Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1238447-Fighters-and-Dreamers
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Animal · #1238447
A story of growing up, discovering your true self, horses and dreams.
A lot of people claim to be horse mad. I’m sure they think they are but when you are truly horse mad you know it. It consumes you. It takes up every waking thought and every sleeping dream. You are willing to give up so much for your horses and you’d risk your life to save them. Every glimpse of a horse is special, whether it’s whizzing past a paddock in the car or passing a magazine in a shop. You know that if ever someone or something tried to stop you being around horses you’d fight with every fibre in your body to make it not true. Horse mad people are willing to fight to achieve their dreams. Horses are an unpredictable and emotional journey but the good times are worth it. A horse is a friend for life. There is no feeling that compares to hearing a horse call out to you as it recognises you. Or when a horse nuzzles you as you tuck him up in a warm stable with a thick rug. That dependence on you and enormous trust is something that no other creature has. Only after realising all this and sometimes more are you truly horse mad. Serena was one of those people.

It was a bright, crisp morning that gave Serena’s house a sense of idyllic charm. From a distance the Manor House, nestled in a thicket of birch trees, looked imposing and grand; a closer inspection would reveal peeling paint, rotten window frames and a lawn with only a few blades of grass, the rest taken over by weeds long ago. Serena didn’t care. They were happy. She had her horses. Jack had his ponies. There was always food on the table.
17-year-old Serena had always lived at the manor. Her father was the owner of the farm machinery shop in town but an ill-advised bet on the horses meant they had had to sell up the shop and her Dad had started working on the country estate that owned most of the land and property around the area. Serena’s mother worked in the local nursery, more because she loved children than the fact that she got paid for it. The only thing that kept them in the Manor House was the fact that they were from vaguely blue-blooded gentry. The occasional inheritance and a very rich elderly aunt supplemented their wages which helped considerably with the costs of running such a big house albeit one in such poor condition. Serena herself worked at the large supermarket in town three days a week leaving the rest of her time to ride and compete.
Serena looked back at her house as she unlocked the yard gate. Her little brother Jack was up early for once, clearly excited to try out his new pony for the first time at home.
“Hi Serena, where’s Quince?”
“He’s in the field by the stream. I turned him out last night with Doughnut and Versace and they seemed to get on okay. Grab his headcollar and I’ll come down with you.”
“Okay. Can I jump him today?”
“We’ll see how he behaves!” laughed Serena, picking up two headcollars and slinging them over her shoulder.
The two figures walking through the dew soaked grass looked surprisingly alike considering their 10-year age gap. Both were tall and lean with startling rich chestnut brown hair cascading in a burst of curls round their freckle smattered faces. To start with Serena resented this unexpected intruder interfering with her 10 years of solitary life with only her parents adoring affection to keep her company at home and her army of show ponies! That was when they still owned the shop, money wasn’t tight and any pony that caught her eye could be purchased without a second thought. The grooms did all the work anyway. Serena preferred it the way it was now. Serena had her four horses and Jack had his four ponies. She was the only one who looked after the horses although Jack helped as much as he could. Jack is perfect in Serena’s eyes. She couldn’t understand why her friends moaned about their little brothers, as she loved spending time with him, giving him lessons on his ponies and watching him compete at shows.
Jack caught his new pony, already with pure love in his eyes for this beautiful pony that was his and only his. Quince was an 11-year-old 12hh grey Welsh Section A gelding. He’d been placed in lead rein Mountain and Moorland classes in the past but his speciality was jumping. Serena found him for Jack when his other ponies not particularly spectacular scope left him wanting more. Jack looked at Quince and imagined souring over hedges whilst out hunting and winning all the biggest classes at shows.
Serena caught the two other ponies, Versace and Doughnut. Both were palomino and 11.2hh (Jack went through a stage of being obsessed with palominos!). Doughnut was Jack’s gymkhana and Pony Club pony. Versace was his show pony that he qualified for PUK, Royal International Horse Show and Horse of the Year Show last year.
“I’m going to be doing Puissance by next year with Quince,” announced Jack.
“Maybe not Puissance but I’ll let you enter him in the Chase Me Charlie at the summer shows if you get on well with him,” smiled Serena.
“Okay. Who else am I riding today?”
“Dancer. She needs hacking out if you’re going to take her to the show at the weekend. I’m not sure she’s really fit enough because you only hack her but I don’t see why you can’t just do a couple of classes. We’ll do jumping with Quince, games with Doughnut and you could do fancy dress and prettiest mare with Dancer. How does that sound?”
“What about Versace?”
“Well, it’s only a Pony Club show so I don’t think the showing classes are very high standard. It’s only one more pony for me to worry about so we’ll save Versace for the PUK qualifier next weekend. Okay?”
“Yeah alright then.”
They were at the yard again now and Serena put the two palominos in their adjacent stables. The stable yard was a lot newer than the main house. The original stable block had burnt down ten years ago due to a careless Uncle who insisted on smoking a pipe everywhere and anywhere. Luckily all the horses and ponies were lead to safety without any injuries. Serena’s parents had rebuilt the stables in a style that they had seen over in America. There was a large building with all the stables inside it. The central aisle went down between the 12 stables and then there was a door at the end of the aisle that opened out into a feed room with a ladder to the hayloft. The original tack room had survived, as had the groom’s quarters that had now fallen into disrepair since the grooms had all left. Serena wanted to turn them into an annex so her best friend Leah and her could live in their own little house but Serena knew they didn’t have the funds.
“Tie Quince up outside Dancer’s stable and get him ready to ride whilst I go and grab Dancer and Dallas. My grooming kits in the tack room.”
Serena wandered down to their second field cutting through the sand school and then down a narrow track between an avenue of trees. As she rounded the corner and saw the field with her beautiful horses she sighed and realised just how lucky she was. Tenby, a 16.1hh bay Irish Draught X Thoroughbred gelding whom she used for Novice eventing, was grooming Lawton her 15.2hh piebald cob gelding (her happy hacker and Le Trec horse). Dancer was chasing Dallas, Serena’s 17.3hh chestnut heavyweight Pre-Novice eventer. The ever-solitary Holly was quietly nipping at the grass in the far corner of the field, her chestnut coat gleaming in the sun. Holly was the perfect eventing horse, a 16.2hh Thoroughbred X Dutch Warmblood mare; she cleared 1.35m with a textbook scopey jump. She’d also done Elementary dressage, county level Working Hunter and Foxhunter show jumping but she had always preferred the company of humans to other horses. Serena had high hopes for Holly. She was already competing at Intermediate level and Serena was hoping they would be selected for the European Championships. Whilst she had still been on the Pony Teams Serena had been travelling reserve for the Pony Europeans but didn’t get the chance to compete. The whole atmosphere and drama of it though had spurred her on to continue working hard. Secretly she had hoped that Jack would be a budding eventer but he found the dressage tedious, his heart was definitely with show jumping.
Serena clipped a lead rope onto Dancer’s headcollar (some days she decided she did not want to be caught so it was always a safer bet to leave her headcollar on in the field) and walked up to Dallas who was still snorting and prancing from being chased by the 12.2hh Dancer; big isn’t always bold! When Dallas finally calmed himself down Serena put his headcollar on and lead the two back to the yard.
“Serena? How big can Quince jump?”
“About 3’3” but you won’t be jumping that today.”
“That’s huge for his size.”
“I know that’s why we got him for you. He’ll teach you a lot and then maybe we’ll buy you a 13.2hh. Go and grab your hat then and we will see how you get on.”
“Who are you riding today?”
“I’m going to school Dallas and jump Holly then I’ll tack up Lawton and come out for a hack with you.”
“Aren’t you riding Tenby?”
“No, I’ll just lunge him this evening, he worked hard yesterday.”
Serena legged Jack up onto Quince and helped him tighten his girth and adjust his stirrups.
“Right, give him a squeeze then and start warming up. Remember to do walk, trot and canter on both reins and do lots of bending and circles.”
Serena sat on one of the jumping blocks and examined the pony. He looked nice, forward going but not strong with a good natural outline. Jack was definitely improving too; he was looking up and was learning to use his seat and legs as well as his hands to steer.
“Okay Jack, you’ve got him going really nicely. Just trot him over those poles and then change the rein and come over them again. That’s it but don’t lose your rhythm. Just because there are poles there doesn’t mean you have to speed up.”
Quince lowered his head and picked up his feet to trot through the poles for the second time.
“That’s great. Now shorten your stirrups a couple of holes and I’ll put up a little jump.”
Serena picked up a couple of poles and made a small cross pole. Quince pricked his ears and popped over the jump in great style.
“Well done Jack. I’m going to put it up a bit now but remember to stay in balance. I don’t want to see you pulling him in the mouth okay?”
“I won’t.”
Quince and Jack carried on jumping for another twenty minutes, Jack getting bolder with every jump.
“Right that will do for today. You both did really well. That last jump was about 2’6”! Just walk him around on a long rein and give him a big pat, he’s worked hard.”
“I love him Serena! Although that last fence was big it didn’t feel big like it does with Doughnut.”
“That’s because he makes a better shape over the fence. We’ll make a show jumper out of you yet.”
Jack slid down from Quince and gave him a big pat.
“Go and put him away then and start mucking out your ponies. I’m going to ride Dallas okay?”
“Alright. Shall I groom Dancer too?”
“Yes please. You won’t be riding her until this afternoon but you might as well get her groomed so she’s ready to be tacked up.”
Serena walked into the tack room and picked up her mobile from the shelf. Two missed calls from Leah. She didn’t have enough credit to call her back so she went up to the house to call her.
“Hi babe it’s Serena.”
“Hey, I’ve been trying to call you.”
“I know. I was watching Jack jump the new one, Quince.”
“Oh yeah. How did he get on?”
“Great, they cleared 2’6”.”
“Wow that’s wicked. Does Jack like him?”
“Yeah, I think he’s in love! Anyway, I should be riding Dallas. What did you want?”
“I was just wondering if you want to come out tonight.”
“Yeah okay. Where to?”
“I don’t know really. Just have a drive around.”
“Okay. Jack and me are going for a hack this afternoon. Do you want to come?”
“Sure. I’ll meet you at the end of my driveway at two. Sadie could do with a hack.”
“Okay I’ll see you later then. Oh and how’s it going with your new groom? What’s his name?”
“Nick and he’s great! He’s so fit, you’ve got to come and see him. I got his mobile number yesterday!”
“You go girl! Anyway, better go. Bye.”
“Bye Serena.”
Serena put the phone down and laughed. Leah always cheered her up. They had both gone to the local private school together as day students. Leah had always been a bit pissed off and resentful about the fact she had to go to a pretty average public school so her older brother could go to Harrow like generations of Burton-Ward’s before him. Because of this Leah had refused to work hard at school, messing around and always getting in trouble. She left school at 16 with three GCSE’s and was allowed to start her own business breaking and schooling youngsters before selling them on for a profit. Serena stayed on for Sixth Form but found she was falling behind with her schoolwork because all her spare time was spent with the horses and working. Leaving school had been a big thing for Serena because she’d always hoped to study Classics at university but the horses were too big a thing for her to give up.
Leah’s brother had stayed on to do his A Level’s getting good grades and then taking a year out which he spent frittering away his father’s finances and taking photographs of beautiful women all over Europe. When the time came for him to start at Oxford to study Law he’d backed out at the last minute and ran off with some girl who’d stolen his heart. Inevitably things ended with them after a few months and he came crawling home with his tail between his legs. His Dad had managed to get him a job at the estate agents in town but he wasn’t enjoying it and was hoping to move up to London to start doing photography professionally. Secretly Leah was pleased about this blot on her brother’s copybook as she had been compared to him for so long and was no longer asked, “Why can’t you be more like your brother?” Being the favourite certainly had it’s advantages.

Later that afternoon Jack, Serena and Leah were wandering lazily through the meandering country lanes. The evening was hazy with lots of pollen stuffed bees bumbling clumsily around and sleepy cows swishing their tails to try and get some relief from the pestering flies.
“So you like Quince do you Jack?” asked Leah.
“Yes! He’s so cool. We jumped HUGE today didn’t we Serena?”
“Yep you did. Are you going to the show at the weekend Leah?”
“Erm… I think I’ll probably take Lakkana just for a wander round and maybe a few in hand shows. Have you got any room on your lorry?”
“Yeah because I’m not taking anyone and Jack’s taking three so we’ve got room for one more. Any luck breaking Lakkana in?”
“Well we have managed to get the girth done up now but it’s taking ages. I know you should do everything slowly and quietly and only what they are comfortable with but sometimes he’s just being plain obstinate I’m sure.”
“Well you could just try lungeing and leading him out with his saddle on for a few weeks and then you might be able to start backing him. You knew he was always going to be difficult, he’s so highly strung.”
“Yeah well he is an Arab colt I suppose. I don’t think we will be keeping him entire for much longer. It’s a shame because he’s such a lovely stamp of an Arab.”
“Oh well, you’ll find he does calm down a lot though if you have him gelded. How are your others doing?”
“Sadie’s jumping is coming on brilliantly so she should be ready to BE soon. I’ve decided to retire Macey Grey because of the arthritis in her back legs bless her. Paradox did his first dressage test yesterday and Spartacus is going to do his first affiliated event on Saturday. I need Jack to help me back Jewel though.”
“How big is she?” asked Serena.
“11.1hh. She’s got beautiful movement and she’ll make a top class little show pony but I’m not light enough to back her and my cousin isn’t confident enough. Would you do it for me Jack?”
“Yeah alright then. What colour is she?” enquired Jack.
“Dun with a white blaze and four white socks. She’s very pretty. I know you’ll like her.”
“Ah thanks Jack, you’re a star.”
The three of them turned off the road then up a wide bridle path stretching up a hill and then turning back through some wheat fields and into the thicket behind the Manor House.
“Shall we have a canter?” asked Jack.
“Yes alright but take it easy with Dancer, she isn’t very fit at the moment.”
They all pushed their horses into a canter and raced up the hill, Dancer a little behind. Sadie and Lawton leapt the ditch on the crest of the hill where the grass changed to wheat and pulled up turning to see Dancer skidding to a halt at the ditch and depositing Jack into it.
“Jack!” shouted Serena.
She quickly dismounted and chucked her reins at Leah.
“Grab Dancer before she runs off,” instructed Serena.
She ran over to the ditch and slid down the muddy bank.
“Jack, are you alright?”
“Yes I’m fine but my reins have snapped,” said Jack, holding up a piece of rein no longer attached to the pony. “You tell me to try and hold on especially when we are hacking so I did but they broke.”
Serena laughed and hugged Jack.
“Come on let’s get you out of this ditch.”

When they got home Jack went and had a hot bath and Leah helped Serena put away Lawton and Dancer. She left Sadie in a spare stable, untacked with a haynet and went into the Manor to start cooking tea whilst Serena fed the horses and ponies and then turned them out for the night.
“Yum, that smells nice. What are you making?” asked Serena when she walked into the warm kitchen. The kitchen was always a hive of activity at the Manor. The flagstone floor was strewn with crocheted rugs and the little wood burner was chugging out heat with a threadbare dog’s bed nestled against it. A huge farmhouse table that was always piled high with various show entries and often-unpaid bills engulfed the centre of the kitchen. The rickety, woodworm gnawed chairs were made more comfortable with cushions embroidered with country scenes. In the far corner a hat stand was leaning precariously against the pantry door where Jack had knocked it in his hurry to get out of his mud soaked clothes. Leah loved how homely and lived in Serena’s kitchen was compared to her regimentally run kitchen at home.
“Jack’s favourite, macaroni cheese. There’ll be enough for your Mum and Dad too.”
“Thanks, Mum’s late because she’s gone shopping. I just sent her a text and asked her to drop into the tack shop to get some new reins!”
“Ah bless little Jack. He was being a good boy holding on though. Good job Dancer didn’t run off.”
“Yeah,” Serena, chucked her boots out the back door and pulled out a chair. Plonking herself down she scooped up her Jack Russell, Archie, from the chair opposite and started playing with his tail causing various deep noses to emerge from Archie in an attempt to sound fierce.
“So, how’s lover boy?” asked Serena.
“He’s so gorgeous! He just sent me a text actually.”
“Yeah? What did it say?”
“Asked me if I was going to Karina Matthew-Wright’s 18th.”
“Are you?”
“No, she’s a bitch. I wish he wasn’t going actually, I don’t want her getting her claws into him.”
“How does he know Karina? He’s only just moved here hasn’t he?”
“Yeah but I introduced him to Zara when she was helping her dad with the milk round and she said something to Karina about him I think because she came over to see me. Karina never makes friendly calls so I think it must have been to introduce herself to Nick and ask him to her party.”
“Oh. Sounds about right. Did she invite you too?”
“Yeah but only because she didn’t want Nick thinking she was mean I suppose.”
“Yeah. What does he look like anyway?”
“Just your type! He’s really tall, about 6’3”, dark hair, big brown eyes, muscular but not like he’s trying too hard and he has a really cute smile.”
“Sounds fit. So where are we going tonight?”
“Well, I thought I’d hack back over to mine with Sadie. I’ll have a shower and get changed then I’ll come over in the car. We could have a drive round; see what’s going on. I don’t mind what we do really, got any ideas?”
“Nah not really. I could do with seeing Ed about coming over to put a new set of shoes on Tenby because I need stud holes but it will probably be a bit late to go round.”
“Couldn’t you ring him?”
“Yeah I will tomorrow.”
Jack came bursting in then, pink in the face from his bath and grinning.
“Have you made me my favourite because I fell off?” asked Jack.
“Well I thought you deserved a treat. It’s nearly ready,” smiled Leah, ruffling Jack’s damp hair.
“Set the table for Leah then, Jack. Mum will be home soon, she’s nipped into the tack shop to get you some new reins,” explained Serena.
“Okay. Are you two going out tonight?” asked Jack, picking up the salt and pepper mills.
“Yep. Not sure where we are going yet though. How long have you got left of your summer holiday Jack?” said Leah.
“Two weeks. I’ll be able to do lots more jumping.”

Later that evening Serena was brushing her hair in her bedroom. Her room was big but gave the impression of being smaller because of the low, sloping ceiling. Her bed was central in the room, draped in ethnic style cushions and throws with little mirrors interwoven with the soft fabric. The far side of her wall was plastered with brightly coloured rosettes and sashes. Her little notice board was decorated with pictures of horses and ponies past and present as well as Jack with his first rosette and Jack’s first ride aged just 3 months!
Serena heard tyres crunching on the gravel and looked up to see the beams of Leah’s brand new Audi TT sweep across the front of the house and then turn off as she stepped gracefully out of the car. Serena watched her for a moment. Leah was so pretty, about 5’4” with an amazing, feminine, hour glass figure. Her hair was dark, almost black, and her eyes were huge deep pools of emerald green that lit up when she laughed.
“Serena! Leah’s here,” called her dad up the stairs.
“Let her in, I’ll be down in a minute.”
Serena slicked on some Lancôme Juicy Tubes lip-gloss and grabbed her suede jacket off the back of her door. As she skipped down the stairs she could hear Leah laughing. She always knew how to charm her dad, making him say she could stay out just a little bit longer than her usual time home.
“Hi babe, you look gorgeous as usual,” smiled Leah.
“Hey, you don’t look so bad yourself,” Serena turned to her Dad and gave him a peck on the cheek. “I won’t be too late Dad. See you later.”

The girls had been driving round for about an hour, chatting and gossiping about the various people they saw, when Leah let out a little squeal.
“What’s the matter?” asked Serena.
“That’s Nick just ahead. I’d recognise that arse anywhere! I think his Land Rover must have broken down again.” Leah pulled up behind Nick’s 4X4 and switched on her hazards. “Come and meet him Serena.”
The girls both got out of the car whilst Nick turned round, beaming when he saw Leah. He wiped his hands on a dirty rag and enveloped her in a big hug. Leah didn’t falter. Serena was envious of that, whenever she fancied someone she always went a deep shade of red and couldn’t think of anything intelligent to say unless incoherent giggling counted.
“Hi gorgeous! What’s the matter with your car now?” asked Leah, twiddling a finger round a strand of hair and pouting slightly.
“Just a puncture. Hi I’m Nick,” he said, turning to Serena with that heart melting smile and proffering a tanned, strong hand.
“I’m Serena,” she replied, taking his hand but not meeting his eyes for fear of blushing.
“Oh Serena, I’ve heard a lot about you from Leah. All good of course. Well except for your slightly odd habit of eating sugar beet!”
“Leah! Why did you have to tell him that?” laughed Serena. She liked Nick. He was just as good looking as Leah had described but he wasn’t cocky with it.
“Sorry but it’s a good thing because Nick tried it and discovered it’s actually quite nice. You’re both as odd as each other it seems.”
“I prefer eccentric,” said Serena. “So are you going to be able to fix your car?”
“Yes it’s only a puncture. I’ll be able to change it in no time. Are you two on your way to Karina’s?”
“Well we weren’t actually, we were just having a drive but I suppose we might as well. We haven’t got anything else to do,” Leah was still smiling sweetly at Nick, as she dipped her finger in a fruity Body Shop lipbalm and smoothed it on. Nick stood transfixed for a few seconds before shaking his head slightly and turning back to Serena.
“So, you’re the one who’s the best rider in the County?”
“No! Who told you that?”
“Oh a few little birds have told me.”
“Called Leah and… Leah?”
“Yeah that’s them I think!” grinned Nick.
“Seriously, she is a fabulous rider. Much better than me! I was saying in the winter he will have to take Dallas hunting,” said Leah, her lips now shimmering slightly.
“Yeah that would be wicked. Dallas is lovely but he’s a 17.3hh heavyweight and I can’t hold him out hunting. He needs someone stronger really but I love competing him so I don’t think I’ll be selling him.”
“That sounds great. Anyway, I’ll just get this tyre sorted and I’ll meet you at Karina’s house.” Nick gave each of the girls a quick peck on the cheek and then crouched down next to the problem tyre.
“See you in a minute,” said Leah, stepping into her car with a toss of her silky hair.
Serena closed her door and pulled her seat belt into place.
“Oh my God, you lucky bitch! Our grooms never looked like that!”
“I told you he was something didn’t I?”

Karina’s house loomed in front of them as they pulled up outside her modern mansion. There was a big fountain in the centre of the forecourt of two dolphins leaping through the air with water squirting from their mouths. The actual house looked quite understated until you looked up and saw the ostentatious coat of arms flanked by engraved Latin mottos. The huge glass chandelier framed in an upstairs window also gave away the fact that Karina and her family were “new money” as Leah’s Dad liked to call it. There was a white marquee situated on the front lawn, surrounded by candles on long metal poles and little bowls on podiums containing scented floating candles. From inside the house came a constant thump suggesting the real party was inside.
Leah parked her car amongst the selection of Mercedes, BMWs and two seater sports cars with personalised plates.
“Do you think I’m dressed up enough?” asked Serena, gesturing to her floor length floaty Monsoon skirt, sequined flip-flops, pale green Cherokee vest top and suede jacket.
“Lose the jacket and take your hair down,” instructed Leah who looked stunning in a cleavage-flashing red top, 7 For All Mankind skinny fit jeans and skyscraper Jimmy Choos.
The girls linked arms and marched up the cream stone staircase and into the house. There were people everywhere with a strong smell of incense mixed, rather nauseatingly, with the scent of beer, smoke and mingling perfumes. A marble staircase stretched round the entrance hall on either side and met in the middle of the gallery above their heads. An anxious housekeeper had covered modern sculptures and stone busts in dustsheets in an attempt to keep the families’ treasures safe.
“Darlings you look divine!” shrieked Karina at them, clearly having already sampled the heavily spiked punch. “Where is that dashing groom of yours Leah?”
“He’s got a puncture but he’ll be here soon,” explained Leah, smiling but somehow the smile didn’t quite meet her eyes.
Karina, sensing the slight iciness in Leah’s look, nodded and then flounced off in the opposite direction shrieking at someone else about how “simply divine” they looked. Serena rolled her eyes at Leah and grabbed two glasses of champagne off a tray from a passing waiter.
“Hi ladies,” said a quiet but oh-so-sexy voice from behind them. The girls turned to see Nick looking heavenly with his hair all ruffled and his shirt undone at the top two buttons.
“Hi Nick,” said Leah, reaching up on tip toes even in her heels to kiss his cheek before whispering something in his ear that made him smile and put an arm casually around her waist.
“Hi Serena. See you’re already getting the party started,” said Nick, gesturing to the two glasses of champagne in her hands.
“One’s for Leah actually,” smiled Serena. “Do you want me to go and find you a glass?”
“No it’s alright. I’m not much of a champagne drinker myself. Do you want to have a wander round?”
“Yeah okay then,” said Leah, taking the champagne from Serena and heading off in the direction of the music, Nick’s hand resting on the small of her back. Serena smiled, Leah always got what she wanted and it looked like she’d done it again.

The girls danced the night away with Nick who was seemingly oblivious to the gaggle of girls constantly looking his way, trying to catch his attention.
Several glasses of champagne and punch later Serena was starting to feel dizzy so she shouted to Leah she was going to get some air and headed for the double doors out onto the sundeck. The night was a lot cooler now and Serena shivered slightly as she perched on a stone bench under the big bay window into the dining room that had been cleared for the use of the party. Serena looked at her Paul Frank watch that Leah had bought her for her 17th birthday and saw it was half past 12. She didn’t have to get home for another hour and a half. She turned round on the bench so she could see into the room and noticed that it was a slow song. Leah and Nick were dancing together in the middle of the room, gazing at each other. Serena was so happy for Leah. Nick had obviously fallen for her and it was almost certain that they were going to get together despite the efforts of Karina’s new outfit that she had just changed into; a Playboy bunny costume! Karina was now getting off with the District Commissioner of the local Pony Club’s son, possibly in an effort to make Nick jealous.
Serena stood up and walked down the steps from the sundeck onto the immaculate lawn. The moon was full tonight, throwing beautiful patterns across the ornamental pond in front of her. Serena took off her flip-flops and let her toes sink into the freshly sprinkled blades of grass. It had been a good evening and she was glad she had come but sometimes she felt that this kind of party was too superficial. Plus she hated the way that all those girls in there apart from Leah and, most of the time Zara, were two-faced. They could pretend to be your friend at a party but the next day you knew they were bitching about your outfit or your hair or whom you turned up with.
Serena jumped as a girl she learnt to ride with and a boy she didn’t recognise ran out of the cluster of box hedges next to the pond, giggling and teasing each other. Serena slipped her flip-flops back on and walked the way she had come across the lawn and into the party.
The slow song had ended and it was back to throbbing urban tunes with bass lines that made everything vibrate. Serena looked around but she couldn’t see Nick or Leah so she wandered out into the main hallway. Karina was air-kissing Zara, a hand clasped round the wrist of a rather scared looking District Commissioner’s son. Serena gave him a sympathetic look and got her mobile out of her pocket. She pressed her number one speed dial and put the phone to her ear as it rang Leah’s number. Straight to voicemail. She pushed open the front door and craned her neck to see round the columns that blocked her sight to the car park. Leah’s Audi and Nick’s Land Rover were still there.
“Are you alright Serena?” asked Zara, rummaging in her New Look handbag for the keys to her falling apart Skoda. That was why Serena liked Zara, she was down to earth and her family didn’t have money but she had still managed to get in with the posh crowd through her elegance and charm alone.
“Yeah I’ve just lost Leah and Nick.”
“I saw them going upstairs about five minutes ago.”
“Thanks Zara, I’ll go and look.”
“I doubt you’ll find them, it’s like a labyrinth upstairs. Anyway, you don’t want to be a gooseberry do you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Use your brain Serena. They’ve been all over each other the whole evening.”
“Oh I get you. Do you think you could give me a lift home? The rest of this crowd aren’t really my type.”
“Sure, excuse the crisp packets and dog hair though.”

Serena turned the key in the lock and waved as Zara’s Skoda rattled down the drive. A rather sleepy Archie, who was pleased to receive a nice scratch behind his ears, greeted her.
“You’re back early sweetheart,” came her mum’s voice from the living room.
Serena put her keys down on the little table by the front door and put her flip-flops on the shoe rack before padding across the threadbare carpet and into the living room.
“Yeah it was a good party though.”
“That didn’t sound like Leah’s car dropping you off,” said Serena’s Dad, a hint of mischief in his eyes obviously thinking it had been a boy.
“No, Zara dropped me off. I lost Leah and Nick at the party and I couldn’t get through on Leah’s mobile so Zara gave me a lift home.”
“You’d better send Leah a text so she’s not looking for you,” said Serena’s Mum.
“I already have.” Serena plonked herself down on the sofa, Archie on her knee, and pulled her hair back into a bun with the band around her wrist. “Did you get those reins for Jack?”
“Yes but they might be a bit long, they were the smallest I could get. He was in a good mood this evening.”
“Yeah he likes it when Leah cooks macaroni cheese.”
“Tell her thank you for that by-the-way. We really enjoyed it didn’t we Charlie?”
“Yes it was very nice,” replied Serena’s Dad, clearly distracted by the buxom blonde in the film they were watching.
“Well I’m going to bed. Will you bring in and feed the horses before you go to work please Dad? I need a bit of a lie in,” asked Serena.
“Yes of course love. Did you make up all the feeds this evening?”
“Yes but you’ll need to add the sugar beet that’s soaking. Good night.”
“Night love.”

Serena was woken the next morning by her mobile bleeping and buzzing furiously. She got out of bed and picked up her phone from where she had left it on the floor last night.
“Hi Serena. It’s Leah. I’m so, so, SO sorry about last night.”
“That’s okay, Zara gave me a lift home.”
“Karina told me. I have the worst hangover EVER!”
“Ah bless. What are you doing up so early?”
“I stayed at Nick’s last night and he has to be on the yard for 7 so he took me home. I’m just about to go in the house now. My car’s still at Karina’s!”
“Oh whoops. Your Dad is going to kill you!”
“Don’t remind me of my impending death please.”
“So you stayed at Nick’s?”
“Yes but don’t ask me what happened because I haven’t got a clue if I’m honest. Champagne always gets me so drunk!”
“Oh Leah! You little tart!”
“I know but it’s not my fault!”
“It never is. Well, I hope you survive the wrath of your Dad. Come over later and you can help me get ready for the show tomorrow. I need to get three ponies plaited up!”
“Okay I’ll come over about four.”
“Alright see you then. Bye.”
Serena snapped her phone shut and selected a pair of jodhpurs and a Joules polo shirt from her wardrobe. She pulled her curtains open and saw that it was going to be a lovely day again.

“Have you got Doughnut’s cooler Jack?” shouted Serena across the yard from the lorry. It was the day of the show and Serena, Jack and Leah were loading up the lorry.
“Yeah it’s underneath my show jacket. See it?”
“Yes. I think that’s everything. Let’s get the horses loaded.”
Leah led Lakkana up the ramp, surprised at how well behaved he was being. “I think your ponies must have a calming influence on him,” she said to Serena.
“I think so. Jack’s loading Quince so take your pick from Doughnut or Dancer.”
“Okay I’ll have Doughnut.”
Once the ponies were on the lorry Serena’s Dad, Charlie climbed up into the cab and started the engine. “What classes are you doing with that Arab then Leah?” asked Charlie.
“Just two in hand classes because he’s not broken. Probably just the novelty classes like Handsomest and Cheekiest or something. Just for him to get some experience as it’s his first show.”
“Is Jack going in the car with Mum?” Charlie asked Serena.
“Yep and Mum says she wants to leave first so she doesn’t get stuck behind you,” said Serena, climbing into the cab next to Leah with Archie tucked under her arm. “Jack’s going to do Horse and Hound. Not sure Archie’s going to be too pleased about that.”
“Ah cute. Is he doing it on Quince?” asked Leah.
“No Doughnut because the fences will be tiny and Doughnut’s nippier.”
“Cool. I hope Lakkana behaves himself.”
© Copyright 2007 Eleanor (ellierose at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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