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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Sports · #1236781
Prologue of a story about a basketball team in a university
This is the prologue of a 'manga idea' which was in my head for a while. However, I do not have the drawing skills at all, thus relegating to the idea of writing the whole thing out instead (not that writing is bad).
The basis of the manga/story is that the main character is a basketball player who just entered a US university and got into the basketball team through a tryout.
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Critiques are definitely welcome.
It all started here.
It’s October, about two months since start of the fall semester in the university. Usually the more studious people would start worrying about mid-terms, while the lazier ones prefer just skipping them outright. However, someone still believed that there’s some sort of extracurricular activity that goes aside from learning in class.
You might ask, did this person join any clubs? He looked around and actually checked out the “Basketball Club” which was basically gathering about once every two or three day to watch old NBA games on NBA TV when they’re on replay (the season doesn’t start until November). They usually say ‘ooh,’ ‘ahh’ when Magic Johnson did that no-look pass, or like when Michael Jordan did all the impossible stuff while sticking his tongue out.
They did play some pickup games indoors, but their skills were generally average at best. He played with them in some games but usually it ends up with his side losing since his teammates weren’t clicking with him well. His teammates were usually worse than him in basketball skills and most of the time he was the one with the ball while others are looking at him and hoping he’d score.
The president of the club met with him a week ago and asked if he was interested in trying out for the basketball team.
“Is it one of those local casual leagues?” He asked the president. Given that the president’s a senior, he looked pretty young. His name is George Booth, majoring in Finance and graduating next semester. He’s about 6-3, but in most of the pickup games, he didn’t play or just posed as the ref. He did have a lot of knowledge about the game though.
But when he played, there’s nobody who’s worse off than him. They play 5 on 5 and he got the 4 (power forward), but he’s lanky, and didn’t have the skills to at least complement his position, or any other position. His best move was a fade-away jumper which has a 99% chance of getting the ball stuck at that wedge between the board and the rim. And he’s always teamed up with the president, no matter what.
“KT, it’s not that. Heard of NCAA basketball?”
“Yeah. So what’s about that?” KT thought that George must be thinking a freshman like him from outside the U.S. wouldn’t know a damn thing about basketball besides the NBA.
“Why don’t you give it a try? I think you’ll get into the team.” He seemed to get a little more excited now.
“…don’t flatter me. I thought all universities in major divisions get players through scholarships?” As KT told George matter-of-factly, his eyes somehow glowed. Knowing George, KT understands that something’s coming up…
“Kelvin, you had it wrong! While our university is part of the NCAA Division I, it doesn’t mean that ALL players come into the team on scholarship! That’s why the team holds tryouts for any gems they missed!” Man, this guy can get intense when you gave him the wrong fact.
“Okay okay I get it! So what now? Where the hell do I find the tryout?”
“It’s next Friday and it’ll be held at the Joseph Brand Memorial Stadium. Give it a try, I think you can make it.”
“Sure, whatever.”
You see now, this is where the prologue ends and the real thing comes along. Back to reality and Kelvin was now lined up with about 15 African Americans who were pretty much a head taller than him, at least. Oh, and those 5 white guys who were as tall as they are. Kelvin was the shortest guy and he’s feeling it.
An old man, while his hair is white, looked pretty young himself, wearing a red-T shirt with our university’s name sketched on it. He’s also wearing a rolex. Kelvin figured that he’s the coach.
“Alright guys, thanks for coming to our university’s men’s basketball tryouts for the upcoming season. My name is Randy Acer and I’m the head coach of the U of Southwestern Texas Greenhorns.”
Obviously he’s not wearing green, and the “Texas” on the shirt was quite misleading.
“Just in case you’re wondering why I’m wearing a t-shirt that’s not green, I come from UT and this is their color, in case you don’t know.”
So a coach who’s just came from U of Texas? Upon hearing that name Kelvin’s clenched his fists for half a second, his eyes seemingly appearing with a bit of anger.
“Alright guys, lemme line up the facts here. Currently this team is 3 men short. That’s right, there’s only 3 guys from you 24 people who can make it to the team. So make it count when you’re playing during the tryouts. We’ll look for all traits of you that will contribute to this team.”
The facts were there, 24 people going for 3 spots make it tough. Especially Kelvin who figured that all these people were at least a head taller than him.
“Today’s rundown will be quite simple. First, you guys will be playing 5-on-5 scrimmage where the first team who gets to 21 points wins. Think of it as a tournament where there’s 4 teams. Each team will have 6 players, and when there’s a team who gets to 10 points first, the sixth man must be subbed in, and I’ll make the decision on who is subbing for who. After that all the other 4 players can be freely subbed at any time like a real basketball game.”
“Winners of each group in this tournament will face each other while the losers will face each other. After everything is over, me and my other coaches who are seated right above there,” Randy points to the edge of the spectator stands. “We will make a decision on who will be go through the first round. The second round will happen next Monday where we’ll interview with you and check your mind and academics and so on. But I’ll tell you guys later, if you get in.”
Randy then waved for his other assistants to come over and pass out some forms.
“Guys, fill in this little bit of information of yours, like what you achieved and what your position is. After that hand back to me or my assistants. You guys can do warm-ups until I’m done with your forms. Questions?”
One black guy raised his hand. A particularly tall one too.
“Yo coach! How do we know which team we’re on?”
“Good question, I missed out on that one. Somebody’s listening!” Mr. Acer gave a slight pause before continuing. “That’s after you filled in with that form. We’ll distribute it as evenly as possible and see which guys are in which team.”
So Kelvin was handed with my form, and filled out with all information he thought that wouldn’t help his chances for getting into the team.
It was clear that Kelvin didn’t want to play for a UT graduate. He just has that hate, but he kept it within himself. Of course he didn’t have any problems with that Acer guy, but he believed that playing under a UT grad is an insult.
After a while Kelvin figured that maybe he should stop filling out the form and walk away instead. He looked at the other guys, they were filling out their forms too, but one African-American was just staring at the form and seemingly blanked out. He then put down his pen and leaped onto court.
He looked around and found a basketball. He’s the guy standing next to the guy who raised his hand earlier. He’s about 6-7. Other guys were starting to notice his antics too. He grabbed the ball, and dribbled it to the top of the 3 point line.
“Hey Mr. Acer! Who wants to fill out these damned forms, we just wanna play ball! Lemme show you why I deserve a spot!”
He then threw the ball forward, directly at the backboard to the left of the rim, and ran after the ball.
The ball bounced back, he caught it, and did a windmill dunk with both hands. Kelvin and others looked quite surprised. Kelvin thought he saw something like that in the NBA slam dunk contest. Those dunks were sick, but he usually didn’t think that they were really *that* acrobatic. Seeing it live made him understand why people were cheering in their stands when they made a thunderous one. The guy had a confident smirk that looked like he’s going to be in the team.
Now all eyes were on coach.
“Sir, I don’t know who you are yet but fill out that damn form before you showcase your dunking skills in front of us.”
Well, so much for this guy making the team. The tall dude went from a confident smirk to a growl and hanging his head low afterwards. He then moved back and stared at his form again, but he didn’t finch this time around. He started filling up the form.
After a while Kelvin finished his form while some guys are doing shootarounds. In fact, some of them were just dribbling with the ball casually and chatting with each other. Kelvin took a ball and shot for a while.
The coach came out with his assistant coaches. “Alright guys, let’s gather up here.”
“There will be 4 teams as I said. Team A consists of…”
Kelvin seemingly didn’t listen much, but not until he didn’t get his name heard for the first 3 teams.
“Alright, and team D will have Kelvin Tang, Mick Gonzalez, Jamal Johnson, Kyle Kinston, Ricky Daniels and…Hotshot Maxwell.”
Hotshot Maxwell? Who the hell calls himself by that?
Oh. It’s the guy who did that dunk earlier. Kelvin’s thought that this guy will probably make or break this team was slowly floating about.
“Guys, we’ll start with team A versus team D now.”
Kelvin made a sarcastic “Oh great!” mutter to himself. He didn’t like the immediate matchup and pairing up with Mr. Hotshot, obviously.
“And for team A, Avery Everett will be the sixth man, and the slam dunk champion of today’s tryout, Hotshot Maxwell will be the sub for team D. I’ll give you guys 5 minutes before playing to get to know each other and how to play your roles.”

- End Prologue -
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