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Rated: ASR · Essay · Philosophy · #1238282
A creative essay that looks into different areas involving life.....................
The story of an unknown mind

The mind is a crazy thing. It can solve great things but in a split second after it can turn on you and go crazy. A mind can be corrupted or influenced by evil or good things. Some people don’t have a choice about how their mind operates. But the people who do think differently are looked badly open by the “sane ones”. Who is someone to decide what is sane or what is not. People need to open their minds and take a deeper look into what we are, and what we are here to do on this earth.

There are no tracks or guidelines. The fact is that this whole round thing that we live on is a power beyond the control of any of us. Who knows how it got here. Who really cares? I don’t at all to tell you the truth. There are no seemingly logical reasons or stories that can be told in such a way that the limited capabilities of the human mind can completely comprehend, and grasp in a way that settles our curiosity.

Now one can think about things such as this for as long as you want. Some people waste a lifetime looking for reasons, and following other people who are doing the same thing. There is no way around it. It has been said before and it will be said many, many more times to come. Life moves pretty fast and if you don’t stop and take a look around once in a while you could miss is it. I don’t know of one more single statement that can be made that is truer than this.

Sometimes it causes me to wonder if I am the only one in the world with the same thoughts. Behind a closed door is there really anything going on out there. When I close my eyes how can I know that there really is anything out there? It just can’t be proven, that everyone and everything isn’t a vast fantasy that I have somehow created and am living in.

I know it sounds conceded but I think that I may be the best at what ever I do. Its just that the "may" hasn’t been changed to an I know yet. Everyone should have this mindset in order to accomplish what they want to. Now some things just aren’t going to happen. Like the little boy who said I wish I could fly just like a bird. But you can be sure that he understood what im talking about, and you can bet that he’s that man that created the first aircraft. It is beliefs that drive us in everything we do. But if we don’t believe in ourselves in what ever we are doing then you can become lost.

Everything that we go through, every feeling is just an illusion. It can be disregarded by your mind just as easy as it was for your brain to let you know this might be a problem. Before you get upset with life or mad at things, take a good look around you and see that your miniscule problem is unfortunately NOT that important in the grand scheme of the world or the universe for that matter. And if we keep this in mind you should never really be mad for more than five seconds. If this is kept in mind we are free.

Now I know when this is read you are thinking, this kid is crazy, talking about all this stuff and he’s only sixteen. Who’s he? Well I am nobody. Everyone needs to understand that everything is there for the taking, and if you want it, go get it. Whether you get something out of this is not my objective, as long as you can look at what and who you are and if you can look past everything, all the critics who want to tell you your wrong, or that’s not right and be happy with the object in the mirror then that’s all that matters. No regrets, just live and take it all in.

Written by: an unknown mind………………………………………………………….......
© Copyright 2007 Anthony Dobson (cdob21 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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