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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Animal · #1238449
A story of friendship, love, dreams and horses
For the next few weeks Serena didn’t hear from Leah. Serena sent her a few texts but she never replied so she gave up in the end. She heard from Nick occasionally. Apparently Nick and Leah were speaking but hadn’t got back together yet despite Nick’s best efforts to reconcile the relationship.

One morning, whilst Serena was hacking out on her own through the woods on Lawton, Leah rang her mobile. Serena halted Lawton and looked at Leah’s name flashing on the screen in disbelief. This was a surprise. Leah never usually backed down. Serena flicked open her phone and answered it with a slightly tentative “Hello?”
“Hi Serena. It’s Leah.” Leah had definitely been crying, in fact she didn’t sound much better than the last time they had spoken.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes. Are you?”
“Yes. Are you sure you’re okay? You sound like you’ve been crying.”
Leah didn’t say anything but Serena could hear she was sobbing.
“Leah? Tell me. What’s the matter? Has something happened?”
“I’m pregnant.”
“What?” Serena was stunned.
“You heard me. I don’t know what to do.”
Serena didn’t say anything for a moment but was brought back to reality by Lawton pawing the ground, eager to get moving again. Serena squeezed him into a walk and let him pick his way down the path.
“Sorry. I don’t know what to do either. I don’t mean this question nastily but do you know who the father is?”
“Of course I do. It’s Nick. I can’t tell my parents. Pregnant with the groom’s baby? Biggest scandal of their lives that would be.”
“Have you told Nick?”
“No. It’s enough of a strain between us to talk about the weather let alone the fact I’m carrying his child.”
“Oh. Does anyone else know?”
“No, only you.”
“Do you want to keep the baby?”
“Yes. I’ve been thinking about it and I do want to keep the baby. Look, what are you doing?”
“I’m hacking out in the woods with Lawton.”
“Is Jack with you?”
“No, I’m on my own. He’s back at school now.”
“Of course. Well Nick is out getting feed so come over here. Dump Lawton in one of the stables and then come up to the house.”
“Okay. I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes.”
“Thanks Serena.”
“That’s okay. Bye.”
Serena put her phone back in her pocket and turned Lawton round back the way they had come.

Serena had put Lawton in the stable next to Paradox and was walking up the gravel drive to Leah’s house. Brookend Park was a pale brick 17th century country manor, bigger than Serena’s house and much more impressive. The flowerbeds that clung to the walls of the house displayed a huge collection of roses, each one scrabbling up the house and stretching their thorny branches. The windows gleamed in the sun and a shotgun lay haphazardly on the doorstop next to a fox head shoe scraper. Serena climbed the granite steps and knocked on the oak door. Janet, the housekeeper, answered the door and ushered Serena inside. Leah came halfway down the impressive mahogany staircase, her face white and pinched.
“Hi Serena. Come upstairs.”
Serena pulled off her riding boots and left them by the door. She ran up the stairs two at a time and took Leah’s hand.
“Come on babe. It’s going to be all right.” Serena said in a low voice. Leah shrugged, turned round and headed towards her bedroom.
Once Leah’s door was closed and locked the two girls curled up on Leah’s gigantic four-poster bed. Leah’s bedroom was filled with family paintings of beautiful Great Aunts and Grandfathers with impressive facial hair. The seriousness and sobriety of the paintings was contradicted by the feather boas and fairy lights draped round them. All Leah’s furniture was family heirlooms and laden with paperbacks, CDs and packets of Monster Munch. On the far wall a plasma TV was on showing a young couple screaming at each other on The Jeremy Kyle Show. They were arguing over who was the father of this young girls baby. Leah turned the TV off in disgust and offered Serena some jellybeans from the dispenser by her bed. Neither knew who should speak first. Serena broke the silence.
“You’ve got to tell Nick.”
“I know. That’s why I asked you over. I want you to be there too for moral support.”
Serena looked at the duvet. “Are you sure that’s wise?”
“Well there’s nothing going on between you and Nick now so I don’t see why it matters,” said Leah a little too harshly but then she noted the hurt on Serena’s face. “Sorry Ren.” Leah hadn’t called her Ren since they were about twelve and she wasn’t sure why she used it now.
Serena looked up and smiled. “That’s okay. What about your Mum?”
“What about her?”
“She needs to know. She’ll help you arrange seeing the doctor and stuff.” Leah’s mum, Andrea, was lovely but both girls knew she’d have to tell Leah’s Dad, Henry, and then all hell would let lose.
“We’ll sort that out when we come to it. Nick needs to know first.”
Serena nodded and looked out the window to see Nick’s Land Rover pull into the yard and then disappear behind the stable block.
“He’s back Leah. We’ve got to do it now before we chicken out.”
Leah looked at Serena with wide eyes before reaching over the bed and hugging Serena tightly. Serena hugged her back. “Don’t have a go at me but why weren’t you more careful?”
“I was on the Pill but we went out for dinner one night and the prawns disagreed with me. I was sick when we got in but felt okay later. Sometimes being sick can stop the Pill from working can’t it?”
“Yeah I think so. Well let’s go and find Nick.”
The two girls got up and held hands tightly.

When they were just outside the archway into the stable Leah turned to Serena.
“This is it.”
“It’s going to be fine Leah. Nick is so sweet. You know it will be alright.” Serena rubbed Leah’s arm and kissed her on the cheek. “Come on babe. Let’s go.”
They walked under the archway hand in hand and looked round the yard for Nick.
“He must be riding in the school. Lakkana is backed now and he’s been schooling him a lot.”
The girls wandered slowly over to the indoor school, both trying to drag out the moment when they would have to confront Nick properly and come out with the life changing truth.
Sure enough Nick was trotting round the school on Lakkana, popping over poles laid on the ground. Serena hadn’t seen Nick ride yet and there was no doubt he was good. He was a very quiet rider but firm when Lakkana tried to skip past a pole, showing his greenness with being told what to do by someone on his back.
“Nick?” Serena called to him from the doorway, knowing Leah would wait until he noticed them. Nick looked up, obvious surprise on his face but he just slowed Lakkana to a halt and jumped off, taking the reins over his head and leading him over to Serena and Leah. Nick could tell something was wrong. Why else was Leah being so quiet? Why the sudden make-up with Serena too?
“Hi girls. Are you okay?”
Serena looked at Leah and realised she wasn’t going to say anything but Serena didn’t want to push Leah or put words into her mouth. Instead she simply brushed Leah’s hair away from her face and gave her a look of encouragement.
“Nick, we’ve… I’ve got something to tell you,” Leah said in a small voice, twisting her hands around the hem of her Chanel tweed jacket. “I… I can’t Serena. You tell him.” Leah brushed fresh tears away from her eyes and walked out of the school. Serena watched as she kissed Macey Grey on the nose and started saying something to her. Serena turned back to Nick and lost all confidence as she saw the look of confusion on Nick’s face.
“Nick… um… this is hard and I don’t really know how to say this but… Leah’s pregnant. It’s your baby and she’s determined to keep it. No one else knows apart from me and you.”
Nick just stared at Leah who was running out of the stable yard now, obviously guessing that he would know by now. Serena could see he was clenching and unclenching his jaw, his cheeks moving in and out.
“Shit. How long has she known?”
“I’m not sure how far gone she is. She said she was sick after some bad prawns which could have stopped the Pill from working.”
“Fuck. How long have you known?”
“About half an hour.”
“Well thanks for getting her to tell me. Does she want to get back together?”
“She hasn’t said. Her main priority at the moment is the baby. I think you need to be there when she tells her Mum too. It will show her you’re responsible and not planning on doing a disappearing act now the goings got tough. You’re not are you?”
“What? No, of course not. These weeks apart have made me realise I really do love her and I want her back so much. This baby hasn’t put me off. In fact it’s made my feelings stronger. That’s my child growing inside her and I need to be a part of its life from here on in even if Leah doesn’t want me.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Now I’m going to find Leah and then I’ll leave you two alone to talk properly about all this okay?”
“Okay thanks Serena. Has Leah forgiven you for… well you know?”
“I think so.”
Serena smiled at him and walked back across the yard and up to the house. Leah was in her bedroom lying on her bed, curled up in the foetal position and hugging a cushion. Serena sat down on the bed next to her and laid a hand on her shoulder.
“Are you okay Leah?”
“I think so. What did Nick say?”
“He was very sweet about it all actually. He says he wants you back and that he wants to be there to see the baby growing up.”
Leah rolled over to face Serena, a hint of a smile on her lips for the first time since Serena had arrived.
“See? I told you it’s going to be okay.”
“But what about my Dad? He’s going to go barmy!”
“We’ll deal with that once we’ve told your Mum. Now though Nick wants to talk to you on your own. Do you think you’ll be okay to do that?”
“Yes. You go home Serena. Lawton will want to get back. Thanks though, you’ve been a real help today. I couldn’t have told Nick without you being there.”
“You didn’t, I did! I understand how hard it must have been for you though, I wouldn’t have been able to do it either.”
Leah hugged Serena and walked down to the yard with her. Serena led Lawton out of the stable and got on.
“You’ll be fine Leah, I promise. Ring me or come over whenever you like.”
Serena gave Lawton a squeeze and turned in the saddle to wave to Leah as she rode under the archway.

Serena was making a cup of tea in the kitchen later that evening when the phone rang in the hallway. She heard Jack pick it up and noted the happiness in his voice when he registered it was Leah. Jack hadn’t asked too many questions about why Leah didn’t come over anymore but Serena could tell it bothered him. Jack had grown up with Leah around and she was just like another sister so it was natural that Jack missed her too.
“Serena! It’s Leah!” Jack bounced into the kitchen and passed Serena the phone.
“Hi Leah. You alright?” asked Serena as she picked out bits of shavings from Jack’s hair; she could never work out how he always managed to get so grubby.
“Yes, I’m good thanks. You?”
“Fine. How did the little chat with Nick go?” Serena picked up her mug and sat down at the kitchen table, pushing aside piles of show schedules and Jack’s homework so she could put her steaming mug down.
“It was really good actually. We spoke about everything and we’ve decided to get back together and see how it goes.”
“That’s brilliant. I’m really pleased for you both.”
“Thanks. Anyway, somehow Nick managed to persuade me to tell my Mum. He held my hand the whole time and he was just fantastic.”
“What did your Mum say?” Serena dunked a custard cream in her tea, breaking the biscuit in half and licking out the filling.
“Erm… well she was better than I expected. She says I can keep the baby if I’m sure that’s what I want to do but I think she’d prefer me to have an abortion. She isn’t going to pressure me into getting rid of it if I really want to keep it. She says we can’t keep all the horses here because Nick can’t be expected to exercise them all and anyway I want to keep them competing. Would you have a few of them at yours?”
“Yeah alright. Well, I’ll have to ask my parents first.”
“That’s another thing. My Mum wants to come and talk to your Mum about all this. I think just to check that it’s okay about the horses. Is your Mum there?”
“Yeah, she’s upstairs.”
“Cool. My Mum wants to talk to her calmly before everything gets heated when she tells my Dad. Is your Mum free this evening?”
“I think so. Do you want me to put her on the phone?”
“Yeah and I’ll get my Mum too.”
Harriet arranged for Andrea to come over and have a chat about everything later on with Leah and Nick coming to talk to Serena about what they wanted her to do with the horses she was going to look after.

Later that evening Serena, Leah and Nick were sitting in the tack room whilst Harriet and Andrea spoke in the house. The evening was overcast with short bursts of rain at fairly regular intervals. The tack room was cosy though away from the rain, smelling of leather and saddle soap. It was always kept impeccably tidy with the saddles always gleaming on their name-plated saddle racks and bridles with shining bits hanging underneath. Neatly wrapped bandages, freshly scrubbed boots and clean but still damp numnahs were lined up on the draining board next to the sink filled with stirrup irons that Serena was soaking to get rid of the caked on mud. Embroidered fleece rugs and freshly cleaned New Zealand rugs were folded neatly in their horse’s respective pigeonholes and professional photos of Jack and Serena riding or receiving their prizes covered the breeze-blocked walls.
“So, you’re alright to have Sadie, Spartacus and Jewel?” enquired Leah, her hands tucked into the sleeves of her fleece to keep them warm.
“Yep that sounds fine. Jack will be pleased to have Jewel here because he liked her when he first rode her. I think he’s missed riding her the past few weeks.”
“Ah bless. You don’t have to compete Sadie and Spartacus that much, just maybe if you’re going to a show stick them in the lorry if you have room. My Mum will give you a cheque at the end of each month to cover all the costs including entry fees and things.”
“Okay that’s cool. Will you box them over tomorrow?”
“Probably. Well, only if Mum tells Dad this evening. It depends if he’s late home. I should think she would though. Sometimes I think she’s just as scared of him as me. She’ll want to get it out of the way.”
Nick was looking out of the window towards the house, sipping at his tea and looking thoughtful. He clearly had a lot on his mind and it had probably been a long day. Leah noticed he was looking agitated too.
“Do you want to get back baby? I can go home with Mum if you want to get an early night or have some time to yourself.”
“Would you Leah? I don’t mean to be nasty or anything I just need a bit of time to think.”
“Are you okay though?”
“Yes, of course I am. It’s just been a bit of a shock.” Nick bent over to kiss Leah on the cheek. “Bye Leah. See you tomorrow Serena.”
Nick opened the tack room door and closed it firmly behind him. The girls watched as he trudged across the lawn, lowering his head against the rain and then unlocking his car.
“I think it’s hit him hard,” said Leah, pulling her hair back into a ponytail and watching Nick’s Land Rover reverse out of Serena’s drive.
“It was bound to. Do you want to go up to the house? It’s been an hour.”
“Yeah alright then.”
The two girls stood up and stacked their chairs in the far corner of the tack room, next to the sink. Serena locked the door behind them and then linked her arm through Leah’s, zipping her coat up all the way against the rain.
“So how have you been feeling? Has the morning sickness been awful?”
“No not really. It’s the mood swings that annoy me though. One minute I’m happy and the next I’m bawling my eyes out!”
“How far along are you?”
“About six weeks I think. I’m going to the doctors tomorrow with Mum. I can’t believe how good she’s being actually.”
Serena turned her key in the lock and kicked her wellies off by the door. There were voices coming from the kitchen and the scent of freshly baked cookies. Harriet always baked when they had visitors.
“Do you think we should go in?” Serena asked Leah.
“Yeah, we might as well.”
Leah opened the kitchen door and picked up Archie, grateful for the warmth emanating from his body. Andrea and Harriet were sitting at the kitchen table, steaming cups of hot chocolate in front of them and an overflowing plate of chocolate chip cookies.
“Hi girls. Have you sorted everything out?” asked Andrea, looking surprisingly cheerful Serena thought considering the circumstances.
“Yes Mum. Serena’s having Sadie, Spartacus and Jewel. Macey Grey can just stay turned out in the paddock at home and Nick can school the youngsters. I might get Serena to ride Paradox in a few shows and maybe Lakkana towards the end of the season.”
“Why can’t Nick ride them in shows?” asked Serena.
“Dad wouldn’t let him,” Leah said, pulling a face.
“Where is Nick?” enquired Harriet.
“He’s gone home for an early night,” explained Leah.
“Well I’d better be off. I’m telling your Dad tonight and I think it’s best if you’re not around really so I’ve packed an overnight bag for you and Harriet says you can stay the night here.”
“Okay. Thanks Mum.” Andrea got up and hugged Leah.
“Be a good girl for Harriet won’t you?”
“Yes Mum. I’m not a little girl anymore!”
“No, I know.” Serena noted the sadness in Andrea’s voice as she looked at her daughter. “Anyway, thanks for the cookies and hot chocolate Harriet. You’ve been a real help.”
“Not a problem. Come and talk to me anytime.”
“Thank you. Well, goodbye everyone. Don’t come out in this awful weather, you stay in the warm.”
“Bye, see you soon.”

The girls settled down in Serena’s bedroom with their duvets, copious amounts of chocolate and some girlie films, chatting and laughing like old times.
Around midnight Leah’s mobile rang, Nick’s name flashing on the screen.
“Hi babe. You alright?”
“Hey Leah. Listen, your Dad knows. He just came storming round to my house and told me to pack my bags. He’s given me the sack Leah.”
“Oh my God. I’m so sorry Nick.”
“It’s okay. I haven’t got anywhere to live now though. What do I do?”
“Well he can’t chuck you out tonight. Pack your bags and then come over to Serena’s in the morning with the horses she’s looking after. We’ll talk about what we’re going to do then.”
“Okay, thanks Leah. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Love you.”
“Bye. Love you too.”
Leah flicked her phone shut and sighed. Everything was going wrong all because of her. Leah’s Dad owned four little workers cottages in the village that he gave to his main staff as part of their jobs. Nick’s accommodation was only about a five minute drive from the house making it very convenient. Losing his job meant losing his home and Leah knew there wasn’t anything she could do to get it back.
“Are you alright Leah?” asked Serena.
“Yes. I think so. Why does my Dad have to create yet more problems? Who’s going to look after the other horses now?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll think everything through tomorrow with Nick. Right now we’re best just to get some sleep and wait until the morning before we make any decisions.”
Serena switched off the lamp next to the bed and settled down under the sheets.
“Night Leah.”

The next morning the girls were drinking tea in the kitchen when they heard Leah’s lorry come down the driveway and park outside. Archie started yapping at the front door and then looked puzzled as Serena picked him up, tucking him under her arm.
Nick was standing on the doorstep looking dishevelled and tired. His hair was sticking up in all directions like he’d been continuously raking his hands through it and he was still wearing last nights clothes. Serena couldn’t help thinking that he still looked fit and then silently reprimanded herself for letting the thought enter her head. She looked up at Nick and smiled, not sure what to say to someone whose life had been turned upside down in the space of 24 short but earth shattering hours. Nick smiled back vaguely and reached out to stroke Archie.
“I bought the horses.”
“Yeah. We’ll go and unload them. Their stables are bedded down and I’ve put shredded newspaper in Sadie’s stable because of her cough. Dallas coughs on straw and shavings too so I already had some newspaper,” Serena knew she was rambling but she felt nervous around Nick now because of the enormity of what had happened.
Nick nodded and scuffed the toe of his boot against the gravel. “Andrea’s coming over later. She wants to know if you can have the others.”
“Well I’ve not really got enough stables but Macey and Dancer are turned out most of the time so we should manage it. Let me just tell Leah you’re here and then I’ll come and help you unload.”
Serena plonked Archie down on the floor and watched him scuttle out the door to have a good sniff at Nick. The kitchen door was open and the half drunk cups of tea were still on the table but Leah wasn’t there. Serena skipped up the stairs to see if Leah was in her room but as she passed the family bathroom she could hear Leah sobbing and coughing. She knocked gently on the door before going in and locking the door behind her.
“Aw babe. Are you okay?” Leah was hunched over the toilet, her shoulders shaking. Serena pulled back her hair from her face and rubbed her back as she was sick. Leah collapsed against the cool tiled wall and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. Serena handed her a tissue and a glass of water, scraping Leah’s sweat-soaked hair from her forehead.
“I can’t do this Serena. I’m tired of feeling ill all the time. If I’m in this much of a state over being sick how am I going to cope with labour?”
“You’ll be fine Leah. Okay, so it isn’t going to be easy and no one is going to pretend it will be but you’re strong. Remember when you broke your collarbone falling off at the water jump but you still finished your cross country round even though you passed out as you crossed the finish line? And you pierced your own belly button, that’s got to take guts!”
Leah smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. “What would I do without you Serena? I know it’s not going to be like breaking a bone or sticking a needle in you but I think I am stronger than most. Women give birth everyday. Hell, if my mum can do it so can I!”
Serena laughed and helped Leah to her feet. “Get yourself cleaned up and I’ll go and check on Nick.”
Serena unlocked the door and turned to look at Leah who was leaning in close to the mirror to re-apply her eyeliner. Serena knew Leah was strong and she would be fine with the physical pain but she wasn’t sure she was up to the huge responsibility and heartache of bringing up a child.
As Serena walked down the stairs she thought of all the emotional angst Leah and Serena had given their parents over the years. When they were four they had gone for a teddy bears picnic in the woods without telling anyone. The police had been out looking for them all day and finally discovered them curled up asleep in the copse behind Serena’s house. At 12 Leah had taken her Dad’s car keys and driven round the estate with Serena gripping on for dear life in the front. They had crashed the car into a tree, both of them escaping unscathed but unfortunately the brand new Mercedes wasn’t quite so lucky. In more recent years both girls had worried their parents over boys, smoking weed, parties and coming home drunk. Serena wasn’t sure Leah was up to giving up this lifestyle she’d become so accustomed to. If her Dad disowned her there would be no more champagne breakfasts, caviar and vodka imported from Russia and one off designer clothes purchased without a second thought. Babies cost money, a lot of money, and without Henry’s financial support Serena didn’t know how Leah and Nick would manage. Still, Henry might see sense and support his grandchild.
Serena slipped on her flower-patterned wellies and stepped out the door. The horsebox had its ramp down and Nick was leading a sweating Sadie round the yard. She was just as highly strung as her Mum it seemed. Serena waved at Nick who nodded back and then she climbed up the ramp to settle Jewel into her new home. The pretty dun jogged along next to Serena, spooking as the gate squeaked when she opened it. Jewel was going in the stable between the two palominos, Doughnut and Versace. Doughnut nipped at Jewel’s hindquarters as she disappeared into the stable. Serena tapped him on the nose as she came out of Jewel’s stable but Doughnut still nudged at her pockets for a Polo.
Nick emerged from Sadie’s stable, wrapping up her lead rope and hanging it on the bridle hook that each stable had outside of it.
“Is Leah okay?” he asked.
“Yeah she should be here any minute. She’s feeling it now. I went upstairs and found her being sick.”
“Oh no. Is she alright?”
“Yeah she was just touching up her make-up before she came down.”
“Sounds like my girl.” Leah strolled into the stables, her glossy hair newly straightened and a delicate pair of star earrings dangling from her ears. She had on a midriff-exposing Miu Miu top, a butterfly charm belly bar glistening in her self-pierced belly button. She still managed to look gorgeous even when she obviously felt like shit.
“Hi sexy. How are you?” Leah asked.
“I’m fine. Serena said you’ve not been well.”
“I’m okay now. Just the routine morning sickness. I’m sort of getting used to it. How are my boys settling in?”
Serena admired the way she could be so brave and nonchalant in front of Nick when only a few minutes before she was lying sprawled out on her bathroom floor in floods of tears. In a way it was like she was wearing a mask in front of Nick and Serena wasn’t sure that was such a good idea. Leah had never been that good at showing her true feelings though.
“Your mum’s coming over later Leah,” Serena said.
“Oh right. Why?”
“She wants to check that it will be alright if Serena has the other horses.”
“I see. Do you want to ride Dallas, Nick? I know you’ll love him,” Leah suggested.
“Sure. Is that alright Serena?”
“Yeah, it’s one less for me to worry about. Do you mind if I come in the school with you on Tenby?”
“Nope not at all.”

They passed away the rest of the day exercising the horses and getting Sadie, Jewel and Spartacus settled into their new homes. Andrea pulled up outside the house at four. She was film star glamorous with completely different colouring to Leah. Her hair was golden and bounced in soft curls. She took great delight in tossing her hair and pouting her plump lips to get what she wanted (a trait that Leah had inherited). Her clothes were always smartly tailored and she wasn’t as curvy as Leah although she tried her best to achieve them with a wide selection of push up bras (her “va-va-voom bras” as she liked to call them) and waist shrinking tightly cinched belts worn high on her fitted jackets to accentuate her hips. Her fair skin positively glowed with health (probably due to the hours she spent in the gym, her amazingly huge consumption of mineral water and her strict beauty regime) but Serena knew all this was just an act for her husband and “friends”. Leah had told Serena that Henry had plucked her from an east London council estate because of her beauty and grace but made her undergo months of elocution classes and finishing school type lessons including flower arranging and how to organise a dinner party. Serena didn’t know how she’d kept up the act for so long.
Andrea and Harriet spoke for a while in the kitchen and then made their way other to the stables. Serena, Leah and Nick were sitting on the grass in the little landscaped area in the middle of the yard. Archie was asleep on the mounting block, snoring peacefully. Leah looked up and smiled when she saw her Mum, getting up to give her a hug.
“What was that for?” asked Andrea.
“Just because. So what are we going to do about Nick?”
“Well. Your father gives me a monthly allowance as you know and to be honest I don’t usually spend it so I’m going to pay Nick’s wage for him to work here. He can help Serena look after this little lot and Harriet is quite happy for him to stay in the guest bedroom for however long he wants for a small fee for food etc. Nick can go back now and collect the other three then you girls could help him bring his stuff over. How does that sound Nick?”
“Mrs Burton-Ward, I don’t know what to say. Thank you.” Nick smiled gratefully at Andrea.
“Please, call me Andrea. You are practically part of the family now.”
Leah narrowed her eyes slightly at her Mum, not sure if that was a reference to them getting married which she knew her Mum was keen for them to do. Leah loved Nick but she felt too young to make a huge decision like that just yet.

Over the next few days Nick and the horses settled in nicely to living at The Manor. Serena found Nick was a great help with the horses leaving her spare time to work extra hours at the supermarket to bring more money in. Nick was creating a real partnership with Dallas who Serena had nearly made up her mind to sell after he had bolted round a Novice course with her almost causing a nasty accident when he burst through the fencing into the spectators. She didn’t see any harm in keeping him for a while longer or at least until the beginning of next season.
The days slowly slipped into weeks and Serena found that she was starting to see Nick as more of a brother than possible boyfriend material. They quite often shared a bed at night, talking until the early hours and then getting up at the crack of dawn to do the horses, teasing and play fighting as they went about their daily chores. The eventing season drew to a close leaving Serena with a contented feeling of having performed well with all her horses. Nick and Serena set about drawing up a plan to keep the horses fit and ticking over including hunting, affiliated dressage and some indoor show jumping with Nick relishing the opportunity of experiencing Dallas on the hunting field (an experience Serena wasn’t eager to participate in herself).
Leah was slowly beginning to show, her skinny fit tops and low-rise jeans being discarded for polo shirts and Diane Von Furstenburg maternity wear. The morning sickness had gone leaving Leah positively glowing with health being one of the few lucky people that pregnancy suited. She didn’t have permanently greasy hair or skin and her curves were even more sexily voluptuous. Her Dad had agreed to support her financially for as long as she lived at home but she knew that as soon as she moved in with Nick that would stop. They had come to a mutual decision that Leah would live at home for the duration of her pregnancy as Nick felt she needed the support of her mother. Once the baby was born they would then look into renting somewhere nearby. Leah was pleased that Nick and Serena got on so well but she did feel a stab of jealously occasionally when she witnessed a private joke between them or went round to find them snuggled up on the sofa watching a film. She was sure they weren’t up to anything but she still felt it should be her sometimes in Serena’s shoes.
Jack had really started to settle down and concentrate on his show jumping. He had put Dancer out on loan to a little girl in the village who was just starting to ride and they were having great fun together. Versace had been sold to a well-known showing family nearby as Jack felt he had outgrown the “poncy” side of horses and was enjoying going all over the country to the biggest shows again. Doughnut had been sold to a young girl whose team qualified for the Prince Philip Cup at the Horse of the Year Show and thanks to Doughnut’s nippiness they won hands down. Jack was now looking for a nice 138cm to hopefully JA but Harriet and Charlie were having to save up as the money they made from the two palominos wasn’t enough. Jack was also still schooling Jewel for Leah who was planning to give the little pony to her cousin for Christmas. Jack enjoyed the challenge of making a horse work nicely when it was still learning and was keen to break in some more horses and ponies.

It was a chilly day in late November with an icy wind and bitterly cold driving rain. The baron trees clawed savagely at the steel grey sky and the leaves that had fallen in the autumn had now turned to a soggy mush at the roadside. Nick, Serena and Jack were at a show to take Quince, Dallas and Tenby for some indoor show jumping. As Jack warmed up for his class Nick and Serena sat and watched the other competitors in the gallery, blowing into their hot chocolates. Jack’s teeth were chattering slightly as he cantered round the collecting ring and he couldn’t wait to compete in his first indoor.
Quince and him had taken the local summer show jumping circuit by storm, being placed in every class they entered except one when Jack had been eliminated for taking the wrong course. He was keen to make just as substantial a mark on the winter season.
Quince was jumping the 3’ warm up fences exuberantly, bouncing along and snorting. Jack had learnt to control his excitable behaviour by sitting quietly and staying relaxed. Serena had painted his hooves with glittery hoof oil and rubbed shimmer spray into his mane and tail for that festive look!
Jack’s name was announced so he made his way down into the arena. The lights were bright, reflecting off the poles. Every little noise in the gallery echoed. Quince’s tail was up, his nostrils flared and the whites of his eyes were showing. Jack silently cursed himself for not putting on his running martingale but it was too late now. The bell rang causing Quince to jump forward into a canter and then spook at the pattering noise that the sand thrown up from his hooves made against the lurid advertising boards. Jack clung on to a bit of mane and then steadied him into a controllable canter. Quince jumped the first fence, a parallel decorated with holly but his mind was focussed elsewhere and he bought down the back rail. The second fence was a white gate flanked with terracotta-potted topiary. The lights were bouncing off the gleaming white paint in every direction. Quince’s eyes were rolling wildly and his nose was thrown up in the air leaving Jack with no control. He started to fall onto his forehand, threatening to stop but Jack gave him a tap down the shoulder with his whip. Quince cat leapt over it, throwing Jack forward onto his neck. A little island of decorations lay in front of them to stop people cutting across too sharply on the jump off course. Someone dropped something in the gallery, the clatter echoed round. It became too much for Quince. He ploughed through the display getting a plastic geranium hooked into his tail just to add to the rising panic inside him. Jack took every ounce of strength in his body to push himself back into the saddle and frantically fished around for his stirrups whilst Quince hurtled towards the entrance which had been closed behind them. He skidded into the entry gates, banging his hooves against the wood and then span round. All the lights and crowds were in front of him and Quince felt trapped. Before Jack could soothe him Quince reared right up, his eyes wide and his glittering hooves striking the air. Jack, still without stirrups, clung desperately to Quince’s mane but it was slippery from the shimmer spray. He could feel himself losing his balance and at a last desperate attempt to stay on he clung to the reins. Quince objected to this new pressure on his mouth and threw his head further into the air. Jack slipped backwards and let out an ear-piercing scream as he realised that Quince’s hind hooves were slipping in the sand. As Jack thudded to the ground, his head crashing against the entry gates, he looked up to see the grey bulk of Quince falling on top of him and then silence.
Serena sat in her seat, her hands crushing the paper cup that had contained her hot chocolate. She was rooted to her chair. She felt Nick leap up beside her and grab her arm. Her knees were weak; she didn’t feel like she could stand. Quince was writhing around on top of Jack trying to twist his body into a position which would allow him to stand. A hoof scrabbled at the sand and Quince pulled himself up and stood frozen, the only thing giving away the fact that he wasn’t a statue was the visible shaking of his whole body. A helper grabbed Quince’s reins and led him away from the ever-increasing huddle around Jack.
Nick craned his neck and tried to see what was going on but everyone was too close. Someone moved out of the group and started talking into a mobile phone. Nick tugged again at Serena’s arm. She responded this time and leapt up, pushing past him and running down the gallery stairs. Nick ran after her and vaulted over the advertising boards at the bottom, holding out a hand to Serena to help her over. Serena clasped her hand round Nick’s tightly and didn’t let go as they ran over to the now hectic group round Jack.
“I’m his sister. What’s happening?” Serena addressed the lady that had previously been on the phone.
She looked sympathetically at Serena and tried to turn her away from Jack. Serena pulled her arm away and pushed her way through the little crowd. She gasped slightly and fell back into Nick who was saying something to her quietly. Jack was unconscious, his face covered in blood and his eyes already going black. His legs were twisted at an odd angle and one arm was lying awkwardly beneath him. Serena felt an uncontrollable burst of nausea forcing it’s way up her throat and then a violent dizziness. Nick was holding onto her, still talking gently as she collapsed into him.
From that moment on everything was a daze. Serena felt like it was one of those dreams when you know it’s you but you’re just a spectator watching the events unfold. Someone sat her down on a little fold up chair, a blanket slung round her shoulders. Someone was next to her, talking soothingly, holding her hand. Serena liked it. This voice was quiet, gentle, calm. Someone was being put onto a stretcher, an orange blanket over the top of them and then buckled into place. She could hear the steady whirr of blades cutting through the air outside. Somebody else came over to her dressed in the same outfit as the people carrying the orange-clad stretcher. He started talking to her but it wasn’t the same as the other voice. Then she heard it again not talking to her but this other person. Carefully she was lifted up and carried out of the brightly lit amphitheatre that this whole surreal scenario was taking place in. She was given a hot drink to hold and slowly the warmth penetrated the cold numbness that previously had enveloped her whole existence. Things around her were becoming fewer blobs of colour and more real things. She could make out people and ponies. Someone else came over and started talking to this person next to her.
“Quince is going to be fine. He’s a little shaken up but nothing more than that. Probably best to get him home as soon as possible though.”
Quince? That name rang a bell. Why was he shaken up? What had happened to her little brothers pony? They were so good together. She loved seeing them galloping round and jumping. They took all the prizes at the local shows. She was so proud of them. If Quince was shaken up then was Jack? A sudden flash entered her head. A beautiful grey pony crashing to the ground, his high-pitched squeal just audible over the scream of something else. The crash of the pony landing on… something. Something that was making this noise. This noise that was entering her head and refusing to leave. Then she saw it. The petrified face of her little brother, twisted with fear. And that noise. It was her baby brother screaming out in pure terror.
Serena leapt up off the chair shouting out Jack’s name, tears streaming down her face. Two strong arms encased her. She tried to fight them off. Where was Jack? Where was her baby boy? Why was this person stopping her from getting to him? Eventually Serena sank into submission. This person was too strong for her. She didn’t know where Jack was. The whirring had stopped. She span round to face her captor. Recognition flooded across her face as she took in Nick’s beautifully carved features and he’s welcoming hug. He started whispering in her ear again and this time she could take in the words.
“It’s alright Serena. I’m here. Can you hear me?”
Serena nodded her head that she had pushed up against Nick’s shoulder. Everything was coming back to her now but she needed to concentrate on what Nick was saying.
“Jack’s had an accident. He’s been taken to hospital in the air ambulance and they’re going to look after him. Your Mum and Dad are on their way there now. Our job is to get the horses home. Do you think you can walk over to the lorry with me?”
Serena pulled away from Nick and clung tightly to his hand. She nodded again and Nick used his thumb to gently wipe the tears from her cheeks. Someone Serena didn’t recognise was leading Jack’s pony a few feet behind them as they slowly made their way to the lorry park.
Once Nick had settled her into the cab she tried to think. Her body was being taken over by uncontrollable exhaustion but she couldn’t just go to sleep. Not without knowing more about Jack. Why had their been blood all over his freckled cheeks? Why were his legs twisted like that? It was no use though. Sleep took over and she slowly drifted away from everything and everyone.

Serena slowly blinked open her eyes. She was lying on her bed; her curtains open a few inches throwing light onto her mirrored duvet. She watched the tiny reflections dance on her ceiling as she moved certain parts of her body. Serena sensed someone else lying next to her and turned her head slowly to see Leah sleeping quietly. Her lips were parted slightly; making a Cupid’s bow shape and her long, dark eyelashes lay gently on her cheeks. Serena’s eyes travelled further down and took in the more prominent swell of Leah’s belly just peeping out beneath her Gap hoodie. She could hear someone coming up the stairs and the distinctive smell of vegetable soup wafting up to her room. Nick entered her bedroom and gently kicked the door closed behind him. He smiled at Serena when he noticed she was awake and placed the tray down next to her before kissing her carefully on the forehead. Leah stirred slightly as Nick pulled down her top to prevent her tummy getting cold and then stretched as she woke up fully.
“How are you feeling Serena?” Nick asked.
“I don’t know really,” Serena replied. She no longer felt the extreme tiredness but she wasn’t exactly a bundle of energy either. “Is Jack okay?” Serena’s heart started to beat faster as she spoke his name.
Nick sat down on the edge of the bed and Leah moved closer to Serena to make room for all three of them. “He’s in intensive care. Your Mum and Dad are with him. He’s broken a few things and he’s going to need an operation to relieve the pressure on his brain but they can’t do that until he’s in a more stable condition.”
“Is he awake?”
“No. He’s in a coma at the moment. He hit his head hard on the gates and then Quince kicked him in the head when he got up.”
“He was wearing his hat. He can’t have hurt his head.”
“His hat broke, Serena. The hat has helped but they can’t protect you 100 percent.”
They all sat in silence for a moment thinking of the little boy that they all adored.
“He’ll be scared. He hasn’t got his teddy.”
“We can go over and see him whenever you feel ready and if that’s not for a few days then that’s fine. No one’s going to push you. Now, I’ve made you some soup with that bread you like and there’s some guava juice too.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“Come on Serena. It will make you feel a lot better,” Leah encouraged.
Nick got off the bed and picked up the tray, putting it on Serena’s knee and then pouring out two glasses of juice for the girls from the jug. Serena picked up a chunky piece of granary bread and dipped it into the steaming liquid. She ate and drank without tasting but she did feel stronger after it had all gone.
“I want to see him today,” Serena announced once she had wiped up the last remnants of soup from her bowl with the bread.
“Are you sure?” asked Nick.
“Yes. Is Quince alright?”
“Yes. He’s a bit lame behind but the vet at the show said he’d be fine after a few days.”
Serena nodded her head and then set about gathering a few bits and pieces up to take to Jack.
© Copyright 2007 Eleanor (ellierose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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