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Rated: E · Essay · Philosophy · #1237421
my personal philosophy
Theistic Solipsism
Intro- each of us is trapped within our body/mind but that's good news. This means we create our own reality & it's a personal reality!

I How We Create Reality

A. Our Human-Mindset,HM, & Core-vocabulary, CV - whatever we can say we can only say it...within human thought-forms or language! Otherwise...it's unthinkable! For a start let's begin with our HM.. Have you notice that when you read a popular book on science or philosophy the author would almost probably never mention our human point of view, POV. Our ancestors were aware that God's thoughts are way above mere human POV, & they knew that animals have minds too!
Not only we have our HM but we have our core vocabulary, CV, the basic concepts we have to use to build more complex thoughts. It is a surprise to know that we can use only something like 1,000+ words to express anything! The other words in the dictionary can be defined using these basic words. Our CV delimit human knowledge.

Starting from our HM (where else?) we find
(1) SPACE populated with OBJECTS or entities.
(2) Objects interact with one another.
(3) An object responds to interaction with an outer response plus an inner response.
(4) The inner response is unseen unless one goes inside the object but still...
(5) ...each object has a response from its own POV! Just like you have your own inner subjective response, ISR, each entity has its own ISR.
For instance, you can ascertain that your friend's brain is having signs of a terrible toothache but it's only himself who is feeling that pain. You accept his experience of pain only because you had that experience yourself.
(6) Thus, we reject the idea of 'objective knowledge.' To say that each entity is trying to obtain the most objective knowledge of it's environment is meaningless!
Each entity is perfect in itself as it interacts with others & having its own outer, inner, or even ISR!

Summary: Philosophy, science, art, & culture arise from & are the creations of the human mind. The humand-mindset, HM, is simply human thoughts composed of discrete basic concepts or ideas which we label as CV, from core-vocabulary.

B. CPT theory- a class of objects whose internal states during
interaction, with the outside world, OW, are more complex than,
say, rocks, or spoons. Biological organisms & computers, PC, belong to this
A CPT is an entity having a Cpu, a Program, & a Transducer. Notice that we are here using the machine/computer metaphor of complex entities, as common nowadays.
CPU - This is the brain of CPT. It's basic job is to work or compute with Transducer's Output, TO. These are electrical pulses, if it's a computer, PC, or with electrochemical pulses, if it's a biological organism, BO.
We must stress that TO don't come directly from the OW which means that the CPU is not designed to work with the OW; it can only compute with TO which is itself a product of the entity as a whole.
Transducer- The OW merely triggers the transducer which straddle both the OW & the inner body of the CPT. The transducer responds by outputting TO, which the CPU can 'understand.'
Program- In PCs this is the instruction code that tell the CPU to work with TO. For instance, the CPU is told to compare a particular TO with a value which was previously interred in the PCs MEMORY. Again, we must emphasise that the CPU can only work with TOs & these are within the MEMORY inside the CPT body proper itself.
Likewise, In BO, the brain can only work with TO, the electrochemical pulses which are the output of sense-organs, the transducers of organisms. It's not over-stressing to repeat that the brain can only deal with electrochemical pulses, not the 'outside world' itself!
Operational closure- This term is from Varela & Maturana, 1987. This simply means the total response, outer & inner responses of the CPT as a OW event triggers its transducer. The surprising significance here is that the cascades of the object inner responses, in the CPU & PROGRAM, is self-contained. The OW merely triggers the transducer & the resulting response is arbitrary & is a creation of the object by virtue of its hardware/software nature. Again, we must stress here that the inner response of the entity is not its attempt to 'objectively' represent the OW in anyway.
Here is an instance of an operational closure:.....

Summary: CPTs are complex entities that includes PCs & robots, & 'lower'
forms of biological organisms. A CPT has CPU/brain, a Program/brain's
own computing, & Transducer/sense organ.The inner operational closure of
CPTs is self-contained & is not a representation of the OW.

C. Cons- consciousness-

II Becoming Creators- 'Ye are gods!'

A. corvoc on creating percepts, patterns, metaphors, & myths.

B. Past civilizations have created their own myths.
Because of the very nature of corvoc we too are creating our own myth...and

C. Thanks to western civilization we are currently living our MODERN
1. B. Grifftiths Marriage of East & West- read him to avoid repetition!

III The Spirit Blows Where She Wills- God- or whatever you call IT- is the lord of

A. Creating & crafting- you're an artist whether you like it or not! - your own personal reality-
it doesn't matter where history is headed!

B. War of civilizations?
Do you mean that the ancient mindset ( the perrenial philosopher, PP!) is not
now engaged with scientism? You're only fooling yourself if you think so!

IV the end of history- we are within God & God is within each of us.
....so keep creating....
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