Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1236256-Getting-an-Hamster
by Piotr
Rated: · Short Story · Relationship · #1236256
On our seventh month anniversary
On our seventh month anniversary my girlfriend and I went out go eat breakfast. We spend the whole day together, talking and laughing it was fun. The day went by real fast we looked at the clock and it was already two in the afternoon, and three in the afternoon. We talked about everything. One subject that came up was pets. We talked about our pets in the past and in the future that we would like to have. I told her I only had fish and that I wanted to get a dog, so I can hold it and play with it. We talked about the differences about dogs and cats. We deiced that we are going to buy a dog when we have a place to live not in our parent’s houses. Dogs need to have a lot of attention and a person who has a lot of time on his or her hands to take care of. Which we don’t because we both work, and go to school. We both decided to get a dog when we are married with a place to live and good jobs that take wont take up our whole day. So we can be with our pet during the night and weekend. Another animal that we talked about was a cat. Cat’s do not need a lot of attention and can be home all day by them selves. For example Alyssa my girlfriend stated that she had three cats. They were home cats, and all they did was walk around the house. She just feed them every other day and changed the littler box. When she had time to watch Tv she would snuggle with the cats. That sounds like an animal that we can own now, but the problem is that we don’t have a place for them to stay because we both live with our parents. Around five in the after noon we ended up in a pet store looking at cats and dogs just for fun. There was little Yorkie that caught our eyes. He was equivalent to a football, with white and black fur. So cute we wished we could take it him home. After one hour in the store of looking at different cats, dogs, fishes and turtles. Wishing we can have one of the animals, we ended up walking with a hamster. It was one of the cutest little animals we could find to own at this time of our busy lives. There was about twenty of them in a clear glass container but one of them stuck out because he was fatter and had a back line on the top of his body. We picked a cage, food, and some toys for him to play with. While paying for the hamster we asked the cashier if he was a male or female hamster. He stated that it was a female and told us not to play with the hamster until the next day so she can be familiar with her new location. We hurried home to set up her cage and look at her brownish light fur with a black strip. Of course we didn’t listen to the cashier when he said not to play with the hamster, she was to cute not to play with her. Two days later we named her Viola. It was a name that my girlfriend chose. After two weeks of having her we noticed that her cage was too small, we got her a bigger cage, with more toys to play with. Viola is our baby and we play with her every day.
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