Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1236221-Spirit-Warrior
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1236221
A boy with the power to destroy spirits is found,
Prolouge: The 15 Year Mission

"Find him! and don't return till you have!" Every spirit stood firm as their master ordered them to find the boy. "And if any of you return without the boy, i'll see to it that you are destroyed!" It was at that moment every spirit shook and took off on their mission. One problem was: what does the boy look like?

None dared ask in fear they would be destroyed by the king's wrath. So, instead of asking, they wandered around aimlessly wondering who it was. Unknowing of the fact, they won't find him for another 15 years.

Chapter one: 15 Years Later

In those 15 years, the king got more anxious, expecting one of the the spirits to return with the boy. Whenever one returned, they had the wrong boy, and the king destroyed him. So 15 years later, his chance to find the boy was over, what happened was beyond his comprehension.

Jason was a normal 15 year old boy, who had brown hair, and went to Madison High School, he had friends, passing grades, a beautiful girlfriend, and the usuall anoying older brother, John. The two may have been related, but they were nothing alike. Unlike Jason, John's grades were not anywer near passing, the only friends he had were kids that thought he was cool, he never had any REAL friends, just made people be his friends.

"Hey Jason!,"called mark, a friend of his, Mark had deep brown hair, and glasses, he wasnt the smartest kid in the school, but he was realy close to it, "Whats up man? havn't seen you all day, how ya been?"

"Well not much," he replied," just felt like taking the long way to my classes today. Whats wrong with you? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"Well actually, i just did, i just saw a blue figure in a closet, and thought i was seeing things, so i rubbed my eyes to get a better look and it was still there, so i backed away until i heard a door open. I turned and the door was open so I walked away to find you."

"Dude your hallucinating, we all know ghosts don't exist, so how could you have seen one?"

"I don't know, but it looked so real, if you saw it you would have thought it was real too."

"Doubtful, i prolly wouldn't. Just like how you tryed to get me to beleive you saw the "Boogeyman". But what the heck, if you can prove it to me i'll belive you, but you hav't to prove it,deal?"

"Deal," Mark replied, and the two of them walked to where Mark saw the ghost.

When they got to the hall where Mark saw the ghost, there wasn't any sign that anything was their. "I don't see anything mark," Jason said with a little laugh, "So I guess there isn't anything here, told you you were seeing things."

"Yea, I guess so." They started walking away when they heard the creak of a door. They turned around to see the door had opened. Jason walked toward the door slowly, when he looked inside, he was grabbed by something and pulled in. "Jason!" mark called out. But Jason was already sucked in.

"Let me go!" jason cryed.

"You wish boy, I need your help wether you like it or not," the figure said, "When we get to the spirit realm I'll tell you whats going on,"

When they reached their destination, the fugure let Jason go the figure was wearing a deep black cloak and had the hood up so Jason couldn.t see his face, "Who are you? And what do you want with me?" Jason Demanded.

"Cool your jets Hotshot, I won't harm you. I just needed to find you before the king did."

"The who?"

"The king of the spirit realm, he has sent his men to find you, they have been searching for 15 years. i knew i couldnt let them find you, so when i figured out where you were i grabed you before they could."

"So it was you Mark saw in the door?"

"Actually, no, it wasn't. That was one of kings men I was following, it was a good thing he saw him, if he hadn't come and got you to come see what he had saw, I never would have been able to grab you when i did. And who knows what would have happened then."

"So then where exactly do I come into this?" Jason asked.

He explained, "Beacuse you have the "special" powers, you are able to send spirits back to the spirit realm. And your powers can either be used for good or evil, which is exactly what the king wants. You can send any spirit back to the spirit realm except the very powerful ones, those must be destroyed, but any others can sent back easily.

"Right, you realy expect me to believe your story? That I am able to send spirits to the "spirit realm"? think again, this is the most un-realistic story ever. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to be sent back to school."

"As you wish, just remember what I told you. The fate of both relms is in your hands."

"Yea right whatever, just get me outta here." So the man sent Jason back to the room where he grabbed was pulled into.

Once Jason arrived back in the room, he opened the door to find his girlfriend,Jenny, Jenny had lightish brown hair, and was one of the most known girls in school, and Mark standing at the door. At the moment Jason opened the door, Jenny jumped forward, and threw her arms around him and shouted, "Jason! Are you OK?"

Jason hugged her and responed, "Don't worry Jenny I'm just fine, theres nothing to worry about."

"You sure? I don't want anything happening to you."

"I know, it's ok." They stood there for a few seconds, then when they broke apart Jason said, "That had to be the weirdest thing ever."

Then Mark asked, "What happened?"

Jason told them everything the man had told him, and Mark said, "Wow that's awsome! Do you realy believe it?"

"Of course not. Who would? It's the stupidest story I'v ever heard."

" Well there will be no spirit talk at the dance in 2 weeks, ok?" Jenny said.

"Ok," Jason replied. After that they all went back to their classes to end their day.

Chapter 2: The Power Revealed

The next two weeks passed by fairly quickly, the school days for all three of them were normal, except Jason. He passed by the door he was recently pulled into and saw... something pass through the floor, he figured it was nothing, but the other half of his brain was thnking it was a spirit working with the king. But he just told himself it was nothing and walked on.

But other than that nothing at all happened, it was all normal until the 2 weeks were up. All three of them, Jason, Mark, and Jenny, were headed for the gym to begin the dance, when Jason saw another thing go through the floor, "Hey you guys see that?" Jason asked.

"Jason remember, no talk of spirits and what not, ok?" Jenny said.

"Ok," and all three of them began to search for other friends. Mark found a friend from the science club, Jenny found a few friends from different classes, and Jason found his friends, Luke, and Gary, from Math. Luke was a Basketball player at their school, he had short brownish, blonde hair. Gary was kinda short, with short black hair, and no matter where he went, he messed up something.

At one point they all met up in the gym to dance and talk. Jason had a slightly different expiriance. Once more he saw something out of the corner of his eye. "I'll be right back." he said and walked off. He walked over to where he saw it, and at the moment he stepped over the spot, something jumped out of the floor and pinned him to the ground. Jason struggled to get free, but to no avail. Eventually he pushed it off and saw it was no man, but spirit. It said, "I have found you, and I shall bring you to the king, and you will do nothing about it."

Jason looked around for a way to get passed it, he found nothing. So he took his last resort. He got himself ready to fight. The spirit ran at him with such speed Jason had no time to block, Jason was knocked back onto the ground, hard, and he saw Jenny and Luke run over, "Jason! Are you ok?" They both asked.

"Ya I'm fine, just get away from this thing." And the spirit ran again knocking Jason back twice as hard. Jason started to get frustrated, and swung right at it, but the spirit grabbed his fist and flipped jason on his back. Jason got back up, and and ran at it again, and once more knocked back. The spirit charged at Jason while he was still down, and the man that grabbed him jumped in front and knocked the spirit back. "What are you doing here?" Jason asked.

"Saving your hide," the man said. And the spirit knocked the man down. Jason stood up, and his hands suddenly turned a light blue color, not bright but dim.

Jason ran forward and threw his open palm into the chest of the spirit, and in a flash of light, the spirit dissapeared. After it dissapeared, Jason feel to the ground exhausted. He didn't know what he had just done, he thought, "what just happened? My hands...turned blue? and where did that spirit go?"

"Your powers are finally manifesting, good, now I can train you to use them. But only in the times you can train. Other times you will be here continueing your life here."

"What....What are you talking about?"

" I shall train you to use the powers you have and you shall take down the king."

"Why me? Why must i be the one to do it?" Jason asked.

"I don't think you noticed, but did MY hand's turn blue and send the spirit back to the spirit realm?" the man said.

"Good point,"

"And by the way," the man said taking off his hood, " the names Janor, leader of the rebelion forces against the king." Janor was not an ordinary looking man, he had white hair, and looked to be in his mid 20's, and his eyes were, for some reason, deep red, and his pupils were like a cat's eye's. "And for now you must come with me, we have much to discuss." After that, Janor walked away.

Jason stood there for a second, looked back at Luke, and Jenny, "Well i guess I'll see you guys later." Jason said with a hint of dissapointment.

"Jason please don't go," Jenny begged.

"I'm sorry Jenny, but if I Don't master these powers who knows what might happen next time I'm attacked, I might not get so lucky."

Jenny sighed and said, "Well, ok but be back soon ok? I want to know your all right."

Jason smiled and said, "Ok, I promise I'll be back shortly." The two hugged and Jason left, following Janor. Jason turned and waved one last time, and continued on his way.

"So where exactly are we going?" Jason asked.

"Where do you think? The only way to the spirit realm from here." Janor replied.

"Oh." They reached the door Jason was once dragged into, and went through the same process as before, only Jason went on his own.

"Now the way to do this, is to see were you are going in the spirit realm. Just picture the place i took you to last time." Jason walked into the room and saw where Janor took him. And sure enough, Jason ended up right there. The place he landed in was like a plain, it was hard to see due to darkness across the entire feild.

"The darkness came from the king, once he took over, the lands fell to darkness. Now no one dares oppose the king or they will die. But you may be able to stand a chance." Janor said.

"MAY have a chance?" Jason asked.

"Well you may actually end this world of darkness. And if you can end the darkness, you will be worshiped forever, as the god of spirits."

"So, you guys want me to destroy this king, and end the darkness forever?

Ok I get the picture here. So when does my training start?"

"Tomorrow morning, after you heal from your recent battle with that spirit."

Chapter 3: The Ambush

Jason awoke the next the next morning to feel something shaking him. When he opened his eyes he saw it was Janor. Janor was looking a little wierd, he looked as if he was getting attacked by something. Jason said tiredly, "Janor? Whats going on?"

"Somethings wrong, it's too quiet." Janor replied.

"Well it's pretty early in the morning, I would expect it to be quiet."

"Maybe in your world, but around here things get noisy in the mornings. I know somethings wrong, and you should come with me, you need to now all about this place."

Jason and Janor walked outside to see nothing but the flat plains. "So wait, how are things noisy in the mornings? do people just not sleep? Or are people just not sleepy?" Jason asked.

Janor Was crouched trying not to make any noise. He responded to Jasons question with a slight grunt of irritation, then said "The kings army usually passes through here this time of day. The fact they havn't yet is puzzling to me."

Jason was confused at why it was such a big deal. He figured the fact the king wasn't moving around was a good thing, it meant the king hadn't got much going on for himself. At the moment Jason finished his though the roar of cannons begain to go off. And also at that moment Janor jumped out of the makeshift tent they had up. Jason noticed Janor was gone and shouted, "Janor! Your just gunna leave me here!" A cannon shot landed right next to Jason, making him him jump straight out of the tent and next to Janor.

Janor stood staring out into the distance. Jason ran up next to him and shouted at him, "You were just gunna leave me there werent you!"

Janor stood saying nothing, and staring out in the same direction. Jason yelled at him again, "Well you gunna answer me or not?! And what are you staring at?" Once Jason looked at what janor was, his jaw dropped straight to the ground. Janor was looking at the kings army. Far as the eye could see were spirits of all shapes and sizes.

Janor then said, "This is what you were meant for Jason. To take down this army, and save our world."

Jason stared at Janor and said stuttering, "I am supposed to take down t-that..?"

"Sure are." Janor replied.

"B-But how? I mean I don't even know how to control my powers yet..."

"You dont need to... Not for this one. This one should be easy for the condition your in." At that moment Janor pulled out a double bladed sword 4 times the size of Jason, and stuck it in the ground. "This is for you. Use it wisely."

Jason attempted to lift the sword, failing miserably. "How am I supposed to lift this thing?"

"I figured you could handle it." Replied Janor. "Just concentrate for a second. Focus your energy and let your spirit control your body, not your mind.

Jason closed his eyes and concentrated for a second... Things were silent for next few seconds, but thyen when Jason opened his eyes, they were a deep blue color. Jason grabbed the hilt of the sword and lifted from the ground with ease. Janor had figured Jason had the technique mastered already. Jasons body then began to glow the same color as his eyes.

Janor then said in delight, "Jason you better not be in there." Jason said nothing, it showed that he had let his spirit take over. Jason then leapt forward and blinding fast speed, quickly aproaching the army. Once Jason reached it, they fired many weapons at him, all missing. Arrows flew right past him, cannons were to slow and never reached him in time, and everything else was just to weak to effect him.

Jason took the sword and slashed it horizontaly, blowing a wave of energy straight down the line of enemys, wiping them all out. And to finish it, Jason leapt into the air and stuck the sword in the ground, with a quick turn of the blade, five seperate lines of energy burst in all diresctuons, taking the rest of the army out. When Jason finally regained himself, he looked at what he just done and leapt in joy.

Janor walked up next to him saying, "Not bad rookie. But that wasnt even a hundreth of the army." After saying that, Jason looked down sadly.

Jason then responded, "Let me guess.... There is alot more work to be done... isn't there?"

Janor then said, "Far more than you could imagine. Those were just grunts. The weakest of the army. The more powerful soldiers are in the castle."

Jason looked at the castle far off in the distance. "I have a bad feeling about this..." The sword dissapeared and Jason wondered where it went.

Janor explained that the sword would dissapear until he needed it. "Until that time comes," Janor said, "your training will now begin."

Chapter 4: Attack in the Village

The next morning, once Jason woke from of the deepest sleeps one could ever have, he stared straight into a bright light. He looked around to see the makeshift tent Janor had put up, was gone. Jason sat straight up and yelled, "Hey Janor! Whers the tent at?!" Minutes passed and Jason got no answer from Janor. Jason got up and looked around for Janor, seeing nothing but the flat plains where he slept.

Jason looked around confused of the fact that Janor was no where to be found. Jason started wandering around and began to walk out of the area when something touched him on the shoulder. He quickly turned around... but didn't see anything. He wondered if he was just hallucinating, until he heard something talking to him in a high pichted voice, "Hey, you. Tall one down here!"

Jason looked down in a with confusion and saw this small elf looking thing. "Uhh... Do I know you?" Jason asked.

"No you don't but I was wondering if you are the one Janor braught back from the human world." This little elf thing was starting to get a little creepy to Jason. He was wondering how he knew who he was.

"I could be... But who wants to know?" Jason asked.

"Oh where are my manners, my name is Shangoff. I am the leader of Jangor people." After a closer inspection of Shangoff, Jason noticed his ears were really long and pointy. Along with his nose being a little longer and pointier than any other Jason had seen. The most noticable thing about him was that he was only about two and a half feet tall.

"So... You know Janor I guess?" Jason asked.

"Yes I do, he is down in the village now, getting supplies. So back to my question: Are you the one Janor brought back from the human world?"

"Yes I am," Jason answered, "but how is it that you knew that?"

Shangoff jumped up on Jason and climbed up him to his shoulder and sat down, "I'll tell you on the way to the village. Head south from here.

On the way to the village, Shangoff told Jason all about what Janor had told him... And the rest of the village on top of that. In other words: The entire village knew of his arrival. He knew this because with every step he took someone else started to stare at him. Jason started to feel a heavy weight lay upon his shoulders. He felt as if the entire realm was counting on him. It was a weight he could surely have lived without.

He started to think of what he was actually going against. He started thinking, <What is it with these people just looking at me?> He then figured that was a stupid question to ask himself because he knew the answer anyways. Jason looked around in search for Janor, but with so many people crowding the streets it was harder than trying to find a needle in a haystack.

It would have been easier if the people were moving, but because Jason was being stared at by everyone, that idea was long gone. He then heard a scream in the distance, everyone at that moment looked in the direction the scream was heard. Jason put Shangoff on the ground and ran in a full out sprint down the road.

He heard the scream again, which made him want to run faster. Jason continued to push people out of his way, to get where he needed. He heard the scream one more time. This time it sounded really close. He looked to his left and took off down an allyway. Jason ran all the way to the back.

Once Jason reached the end of the ally, he saw a woman getting attacked by one of the kings spirits. This one was different though. It was bigger and looked even more powerful. Jason didn't know what to do, then he remembered the sword Janor gave him. Janor had said, "The sword will appear once you need it." Jason concentrated and the sword appeared before him. This time, he was able to lift it without any problems. Which meant Jason didn't need to use the technique Janor taught him.

The spirit attacking the woman (Which Jason officialy named a Berserker) then turned to Jason, and drew a sword of his own. Jason shouted at the Berserk, "Hey! What do you think your doing! Your after me aren't you!" The Berserker lifted the sword and slashed it right down onto Jason.

There was a giant cloud of dust in the area, Jason could't be seen. People started to gather asking the same questions: "Is he dead?" The dust stared to clear and all the people saw was a blue orb in the middle of a giant crater. And in that orb was Jason. He had his arms up as if he were trying to defend from the school bully. When he opened his eyes and saw the orb, he knew he was the one who made it.

The orb disintegrated and Jason looked around in confusion. The then stood up and raised the sword with a large grin on his face saying, "Nice try big guy, but it seems I am to much for you to handle!" Jason jumped in the air and slashed down, but the Berserker blocked it. Jason slashed again, and again, and agian, until the Berserkers sword, broke in two. Jason then dropped to the ground, and did a quick rush forward and slashed the Berserker in two. It disspersed in tiny bits of light, each dissapeared one after another.

Everyone around, applauded and cheered as if there favorite football team just one the Super Bowl. Jason waved and bowed to all of them, then he helped the woman up. Once he looked at her face, his jaw practicaly dropped, she was definatly the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She stood up and thanked him. She walked away in such a hurry, Jason didn't even get a chance to ask her name.

Jason decided to try and forget her. He had a girlfriend, he shouldn't be trying to go after another girl.

Chapter 5: Back to the Human Realm

The next morning, once Jason woke up, Janor took him out through the village. "So Jason, what did you think of that shield power of yours?" Janor asked.

Jason was silent for a while. He had something on his mind, Janor could tell that. So Janor just decided to stay quite. They went around getting supplies for there journey, Jason was the one carrying all the stuff of course. Janor told him it was part of his "Training". Jason didn't bother asking any questions about it. He decided that Janor words would be law. If he didn't do what he was told, he would punish himself in some way.

Once they had all there supplies, Janor said, "Jason it's time for you to go back to your world."

"What? Why?" Jason asked.

"Your not being there for a limited amount of time would become suspicious, and we can't people looking for you if your not able to be found."

"You do have a point..." Jason said.

"Then I guess it's time for you to go." They walked out into the large field Jason had arrived in, he went through the same process as getting there. He thought about the closet he was in to get there and he dissapeared from sight. Jason paid close attention to his surroundings this time while he was shooting toward earth. It looked as if he were shooting through space, flying past stars and all that stuff. He even thought he had passed another planent.

Jason arrived back in the closet with a flash of light. He stayed in there for a while to make sure no one thought it seem suspicious. While he was in the closet, the door opened, and Jason prepared himself for a fight. But when he looked, he saw Mark, standing there, looking at him in disbelief.

"Uhh... Hey Mark." Jason said hesitantly. Mark just stood there looking at him. The silence was begining to kill Jason. "Mark you ok?" Jason asked. Still no response. "Mark answer me!" Still no response. Jason stood up and put his hands on his shoulders, at that moment, Marks body began to glow, It changed and shifted into a spirit.

Jason got ready for a fight. But the spirit just stood there. Jason pushed it, and it fell over without moving. It was as if time were standing still.
© Copyright 2007 Lockon Stratos (a7x495 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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