomping on a Kit Kat and putting a Little Man Tate CD into Nick’s car stereo. Nick got in next to her and started the stuttering engine.
“My Mum knows.”
“Knows what babe?”
“That we slept together last night.”
“What did she say?” Nick slid a hand up her skirt but got a slap for his troubles.
“She said we mustn’t do it again for the sake of Leah and the baby.”
Nick returned his hand to the steering wheel. “Look Serena I know it’s wrong but I can’t help it now.”
“Me neither. People don’t check up on us when we’re working and we could always sneak out to the old groom’s quarters.”
“Yeah. Well… let’s see how it goes ay?”
Serena nodded and then turned up the volume on the CD player, she was done talking for now and just needed some time to think.

On the lead up to Christmas Serena and Nick carried on with their illicit “affair” whilst they should have been exercising the horses or mucking out. The old groom’s quarters were run down and cold but no one ever went up there so they knew they were safe. Serena had sneaked in some old horse rugs and some candles to make the place more comfortable but she still found it hard to keep her hands off Nick when they were relaxing in the house in the evenings.
Jack came out of hospital the week before Christmas and started counting down the days when he could ride Quince again. He spent all day sitting in Quince’s stable talking to him and feeding him carrots which made it harder for Nick and Serena to sneak off but Jack didn’t usually notice if they were gone for a while.
Christmas came and went with the usual hectic family visits and kisses from bristly chinned aunts. Serena was left with a stack of bath sets and candles from unimaginative relatives but was thrilled with the little Fiesta from her Mum and Dad. Nick gave her a stunning Victoriana style choker and earrings set with deep black jet. Leah bought her a pair of dark green Christian Louboutin heels that made her even taller, which she adored.
Leah’s cousin was thrilled with the little dun Jewel and everyone was sad to see the beautiful, affectionate pony go. Jack had a John Whitaker jacket that he lived in permanently and always seemed coated in a layer of Quince slobber!

The Sunday after Christmas Nick and Serena took Holly, Sadie, Lakkana, Tenby and Dallas to an affiliated dressage competition with Leah and Jack tagging along to help out.
Nick rode Lakkana in the first class, Prelim 18, and Lakkana performed a foot perfect test, completely unfazed by the spectators and judges, only spooking slightly at the starting bell. Lakkana was marked highly and finished up in first place, floating round his lap of honour with his tall held high like a banner. When they left the arena a middle-aged woman in a Barbour approached them.
“That’s a beautiful little Arab you’ve got there.”
“Thanks. I’m really pleased with him. This is his first show under saddle and he hasn’t batted an eyelid.”
“Well if you’re ever thinking of selling him give me a ring.” Nick took the card she was holding out.
“He’s for sale now actually.”
After agreeing a price with Leah and having a sit on Lakkana herself the lady handed over a cheque and arranged to have him boxed over to her property once the cheque had cleared. Nick had become very attached to the stunning colt but knew that they didn’t have the time to do him justice.
In the Novice class Serena rode Tenby and Nick rode Dallas. Tenby did a good test but lacked impulsion whilst Dallas charged round, bucking in his canter transitions but having a lot of exuberance in his paces. One judge wrote on Dallas’ sheet “learn to contain that energy and you’ve got a cracking horse” which Nick was chuffed with and was delighted with their 7th placing. Tenby came 9th and Serena went away with a few things to work on at home.
In the Elementary class Serena rode both Holly and Sadie and was thrilled to come 2nd and 3rd respectively, beaten by a flashy grey Warmblood.
After a successful day everyone went home happy and laden with rosettes to further decorate the tack room. Jack had found out from a Pony Club friend he’d seen that a show jumping pony he’d adored for ages was coming up for sale in about six months. He was called Flash Harry and was one of the best 138cms in the area.
“Better start saving your pocket money then Jacky Boy,” said Serena, secretly wishing she could afford to buy him the pony herself especially as he had been so brave about the accident. He was still walking with a limp and needed his crutches some days but his physiotherapist said he was responding well to the exercises and should be on a pony again soon. His nose was now adorably crooked and Serena loved seeing Nick tease him about who had the wonkiest nose!

After Christmas Serena and Leah set about planning for Serena’s 18th birthday party on January the 11th. Serena had budgeted £150 for her outfit, food and booze and the DJ, which she was getting cheap because she used to work with him at the supermarket. Leah’s brother, Hugo, was currently on a road trip round Europe with some friends and had agreed to bring back some duty free alcohol. Andrea and Harriet were planning some sophisticated nibbles which meant that Serena had more to spend on a killer outfit.

The day of her party arrived and Leah and Serena spent the day getting rid of breakables and valuables into the garage and setting out the food and drinks on trestle tables in the living room. The house was decorated in balloons, streamers and fairy lights with a Happy Birthday banner across the porch and on the gate. The furniture had been cleared out of the drawing room so people had somewhere to dance and Jamie the DJ was connecting disco lights up around his decks.
Hugo arrived at 6 with a boot full of beer, cheap French wine and vodka to supplement the already heaving table of Bacardi Breezers, Archers and WKD. Whilst Harriet, Charlie, Nick and Hugo put the finishing touches to the house Leah and Serena disappeared upstairs to get ready.
At about half eight people started arriving, and squirting Tommy Hillfiger True Star onto their wrists, Leah and Serena went downstairs to make their entrance. Leah looked gorgeous in a brown camisole with her swelling belly protruding from underneath and a pair of DKNY tailored shorts with leather ankle boots. Serena had her hair lose, cascading down her back in a swirl of deep chestnut waves. She had on a red Religion top with a sparkly skull on the front and slashes up the back to show off her sexy back, a denim Punkyfish miniskirt with sequins, black fishnet tights and her Christian Louboutins from Leah. Her eyes were illuminated with silver glitter, rose pink blusher on her cheekbones and frosty pink lipstick.
People flocked to her to kiss her on the cheek and wish her Happy Birthday. Hugo gave her a lingering look and Serena was appalled to find herself blushing and becoming flustered under his gaze. After a couple of hours of whizzing round talking to everyone Serena settled down with a glass of wine in a quieter corner of the living room to rest her aching feet. Her eyes couldn’t help themselves wandering to Hugo. Serena had never really looked at him properly before but during that few minutes of calm she couldn’t drag her eyes away from drinking in every aspect of his being.
His hair had grown during the trip tumbling round his face in a burst of riotous dark curls and tickling the golden brown nape of his neck. He flicked the hair out of his eyes with a self-assured toss of his head almost like a shampoo advert! His eyes were a chocolate brown like Nick’s but bigger and edged in thick, dark lashes. He had full, sensual lips that looked like they had been made for kissing and seemed to be always parted slightly in a perfect pout when he wasn’t smoking or talking animatedly, always retaining eye contact with those emotion filled eyes. He smoked a lot but in a way it added to his overall sex appeal; the way his brow creased as he inhaled and the casual way he left the cigarette hanging in his lips as he re-fastened a curvaceous blonde’s necklace with big, gentle hands. His jaw line was long and straight below the high cheekbones and heavy brow. He had a cheeky grin revealing perfectly straight white teeth and an adorable habit of wrinkling his nose when he laughed.
Slowly and purposefully he stubbed out yet another cigarette, as Serena watched, and got up from the sofa he had been lounging on. With his long easy stride he walked over to where she was standing propped up against the wall and kissed her full on the mouth.
“You’ve been begging me to do that all evening with that sexy stare,” he whispered in her ear, making her breath come faster and her whole body tingle, then giving her a ludicrously sexy half smile before tossing the curls out of his eyes. “Now take off those heels and dance with me. I don’t dance with women who are taller than me.”
Serena kicked her shoes into the corner, and now an inch shorter than him, was lead into the heaving, sweating mass of bodies. Hugo was an incredible dancer, keeping his body pressed close to hers and gyrating his hips. Grasping her hand he twisted her 180 degrees and bent his head to kiss her neck. Serena rubbed her body against his with one hand pushing her hair up from her neck. Serena had never felt so much pleasure from a man’s touch before and revelled in the attention. They carried on dancing until they were hot and aching with desire.
“Let’s go outside.” Hugo grabbed her hand and led her through the people into the hallway. Laughing and joking they bumped straight into Nick who was coming down the stairs after tucking in a worn out Leah. Serena dropped Hugo’s hand as if it was on fire and stopped laughing. Nick was staring at her with a mixture of anger and hurt in his eyes.
“Erm… sorry Hugo. I think I should just go and see if Leah’s alright.”
“Whatever. It’s your party.” Hugo skulked back into the drawing room with his hands shoved into his pockets.
Serena turned back to Nick.
“You looked like you were having fun.”
“Nick wait.” But Nick had already turned on his heel and sprinted back upstairs.
Serena sighed and raked the hair out of her face with a quivering hand. Serena knew Leah would be fine again in the morning but she had to think of an excuse fast to get rid of Hugo. She stomped upstairs to go to the toilet but people either being sick or having sex engaged all three bathrooms. Leaning out of her bedroom window to cool down Serena saw Hugo chasing a very pretty brunette across the lawn and then disappearing behind the tack room. She slammed her window and went back downstairs. Rhianna was blasting out so Serena went to dance with Zara who handed her a bottle of wine. She ended up drinking more than she should and the last thing she remembered before passing out was dancing on a table with Zara and receiving a big cheer from the lads when she flashed her boobs. Two strong arms had lifted her off the table by her slim waist and then she’d been sick on her rescuer.

The next morning Serena woke up on the sofa surrounded by empty bottles and the innards of party poppers. Someone had tucked a blanket round her and left a glass of water with two aspirins on the floor next to her. Surely nothing could take away the pain in her head which felt like she was being repeatedly beaten with a sledgehammer.
A few minutes later Leah bounced in equipped with black bags and rubber gloves and pulled open the curtains. A groan emerged from the sofa.
“Fuck off,” growled Serena.
“Jesus girl, you had a good night obviously.”
Serena pulled the blanket over her head and closed her eyes against the piercing light.
“I don’t have any sympathy. It’s your own fault. Nick’s doing morning stables on his own so you can help me tidy up this lot. Your Mum found Marcus asleep in the bath but he’s been evicted now and apparently someone’s put a used condom in your Dad’s work shoes but your Mum got rid of that too.”
Serena grunted and got up slowly.
“I’m going to have a shower. I’ll be down to help you in a minute.” She shuffled out of the room, clasping a hand to her head and squinting. Leah laughed and resumed the mammoth task of cleaning up.

Eventually the house began to regain some kind of order and the smell of stale cigarette smoke and sick was beginning to fade with endless cans of Febreze being sprayed everywhere.
In the evening Nick, Leah and Serena settled down to watch a film with some nachos and tacos. Nick was speaking to her again but she could tell he was still a bit cross with her. Her mobile going off and Hugo’s name flashing up on the screen didn’t help either but luckily Leah didn’t notice the hostility between them.
“What does he want?” asked Leah, feeding Archie a nacho.
“He’s just asked me to his 20th. Apparently it’s black tie. I haven’t got anything to wear!”
“Don’t worry we’ve got a week to get you something. I can’t believe Hugo’s left it so late to send out his invites, bet most people won’t be able to come.”
Serena was gnawing at the skin round her nails, mentally doing sums to see if she could afford a new dress.

The next morning Serena was eating her breakfast in the kitchen trying to tactfully ask Harriet if she could borrow some money for her outfit.
“You know how tight money is sweetheart. What about the money you got for selling Lawton?”
“That’s going on driving lessons and stuff.”
“Well if it hasn’t been attacked by mice there’s my Coming Out dress in the attic? It might be a little short but we could let it down and make a few adjustments. What do you think?”
“That would be perfect! And it’ll match my Christian Louboutin shoes that Leah bought me.” Serena had only seen the dress once when she was about seven and had adored it. Harriet had promised her then that when she was older she could wear it and feel like a princess as she had done at her debutante ball.
“Let’s go and have a look now.” Harriet dried her hands on a tea towel and excitedly slipped her arm through the crook of Serena’s elbow.

They sat in the dusty and intimidating attic surrounded by relics from the past, ghosts of their former selves. Cardboard boxes with inappropriately cheerful Christmas decorations spilling out of them were shoved against the far wall. Serena’s old sports kit from school was now a haven for spiders who were systematically draping themselves around the hockey stick and tennis racket. In the middle of the room sat a mahogany chest decorated with photographs and pasted on magazine clippings of bands with spectacular hair. Along the top in old-fashioned script was written “Harriet”.
“It’s going to be perfect I promise you.” Harriet lifted back the heavy lid and rummaged through stacks of envelopes tied with ribbon, photo albums and leather bound notebooks to lift out a large package in rose pink tissue paper. She handed the parcel to Serena who carefully pulled back the delicate paper to reveal swathes of luxurious fabric.
“It’s beautiful,” Serena gasped.
“You’re going to be the belle of the ball.”

The morning of the party arrived and Serena whistled to herself as she emptied her wheelbarrow onto the muck heap. It was a beautiful day, the daffodils were bobbing in the breeze and a few early lambs were skipping excitedly round the field in the adjacent land.
“Serena?” Nick brushed a hand across her bare elbow to get her to look at him. “Can you meet me in our place in a few minutes? I have something to say.”
“Well, yeah sure. Can’t you say it here?” Serena gestured round the deserted yard with a freckled hand.
“Too risky. Please?”
“Okay. Let me just finish the stables and I’ll be up. Is everything okay though?”
Nick shrugged and then turned on his heel back towards the servants’ quarters. He’d been quiet now for a few days and Serena knew she’d been a bit cold towards him. The pressure was getting to her now and she’d found herself snapping at people for no reason, resenting Leah when she was with Nick but feeling sick with guilt when she had him to herself. She’d been losing sleep and concentration with the horses leading to silly mistakes like not closing gates properly and giving horses the wrong feeds which both could have easily lead to disaster. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if he were going to end it all. But what if it was Leah he was going to finish with? Would he? Who knew?

Serena slipped unseen into the ramshackle building half an hour later and paused to let her eyes adjust to the dim light. Nick was sitting on an upturned bucket, his eyes fixed to the wooden floorboards.
“Well?” Serena hadn’t meant to sound so brisk but he’d made her nervous and a bit on the defensive.
“Come over here Serena. I’m not shouting across the room.”
Serena folded her arms across her chest and marched sulkily towards him.
“Stop it.”
“This strop. It doesn’t suit you.”
Serena let her arms fall to her side and then sat cross-legged on a torn, quilted rug.
“We need to talk… to sort all this out. I don’t know about you but I’m feeling awful now. Leah… she’s the world to me. You don’t deserve to be someone’s second best. I saw the way Hugo was looking at you. He really likes you and he’s a nice bloke. It’s not fair on you.”
“Why were you being such a bastard about him then?”
“I was insanely jealous of him.”
“Who says you won’t be just because you’ve said you’re piece?” Serena could feel the anger boiling up inside her but at the same time a feeling of being able to breathe for the first time in a long while.
“I’m not saying I won’t be jealous. I’m not saying that every man I see you with I won’t be mentally ripping to shreds. But I can’t leave Leah or deceive her any longer. Do you understand me?”
“Yes. I feel the same too. Leah needs us both without any complications.”
“Exactly. So you’re okay about this?”
“Yeah fine.” Serena gave him a weak smile and stood up, brushing the dust from her jeans.
“There was another thing I wanted to ask you. Do you think your parents would mind if I tried to renovate this place into something liveable for Leah and me?”
“Course not. It’s a great idea. I mean the whole place is structurally sound, the work would be mainly cosmetic so it shouldn’t be too big a job.”
“Would you mind?”
“Yeah. Because of it being our place for a while. And I know Leah and you had ideas about doing it up for yourselves.”
“That was before though. I can’t expect to live with her now, not with the baby and you.”
“True. Thanks for being so great about all this.”
“That’s okay.” Serena wrapped her arms around him and breathed in the scent of him for the last time. “I’ll miss you.” Her voice cracked but she knew it was the right thing to do.
“Me too.” Nick sighed and then pulled away from her. “You go down now, I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Okay.” Serena smiled and rubbed his arm gently. Turning back towards the door, a slow tear trickled down her cheek when she thought of all those times he’d held her, laughed with her and watched her when he’d thought she was sleeping. She knew she could never go back to that with him and she didn’t even think she really wanted to but it still hurt beyond reason.
© Copyright 2007 Eleanor (ellierose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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