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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1235924
Chapter 2 of my shapeshifter story, please, all your comments are more than welcome!!!!
Diamante stopped when she saw it. Sunrise. It was a gorgeous building, the palace and fortress of the dweller prince and royal family. It was made of a natural, white and grey colored stone, appearing to be made of huge buildings, connected by thinner buildings. She took her human form quickly, straightening her sleveless black dress that flowed to the ground. Her brown eyes almost appeared black, and at 5 foot 8, with caramel skin and black hair with brown streaks running through it, she was reminiscent of Hawaiians. She took a deep breath, and padded towards Sunrise, and the two tigers that guarded it. They stood when she approached, and one began speaking to her with his mind.

"What do you want here, little one?"

"My name is Diamante. I have been called to work here. They're expecting me."  She waited a moment while he communicated with someone inside silently. He turned back to her and nodded. The two tigers took their human forms, becoming two nature dwellers in the uniforms of the palace guard, with spears that they crossed in front of the gate while two boys stepped out of the guardhouse in the wall to open the gates. With the massive stone gates opened before her, the two guards uncrossed their spears and bowed their heads to her, while the two boys knealt on one knee as she walked through the gates. Sunrise was a breathtaking building, in the shape of a 6 pointed star, with the larger buildings being the 6 points, and the thin, long buildings connecting the 6 points. There were no windows in it, since it's first function was as a fortress to protect the royal line and the most powerful of the other lines. But in the middle of the palace, there was a huge garden where the nature walkers could enjoy the outdoors without having to leave the safety of Sunrise. Some did leave to train in the mountains surrounding them. The south wing, where she entered, was the public wing, where the meeting hall was, and where the prince used to hold grand feasts. When she walked through the entry hall, a teenager, who appeared to be about 18 years of age, appeared to open the door for her. He bowed his head to her.

"This way, m'lady. Prince Raine is expecting you." She nodded and followed him through the hallways, heading for the prince's private living quarters. The boy was tanned, with black hair that fell below his shoulders. He was dressed in the same uniform as the other boys, but with slight differences. They had been dressed in sand colored linen pants, with no shoes, and the crest of Sunrise around their necks. He was dressed in a deep, hunter green tunic, with ivory linen pants, no shoes, and the crest of Sunrise was carved into the silver armband he wore around his right bicep. The crest of Sunrise was the outline of 6 pointed star, with a design in the middle consisting of a circle, and curved lines connecting the circle to the star. The crest of the royal line, which was simply a figure of a rising sun, was hanging from a silver chain around his forehead. They walked through the south wing, straight to the west wing. The floors were white marble, with the walls still in that same stone as the outer walls. All the furniture they passed was formed from white marble and had green cushions. They arrived at a door of rich, mahongany wood, where the crest of the royal line was inlaid in silver on the door. The boy knocked twice and opened the door, gesturing Diamante inside with him. The room was an impressive size, with thick cream carpets laid over the white marble. The vaulted ceiling made the room appear much larger than it was, and was mahogany, but with designs etched into it that had had molten silver poured into them and hardened. An array of couches, chairs and oval tables surrounding the couch where the prince was reclining. The boy went before him and took a knee.

"The lady Diamante, my lord." The prince touched his shoulder and the boy stood up, taking his place a little behind the prince, and to his right. The prince stood up, as Diamante bowed her head to him.

"Look at me." Diamante raised her had to get her first glimpse of the man that all dwellers served. He was a beautiful sight. Prince Raine was the youngest to hold the throne in aeons. At only 35 years old, he had been called upon to take the throne after his father died in battle. His mother having already passed, his sister and younger brother too young to rule, and his older brother dying in the same battle as their father, he had been left with no options. He had also been injured in that battle, and a thin scar could be seen running diagonally across his shoulder, running from his back to his front. No ruler had ever risen to the throne before 100 years of age. He had ended the war in 2 years time, and had ruled the world in peace for 24 years. No major war had been fought with him on the throne. Small fights broke out between the nature dwellers and the night walkers from time to time, but nothing that the region lords couldn't handle themselves. Knowing his history made him appear all the more intimidating. He didn't show his age yet, and so appeared no older than 25. He was 6 feet, 1 inch, with curly brown hair that was just below his shoulders in ringlets, light brown eyes with honey and green flecks in them, skin that was golden from the sun, and a muscular body. His raiment was simple. He was wearing cream pants in a soft fabric, and simple sandals of brown leather. He wore the crest of Sunrise around his neck, larger than the one worn by the workers, and a silver band around his forehead. Two silver bands were around his wrists, one with the letter R carved into it, and one with the letter S, for his father, Prince Striker. All the rulers held the title of Prince, acknowledging that they were merely workers for the creator, who was the true king of them all. He walked in a circle around her, then said,

"I have been told you are very powerful, and very dedicated to perfecting your craft. That is why I chose you to come here to live and train. Please know that I am not inaccessible, and my door is always open to any of those that live here, as I consider them my closest friends. I am just like you in all ways except for the royal line. You are descended from the Legend line, next to mine, the most powerful in existance." He gestured to the boy behind him. "This is Tristan. His people are shapeshifters and psychic fighters. A race much like our own, but different. My ancestors freed them from slavery some centuries ago, and since then, they have sent their best of their people to serve the royal line, which they have done without fail for over 500 years. Tristan has been with me since I began my reign, and before that was my playmate as a child. He is in charge of Sunrise and all that happens in it. In the royal family's absence, it is he who holds the power. Any problems you have, I guarantee you he can fix them faster than I can. He is the sanity in this place, and keeps things running flawlessly. I don't know how, but he does, so anything you need or desire, see him. He will take you to your quarters now. Please make yourself at home. I strive to make this place as comfortable as possible." He gestured to Tristan, who came to the front of the prince, took a knee, then stood and turned to Diamante.

"Please, m'lady, this way." She nodded, bowed to the prince, and followed him out of the room. He led her through the west wing, showing her the quarters of Briseis, the princess, and Amantre, the younger prince. They walked through the north wing, where the servants lived, and many rooms were set aside for training. They went on to the east wing, which is where the nature dwellers that lived and trained there stayed. The third door on the left is where they stopped. It was mahogany, like all the doors in the building, but was encrusted with a silver panther. All the doors in this wing had the preferred form of its owner on the door. Tristan opened it and walked in. The room was white marble, but was smaller, and less elaborately decorated than the rooms of the prince. The floor had been lain with plush cream carpets, and the furniture was marble. The cushions were still hunter green, but the room had accents of black as well. In the first room was a couch, two chairs, a desk, and a glass table on legs of marble. Tristan led her up a few stairs, and drew back the black curtain that partitioned off her bedroom from the main room. The bedroom floor was black marble, and the wooden bed was grand. It was done in green linen sheets and cream satin coverlet, but from the ceiling, a black veil hung over it , and Tristan had lit the candles behind the light coverings, all made of glass. The room glowed softly, and was very comfortable. Tristan walked back down the stairs and through a smaller curtain of sheer black, which led to her closet. She gasped when she saw that it was already filled with hundreds of dresses and outfits, all in her size, in a myriad of colors. A mirror stood almost as tall as the ceiling. Tristan pulled out a deep red dress of silk.

"If there is any of these that do not fit when you put them on, the seamstress, Kitty, can have anything fixed in half an hour or less. Just ask one of us to get her, and she'll be right there." Diamante nodded, and they left the closet, and went through the room, to the other side, where they went up 5 stairs, and and down a small hallway to the left and found themselves in the bathroom, all in white marble, with a waterfall that flowed to fill the bathtub with water. Tristan walked back out into the main room.

"If you desire food, there is a kitchen just down the hall. Myria will make you whatever you desire, or you can make it yourself. You can also have it brought here to you if you wish. There's always someone running around in the hallways doing something. Or you can pull that black cord over there," he pointed to one hanging by the door. "There is also one next to your bed. One of us will answer it. As for myself, I am always around here. Someone can always find me, or you can talk to me with your mind. Generally reserve that for urgent situations, since Raine is really the only one that does that. The prince prefers to do much of the training himself, so he will be by tomorrow morning to begin your training. Other than that, my room is the one next to his, should you need me during the night. I think I am done here. It is my pleasure to serve you, lady Diamante." He bowed slightly at the waist, and turned to the door.

"Wait." He turned back around. "How many are here besides me?" Tristan smiled.

"There are currently 7 others. Esmerelda, Andrei, Silver, Jaguar, Angel, Arelias, and Jamai. Jaguar has been here the longest, and is very advanced. Jamai got here not long ago. The rest have been here for varying lengths of time. You'll meet them all. The prince likes to have dinner together. It's not mandatory, but usually most of them show up. Dinner is usually served at 7, in the main room of his quarters. If you go, you'll meet them all, in addition to the prince, princess, and the little prince. Any other questions?" Diamonte shook her head. Tristan smiled.

"I am always available for whatever is needed. The other servants should always treat you with respect and do as they're told in haste. Any problems, send them to me. As Raine told you, I am slightly different than a servant, in that they have no choice to be here. I have refused my freedom, and serve him willingly. I am a servant and a friend to all that live here." A young woman appeared at the door, wearing a sleeveless tan linen dress, with slits up both sides and matching pants underneath. She too wore the crest of Oscuro around her neck.

"Tristan?" He turned to look at her.

"Yes, Lili?" She bowed slightly to Diamante before continuing.

"There's a problem in the lady Briseis' room. She's asking for you." He nodded.

"Thank you Lili." She bowed again and left. He looked at Diamante. "Well that's my cue to leave, I suppose. Please let me know if you need anything." She smiled at him as he left, then stood for a while, unable to believe that this was her home now.

Onyx floated himself up the huge tree to Araceli's house. He rarely visited Araceli, since they met every week at his, but after the other night, he had received some disturbing news.  He landed himself on the balcony outside of the bedroom, and walked in. Instead of Araceli, a different nature dweller was in the room. This one was the same height as Araceli, but had curly black hair just above his shoulders, green eyes, and was much darker than Araceli was.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize he had company." Jace looked angrily at the night walker and moved as if to attack, but Onyx used his power to paralyze him momentarily. "I'm not here to hurt him. I know you're Jace. I am Onyx, and I know you know my name, but not my face, so I forgive your hastiness this once." Onyx released him and Jace stumbled to regain his balance.

"I didn't realize who you were. I don't like you, but I won't fight with his friend. And he's not here. I don't know where he is. Usually he's not gone this early." Onyx nodded.

"Thank you. I merely came to see how he was, but since he's not here, I suppose I'll go now." He met Jace's gaze and momentarily his eyes were more green than Jace's own. "I didn't kill your father Jace. Don't take your anger out on me."  In an instant, he was out the window, leaving a stunned Jace behind.

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