Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1237198-A-Shadow-Over-Humanity
Rated: E · Poetry · Cultural · #1237198
A view of the current path of man from one of the many available angles.
I wish I could remember a time
            when nickels and dimes
didn’t rule the world.
          When life wasn’t measured by the size of one’s wallet;
                when there was still enough time in the day to race across wild green grass,
unaltered, unfertilized, unchanged by human hands
and yet thriving better than ever,
            stronger than we shall ever see.
When did we lose our connection?
When did we choose to become mere shadows,
flowing across this world like graveyard ghosts -
                  yet more powerless than ever.
We’ve lost sight of true beauty
and allowed ourselves to be bought by consumerism
                                      (like little raccoons…..or maybe just deer),
by false idols
who do little to earn our respect or attention,
but control us
all in the name of entertainment-
                                                    (if there’s one piece of humor in all this,
                                                    it’s what a joke we’ve made of ourselves)
going to slept like young babes
to the sickeningly sweet tune of Mother Culture’s whispered lullaby
(written in a different key than all the rest)
-But I-
a deep, numbing sleep…
-Isn’t there-
where everything is just beyond one’s grasp…
-Mother, should I trust the government?
Oh yes child, surely yes.
Our government knows best.
-But I’ve heard-
Only liars whispering evils in your ear;
veils made of red, white, and blue- these are to be trusted
                              {and white is to be preferred best of all, science will show}.
a warm embrace-
[to block everything else out]
Democracy is the key my dear.
Equality for all
Even if it doesn’t seem that equal
(Let us just hope we’re all pot-bellied and not Boxers)
Scream it isn’t  right, it isn’t fair
and be suppressed anyway
( we can’t go breaking traditions now can we?).
The problem is, we only care when it’s our own hair
on the line.
                                  Keep in line.
                                      In time.
                                    In rhyme.
                                    Don’t think.
                                  Don’t question.
It slows down production.
                        -efficiency is key, my friend. Have you not been listening?
Satisfying the mind with half-truths,
crying out injustice when we’re partly to blame
- becoming nothing more than part of a complex system of slavery called the machine
a lever
a  nut
a bolt
                    occasionally an escape button
                                  (don’t push that one! It’s highly dangerous you know!)
                        few and far between
loudly speaking, yet no one’s looking, listening, thinking
We ignore the signs
Letting life be filled with sublime crime
A gorilla and a Frenchman may have told you different,
but they’re extinct now, aren’t they?
Fossils of an old way that wouldn't work well today.
No, wouldn’t work well at all.
Do you see now?
I may have some objections-
Everything is fine. Do you see now?
Perhaps, but-
Everything is fine. Do you see now?
Everything is fine. Do you see now?
Yes, surely. It seems to be so. Everything is fine.
It’s our destiny, of course.
To rise, to be an example for all.
To sit on the pinnacle of life,
and dominate this world built for Us
-with leaders pale of skin,
-where the ultimate goal is to win.
Pinning the world against us,
but life’s flying up to catch us
Perhaps (as one man suggested) we’ve kidded ourselves
that we should understand how to fly -
that we could master aerodynamics and gravity.
Perhaps we are simply



          (and without a care)
as to the condition of our immediate scope,
or to the ultimate end that just might serve to make us all
a little more flat and one-dimensional then we have already become.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1237198-A-Shadow-Over-Humanity