Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1235922-What-People-Value
by Harry
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Experience · #1235922
A poem about how people value quite different things.
I find it strange what some people value most
in their life. Too many prize material things
above all else. They accumulate a whole host
of luxuries – Mercedes, Rolex, diamond rings.

They place amassing wealth, advancing a career
ahead of their family. I pity those who need
such expensive toys so that they will appear
successful in life. To me it seems simply greed.

Other people treasure their children, their mate.
They know wherein true happiness in life lies.
Yet others lack interest in family; they can’t wait
to leave their children, becoming a parent despised.

Some people place great value in religious belief,
whereas others pay religion absolutely no heed.
Many people cherish good health, gaining relief
from a good doctor’s report. Others see no need

to live a healthy lifestyle. They drink to excess,
smoke like a fiend, live on burgers and French fries.
Strange isn’t it how some people find only distress
in life choices that another will practice until he dies.

I greatly value my reputation for telling the truth.
An old boss thought this made me quite a fool.
Dependability and honesty I learned as a youth.
Deceiving or lying was for him an everyday tool.

A person is measured by what he accords high
value. These are the things others judge him by.

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