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Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1236640
These are the rules for the TGOD TCG.
The Guardians of Destiny TCG Official Rules         

Types of cards:
    Creature - Equipment - Base Armor - Power
Card Attributes:
    Guardian - Knight - Tyrant

On a card:
    Attribute Color Code (Guardian = blue, Knight = yellow, Tyrant = black)
    Attack (A) (Creatures, Equipment, Base Armor only)
    Defense (D) (Equipment only)
    Battle Stars (Creatures, Base Armor only)
    Hit Points (HP) (Creatures, Base Armor only)
    Card Number
    Card creator's Name
    Rarity (LEGENDARY, Ultimate Rare, Rare, Uncommon, Common)
    Description box
  Inside description box:
    Description (not Power cards)
    Ability in parenthesis Note: Not all cards have Abilities
  In the card's description box, there may be text inside brackets [ ]. This is a card's requirement. If you cannot meet the requirement, you cannot play the card. Also, on Base Armor cards the words Base Armor will appear before any other text in the description box. This is to help differentiate between Creatures and Base Armor.
What the different cards do:
    Creature: Helps you attack your opponent.
    Base Armor: This is your card. You pick it at the first of the game and if it is destroyed, you lose.
    Equipment: Increases the strength of Creatures and Base Armor.
    Power: Allows you and your Creatures to perform special abilities.

Object of the game:
    Destroy your opponent's Base Armor card.

Special rules to know before you play:
    Your deck may consist of no less than 30 cards and no more than 60. Also, you may not keep more than 3 copies of the same card in your deck. You may not have more than one Base Armor card in your main deck. However, you may keep a separate deck (called the Armory) that can hold up to 30 Base Armor and Equipment cards. You can swap Base Armor cards between your main deck and your Armory between games, but not during games.  Your Armory is off limits during a game. If over half of your deck is one attribute, then that is your deck type.(Ex. If I have a deck of 30 cards and 16 or more of those cards are Guardian cards, then I have a Guardian type deck.) If your deck has no dominant attribute, your deck has no type. It is important to know your deck type before you play a game, because some cards can only be played if the player has a certain type of deck. If it is your turn and you have no Main Creature on the field, you may place a card in the Backup Creature zone in the Main Creature zone.

Field Layout:
1. Creature card zone (Main)
2. Creature card zone (Backup)
3. Base Armor card zone
4. Deck zone
5. Discard Pile
6. Power card zone

How to play the game:
    At the start of the game, choose your Base Armor card and put it in the Base Armor card zone. (It is OK if this causes the number of cards in your deck to drop below 30.) Decide who goes first. The first 2 turns (yours and your opponent's) of the game go like this:

1. Draw 7 cards
2. Play a Main Creature (Optional)
3. Equip a Creature or your Base Armor (Optional)
4. You cannot play a Power card or Backup Creatures yet.
5. You cannot attack your opponent yet.
6. End your turn

This is called a primary turn. Next is the secondary turn:

1. Draw 1 card
2. Play a Main Creature (Optional and if you haven't already.)
3. Play a Backup Creature (Optional)
4. Equip a Creature or your Base Armor (Optional)
5. You cannot play a Power card yet.
6. You cannot attack your opponent yet.
7. End your turn

Now you're ready to battle! This is a normal turn.

1. Draw 1 card
2. Play a Backup Creature (Optional)
3. Equip a Creature or your Base Armor (Optional)
4. Activate Creature abilities (Optional)
5. Play a Power card (Optional)
6. Attack your opponent (See Battle Rules a little later)
7. End your turn

You will continue playing normal turns until one player wins the game.

Battle Rules:
    When you attack your opponent, you may attack with your Main Creature and your Base Armor. You can attack your opponent's Main Creature, Base Armor, or Backup Creature(s). The normal attack consists of subtracting the attacker's attack value from the defender's HP value. You must remember to figure in special abilities and the effects of Power and Equipment cards. If the Creature that is being attacked has an Equipment card equipped that raises defense (D), then you subtract the defense from the attacking Creature's attack. After the attack is over, you subtract 1 battle star from the card that performed the attack. If you attack your opponent's Backup Creature, instead of subtracting HP, that card is paralyzed for 3 turns. That means that it cannot activate its ability or take the place of the Main Creature if it is destroyed. You cannot attack the Creature again while it is paralyzed. If there are any effects that take place during battle, they will activate after the attack and before you subtract a battle star. If a battle results in a Creature being destroyed, then that Creature's total HP is subtracted from its owner's Base Armor's HP. If a battle results in a Base Armor being destroyed, the player who destroyed the Base Armor is the winner of the game. Also, no matter how many battle stars a Creature has, it can only attack once per turn.

Other special rules:
    If your deck runs out of cards, you continue to play but omit Step 1 in a normal turn. Remember, the description on a card does not have any effect on gameplay. (Ex. If a card's description says it is unstoppable, that does not mean that it cannot be destroyed.)
The card's description is meant only to describe the nature of the card as if it were real. Any text in parenthesis ( ) or brackets [ ] does effect gameplay. Also, if you have a certain type of deck it is okay to play cards of a different type. (Ex. Let's say I have a Tyrant type deck. Can I still play a Guardian type card? Yes, I can.) If it is possible, the activation of a Backup Creature's ability is acceptable. When you and your opponent's Main Creatures are both out of battle stars, you must both switch the Main Creature with a Backup Creature. Then the former Main Creature regains its battle stars. If you don't have a Backup Creature, then the Main Creature stays in its place but does not regain its battle stars.You cannot switch your Main Creature with a Backup Creature unless this happens. If at any time the rules in this book conflict with the ability on a card, follow the card ability.

If you are interested in playing, or for more information, e-mail me at theguardianofdestiny@cox.net
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