Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1237847-Time
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Personal · #1237847
A poem about time
Past, present, future
Aspects of time
Moments of life
Spending time reflecting upon different events
That had happened
Are happening
And will happen

Starting to notice certain similarities
Between the past and present
Trying to see if there was a time
A moment in your life
Where not only something happened
But it molded you into who you are
Something important that made you stronger
So when it happens again you would know what to do
Never making the same mistake twice
Knowing that the future depends on the present
While the present depended upon the past

It is a circle
Always changing…
The future becomes the now
The now becomes the past
Once it is the past you cant change it
You can change the present and future if you are strong enough

Life is what you make of it
It can be the best thing ever
Or it can be the bane of existence
What ever it becomes, it is yours and yours alone
No two people live the same life
Though each life interacts with many others.

Life consists of hardships
Some which you are able to surpass
Others that will always be with you
Day and night
Year after year
Until life ceases to exist

Even with the hardships in life,
You should always make the best out of what you have
Because one day everything you knew could change in a second
All because you said something that was better left unknown
A secret that made people look down upon you
Having the people you love turn against you
Just because you told them the truth.
By making the best out of life,
You are more likely to surpass
Even the worst hardships
That life deals out to you.

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